What do you expect?
Reveal Next Saturday
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Game will be severely capped due to multiplayers features and DLC.
A hour cringe compilation
who are you quoting?
couldn't care less
There is zero multiplayer in the game. It is entirely single player.
Disney had so much raw potential when they purchased Lucasfilm/Arts. SO MUCH IP. And they've fucking squandered it.
The films have been okay - they do the job. I'm just upset that the potential for video games has been circling the drain under Disney.
mass effect 3 style third person action "rpg" thats totally pozzed with both topical politcal slants and shitty disney "lore"
I'll just leave this here.
Than it will be a live-service with a road-map showing how they'll have real content 2 years from now if every pays up for the season pass
Mark my fucking words, it will not be remotely complete on launch, merely a 'starter' game with the real meat not even in development yet
>Coming in summer 2022
>Lightsaber combat for only $9.99 plus tip
Respawn makes good shit so it should be decent but I'm not getting my hopes up because
The guy who eats curious anons assholes.
Real talk: Does anyone really care about star wars anymore after the new movies?
Pretty much every franchise is in the same situation nowadays. Games have such high budgets now they take forever to make.
I sure don't
The combat will be like Sekiro but easier. Its parry focused.
>"Respawn makes good shit"
>Respawn has been making good shit under EA
absolutely nothing.
I see I've been beaten to it already
EA only acquired Respawn after Titanfall 2 bombed
I can't help but be skeptical of a project coming out under EA no matter the dev when Anthem exists.
respawn has worked on FPS mech games, this new starwars game is most likely a third person hack and slash. They have no experience with the genre
Doesn't change that both Tittyfalls were published by EA. You're still working under your publisher.
Not really. I care about the old shit I guess but the new movies are garbage. TFA was ok at best but TLJ tanked the trilogy and I have zero interest in whatever they limp to the barn with this winter
It doesn't matter who owns them, BioWare has been shit for a long time.
Not only were all those games made in such a short period, but almost every single one is at least a slighly above average game.
I think the only games I could truly call bad are Force Unleashed 2 and Episode III.
How do you fuck up a series with so much potential for great vidya?
nope. its completely fucked. oldfags hate it for tearing down the established setting, and newfags hate it for its boring story and unlikable characters. there really is nothing redeemable about it. people might defend it with their lives about how much money the new ones have made but conveniently forget to mention how all the other merchandising sales are in the toilet and theyre not coming out with anything thats attracting new fans or old fans to purchase.
take the prequels. they made good money and may not have been loved by everyone, but the side content and merch that were put out were so fucking good that it became the golden age of star wars. this new shit wont even dare to be new, only to subvert and twist. no one finds that enjoyable and no one wants to watch the same shit done twice.
also rey should be naked
The only reason why I have SOME hope for this game tbqh
I expect the worst
Less than nothing but somehow it’ll still disappoint.
just play TOR
Strong women of color jedi fighting against the evil white male sith
It's made by responding. Daily reminder that
>Titanfall 2 had an incredible single player
>there was no dlc
>there was no season pass
>all updates were free
>they're the only ea dev not a slave to frostbite so the game runs like butter on all consoles and PC
face it fags this will be GOTY
I hope they reveal something for Battlefront 2. Hopefully Ahsoka and Asajj, but anything at all would be nice.
I'm glad DICE realized the Clone Wars is the only good setting for games.
>Episode 3
My nig-nog...?
Flame-Core Online baby. Actually exited to see something cool in the Star Wars universe (hopefully).
can we keep that trash oc waifu out of vidya.
Titanfall 2 is unironically the best MP shooter of the decade.
Star Wars was always shit. So I expect shit.
The Revenge of the Sith game for GBA was great.
Did they ever bother to explain how Anakin's lightsaber wasn't completely lost on Bespin
A good question... for another time.
>rey should be naked
This would be the only thing that could get me back into the theaters
Titanfall 2 is just a CoD ripoff, and this isn't an FPS game. They're too afraid to show anything about this game.
It will be shit.
Shut up zoomer.
Star Wars battle Royale inside the Geonosis arena with jedi temple dlc
The playable character is a white male jedi
>They're too afraid to show anything
They were too afraid to show anything about Apex before it came out too, right?
Based and sithpilled
You’re S L O W.
>What do you expect?
A shit fest combination of KOTOR, Battlefront and Jedi Powerbattles and Jedi Academy RPG shit show.
That game is shit too. What's your point?
Decent enough core game, in source or frostbite, held back by ea retardation.
Like a really shitty jedi academy/outcast
kinda like battlefront is a shitty battlefront
Even gore threads are less disgusting than this idea
>this is the sith triumvirate now
how much more shit will ea fuck up
>easy game where you mash the x button or some overpowered jedi arts, and NPCs fellate you for being the greatest jedi ever.
>feel hollow and apathetic doing visually impressive, but mechanically undemanding manouvres
>force myself to feel happy after I beat the game, to justify the $60 tag
Sekiro has broken me, why are all other games unfulfilling trash?
>The films have been okay - they do the job.
Episode VII, yes. Episode VIII was just a mess.
The fuck did you say about me?
>Its a Respawn game
That's good!
>But its published by EA
That's bad..
>But its extended universe Star Wars!
That's good!
>But the lead dev is the God of War designer!
That's bad
>..The designer of the original God of War games!
That's good!
>the films have been okay
>made by responding
Heres a response for ya
EA squeezes devs literal god damn souls out of their eyes until they get shutdown for not making fuck-you-and-your-mother amounts of money
>Bullfrog Productions (1987 – 2001) - Populous, Syndicate, Theme Park, and Dungeon Keeper
>Westwood Studios (1985 – 2003) - Command & Conquer series
>Origin Systems (1983 – 2004) - Ultima series
>NuFX (1990 – 2007) - NBA Street series
>Pandemic Studios (1998 – 2009) - Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, Destroy All Humans!, and Full Spectrum Warrior
>PlayFish (2007 – 2013) - Facebook games
>Black Box Games (1998 – 2013) - Need for Speed, skate
>DreamWorks Interactive (1995 – 2013) - Medal of Honor, The Lord of the Rings, James Bond
>Phenomic Game Development (1997 – 2013) - Settlers series, SpellForce franchise
>Victory Games (2010 – 2013) - made and killed before it had made anything
>Mythic Entertainment (1995 – 2014) - Dark Age of Camelot
>Maxis Software (1987 – 2015) - The Sims, sim city.
>EA Salt Lake (1992 – 2017) - the premiere golf simulator developers
>Visceral Games (1998 – 2017) - CyberTiger, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, MySims,The Simpsons Game, and motherfucking Dead Space
Will it make money?
YEAH! Its a Star Wars game, of course it will sell decently! Nobody will tell you it will sell bad
It won't make billions and billions for the fucks that run EA, thus the dev studio will be shutdown after the game is released
Never EVER underestimate the greediness of those at the top of the ladder
If it really is a single-player game then the devs are on borrowed time already
It might get some critical acclaim but unless it is monetized out the ass then it won't make enough to justify the studios existence and they'll be taken to the backyard and shot in the head for not making enough money
But if it IS monetized out the ass, then it won't be critically acclaimed
>how much more shit will ea fuck up
Didn't you hear they are using KOTOR and TOR to make more films after 9. KOTOR is doomed now dude.
The extended universe has always been good, they have nothing to do with the shitty lucas films.
>you're a padawan on the run!
>better keep that lightsaber nice and tucked away, kid, here use this blaster instead ;)
Depending on how the next movie pans out, this game might sell like complete shit.
>However he has being soified to the point of being triggered by frog clowns...
>That's bad.
>The films have been okay - they do the job.
Not Disney ones. They don't count. Lucas's 6 films are perfect. Disney now 5 films are fucking horrible.
Why can't we just get a fucking Star Wars game that is a 100% clone of Metal Gear Rising?
That game had the perfect gameplay and mechanics for Star Wars.
>You play a genderqueer Padawan
>That's good!
>Xir pronouns are ignored by sith white males
>That's bad
No, the ST managed to destroy the SW franchise
We already know what it’s likely going to be now.
Star Wars battle royale, but with no land to space combat.
This, but Sekiro.
the sequel trilogy already is kotor 1 with bits of 2 sprinkled in. fucking kylo is a revan malak hybrid
>>..The designer of the original God of War games!
>>That's good!
lolno. God of War was trash the day it was released. It came out AFTER Ninja Gaiden Black and DMC3. It isn't even 1% the game those two are.
Disappointment and microtransactions
The Sequels are good.
Good at making people appreciate the Prequels.
I want it to be good.
I expect it to be mediocre.
I'll likely still be interested in it.
In the actual videogame climate, even that is an improvement
also, FUCK YOU, I liked it
Its Stig not Jaffe
dis nigga
This is exactly what i planned write but i was going to green text both words.
>Good at making normies and salty purists appreciate the Prequels.
Me? I'm really interested in the next film because I just want to see if they can get of the hole they've dug themselves into.
Clickbait articles are not proof
Titanfall was pretty good, if EA doesn't strangle thei creativity and force in microtransactions up the ass I expect it will be good.
its unreal engine
Some gay shit
>The films have been okay
>Episode VII, yes.
TFA is just as much a mess as TLJ, it just has a somewhat different set of problems. Sequels were an even worse idea than the prequels were.
As bad as most of the prequels were (though I do like Ep 3) at least 1 and 2 had NEW action scenes and environments.
So far out of the sequel trilogy the only new action scenes have been shit. The dumb filler monster sequence in Force Awakens and absolutely retarded animal break in Last Jedi.
This is probably why I liked Solo so much. The train heist and black hole escape were fun as fuck and not something seen before in Star Wars. Train heist in particular was perfect as train heists are obviously shit Lucas loves and felt like something he would do.
The combat is parry focused like Sekiro but much easier.
On a superficial appearance level maybe, but literally nothing else. Revan in Kotor 1 is a blank self insert, Kotor 2 wanks him off into being some kind of morally grey altruist who did what he felt was necessary to save the galaxy from the true sith.
Kylo Ren, whilst I like his character and think he is the best part of the sequel trilogy, is nothing like that. Maybe he will eventually, but not yet.
Is star wars battlefront 2 2017 worth playing now or is it still shit and is battlefield 5 worth playing or should i stay with battlefield 1 instead?
none of those are worth playing
>parry focused
Where the fuck are they going to get hordes of melee enemies for a Star Wars game? Are the clones going to be coming at you with vibroswords? Why would they do that?
I still like the OT. The prequels being shitty didn't make the original movies less good to me and the ST won't either.
>Metal Gear Rising
I'm still mad that the game sold 4million fucking copies and still no sequel.
Just finished the KotOR games today, are the Jedi Knight games any good?
>TFA is just as much a mess as TLJ
Well, VII is a fucking mess too, don't get me wrong. As that user said, it got the job done. Badly, but done. In usual JJ's fashion it just is a "mystery box" introduction movie, but somebody competent could have made something interesting out of VII's introduction of nu-Star Wats.
But boy oh boy good luck with that after episode VIII
Will they still use the Source Engine for this game or will EA force them to use Frostbite?
Besides the obvious Æ memes are the games with current updates worth it or not?
A bad ass female lead.
>Clickbait articles are not proof
Well I look forward to your suicide when KOTOR movie comes out with all it's fuck ups in tact.
>are the Jedi Knight games any good?
You die to stupid shit alot. But it's worth it. Did you do 100% on the White female warrior in 2 and the Blind Sith Assassin in KOTOR 2 by the way?
expecting some of the ugliest jedi I've ever seen
It's not that the new movies don't have new action scenes, is that they don't have new anything outside the characters. No new factions or even information about old factions. No new threats, no justification for why things happen, nothing that doesn't directly relates to our new and hip """protagonists""".
As fucking bonkers the whole concept of the prequels were, at least we knew what was happening in the universe.
Wait wait what the fuck are you smoking
kylos literaly malaks screeching autism, cruelty, and desire to be the one in charge mixed with revans desire to destroy to create anew and ending both jedi and sith. also the desire for the young prodiigy girl with a dual staffed weapon
>but somebody competent could have made something interesting out of VII's introduction of nu-Star Wats.
Maybe, but TFA went out of its way to make that difficult. You once again have the Empire, Rebels, an old powerful cunt wizard and his apprentice that betrayed the Jedi, and the Jedi absent and in need of revival. Kylo was admittedly interesting (TLJ wasted him, I think), but the setting of TFA was cheap and easy. And this isn't even touching on the overall plot outline or Rey.
>It's not that the new movies don't have new action scenes
When it comes to 7 and 8, all I can think of that are new are what I mentioned, Han's dumb filler monster smuggling, and the dumb casino animal breakout in 8.
What else was there that was memorable?
Di$ney Star Wars is so pedestrian and predictable it hurts. Ep. 9 will be a "let's forget about the Jedi and Sith and hold hands" bookend. Then they will monetize the SHIT out of the time between episodes 6 and 7. And the time between episodes 3 and 4.
>Star Wars will be chopped up and resuscitated worse than Anakin was.
absolutely nothing
SW is ded to me
No, you are right, there's not many memorable scenes in the sequels. What I meant is that the problem isn't just the lack of memorable action scenes, is the lack of memorable anything
>force prodigy with memory issues gets involved in super secret plan to find the star map that will help stop the bad guys unstoppable out of nowhere fleet
they even put the kotor "trick the leviathan guards" moment in when rey gets captured
>As fucking bonkers the whole concept of the prequels were, at least we knew what was happening in the universe.
The prequel political conflict while convoluted was at least explained, surely there could be a way to shorten that and get something like ANH where you get to know the basic political context of the galaxy with just a couple of lines thrown in some scenes and a meeting board of less than 5 minutes, a compromise between getting the audience to know why all the fuss while not basing your movie around the Senate.
Instead in the sequels we get shit like this except in the books, where they may have gone even too further in a few places.
>tells a nice selfcontained story
>adds world building while trying to cash in on nostalgia
>nothing more than a shitty cashcow
I miss Star Wars being in all kinds of different hands. You had all kinds of shit being put out by all kinds of different people that had different takes on Star Wars
Now it's just EA shitting out Battlefront games, and Disney shitting out soft reboots of the original trilogy. Where's my weird spinoff shit about that one time a Smuggler managed to get really fucking good with a lightsaber and pretended to be a Jedi to intimidate his enemies.
EA owns Reaspawn now after TF2 flopped. Respawn might be developing it, but EA is calling the shots now.
>Kylo was admittedly interesting (TLJ wasted him, I think), but the setting of TFA was cheap and easy. And this isn't even touching on the overall plot outline or Rey.
Agree 100% with you. I'm not trying to defend TFA, but considering it was so bland and cookie cutter, they could have done something at least somewhat interesting if they treated it as just an introduction and used the next movie to introduce something new
I believe I exhausted every thing I could do with them, I never managed to get full influence with Atton, Goto, HK-47 and I think Canderous.
and IG-88 being the Death Star BIOS and shit
hell yeah
>What do you expect?
for it to be cancelled on friday
Now that's reaching
isn't that what they were saying about anthem too?
and just look what happened
I don't even want to say TLJ wasted him.
If the movie ended on a cliffhanger of him reaching his hand out to Rey it would have been kino and I would have been hooked for the sequel completely. Instead he becomes a stupid screaming villain immediately after.
they confirmed protag will be a black man
>lets have a nu-empire come out of nowhere with a super mega death star that blows up the entire republic so we can go back to empire vs rebels again
What a retarded ass pull
>I miss Star Wars being in all kinds of different hands.
The issue is it is outside of the right hands now. George Lucas sold himself out. Hell he doesn't give a shit anymore. He still get's paid for the films, merch and games regardless still. Even fucking action figures he get's paid more in royalties than he gives a shit about another human being. Same for Spielberg too. Remember when Lucas and Spielberg were titans of fucking films. Now Amazon and Netflix run that shit show now.
No one had anything positive to say about anthem at any point in its development.
>A black man
>In a period between 3 and 4
>When a black man had an indeterminate fate in Episode 3
>Tfw the old EU had dumb but fun/bombastic/over the top bullshit that you could most of the times disregard
>Tfw the new EU has plain dumb shit that you must accept as canon because the kike rodent said so
EA had high hopes for anthem especially how they marketed it
anything EA touches nowdays is doomed to fail
>I believe I exhausted every thing I could do with them
So you unlocked Jedi Guardian for warrior chick. Used the Sith Assassin in the fight with the Sith Lord and unlocked Jedi or Sith for the first dude you fin in the first level of the mining place you start in? Robots unlocked good bonuses too.
>I will now buy your game
> There will never be a good live-action firefly-esque star wars netflix original series about a band of smugglers going on adventures around the galaxy, encountering weird bullshit, and only very occasionally coming across jedi stuff.
Given recent revelations I now don't believe EA to be evil, they are just insanely incompetent and severely lucky that they control the FIFA licenses along with all the brain dead Euros and other third worlders it entraps.
>There will never be a good live-action firefly-esque star wars netflix original series
Wasn't that? The shitty Solo and Rouge One films at a fucking horrible.
>Watch out! They are going to destroy the republic we haven't told you anything about at all!
How the fuck am I supposed to care? Maybe the republic is just corrupt, inept or tyrannical. How the fuck did they not notice the new order building a mass destruction weapon THE SIZE OF A FUCKING PLANET? Where was the new order getting resources from if they were banished to the outer rims of the galaxy? HOW CAN I GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT YOUR FUCKING MOVIE IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENING
Look at deus ex mankind divided and mgs5. All tiny dlc for single use items.
>Given recent revelations I now don't believe EA to be evil
Said the Apex player with EA's dick in his mouth
It was a mixed bag for sure. A lot of it was absolute garbage, but then you had good shit like Thrawn, Kotor, Blood Ties, Tales from Jabba's Palace, Dark Forces... I'll take a sea of stories, games and films of wildly differing quality over a handful of safe, boring films and a couple cookie cutter games.
>western videogame in 2019
>movie based western videogame in 2019
>Disney Star Wars
It's gonna be fucking awful.
>Episode III
no its putting pieces together. disneywars has done nothing original since they got the IP. they dissolved the EU to redo it.
>kyle katarn and jan are now cassian and jyn
>kyle katarn and jan are now also hera and kanaan
>kylo is kotor 2 revan+malak
>luke is jolee bindo and kreia
>rey is fem kotor revan, a blank slate with a mysterious back story
>reusing hammerhead corvettes
>starkiller base drains suns like the star forge sucks stars
it just keeps going on and on
Capital Supremacy is fun, its actually a jaw-dropper how much EA/Dice have turned around the hot trash that was the dumpster fire that was Battlefront 2 EA when it first launched. Also Anakin and Grievous are OP as fuck.
Just because characters share some minor traits doesn't make them the same or based on them.
>luke is jolee bindo and kreia
Nigga, no. Just no.
who gives a fuck
A bunch of shitty broken games, I would rather buy 5 early access games on steam than buy a new EA game, there's a good chance each of those games would be less broken and have more content
I don't think the movie wastes him in terms of plot so much as in characterization. In TLJ his character mostly orbits around Rey, and given how much everything else in the sequels orbits around Rey it was a boring choice. The idea that they're both lost and alone and that's why they're so drawn to each other works well enough, but Rey herself is boring and it makes that dynamic boring.
>why are we still here
>just to suffer
>every night
>I can feel my arm
>my leg
>even my fingers
>the body I've lost
>the comrades I've lost
>won't stop hurting
>it's like they're all still there
>you can feel too don't you
>films have been okay
No they haven't. TFA is a soulless rehash of ANH, TLJ is an absolute piece of shit that makes Battlefield Earth look like a masterpiece in comparison, Solo was boring and R1 was okay at best but still had issues.
Someone please give me an answer...
Prequels are badly written for sure, but I'll be damned if they didn't at least try to do a bunch of new bullshit instead of just rehashing all the old shit.
call me when we get a new non-EA star wars game
both games are barebones
if you must play one get battlefront 2, battlefield 5 is just a buggy mess with some of the worst maps in battlefield
>leaving the order because someone close to them went darkside
>living in isolation in a lowtech area
>the jedi need to end
>cutting self from the force
>teaches rey that not everything is black and white
>deleted scene has luke go full kreia on what your actions can cause with others
>dont rely on the force rey
nigger yes. if you cant understand how theyre aping shit you must be a brainlet
>The films have been okay
I'm still pissed they defected. Fucking rebel propaganda machine, where's my 100% pure empire campaign?
There's a new Extended Universe now, though, and it has Han Solo getting cuckolded by that purple-haired woman who died in TLJ.
This really gets me. I get it was just to sell toys but I can still appreciate the designs in the prequels now as much as I did as a kid. Rehashing the ot shit is just so uninspired, that and the ugly ass aliens they have.
Prequels look like they well directed compared to the Sequels. That's another thing right there, the complete lack of coherent and cohesive story telling with the constant change in writers and directors gives evidence of why the Sequels are trash. The lack of world-building, unique alien designs (almost all of them in Disney Star Wars are uniformly the same alien design with one facial feature exaggerated more then another), the brown and grey outfits that are everywhere, etc...These movies are soulless for a reason.
Its called Expanded Universe, you nogs.
>just to sell toys
or perhaps they had people with a clear artistic vision and the go ahead to fulfill it
What do you mean by barebones? Also is it me or is the galactic conquest bugged on the 2005 version with the auto turret selection being the same with the enemies everytime you pick it?
>Titanfall 2 is just a CoD ripoff
When your CoD rip off is made by the actual devs and the CoD games start poorly copying your game.
Watch those wrist rockets!
You're the only buggy thing here, droid.
>The extended universe has always been good
It's always been a mixed bag.
Thank you JJ Abrams.
Thank you Rian Johnson.
Thank you Kathleen Kennedy.
And most of all, thank you Disney.
Those still are very minor character traits and the whole characters and their philosophies are radically different. You are reaching, hard.
It's Star Wars so both EA and Disney will be heavy handed with its development. Respawn could be the best studio to ever exist in the industry and those two entities would find a way to ruin things.
Based Chadikin taking his rightful at the top
>one off
They've nerfed his HM mode but he's still ridiculous.
>entire enemy teams use stinger pistols now just because of Anakin showing up is that game changing
Lack of maps, weapons and modes.
I'm pretty sure in battlefront 2 there's only 4 weapons per class still and they've only added maybe 1 map, I haven't kept up with it since the start of the year.
BFV is in a similar boat, more weapons but still not a lot of maps or good modes but it's far more buggy than battlefront 2
>disney shills meme Jedi Prince non-stop
>disney publishes this
Nope, I look forward to Disney not having an episode 9 trailer by May the 4th due to being shit scared on how to market it.
>What do you expect?
Absolute dogshit and moreover something so bad it hurts the overall setting, the fuck kinda stupid do you have to be to expect anything else?
>hailfire droid
>naboo starfighter
nigga what?
that clip where the Halifire destroys the AT-TE is possible the best part of the battle of geonosis and the whole Naboo aesthetic is lovely.
also Delta 7 > ETA 2
>Also Anakin and Grievous are OP
Does Obi Wan at least hard counter Grievous as he was the only person that could consistently put up with his shenanigans?
Diversity, loot boxes, and cosmetic DLC
Yeah their alien design is awful.
He can use his mind trick ability but they made it shittier then what Rey has.
Isn't nu-EU grand?
nigger you are bootyblasted get out of here. this whole conversations been about how theyre aping shit, not about how theyre 1 to 1 copying. those arent minor character traits either they are the cores to what made those characters
Does battlefront 2 2017 have galactic conquest or any offline gamemode?...
is this fucking real?
this looks like some shit someone on Yea Forums would write
Is no one going to mention that Avellone is writing it? That + Respawn developing outweighs the worry that an EA published game may carry.
>I'm still pissed they defected. Fucking rebel propaganda machine, where's my 100% pure empire campaign?
Same, sick of glorifying these traitors to the empire.
>Episode 3
It was and still is one of the best Star Wars dueling games you chump
this but for some reason im still optimistic
I just give up.
I think its pretty telling how much EA and Disney are milking the PT/Clone Wars now that they realized there is no real long term investment or capability to make new fans invested in the Sequels since its turned off OT and PTfags.
>first new expansion character/hero was Obi-Wan
>then Grievous
>then Dooku
>and now Anakin
>Ashoka and Ventress are next new heroes coming to the game by summer 2019
>Capital Supremacy is on Genosis for Clone Wars fans
>three new maps for CS are also PT era ones
>literally nothing at all for Sequels since Crait was added into the game for TLJ's release
Its hilarious.
Why can't they just make another Jedi Academy with 2019 graphics? Keep the same combat.
Is he really? Is he the main writer? Or is he doing some "collaboration" as he does so often lately?
get a brain next time instead of vomiting "lol ur reaching" on repeat with nothing to back it up
Episode 3 game was fantastic you piece of shit.
Not when that community manager faggot from BW keeps saying Lana cucks the Outlander for a nigger.
Disney is cheap and liquidated the entirety of Lucas Art's in house game production branch and all the employees.
>Does battlefront 2 2017 have galactic conquest or any offline gamemode?.
muh zakuul doe
>It's actually real
Fuck, I was convinced it was some almost literal shitposter
I didn't care before. SW is fucking dead and it blows my mind that people are still so into it.
When was the last time we even got a video game that wasn't hot shit; Repbulic Commando?
lucas knew a good design makes a good toy
it's why he made sure to get toy rights for the original trilogy
They're supposedly bringing Capital Supremacy for offline play. They were able to bring back the AI clone troopers so doing that mode on Genosis gives the illusion of 32 vs 32 until you get to the ship boarding part of the mode.
>tfw unironically enjoy playing as an ARC Commando and dual wield spamming heroes to death
Fuck this nig
This is what bothers me the most about nu-SW is that it feels like everything exists to shit-on and confuse fans.
Screeching retards getting excited over something.
V shitting all over it while shilling it ever other fucking second
I literally hate this place.
Yes. So is this:
Dykes in space
Honestly, my interest in this series faded after The Last Jedi and Battlefront 2 for pretty much this reason
You forgot to mention the Inflitrator class was addede and so far that's just for Clone Wars/Republic + CIS forces getting ARC Troopers and BX-Commando droids. And we're still likely to get Clone Commandos too and possibly Droidekas according to the same source whose spilled this stuff in the past accurately.
It was to sell toys but the toys sold because the creators had vision. Gundam is the same way
That's nothing, the Death Star dianoga got a fucking backstory that is even dumber than anything of the old EU.
Her name is fucking Omi
Awful lightsaber combat, the one thing the game needs to get right. Even for a single player game, I see them fucking up and not making you feel powerful
tranny mad
nah because Disney one upped that too by making it into a powerful female sentient force sensitive version of its race that tried to mind bond with Luke
they fixed or are fixing that in Nu Front 2, you can't stagger people to get cheap wins in the game anymore
>The films have been okay
No, Anthem was made by Bioware and they haven't made a good video game in 10 years who the fuck thought Anthem would be good?
Reminder that it took years for the prequels to get hated by fans, TLJ accomplished that in less than a month
Disney managed to kill one of the biggest franchises in the world at a speed that no one would have thought possible
It's almost impressive really
>yfw when TOR is better than DAI, ME3, and Anthem as well as MEA and is the best game they've made in the last 8 years
>DICE realized the Clone Wars is the only good setting for games.
Pretty odd considering the only good star wars games ever made are the dark forces/jedi knight games and KOTOR games
Didn't they fire one of the writers or something because she didn't want to put in shit like lootboxes?
battlefront 1 is amazing
and the only good levels are the OT ones. you're talking about 2004, right?
Yes 2004 and no there were plenty of good prequel maps.
That's why there's no droidekas...
>the only good star wars games
Sure, let's pretend the old Clone Wars game, the two Battlefronts, Republic Commando and (arguably by some) The Force Unleashed aren't good games you faggot.
Strange, Ren Vhar wasn't in the OT
Shit opinion from a brainlet.
Feel like Anakin while drowning in sand.
fuck you the ep1 podracing game is amazing
>that one prequel alien that's literally just a human
why do all the sequel aliens look like penises tho
>rogue squadron isn't good
Is this some sort of stealth request bait?
You're in the pipe, five-by-five.
The only good game set during the time of the OT is Shadows of the Empire.
Why did people unironically want this game? It looked like Kingdom hearts tier trash
What if Disney bought Lucasfilm just to run the films into the ground to let them assert dominance in the film industry? They sit on their mountain of MCU money - they've conquered so much. Star Wars was a barrier for them, potentially. So they bought it.
That'd be pretty dumb. If they wanted to do that they could just do nothing at all and that would be a cheaper way to get the same results.
Plus, it wouldn't explain the sequel based theme park.
Plus they've said that they designed Galaxy's Edge to be easy to change for future Star Wars films.
>Only three games have come out (including this one) since EA bought the license
>Star Wars 1313 got cancelled
>Star Wars Visceral got cancelled
>A bunch of other projects got canned
kill me
>>disney shills meme Jedi Prince non-stop
to be fair, jedi prince was literally goosebumps tier star wars for elementary school aged children. like kindergarten-first-second grade tier audience. and while very juvenile was still a pretty good, if not silly, story and had NO fart fetishism at all.
>the old Clone Wars game, the two Battlefronts, Republic Commando and (arguably by some) The Force Unleashed aren't good games
I'm not pretending. No they're not good games.
Old clone wars game was a cereal box quality game. battlefront was always budget battlefield 1942. republic commando was budget halo. force unleashed was budget jedi knight. Up your standards.
fuck off faggot
rogue squadron is budget tie-fighter
I need to apologize. I forgot. The only good star wars games are jedi knight, kotor, and tie-fighter
Galaxy of Heroes is a game, just because you don't like phone shit doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Regardless both Battlefronts combined have sold easily over 20 million copies. Disney has NO reason to be unhappy with their partnership, and the last time they spoke about it they weren't.
>The films have been okay - they do the job
literally the only phone game i slightly liked and gave a shit about was star wars uprising and that was a bad diablo clone whose saving grace was that it had some pretty interesting world building and characters for the anoat sector.
and it got canned and is never gonna be finished storywise
>and the last time they spoke about it they weren't.
>After their franchise became associated with a lootbox outrage that hit the fan so badly the EU itself decided to take matters on their own hands
They are as happy with EA as they are with Kennedy.
>Old clone wars game was a cereal box quality game. battlefront was always budget battlefield 1942. republic commando was budget halo. force unleashed was budget jedi knight. Up your standards.
>fuck off faggot
>rogue squadron is budget tie-fighter
>I need to apologize. I forgot. The only good star wars games are jedi knight, kotor, and tie-fighter
yikes and cuck pilled.
battlefront was the first game where u could fly a star wars ship from a planet up into space. could u do that in battlefield 1942? NOPE. fag.
rogue squadron was tie fighter on crack, and on the fucking n64 of all consoles, they literally performed programming voodoo to pull that off
force unleashed was literally sith power fantasy incarnate, while not amazing, it was not a 'budget jedi knight', it cost more than jedi knight and was(maybe still is, havent checkedi n years) the top selling star wars game of all time.
its fine to have opinions and dislike things other people like, but you're flat out lying calling those game 'budget' games and acting like they werent hugely popular and successful.
>Episode III.
It's not 1313 so it will be shit
>battlefront was the first game where u could fly a star wars ship from a planet up into space.
You might be thinking about 3, which doesn't exist sadly.
all important characters are dykes, half of which are brown, and lots of DLC/lootboxes.
the films are terrible
The BF2 controversy gave them plenty to be unhappy about, it's blown over now but their ip will forver be associated with the game that tried to jew so hard it broke the camels back and lead to governments getting involved and looking into loot boxes, and while they did sell 9 million in 3 months EA themselves said it missed their sales targets.
Unrelated, but I thought you were referring to JFK here.
Like as though there was a conspiracy theory that Disney orchestrated his assassination.
look at all that kino, jesus christ the modern industry is shit, EA especially of course.
>generic cover shooter with a non-existent story ark
am i remembering it wrong or was 1313 described as uncharted in star wars? the trailer they showed seemed like it was going that direction and uncharted isn't exactly known for it's riveting gameplay.
>uncharted isn't known for it's gameplay
They're decent third person shooters, but whenever this place isn't saying EA BAAAD it's SONY BAAAD.
I know what they said, but do you really think they are being sincere? After all this shit?
I wouldn't be surprised if Disney didn't renew the contract with EA. In fact, if they are so happy why the fuck did they decided to make Lucasfilms Games?
>battlefront was the first game where u could fly a star wars ship from a planet up into space
fake news
>rogue squadron was tie fighter on crack
it was tie fighter for consoles. a downgrade in every way imaginable.
>it was not a 'budget jedi knight', it cost more than jedi knight
budget in terms of gameplay. It's literally the same kind of game (force + lightsaber third person combat) but with removed complexity in every way imaginable.
The only one who has lied at all here is you (about battlefront). Your opinions are shit and tainted by the fact that you liked star wars growing up as a kid.
You forgot Old Republic from EA. But that was a turd too.
but EA and Sony are bad though
A competent game simply because it is Respawn, but nothing special.
Highly unlikely it will be some sort of revival let alone an evolution of Jedi Knight's saber fighting.
>initial release date: December 20, 2011
Stage 4 cancer.
Go and fucking kill yourself retard
i mostly played the multiplayer in 4 with a friend and played through 2 but the shooting was nothing remarkable from what i remember, last of us has the scarcity thing changing things up but honestly uncharted's shooting felt really generic to me. I see it as almost call of duty like where the shooting is generic so they use set pieces to try and make it seem more exciting than it is, there isn't anything wrong with it but it's just bland in the gameplay department.
>What do you expect?
Having to pay a fee to see a bullshot telling me that I'm going to have to pay microtransactions to play a game thats about paying microtransactions so I can use Force powers that activate microtransactions to microtranscation microtransactions.
I only really cared about the original trilogy, and even then it was mostly for the starships. Stuff like Jedi weren't interesting to me, so the prequels were whatever.
The new movies have shit-looking starships.
you have to hand it to bioware for perfecting a stereotypical dumb nig character.
Uncharted games have high production values and everything is very polished. The gameplay is an afterthought. Serviceable but completely forgettable.
youre giving disney too much credit. the reality is that iger has wanted star wars since the get go for its sweet sheckels, it was seriously the first thing he wanted to accomplish as head of disney. the incompetence of lucasfilms heads now is what ruined it and im sure iger is frothing at the mouth in private about how kennedy completely fucked that gold mine for him.
this was gross incompetence, not malicious intent (with the exception of rian) that ruined new wars. imagine for a second if this new trash was actually good and the amount of star wars hype we'd be having. all the toy companies would be very happy instead of shutting down, and lego wouldnt be quaking in their brick boots. shackling star wars to fucking ea was also a huge mistake. detonating the eu was as well.
this is actually paying the price for lack of vision
Based droid poster
uncharted just looks like shit to me, the game is like a giant setpiece
i wonder if in 20 years a new star wars saga comes out and people will love the sequels
I doubt it.
There's no decent merch or games of it so probably not.
That would be the end times
the prequels are for the most part still considered shit aren't they?
theyre going to redo the OT and PT in about 5 years
This, the prequels actually provided us with a lot of quality things like Clone Wars and battlefront.
only by those who didnt watch the films
in 90% of the TLJ videos people in the comments are praising the prequels.
Can't for wait for announcement of its cancellation.
The movies themselves were bad but the toys and games were fantastic.
>Lucasfilm Games has provided some clarification in regards to its role at Disney and relationship with third party publishers and developers. It was actually brought back around the time as LucasArts closed its doors, several years ago, specifically to work with studios and the Star Wars brand, not to develop games internally.
Was there ever a game that replicated the style of Genndy Wars?
What a well informed post.
sucks for the sequels then cause from what i've seen hasbro really started jewing out on most of the toys and the whole EA getting the rights to the games.
RoTS and TPM were fine.
I fucking hate how the mini-series treated lightsabers like god damn baseball bats and blunt object.
I'm really interested in why EA has let DICE continue working on Battlefront 2.
After the launch stuff you'd think they would have forced them to drop it.
>luke is jolee bindo and kreia
because no one is playing battlefield v
spotted the dumb console zoomers that didn't play jedi outcast
Only by OTards who love AT-AT's like you
>Enacting the belief of her people, Omi pulled Skywalker into the water, "baptizing" him, after she felt that he too was in "submission to It," and letting him go shortly thereafter.[1] As the compression cycle was about to start, the dianoga disappeared deep underwater.[5] When Luke Skywalker was able to escape the trash compactor unharmed, Omi sensed that he would go on to do great things.[1]
This is on par with the worst of the EU. Bravo, Disney
its a romanticized setting, out with your autism. i will never understand you nerds needing realism in your spessmen stories
I'm surprised people kept caring after the prequels
There's tons of dumb stuff in the EU, like that Luke clone whose name is just Luuke
>jedi outcast
dumb retard atleast say jedi academy
rots game has vastly superior lightsaber dueling then any other star wars game
literally my point, but please go on about Luuke wise user
no one that shitposts about star wars could possibly know about him
>want lightsabers to be like laser swords
>genny treats them like baseball bats
This looks beautiful.
>giant mega corporation with 15 different bureaus to run all decisions through
>one dude who likes it when people do the work for him and lets anyone make a game if they come to him with an idea
>cartoon for children
>grr why arent the laser swords like my moms laser swords
This, I honestly don't know what else people could possibly expect from them at this point.
>a jap knows more about fighting for the brothers next to you than americans
>miss me yet
Not yet you fucker, but I'm getting dangerously close
Is this Amy Hennig's game?
Where the fuck is Amy Hennig's game?
You said there would be an Amy Hennig game.
>nice full head of hair
he was like santa claus, I wonder what he looks like these days
I feel like I'm better off not knowing
Fuck you retard.
It was made by visceral and scrapped. They forced visceral to turn it open world, Amy hennig quit, then a year later visceral was shut down by ea
>Amy hennig quit
Where is she then?
She was at an an interview in IGN talking about bloated sonyshit
Is battlefront 2 actually worth playing now?
He's still laughing his ass off at disney and how he handed them a poisoned chalice for an obscene amount of money.
He was a lousy director, but a smart businessman
>Developers of the Titanfall series and Apex Legends
Expecting fucking garbage tee bee aitch
Everything in Genndy Wars is Beautiful
>where is she then
She's on hiatus, deciding on her next project
No, it's all the same 0/10 unplayable rush game modes. Still the star card style "economy" power ups instead of just making a fun, balanced shooter. Still the same 0/10 bottle neck insanity maps. Fuck DICE.
>no argument
>"just accept it"
It's decent, and more often than not when it's on sale it's $5-10 at most.
The only modes anyone ever plays anymore are GA and the new one, though. Maybe HvV when it gets reworked next month to get rid of the shitty targeting system.
Do Japs even like Star Wars?
you never refuted the first point spergo
You have no point to refute in the first place, mongoloid.
Star Wars Dark Souls ripoff. Screenshot this.
>better than DAI, ME3
I wouldn't go that far
I really want it to be good, but I know I'll be disappointed because EA AND Disney
They did before Disney ruined it and is trying to suck Chinese dick hard with pandering in R1 and the Sequels.
I want this so bad but I know it'll never happen, and even if it does, it wouldn't be good
I would. Inquisition was fucking terrible and ME3 doesn't really need to be explained how fucking trash it was.
yes, but SWTOR is on another level beneath them
lol you braindead nigger the point was you being a sperg about muh realism in star wars, to which you said that wanting laser swords not acting like baseball bats wasnt wanting realism which it is. you cant have a fantastical setting and then complain that the fucking laser sword isnt acting like what a laser sword acts like, especially when said depiction is in a pseudo anime miniseries for children. get fucking real and take the cock out of your mouth before you speak.
A jedi knight game even more dumbed down than Force unleashed.
>now with extra microtransactions!
>pre order 100$ edition for more crystals!
There was no argument about realism, you strawman pandering brainlet. I said I wish he treated swords like actual swords and not god damn mallets or baseball bats then you sperged out like a retard trying to make some false equivalncy argument that reached into your own putrid asshole to make the claim I wanted realism in the CW micro series. Eat shit and die you sub-80 IQ extra chromosome packing shitlord..
swtor was terrible at launch but that still doesn't really compare to the shit meltdown that ME3 caused
this user gets it
not only was SWTOR terrible at launch, it managed to get actively worse as time went on. Also are you really trying to pretend the ME3 shitstorm was worse than fucking TORtanic itself?
LMAO literally no one cares about Star Wars anymore
>Asking anything consistent or thought out from JJ Abrams.
>want lightsabers to be like laser swords
>genny treats them like baseball bats
>I said I wish he treated swords like actual swords and not god damn mallets or baseball bats
>""""""""like actual swords""""""""
>not arguing about realism in muh starwars
lmao now youre just backpeddling. youre asking for them to be treated like laser swords. as if theres some meter that says laser swords need to be x. this is asking for realism in a fanciful setting. to which you nuh uhd your way through trying to sound superior when youre getting upset over laser swords not acting like laser swords, and then you say later that you "wish he treated swords like actual swords", but lol no you didnt really mean that right ;). nigger get the fuck out
you have the tism, get your brain checked.
I mean, it just sort of randomly showed up again in the old EU too
>laser swords
How much of a troglodyte do you have to be to think this? Do you suffer some kind of mental dyslexia?
The old European Union wasn't a movie, though, it was a bunch of stories by a bunch of people instead of trying to be one consistent thing.
and theres the concede. thanks for playing numbnuts
>>>Pandemic Studios (1998 – 2009) - Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, Destroy All Humans!, and Full Spectrum Warrior
You are forgetting the OG Star Wars Battlefronts faggot.
I don't think you know how concession works either, brainlet kun. Still waiting for you to address the original goal post or are you gonna cope more with that grasping at straws, cuck-kun? Better yet, just sudoku yourself.
>fanciful setting
>'dude its totally okay for something to not act or behave one way because its a cartoon don't use your brain'
pathetic desu user
sorry i dont need to explain anything further to a projecting fag like yourself.
>moving goalpoasts
>grasping at straws
thats all you big boy
>He hasn't played capital supremacy
I don't think Ep 3 was even trying to be like Outcast. I love the Jedi Knight series, but just because a direct movie game doesn't play like Outcast/Academy/Dark Forces 2 doesn't mean it's bad. I mean the official Phantom Menace game doesn't play like Outcast either and yet it's fucking awesome.
>chris avellone
>Respawn entertainment
Narrative lead of Mafia 3 and narrative designer of FC3
>Star Wars
>It's canon to Star Wars so Disney can interfere on any remotely interesting ideas
The mode is ruined by the retarded choke point shit in the capital ships
>*have no argument*
I know you don't faggot kun. Now why don't you keep avatar-fagging more too.
>dude im angry that lightsabers are slightly off in a cartoon show
I care. Not about Disney crap of course. But the old canon is still great.
>this level of seething
This. Phantom Menace was so liked on release it did an extremely rare thing and actually made more instead of less on it's second week. Look at TPM compared to fucking TFA.
Prequels were only hated way afterwards, once normal people had moved on after Star Wars season had ended, and all the seething OT fag nerds could whine about Jar Jar or other minor shit in nerd forums. Then RedditLetterMedia tried to rewrite history and claim these butthurt nerd circles had always been mainstream thought. Simply not true.
>no u
>doesnt understand avatarfagging
>argumentative tactics straight from the "i just started browsing /pol/" handbook
by all means please continue finding knew ways to say nuh uh
>still no argument
Stay cringe, avatarfag.
stay bootyblasted paco
>Disney Wars
Who cares
Even worse
Star Wars is dead, get over it
This. Big step from a bunch of B/C/D rated writers to a major motion picture. Disney also threw the old EU out.
>no argument
>now avoiding posting reaction images
Brainlet CWfag btfo'd!
The trailer will have upvotes/downvotes and comments turned off by default, guaranteed
are you for fucking real lmao heres one on the house king sperg 9000
There used to be a better version
Stay mad, Gennyfag.
KYS shit taste fag.
>no argument
Is BattlEAfield 2 even worth playing, besides for the space battles?
>still no rebuttal
Stay cringe.
Nope and it sucks.
I'm older than you fags and grew up with star wars. I remember playing star wars out at recess and the only black kid in school always had to be Lando.
TFA wasn't amazing but it was fun, especially at first. And you could justify its shortcomings by thinking "well, they needed to make a baseline for the new trilogy, the next one wont be as much of a rehash". And that was correct, it wasn't a rehash - it was just dogshit stupid.
I don't care about the weird SJW agenda, real or not, but Rey has never lost a fight and Kylo keeps jobbing to her. So what am I supposed to be invested in? Luke is ruined because of "subvert expectations", they introduced relativistic weapons to fucking sci-fantasy which shouldn't have to be explained why that's such a bad idea.
It left nothing to be excited about. I don't care about the 20 good guys left alive. Finn was cool and had a character arc in TFA, then goes right back to being a bumbling coward in TLJ. Poe does nothing but fuck things up, and no one cares about the newer people.
What should i care about? Seeing force ghost Luke isn't cool and he isn't going to Gandalf back. Kylo is going to job some more and probably have some redemptive sacrifice. Rey is going to continue to get perfect scored on all her tests and then the movie will be over and no one will buy any toys because who gives a fuck.
EA Star Wars is more hot garbage but somehow even worse because it actively scams me out of my wallet. Even something amazing like kotor3 would not excite me because I know how shit EA will make it.
Sorry to rant, it's just poop since comfy empire was my go-to rainy day movie, and now when I watch it all I can think about is "even tho you redeemed the most evil dude in the galaxy against overwheming odds, in 25 years you're going to attempt to murder your nephew after he has a bad dream, run away to an island and fuck penguins, grow a sweet beard, then die because you're really sleepy".
Really bad taste. All the following games are good or great. I don't care what you reply to me with, you are wrong, your opinions are bad.
Ep 1 official game
Jedi Power Battles
Pod Racing
Lego Star Wars 1
Lego Star Wars 3 The Clone Wars
Battlefront 1
Battlefront 2
Battlefront Elite Sqaudron
Republic Commando
Ep 3 official game
Bounty Hunter
Jedi Starfighter
Galactic Battlegrounds
And there are great PT era mods for Empire at War and Jedi Academy, and even some none star wars games like Men of War Assault Squad 2 or Sins of a Solar Empire.
>expect a comfy shitting on EA thread
>loads of blatant redditors posting LE
Fuck off your shitty memes are not welcome here.
Except that doesn't happen.
>I remember playing star wars out at recess and the only black kid in school always had to be Lando.
>the only black kid always got to be one of the best characters
Actual thoughts:
1. Respawn have been pretty good. Titanfall 2 was good, and Apex (memes and Battle Royal shit aside) is a decent play. At minimum I expect the gameplay will be smooth.
2. I don't like that it's another fucking game set between episode 3 and 4. Tired of that shit. I just hope we don't get another Mary Sue MC that beats down Vader again.
3. Avellone is writing the game, and he wrote KOTOR 2 (+ was on the team for New Vegas), so at the very least I don't think it'll be too retarded on that end either.
4. There hasn't been much hype or buildup for a SW game. That's a little concerning. Typically we see a lot more from big AAA title games, and this game hasn't been getting that hype. Makes me think it'll be smaller. That's not a bad thing though.
All in all, I think it's going to be a decent singleplayer RPG with a good story and some cool (but not innovative) gameplay elements. Which is really all SW fans are asking for at this point IMO. People are still larping up Battlefront 2 to get anything SW-related.
That was actually my logic at the time, too, honestly. I was too young and too sheltered to have any notion of legitimate racism yet. And if you didn't get to be Lando and all the other people were picked you'd end up having to be c3po or worse.
The funny part about it was he never even had to pick Lando, and if he wanted to be someone else it just didn't make sense to us. You're black so you're Lando.
Kids are weird.
I expect god tier familiar but unique gameplay, decent to good story, possibly awful character designs. The designs in Titanfall varied between meh to great but Apex's designs are generally god awful but that might be because they took all of their good artists to have them work on this game idk
Prove it.
I hate the future
Yeah, character design in APEX has me worried, but I think because it was supposed to be a Fortnite comp they were going for a particular aesthetic. SW has a more established look that'd be hard to break away from, especially since they're using the movie-verse timeline.
>Trained basically from birth to be part of a ruthless hit-squad that has killed thousands
>death star blows up once
>shrugs it off
>death star blows up twice
>How could've we had known murdering the rebels is bad
Wasn't this story written by someone who used to work at IGN too? That'd explain so much.
Don't be retarded, that's enough proof right there.
I will expect nothing, and still be let down.
i just want to watch it burn
i would only give a shit if they somehow revived 1313
So the gigantic craters from lightsabers in the mini-series is how a laser/energy sword acts? Because the bouncy animation in general with the lightsaber combat in volume 2 is pretty bad
Disappointment as always
Can you imagine a Fromsoftware Jedi game?
>But the lead dev is the God of War designer!
That's bad
>..The designer of the original God of War games!
That's good!
You do realize the director of God Of War 2, the most common favorite of the original series is the one who directed the new one, right? He was also a core member of the original game ,literally groomed by David Jaffe to direct the sequel. Stig was pretty much literally an artist for the games up until 3 where he became the director.
Basically my point is that you're shit makes no sense
I fucking hate this new "everything needs to be clever and random XD" fad. So fucking tired of it.
Bloodborne Fromsoftware or Dark Souls 2 and 3 Fromsoftware
>I think the only games I could truly call bad are Force Unleashed 2
Okay this has merit
>and Episode III game
Get out.
>people ITT actually think the prequels were not unredeemable trash
Pod Racing was more Star Wars than anything Disney has put out.
Reminder that the best Star Wars title released on this gen so far is a FUCKING lego game based on a shit movie.
The only good thing about the prequels is Sheev in episode 3, literally everything else about the prequels is complete dogshit. The sequels are not good movies but at least they were made by people who can remember how to be filmmakers.
Prequels are redeemable trash, which has been proven by supplementary material like the games and shows and memes
Sequels are also redeemable trash, but they're so strict about being canon, they're not gonna put anything fun or interesting in their supplementary material, if it even gets any in the first place
Criterion needs to make a Pod Racing game.
The director of the game is the same guy who directed God of War 3, is this a good sign?
too bad Rian couldn't remember how to write a coherent plot
>but at least they were made by people who can remember how to be filmmakers.
The sequels are modern Hollywood schlocky trash indistinguishable from all the other gunk coming out of that place
Im pretty sure he knew exactly what he was doing. All he cared about was subversion until the last 30 minutes when he realized the movie was a complete mess because of it.
Stop cherry picking my posts you faggot.
>You will never get a modern battlefront with 32v32 simultaneous ground and space battles
I hate EA and Frostbite. Without a doubt in my mind the reason the new ones are so crap is because of the engine. Took them a year to add the infiltrator class and it's gonna take them another year to add droidekas because they need to "test them"
Bonus points: they will definitely be broken on release
>Pod racing
>Darth Maul duel
>Obi Wan
>The expanded universe
>The fantastic soundtrack
>The two Clone Wars tv shows
>Good games
All these things alone make the prequels far more redeemable and memorable than the sequels by a large margin.
>Pod Racing
>Darth Maul
>Duel of the Fates
>Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan
>Mace Windu
>Yoda being more than just a crazy muppet in a swamp
>Count Dooku
>Palpatine still being Ian McDarmid
>General Grievous
>The March on the Jedi Temple with the 501st stepping in beat with the song
From at their absolute best.
I'm not cherry picking
I'm quoting you saying something wrong
He had no idea what he was doing. He had the story he wanted to tell with Rey and Luke, then someone reminded him he had to include all the other characters too.
Im talking about the fucking movies you goal post moving faggot. An hero.
And Battle of Heroes and that duel on Mustafar in general
Who wrote this?
>>Yoda being more than just a crazy muppet in a swamp
prequel Yoda is G A R B A G E
The lightsaber isn't the only thing on here.
Watch some interviews with him. He knew what he wanted to do and did it. It's just that what he wanted to do was a very bad fucking idea.
Chuck "The Fuck" Wendig
considering how much of an afterthought Finn and Poe's stories felt like, he was probably just bullshitting his way through interviews because why the fuck would you admit you have no idea what you're doing.
>one of those retards who thinks Yoda having a lightsaber is bad
should have said so earlier so I could completely dismiss your shit opinion
Came to say this. EA being on the label is the kiss of death.
there are no bras in space
I just heard of this man and already I hate him.
seriously consider suicide
The evidence supports the idea of Rian trying to do something very fucking stupid moreso than having no idea what he was doing. If you refuse to let go of your opinion thats your prerogative .
>unironically thinks yoda having a lightsaber isn't a terrible idea
George it's way past your bedtime.
>A jedi shouldn't have a lightsaber
I don't know what is worst about Disney's Star Wars. The fact the new movies are garbage or that now prequel apologists don't feel shame for loving those shit movies.
luminous beings are we, not this crude matter
>completely misunderstanding yoda's message in empire strikes back
Mouth breather
much to learn, you still have
I'm reading this list of shit you think was good and im honestly apoplectic. How is it possible to have such terrible taste?
The prequels gave us good worldbuilding and tons of solid video games. The sequels actively detract from Star Wars because the Mouse purged the old canon to make way for that garbage
>good worldbuilding
Yeah, midichlorians were such a good idea. Stop apologizing for the prequels you gigantic faggot.
>Prequels are actual prequels
>Sequels just feel like a rehash of the OT with a protagonist who is just automatically good at everything instead of growing over time like Luke
big think
>relying on mental gymnastics to prove the sequels are worse
What is it with boomers and nostalgia for the 90s-early 2000s
The prequels are better than the originals you gen x faggot.
the prequels were just three bad movies in a sea of other stuff that was pretty good most of the time
the sequels killed the franchise
Yeah and Yoda was wrong in the entire PT, and he had 23 years to relfect on that before Luke arrived on Dagobah.
Based taste. Prequels are kino.
Shit taste. Stay seething and deranged cuck.
>Episode 3
Ian McDiarmid saying "fuck it, feed me MORE scenery" doesn't redeem the rest of the movie.
Reminder that Mace Dindu would have made Anakin a Master had he returned, which is why he had him wait in the council chamber.
Best case: We get a good SW game.
Worst case: Status quo remains unchanged.
Nah, Mace hated Anakin, he was gonna fuck him over ever chance he got. He was to wait in the council chambers because Mace didn't trust him, and knew Anakin was friends with Sheev. Anakin was trying to get on his good side, but a lot of confusion Anakin had was because of Mace not following the code he preached. In AOTC Mace just fucking decapitated Jango in front of his son, and even Dooku seems shocked that a Jedi did that, instead of pursuing a peaceful option and taking a prisoner. Mace also seems to have a "oh shit what did I do" reaction in that scene. Mace did shit like that, then gave Anakin shit over similar stuff and he hated it. If he didn't make him a master over saving Sheev from Grevious, he would't have made him a master over anything else. And Anakin needed to go see Sheev because of the visions of Padme dying that Sheev was implanting into his mind with the force, and the Darth Plagues speech suggesting Sheev can save those from death. He couldn't risk Padme dying, just like his mom Shmi had earlier when he had a dream about her. Take that when he arrived, Mace was being a Dindu again and trying to kill someone in cold blood like he did Jango. Anwyays, it was all orchestrated by Sheev anyways.
there wasn't DLC because even EA themselves realized that no one is buying premium in Battlefield so they dropped it in 1, if only they still add content to their games without having to be paid to do so
>The films have been okay
First post, the best post
I love democracy
Watch it be another GTAV situation where it releases this gen but is gimped to the point where people double dip on next gen and triple dip for PC
>no drastic empire appearance options
>no galactic marines
What is the point of this game
So Episode 9 is gonna be complete garbage right?
>and Episode III.
>Titanfall 2 is unironically the best MP shooter of the decade.
>tried to rewrite history
Nah, even as a kid I remember people talking about how they hated the new Star Wars film (TPM) and I didn't fully get it then but I also knew (Even as a kid) that the movie wasn't "right" and I simply didn't get so excited about it as when I watched the original Star Wars. I learned about writing and characterization in the following years well enough to know why TPM was garbage without RLM. All RLM did was help share what a lot of people felt out loud and spread the dissatisfaction publicly.
If you're someone that says the prequel trilogy is great you simply haven't seen enough films and read enough novels to understand what is good and what is bad.
You're essentially an islander 3,000 years ago that gets to see the Food Fight film. Guess what? They're gonna tell you it's the most amazing thing ever and you don't understand just how great it is and they'll even KILL YOU over it. That's you.
Go watch Drive, that is an excellent film.
Drive is fucking trash
>The films have been okay - they do the job.
Unless you stopped living in 2015, I dont know what to say to you.
Do you have any favorite SW books, Yea Forums?
You're unfit to talk about what is good or bad.
Source about Sheev "Implanting visions of Padme dying" ? I thought it was just regular Anakin's visions like he had about his mother
I enjoyed the RC novels that had Delta squad in them
None of the new Star Wars have been good.
None of the Star Wars movies have been good. They're popcorn trash for the lowest common denominator, and always have been.
Probably because Sheev knew about Anakin's dreams and fears and his creation in the first place.
Nah. The Original Trilogy are good films that do a good job at establishing an alien setting and telling a story people can follow despite some foreign concepts.
The prequels are generally poor as they attempt to do and cover too much over a large period of time but still do a good job at expanding an establish setting with a story that's at least watchable.
The new trilogy is generally all over the place and makes no attempt to do anything creative or explaining anything important. The only real narrative it setups is that a set of characters are going to go against a bad guy. You could have had the cast improve the entire script while the CGI bullshits the setting later and the story would be better than it currently is.
No, sad too since I when I was an star wars kid I could actually list the engines in starfighters and why those corporations allied with certain factions