>"Why yes, I do only play on hard difficulty and chastise others for not doing the same ... why do you ask?"
"Why yes, I do only play on hard difficulty and chastise others for not doing the same ... why do you ask?"
>why yes, I do play easy mode, how do you know
How are you speaking to me while you are sucking on a pacifier?
>why yes, I do play on easy mode and am incredibly insecure about it, how could you tell?
Based and /thread
>Why yes, I play on games without difficulty settings, how did you know?
>"Why yes, I do think Sekiro is legitimately difficult and not actually artificial bullshit. In fact, I think Sekiro is a shoe-in for the GOTY this year"
how the hell did you get this picture of me
this ugly guy has facts and i admire him
>"Why yes, I do think Sekiro is artificial bullshit and not actually legitamately difficult. In fact, I think Sekiro is a shoe-in for the worst game this year"
Guy looks unfortunate but at least he has good taste in vidya
who do i believe
That is an amazing ability you have there child. We are going to have to take you into custody though. The government will have to experiment on you. Don't be sad. It is for the good of the nation.
People who only insist on playing hard mode are kind of dumb, yeah. But people who insist playing on easy mode doesn't change the experience are actually retarded.
>artificial difficulty
The ultimate cope phrase for someone who refuses to git gud.
correct, people that only play on hard mode could already speak fluently as babys and are gifted with an IQ of over 160. we enjoy challenges and overcoming them.
>meanwhile these are your average easy mode players
your average easy mode player is most likely incapable of improving because he is literally missing 90% of his brain
his caregiver is setting up the game for him and then lets him button smash the controller for a few hours
left is cute
giga based and truthpilled
>even a baby can beat hard mode
Yes I play on Hard because I have been playing games for years.
Most menus say “for experience players of this genre”. So obviously I am going to play hard because I have played more games than the average “gamer”.
I seriously don’t know why you made this thread.
Easy = I don’t play many games
Medium = I play games every so often
Hard = I play games weekly/daily
Expert = I play games all the time or at least one genre a shit ton
it's bants you fat fuck
No single player game is “hard”. The hardest games are ones you play against other people. (Fighters, Dota2, CS:GO etc). An artificial opponent can only go so far.
Shouldn't you be on Twitter talking about how devs that don't include easy mode are insensitive?
Wow that’s pretty eloquent for a baby.
This thread really back fired on you, huh?
This nigga right here, blew you the fuck away. I've never seen a more based post in my entire life.
>An artificial opponent can only go so far.
Literally the opposite. A human opponent has the same limitations as you. A computer can freely cheat to give themselves an advantage
I saw a youtuber beat sekiro on first try. Even defeated the boss you're supposed to lose to. And people say this game is hard? Bullshit.
Some racing sims have absolutely bonkers AI at 110(or whatever the maximum setting is). Though it is a bit cheap to make it hard by just having the AI go faster than the best online players by using a different tyre model and always being on the perfect line.
In general developers are not going to bother with AI so cheaty and difficult that only the top 0.1% of players can even compete, so online is the only place where you can compete at that level.
>"Actuaaallllyyy, artificial difficulty is difficulty all the same. The fact you believe it to be 'artificial' indicates to me that you did not 'git gud' and would rather complain about the developer's design choices in regards to a game's difficulty in certain aspects that hamper the overall experience. You are, in fact, a scrub."
funny, haven't seen much chastising as I've seen literal entitled babies begging a developer to shoehorn an easy mode...I'm normally against DLC practices but I hope the japs throw one locked in a price wall of 9.99
>No single player game is “hard”
t. casual who has only played FOTM multiplayer games and cinematic experiences.
holy shit, a talking baby
OP is getting at the attitude a certain group people have about playing difficult games and the sense of superiority it gives them. Arguably, the people who gloat about their skill at such games tend to be losers incapable of doing significant things in the real world so they take solace in playing difficult games and bragging about it as if it's an actual comparable achievement
never believe australians
Why not? They're the funniest, best posters on the internet
based and eucalyptus pilled
everyone was having a good time until this bitch arrived
>babies are more chad than most anons
I can practically smell the soi.
I love that Sekiro was so brain breaking to "journalists" that they are furiously typing away and pretending that they have a cause or something, like dude it's a fucking game, if it made you that buttblasted from sucking at it play something else jesus christ.
>"Dude, stop taking games seriously"
>Said by a person whose job is to take games seriously