Was this game good or am I just blinded by nostalgia?

Was this game good or am I just blinded by nostalgia?

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Some of it is great, some of it is mediocre. If you like it you like it user.

yeah, it was pretty good overall. mech section was super clunky but it wasn't awful.

No nearly as fun to play as I remember.

Shadow is one of my favorite video game characters of all time, his backstory made me cry as a child because it was the most intense thing I saw as an 8 year old. Poor Maria, she really didn't deserve it.

I was a big Shadow fan ever since that day and I will always support him and the Sonic series, I just wish that people would stop making fun of him with all the edgy jokes and what not, he's just a misunderstood character with a rough backstory.

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A bit of both
SA 1 > 2

there has never been a good sonic game, 2d or 3d

The sonic/shadow levels are kino

The earlier knuckles/rouge ones are okay, but the later ones are cancer. The fact that it only notifies you of proximity to ONE emerald shard at a time is fucking dumb, because the first sonic adventure game would notify you of any emerald nearby, what the fuck this is a straight downgrade

The tails/robotnik levels are okayish, but kinda slow and repetitive.

The driving levels feel like they were just added in to pad the gameplay time, dumb and forgettable

Chao Garden is kino

It's half good, half bad.
You can't call a game that has pic related good.

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It has a great story that only brainlets don't understand

It's a fun early-3D kids game. Most of the complaints are from people overthinking things.

Yeah but bat tiddies

Sonic/Shadow levels were great.
Knuckles/Rouge levels were interesting for exploration (except the pyramid ones) but doing the missions was annoying.
Tails/Eggman levels sucked until you got the controls down, then movement became pretty smooth and fast most of the time. Going for big combos was fun.
Driving levels sucked.
Chao garden was a gift from god.

Everyone used to love it and then suddenly it seemed like everyone started hating it. Personally I still kind of like it, even though it's clearly an old 3D platformer that doesn't hold up too well by today's standards and suffers from some bizarre design choices.

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super mario galaxy apha 1

It defiinitely has flaws but my nostalgia helps me look past them because I no the ins and outs of the game. If I were to play it for the first time as an adult I wouldn't like it nearly as much. As cool as the Chao Garden was, I wouldn't have the patience to do that again.


boost """games""" physics engine:
>locked down with no freedom to do anything the devs did not intend you to do
>he same level of depth as hallway endless runner mobile games
>can not platform in 3D whatsoever, so they shove 2D sections to take care of it while 3D is autopilot phone game
>all you do is dash left-right and jump/crouch to avoid obstacles
>sonic controls as if he was a 5000lb car
>no flexibility whatsoever, takes very long to turn
>jumping from an inclined plane does not give you signifficant height, feel locked down by the physics engine

Adventure physics engine:
>jump off inclined planes to gain incredible height proportional to speed buildup from spindash
>jump into walls to get insane vertical height
>precise, accurate platforming
>huge potential to have rooftop to rooftop platforming level designs

Make this become pasta adventurebros. We have to change the narrative. The facts are on our side. All these boostfags got is dumb reviews from youtubers taken out of context.

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>you will never be able to do this in a boostshit game

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how many times is this board going to ask if SA2 is good or not?

not your personal army

imagine enjoying boostshit lmao

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Good, but there are always who dont have to enjoy it. You also have the sheeps that are following the memes that Sonic was never good and SA2 videos.

It was one of the last Sonic games where characters felt in 3d, not some shitty car racing mechanic that is heavy as hell.

The karts would be fine if mini-game only. Tying to the story was a bad idea

That fucking stage was way huge. Then there is that one planet with fucked gravity which is a pain to get shards in the bottom part of it

It's a solid 7/10

Open Your Hear > Live & Learn

For real, I miss the Chao Garden stuff. It was some super in-depth shit for what it was. It was really fun to mess around with it, and it was at a time where all the information wasn't readily available. I miss this kind of shit.

I dunno why Sega doesn't bring it back in some way, fuck, I'd even be ok with a mobile Chao Garden.

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Shadow basically got hit with Advent Children syndrome

It's a game that has some really good parts, and some really mediocre/bad parts. For people who are able to look past the bad parts, it's a good game.

The worst thing a game can do is be mediocre in every way.

It has some cool moments and ideas but for the most part I think it sucks. Even the Sonic/Shadow levels mostly suck.

it was a solid 7/10 game at time (excluding the Sega Bonus), after Sega went out of business they started rating it accordingly

same would happen to certain Nintendo games if Nintendo ever goes third party

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>it's another "unpolished fan engine that never gets finished" episode
Yawn, I've seen this one already. At least classicchads finish their projects, see Sonic 3 AIR, Freedom Planet, etc.

Chaos were awesome.
I had no fucking clue what I was doing but having a breeding simulator in a sonic game was genius for some reason.
Perfect for relaxing side stuff before diving back into another fast paced level.

Sonic/Shadow levels>Eggman/Tails>Rouge/Knuckles

fuck I'm drunk already

I wonder just how much time it would have taken for players to discover the existence of Chaos Chao if their existence hadn't been shared by Sega at one point. You just can't make that shit up or have it happen just randomly to you.

>precise accurate platforming


Also you forgot the part where adventure games are just as liner as boost games while also have the potential to clip wrong and get permanently stuck untill you restart the stage from the menu if you dont just fall thou the stage itself. And when I say potential it gonna happen at least a few times on your first playthrough untill you learn where this happens in the stages.

I agree. It was such a nice thing to do while browsing the internet or just doing whatever. It was something I put so much damn time into. It says over 600 hours, but I know a lot of that is leaving the Gamecube on overnight for the Chao. I really love these damn Chao.

Yeah, no one would have ever been able to figure that shit out. I love how mysterious that stuff was, including shit like pic related. I think I have 24 Chaos Chao now, I think I'm insane RIP.

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Never liked the adventure series.

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I think the game is a decent 7/10
I fucking loved it back in 01' as a kid and I go back and replay it once a year, but with age it's problems are more noticable, such as the camera in a few stages, the emerald radar, and the voicework and animation in some cutscenes. But I still love the game, personally find it more enjoyable than generations and unleashed.

story missions are shit
but chao garden is good
therefore game is good

That's one of the coolest levels though.

Granted, the gravity fucks with the controls in the worst ways, but they get points for trying to do what Mario Galaxy succeeded at.

I feel bad that they never brought back David Humphrey. Everyone else just doesn't sound like Shadow.

I love shadow but you do realize shadow is an edgy sonic right? I mean sonic is technically supposed to be an edgy teenager but with shadow the cranked up to 11. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing because I enjoy edgy characters.

>browsing the internet
Oh, so...
>leaving the Gamecube on overnight

This game was fun as fuck as a kid. The wonky controls made it even better. I don’t think 24 year old me would enjoy it now as much though.
>mfw there was technically a chao garden in sonic advance 3 but it was only to get the chaos emeralds

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why am I like this

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The definition of a flawed masterpiece

Adults still believing sonic games are good is one thing but the idea of an adult looking at shadow the hedgehog and believing he's a good character really does prove that sonic games damage children.

Shadow is like a character invented by Eric Cartman especially with his backstory, I can imagine cartman's voice explaining everything with Maria and everything fading away with cartman going "Noo..."

I'm so sorry you turned out like this user. Sonic may bring me a lot of laughter but it makes me angry knowing that people like you could have turned out so much better if your parents didn't get you Sonic games. Chris Chan winning that contest is one of the main reasons he turned out the way he did.

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He always had a certain sophisticated way of talking that the others don't match. Kirk tries to replicate it but it just doesn't work. Was a good imitation of the Japanese voice and good on its own.

excuse me sir. nothing of this quality exists in the fangame scene. there is a reason I'm shilling it THIS hard. try it for yourself. the controls feel solid as fuck, you are 100% in control of your character, while being precise and fast, & with improved momentum

dumb boostfag cherrypicking youtuber arguments
>muh camera!
>muh gLiTcHeZ!~
>muh OuT oF bOuNdS!
>muh gAmE FrEeZe
fucking gas yourself. you are too stupid to understand the point. SA1/2 engines are BUILT for this type of platforming, while boostshit is just car racing physics without cars. imagine trying to platform in mario kart

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More like the Chao's Emeralds!

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chao garden should have been made into its own full game.

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it's better than you remember

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Kirk Thornton is by far the worst voice actor that I've heard. Jason Griffith just sounded too similar to Sonic.

>Was this game good
Yes. Now it's not, as standards got better. The only tolerably parts of this game is Sonic's gameplay, which the Steam version with mod support means you can just not play as Shadow and play Sonic in his levels, which based on the info of the game's development when it was just going to be Sonic, Knuckles and Eggman playable, Shadow's levels are actually Sonic's levels given/edited for him, namely Sky Canyon and Radical Highway. So basically only Sonic is the best part of this game, which come pared to some fangames today, is dated compared to it so
>or am I just blinded by nostalgia?
Yes, yes you are. That's basically all that's going for this game at this point outside of shonen rippoff tone.

shadow is just sonic with a trenchcoat.

>I just wish that people would stop making fun of him with all the edgy jokes and what not, he's just a misunderstood character with a rough backstory.
Then blame SEGA for bringing him back from the dead in Heroes, then making that cancerous game for him afterwards.

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>cartoon watcher telling other people they are immature

>trying to divide modernfags even further when shit's been JUSTed since 2013
bro... that's kinda cringe...

this post reeks of söy. I can tell you did not come up with that "opinion" by yourself. youtube baby

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You don't have to respond with a No U, I wasn't here to hurt your feelings, I'm expressing why I think that people who refuse realize Shadow's backstory is ridiculous and worthy of criticism is interesting to observe.

>made me cry as a child
Jesus christ

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And I think people who use South Park analogies shouldn't be making that kind of judgement.