Good games for NEETs?

Good games for NEETs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

old school rs

>tfw found a smelly neet girl
>she wont talk to anyone and never leaves her house so i cant ask her to marry me

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disgusting feet

splatoon 2

We are honored you would seek an answer from this poster, but we will be moving forward with other questions at this time. Good luck in your answer search!

user shes probably hoping youll go up to here and ask her do it

Fucking IBM

I wonder what games female NEETS play
asking for a friend

>tfw you will never fined a neet gf because they are locked indoors

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>i have been a neet over a year now
>if i apply for a job now they are going to question why have a huge gap in my job history
what the fuck do i do?

>user shes probably hoping youll go up to here and ask her do it
am i supposed to break into her house

just get to her and tell her:
>im fucked up, you are fucked up, lets be fucked up together.
you have 83% of chances of success, unless you stutter, then the chances drop to 56%.

Lie. Lie as hard as you can. The more brazen you are with your lying, the further ahead in life you will get.

git gud at a fighting game and go absolutely ham at tournies

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Are you dumb? Fucking go be with her yourself. Nothings stopping you from going to her room

I had a NEET gf story, but it's long and I doubt Yea Forums gives a fuck about blog posts.

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Same settis, need serious answer

post it fag

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This is the patrician way of using a controller.

hurry up fag


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I do give a fuck. Please post.

>Nothings stopping you from going to her room
a locked door and the weird hippie uncle she lives with that puts pictures of wizards all over the house. also i gotta wade through like 14 cats

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Make up a previous job and put a friend's number down as your boss's contact info.

Simple. Tell them you did shit that paid in cash.

He’s probably fucking her anyway.

>New employer piss tests randomly
wagery is so fucking cucked. The absolute notion that my employer is entitled to extract my pee so he can make sure I'm not enjoying Friday nights anymore
No clue how this is legal

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Even if you’re not a fuck up you should still lie on your resume to gain employment in this fucked up timeline.

wear this

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t. buttmad junkie

If she's a NEET she probably doesn't want relationships to begin with.
t. a longtime NEET who's into fiction only

americans are hilarous

I want to hug and cuddle with her

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How do you know that what you perceive to be real life isn't fiction?

This sadly or try and go freelance if you can

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Give her the dick and she will change her mind

>want a neet gf
>too shy to talk to people online much less in real life

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Well it depends on your personality and stuff, NEETs have similar problems but vent them differently. Most female autists and NEETs I know are into dark and goth shit that might also provide some husbando fuel. So mostly dark fantasy like Soulsborne stuff and the likes or sci-fi/space with aliens.

just spam touhou memes in all-chat until they ask for your home address

yeah this is what I suspect but also
>into fiction only
is a load of bullshit that people who are scared of life trick themselves into thinking they honestly believe so idk

>that puts pictures of wizards all over the house. also i gotta wade through like 14 cats

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im sure you will change her mind in 30 seconds of dicking.

What if I lied to all of my friends about being employed?

Fucking stuttering sucks
And it can't be fucking cured

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Now's the time to fess up. Or maybe find a sibling or cousin who can do it for you instead of a friend.

Have the same problem. I am too afraid too lie because I don't know if they might check it. Considering that I don't have a year gap but a 2 year gap, another two year gap three years later and a 1 1/2 year gap in which I am living in right now a year after the gap before that.

All I'd ask from a NEET gf is to clean their room and not live in abject tampon filth and misery.

Also, to not get fat and not have more than one pet to take care of, which shouldn't be a problem since I'd be the one buying groceries and cooking, and getting something that's not 10 cats. Maybe one of those beta fishes, or a turtle. They seem harder to kill.

Just lie and say you did small family construction gigs or lawn services or something. Get a tan before hand to try and support it if you're that worried about a warehouse turning you down.

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>tried lying to interviewer
>told him it was family stuff assuming he wouldn't pry into it
>nosy fucker kept asking about it

How the fuck do japs enjoy sitting on the floor? Especially with no back support?

You asked for it. This is the intro:

>be 18yo me
>like amusement parks
>go to one on my birthday and meet a cute blonde girl
>it's her first time at an amusement park, nervous as fuck
>she's with a group of friends and they really watch out for her
>her group notices I'm alone at the park, invites me to join them
>talk to blonde girl
>she's incredibly shy, but opens up to me a little
>we chat about her favorite anime (Chobits) and her favorite vidya (FF)
>end up getting her AIM (this was in early 2000s)
>went home that night to my rented room

I should probably add that my parents were in the middle of a nasty divorce and I was kicked out of my house for forgetting to wash the dishes once. Anyway, I was incredibly lonely so I decided to start IM-ing blonde girl.

>ask girl out on date to beach
>she says ok
>pick her up that weekend at her apartment, noticed her neighborhood was very low-income and lots of druggies outside
>her windows were covered in aluminum foil... in the middle of summer.
>inside of her house smelled like cigarettes
>shrug everything off and take her to beach
>had a great time
>we kissed...
>I fell head-over-heels in love
>take her home that night
>did not know that the next time I'll see her is 6 months later...

Thus started my incredible adventure. This is my first time greenposting, so I apologise for the bad storytelling. I'll keep going in another post.

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russian roulette

Goddamn that's a high level of using a controller.
Me and my lanky legs couldn't do that

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How do you acquire all these anime goods if you're a NEET?

It would be very nice if I was wrong.
Imagine loving your favorite game so much because it was your actual reality before you fell into a coma or got trapped by some boredome matrix in which you are living in right now and the "game" is just a lowkey wake up call that got past the firewall and tries to remind you about reality in order to wake you up.

The brightside to piss tests and FBI background checks is that it prevents the workplace from being filled up with undesirables and degenerates nobody wants to work with. A good thing, especially if you work in a diverse, major American city.

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disability benefits

Haha the best part is when a friend has a potential job opportunity with their firm and tell me "Hey dude, just send me your resume"

I, uh.... heh....

Or any old f2p MMO, really. Games that can run on a toaster, don't cost anything and you can sink hundreds of hours into.

I was talking about myself. I am autistic though.

Is this normal life in america? so hilarous

No, they'll want letters of recommendation and want to speak to the employers

I was studying
I was preparing for a career that didn't pan out
I was caring for a sick relative
I didn't want to settle for a job I couldn't picture myself doing long term
I was writing a book
I went backpacking across Europe

Give yourself the dick

Not sure. I was already attracted to fictional characters when I was a little kid. I doubt I tricked myself that hard back then. It never changed and I can't feel attraction towards real humans. I would just call it asexuality but I actually consider a few anime characters and non-humans from 3D games fuckable so no fucking idea.

I was shitposting on the chinese cock-sounding forum

Pet cute kitties

Bad idea. I tried sucking my own dick once and it just made me realize how bad dick tastes.

*Make sure your employer is into sounding before you try this one

Writing a resume is easy when you're just making up the half of it. You can just look up resumes online and copy them.

>I was caring for a sick relative
Not him but at least that is true for me. Wouldn't explain the other holes though.

B-But user he was talking to me. Do I have a split personality?

I'm listening user, I love a good greentext
You better not multi-post bait and switch me or you're a dead motherfucker

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>insert fake company

Oh interesting this company doesn't seem to exist based on publicly available data...

Anyway, continuing on.

>Try to contact her, no response
>Talk to her best friend, and learn what's going on
>Blonde girl's mom is ex-military
>Supposedly very violent and addicted to drugs
>Her bestfriend jokes that she may have been MK-Ultra'd
>Start to get very worried
>Ask best friend to help me get in contact somehow...
>Didn't help.
>5 months later, learn from her Myspace that blonde girl and her mom moved to another city, but she ran away because of abuse
>living with a new group of people now
>learn that this group of people is a cult...
>I'm still heart-broken from months prior and still wanted to meet this girl
>I'm doing better financially now, working odd jobs and not spending anything. Just locked in my room watching animu and playing vidya.
>try to establish contact. No response.
>1 month later, learn that she wants to leave her cult, but can't
>Captain Save-a-Ho to the rescue
>pick her up and take her to my place

Thus started my wonderful, terrible, awesome, disappointing adventure.

To be continued...

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Man I miss the times when all nerd grills were into FF and anime like Chobits.
What do people even like nowadays? I have never met people like that again since 2007 or something. People I could talk about my hobbies.

Then what the fuck were you doing in those holes?

If you're a moralfag say you were caring for a sick family member, just failing to mention you are actually that family member. I mean, I imagine you're not a fully functioning adult and are sick in some way or another, no?

"They don't have a website, it's a small family-owned business. Just call my old boss, he owns the place so he'll explain it to you."

Cults still exist in America?

Well Scientology is still a thing.

Would you?

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They exist pretty much everywhere. In most of the US people probably aren't aware of it and would be just as surprised as you are.

They don't check. Most of the time they call your last job and one of your personal references at most.

Education and part time jobs not worth mentioning. Washing out of community college is super common and not listing a string of shit jobs but mentioning it when it comes up is often better than looking like you couldn't stick around anywhere.

Go volunteer somewhere if all else fails and build up a job history that way.

Cults always have and always will exist. As long as people have desires that they can't fill, cults will continue to be selling dreams to people.

is this the comfy /jp/ thread

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Well I actually cared about my father when he died (took 2 years). I am not moral faggy though, I have never even told my parents if I like them because I don't know and did a lot of shit so helping with that was the least I could do.
>I mean, I imagine you're not a fully functioning adult and are sick in some way or another, no?
Well that's true too, though. I guess I will just say I was working a lot of shitjobs during the holes-time. It's even almost true, I changed jobs every two months during the time I was working and never list all that shit and couldn't even name them to begin with.

Maybe, if you're applying for an actual office job, and are not the supervisors daughter and competing with the other overqualified, zero experience students who got the unpaid internship? In which case, find some manual labor. Warehouses and roadcrews will take you in that week and put you to work moving boxes and shoveling rocks, so long as you don't have a criminal record.

Do a comfy nightshift there for 6 months, ask a supervisor or someone you work with to testify to you showing up on time and not constantly calling out, and lie about the rest of your complete NEET history prior to that.

Family business I did on the side while studying. We do landscaping, patios, and some concrete in abouts the shitty suburb outside the city area.

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How the fuck do you all meet people? I haven't had a real social circle in like 10 years. And not even a neet, i have a part time in an office, in the fancy part of town even but the office is small and it's all older guys. So i just go to work then go home. How do you even meet women nowadays?

this seems fake, can't you condense it a bit instead of making 5 posts?

To every neet ITT:
>become a trucker and drive across the country
>companies will PAY you to train you
>training takes only a few weeks
>first year salary is around 50k

inb4 excuses

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I'm a terrible driver. you wouldn't want me behind the wheel. lol

>only 50k to drive all day until it is hazardous for the road and for you to drive any longer
>maneuvering semis in the city
>maneuvering semis at all
Hard pass, mr. marketer trying desperately to get suckers to his job

If you spend hours upon hours watching slice of life and romantic anime and then spend hundreds of dollara buying anime merchandise, you are no longer being "ironic" as much you would want to be.

When you get a job, even a shitty one, you're forced to interact with others.

Sometimes those people go drinking at the local bar to forget/remind themselves how shitty life is, and they may offer you to go out if you're not broke and aren't completely annoying to be around. Then they'll bullshit with you, or talk about past shitty jobs and other experiences if you have nothing yourself to talk about.

So I guess I'm telling you to become an alcoholic.

Good luck meeting women tho. The ones that got the job in the same place as you probly married or fucked their way into that position, no joke.

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Dating apps, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you are fairly attractive because of the 80/20 rule.

You get a NEET gf, but you have to give up being a NEET yourself, do you do it?

Speaking of marketing, don't get a marketing degree. I got one and i only have a part time job at an office.

>First few months were bliss
>First live-in girlfriend
>Don't even remember everything that happened, just that we had tons of sex and played lots of vidya
>I went to work, she went to school, then we get home and have nice blissful life
>she graduates high school
>our finances have been kinda strained since I pay everything
>ask if she'd be willing to help
>"Ok user, I'll look for a job."
>months later, she applies to community college
>"I wanna focus on school, user."
>me: "Ok. Let's make a plan."
>plan is, she goes to school and I work, and when she graduates I go back to get my degree while she works.
>she agrees
>years later, she still hasn't gotten an AA...
>learn that she barely even goes to class
>while I'm at work, she just stays at home all day and watches anime and plays vidya
>try to motivate her, but don't know how
>all I remember from my upbringing was my parents yelling at me... so I try that
>she shuts down emotionally. I didn't realize that this is a defense mechanism for people abused people.
>I slowly get disgusted by it
>sex starts to suck
>she's not into it anymore, neither am I
>try to break up with her, but she says she's got nowhere to go. Her mom would kill her if she went back.
>pressured to stay with her because I don't want her to die

She spent 10 years being a burden to me until I just ended up cheating on her. She took all my stuff while I was away on a business trip, then told all my friends about what I did. Came home to an empty apartment and no friends to talk to.

I didn't have the courage to report her to police because I felt bad about the cheating.

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Semi skilled part time jobs that people with real jobs work on the side. The gym. Don't recommend bars unless you like alcoholics and skanks.

It helps to get a part time job that's easy to get into. You only have to build a short job history full of lies and sorrow and then have a starting point. I had to do it twice. Once you have a job, it's easy.

>I was kicked out of my house for forgetting to wash the dishes once.

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Man I only ever had one(1) account with my real name attached on which was some decade+ old imageshack shit acc I used to dump my art on before I knew Imgur and other anonymous shit that isn't Yea Forums was a thing and I haven't used it the last 7 years.

Then I got a job recently - but after a while my boss told me that I am a worker but that he has too many people to pay and I had to leave for being too frail (it was a worker kind of job and I am underweight (88lbs)) and I thought "fuck I knew it. But okay.." But then he suddently told me that I am probably a "talented artist" and should try finding an art related job.
I felt panic rising in me. Because the only account I ever remember attaching my name on was that shit tier Imageshack account. I "ran" home (took two hours per train) and had to google it. It had my real life name and the account was full of Turian and Skeleton gay porn and that shit happened 5 months ago and I am a NEET since then but I still feel bad about it. Never do the same mistakes I did.
I would usually never even talk about that but I am autistic and currently drunk.

Thanks for making me feel better about not being able to get a GF. How are you doing now?

Psycho-Boomer parents.

I can believe it. Some people get really anal about that.

My parents were in a nasty divorce. My mom left my dad and he was batshit insane during this period. I forgot to wash the dishes and he started yelling at me, telling me I was worthless and to get out of his house.

He was pretty shook when I took him up on it and walked out the door.

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you mean like this?

>Skeleton gay porn
I'm not gay, but now I kind of want to see that just to see how that would even work.

?? did you do zero networking in college?
did you not minor in anything?

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The 80/20 rule doesn't exist the way you're probably using it. It's true that 80 percent of women only think 20 percent of men are attractive, but it's the 20 percent of women who get the top 20 percent of men. Basically, there's more sex happening for hot people but it doesn't affect normies at all.


Ectoplasm dicks.
at least I assume from undertale threads

>and I am underweight (88lbs)
>gay porn
You're either even shorter than me or a girl.

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How should you go about networking in college? I feel like if you went out and got connections it'd be like a "now what?" kinda thing. Cause strangers aren't gonna wanna help you cause you just know them.

The 80% of women don't get commitment from the 20% of men, they're still banging them plenty.

>It had my real life name and the account was full of Turian and Skeleton gay porn
unironically based

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What a fucking cuck. I need to start thanking some imaginary god I wasn't born a beta.

>tfw no 14 yo wife you wants your cunmies
Why live

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How do you make gf anyway? I’m 25 and never had a girlfriend and never had sex before Even though I’m not that Socially awkward or anything, I can socialize with anybody without any problems but when it comes to gf and sex I just have no fucking idea

I'm assuming it starts with getting on the good side of teachers in your field of interest. From there, you get a letter of recommendation from one or a few and use those to look better when applying for a job.

Bitch if i was good at networking and talling to people i wouldn't be posting on this website. Anyway i did get a advertising. Fuck me my dude, fuck me. Anyway it was the best i could do, STEM wasn't an option cause im retarded as fuck when it comes to math.

You're supposed to get an internship from college as well, I'm fucked cause I got a mega cunt I can't list as work experience bitch fucking scolded me for not socializing in a tiny office with her always present for starters so now I'm hunting without any experience listed, only reply I got was one asking if I just forgot to mention it.

no, she would be a good girl who would cook and clean for you and you would always cuddle in sweats after you get home

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Why would the 20% men bang the 80% when they could just fuck the other 20%? Makes no sense whatsoever.

Try learning proper English first, than worry about a gf and sex.

you aren't socializing as well as you think u are. and u ugly

>Tfw no Nakamura gf

Why live?

meme answer: job fairs, moving up in part time jobs, asking professors to be a reference
non meme answer: make friends and kiss ass
rub someone the right way at the right time and you can get a job even if you're not qualified
its really all about nepotism

I'm not sure how I am, to be honest.

I went back to school and got my degree in engineering, but now I'm taking care of my dad because he's old and sick... so I haven't been able to find work for a year since I started taking care of him. I'm afraid my degree's just gonna go to waste. Oh well. I'm probably just gonna kill myself once my old man kicks the bucket or moves back to the our mother country.

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Being a NEET myself I feel her somehow. People always believe that everything can be solved so easily thanks to Hollywood movies and it usually feels that way and gets better at the beginning but if I learned one thing it's that pathological NEETs are too weird, broken, autistic or antisocial to ever get out of this mess permanentely.
I too tried everything. I finished the low tier school in my country and worked for something similar to a highschool degree after NEET years. Then went back being a NEET. Then I did a 3y apprenticeship and barely made it due to almost constant absense. After that? NEETing. Worked a few months. Then NEETing. Now I did try to become normal and studied in an university for 3-4 years only to realise that trying to be normal makes me even angrier and more depressed than accepting the truth. Even made semi-friends I never really cared about. Now I am NEETing for two years again and the bad thing is that I am actually happier than during my "normal" time.

If you're not lying then you should ask Google (and every other search engine) to remove that result and probably Imageshack too. Legit surprising that Imageshack kept images for that long, especially from a free account.

Tipped, my good fellow of science

I've been told MMOs but I hate MMOs.

Sometimes the 20% hotties are busy or not in the mood.

tfw used to put in effort and give a shit but stopped because everything is just luck and nepotism

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>my upbringing was my parents yelling at me... so I try that
>She spent 10 years being a burden

Stories like these just affirm my belief that women go crazy and resentful the longer you don't put a baby into them. Sounds like you fucked up on giving her life a sense of purpose and direction beyond your personal, closet onahole, and banked all in on the shitty education meme twice.

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More like you would go work and come home and she would only play games, live like a swine, so you have to Clean up and cook after you come home from work and she already use her dildo to satisfy yourself so no sex eighter. You would basicly become her parent who pays for everything without anything in return

fujo shit

ur momma

you pick any one of
>close relative died
>went backpacking in Europe/Asia
>did cash-in-hand stuff
>say you had a part-time job that had nothing to do with the one you're applying for (say if you're applying for an IT job, say you were working in a cafe but didnt put it on the resume because it wasnt relevant. )
t.I get a job within 3 days of anywhere I go.

>only a year
try 10

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>Parents hound me for reason
>Point out how I've got no friends and can't get a date to save my life even after 5 years of college so see no reason to try anymore when at best I'll live in some apartment alone only leaving it to work.
>They keep forgetting and asking me again.

>scared of life
why did this happen? what happened to make me so fearful?>

Making a baby doesn't magically solve mental and financial problems, user. In fact, that can worsen them.

fire emblem
stardew valley


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your solution is to be a perma-NEET, 5 years here and going strong

Women want to stay at home and do jack shit, that's literally what they're built for. You failed her by not bringing enough money home.

In a way I understood her NEET-ness. She was in constant fear of failure, and it showed in the way she played games. If she coun't use a gameshark, she'd grind until she was over-levelled before playing the next part (and she still checked guides all the time).

I could've been more understanding and eased her into the real world, but I had no experience in that. All I know is how I grew up and how my bosses treat me at work. I thought that was "leadership", so I emulated it at home. It ended up alienating her more...

I wish I could say I know better now, but I'm single, old, fat, unemployed, and depressed so there'd be no future relationships to use that knowledge on.

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That's a tradwife, not a neet gf. Neets don't do chores.

Want to lick those bigass feet

everything is going to be okay

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Up to this day I am still convinced that's the reason for my job termination. I mean the official reason is more rational, but my heart is telling me it's the porn.
>Legit surprising that Imageshack kept images for that long, especially from a free account.
I didn't even know that website still existed. Thought it died ages ago due to Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram being a thing. I managed to delete it though, but it only took ages till I got the right password again.

I stopped giving a shit when all the students who got hired from my program were literally so-and-so's kid or a woman who fucked guys on the job as a temp, then threatened a supervisor who tried to get in on the action until the union gave her a job in a field she had no prior experience or education in.

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people can be like that and still not be a neet
NEETs are just people who don't work or go to school, they can still be good people

>14 fucking cats
Forget her. She's probably crazy and smells like shit.

Stupid casual hippie faggot.

I have 23 cats, does he even try?

are you me? I guess i'm a neet with no chance of redemption

I never managed to get a degree though, always got so bored with having to go to classes and saying hi to people on a daily basis

This is probably true. I checked up on her social media recently, and she's married to a rich dude now. I hope she's getting everything she needs, because I couldn't provide that cushy life for her.

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>you aren't socializing as well as you think u are. and u ugly

I never thought of that , I should start thinking about my life

I was hoping you wouldn't reply to that, I just kinda lashed out at you because your story reminded me of my own shortcomings. Sorry.

By this thread standard I'm definitely a huge normie, despite being on the spectrum and overall a huge sperg, I still managed to hit a somewhat decent job in tech field. I have genuinely questions for NEET, first, how do you keep that lifestyle ? You need to eat and all that, so autism bucks ? Second, you can maybe survive that lifestyle right now, but what about in 10 years ? Being a 20 years old NEET seems realistic, but what about a 40, 50 ? That would be disgusting, no ? Is there any force at all that make you feel shame or urge to make a living on your own ?

Thanks, man... and even if it doesn't, I could always just eat a lead tablet.


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This so much holy shit.
I was or am actually a worker type. Not because I love work but for honor reasons. If someone pays me I have to do it right and fast. But that's because I want to believe in meritocracy. I don't even want special treatment and shit, same chances were enough. But nope. I got fucked everywhere, I often work more than others and it never amounts to anything. The opposite even. Sometimes I got bullied by some brownnosers, other times the boss just kicks me and takes someone whose uncle is a friend of his. And brown nosing always wins but I am not willing to sell my soul for that shit. Lying and crawling isn't my thing and I would feel like shit if I did it for how OOC it is. But I have absolutely 0 connections either so I am always fucked. Fucked at jobs. Fucked at university shit, always fucked. And whenever I ask someone how he found that great job the answer is "my mother/aunt/neighbour/childhood friend" whatever. Fuck everything. They are asking me to become a NEET.

I have no idea, I rat on the floor using a PC for about 2-3 months and I could never get used to it, my shoulder blades would start burning so bad after a few hours.

>implying i think about the future at all

Autism bux and no about the shame, I've tried to be a normie and it just reminded me how much I hate human beings so I give 0 shits about contributing to society, the second I can't do it anymore I can just off myself.

Have you tried not being a degenerate and doing drugs every single day of your life?

fucking women always have it so easy reeee

It's incredible straining for me too. It's why I almost fucked up my apprenticeship and degree too. It's somewhat easy at first when things are new and don't annoy you yet but the longer it takes the worse it gets and greeting people was always something that killed me internally for some reason.

I used to sit on the floor to game for years as a kid and also as an adult before I bought a chair from ikea. It's comfy. Sitting in a chair in front of a desktop pc is comfy too in its own way.

11 years being a neet here. I am fucked.

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All major economies will have collapsed and most/everyone ITT will be dead from the chaos long before they ever reach that age.

Honestly I feel bad for you. I used to have contempt for drug users but honestly I'm not any better, I just fuck up my life and mental health in my own way (with internet and video games). It sucks that even if you live in a state where weed is legal your employer will probably still piss test.

After living the lifestyle myself for about 5 years and having an uncle who also found himself in a similar situation thanks to getting beaten by life, it's possible mainly by relying on the government's handouts as well as family. He's been living that kind of life for maybe more than half of his life by now, and he's old enough to be officially retired. The answer in order to avoid feelings of shame would be to cut all contact with people who would judge you. It's as simple as that. Also, playing lots of video games and watching shows and movies. I got tired of the lifestyle and figured I was young enough to avoid being stuck, so I'm trying to go back to school and then aim for a job no matter how temporary it is. I just can't stand staying in my room every day and not interacting with people face to face anymore.

Could it ever cross your mind that you are the problem and you are the one allowing yourself to get fucked by being a beta bitch that doesn't fight for what he wants? Man the fuck up.

But I get it, if you don't have good social skills you're pretty much fucked in every aspect of life since they all depend on it. It isn't really nepotism you're witnessing but people just being more like-able than you even though you may work harder and consider yourself a better person.

yeah, same
I feel you user

When I was going through a separation and eventual divorce, I pretty much moved home for a year and didn't work at all. Mostly due to a combination of not being able to find a reliable job/dealing with everything from the separation/helping my mother later in the year when she broke her arm.

I was honest and just said I had some personal stuff I had to take care of after moving back to explain the gap and it worked out pretty well. As long as you are confident and speak well, then you should be fine.

Thats good user, I hope you make it.

Naw fuck off, I'm not a slave for women to use and discard

>how do you keep that lifestyle
Nobody wants to hire me. The few interviews I do get never go anywhere past a phone/web call. I live with my mom.
>You need to eat and all that, so autism bucks
Savings and my mom gives me $300 annually for birthday/christmas. I have to stretch that over the remaining months so I hover at around $30-$40 per month on food. My mom started buying me food on the weekends when she figured out I was 20 pounds underweight.
>Being a 20 years old NEET seems realistic, but what about a 40, 50
You fail to realize that this isn't a healthy lifestyle. I don't see myself living for another year, let alone ten. I can't afford to deal with any medical issues so I'm forced to ignore them until I manage to get a job.
>That would be disgusting, no
see the answer to previous question
>Is there any force at all that make you feel shame or urge to make a living on your own
I'm constantly trying but my government is corrupt and actively working to disenfranchise its citizens at the behest of wealthy companies. They don't care, they just keep doing it and keep getting away with it since too many people are comfortable with their lives to do anything about it. By the time it affects them, they're now "those irrational crazies" whose complaints get dismissed as conspiracy theories by the people living comfortably.

open world survival crafting games like rust or ark are ruled by neets.

Question for NEETs: what do you guys do about health care? I have a lot of health problems and would basically be broke without my insurance through work (the company that provides my insurance is literally owned by the hospital network I work for, so the coverage is amazing).

that chick is tall, slim and has good features, she could be a normie in 24 hours once she takes medication for her depression and gets better clothes.

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sounds like a conspiracy

Why would I worry about that? I just want to die.

You don't bother with it. Fuck I have a job and still don't have coverage because I can't afford it.

Who was the NEET

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What’s her name again?

I never had a girl say I love you

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>getting to a cave troll is just as hard as getting to an average person
why bother

>$30-40$/mo on food

... What? Do you eat only bread? Show us your fucking shopping list and diet RIGHT NOW you lying faggot

you can talk to the cave troll about some obscure dogshit cancelled manga series

I had. And when it stopped, it sucked way worse than quitting smoking. Made me wish no one had ever said those words to me.

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Try 6 years
The biggest of lies

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I am an actual autist but don't get autism bucks. Not sure if I could. I am somewhat lucky because my parents were 42 and almost 50 when they got me and they owned a shitty apartment, my father died and my mom is depressed and lonely and has a lot of problems doing formal stuff or understanding text in our language so I am currently living with her and have to help her with a lot of stuff but the pro side is that I don't have to pay rent which kinda saves me because you pay like 600 dollars for a shit tier one room apartment where I live.
>Being a 20 years old NEET seems realistic, but what about a 40, 50 ?
I honestly not really want to live that long. Don't have any concrete suicide plans, but I don't wanna think about it, and not just because of the NEET thing. I never wanted to think about that as a kid either. Life bores me, even more when I am currently not a NEET for a chance.
>Is there any force at all that make you feel shame or urge to make a living on your own ?
Not in reality. I can't love people and therefore don't want partners, which would be the main reason to become more active. I can't even get close to friends. I can make friends, but I don't feel happy hanging around with them, I rather play games. As stupid as this sounds.


Can't you just go to the ER if things get bad enough and just sign something afterwards that says that you have no money, forcing the government to pay for the costs? Pretty sure that's how it works in the US, at least. I'm being forced to actually look into this since I'm nearing the age where my parent's insurance won't cover me yet I still can't get a job that would pay for it.

would she bear my children??

What a tidy and cute NEET. I want to cuddle her and tell her everythings gonna be alright.

I've never had a job
I don't want to go to college
I don't know how to handle any sort of responsibility or how to be motivated for anything
I don't know how to do anything at all, make food, wash clothes, drive or maintenance a car, pay taxes or find a place to live, shop at a grocery store, wash dishes, anything you can imagine that someone who is independent needs to be able to do I can't do it
my dad is old and has a lot of problems and barely any money and soon we're gonna be completely fucked
what do I do

I've been a NEET for two years now
Good and sad stuff happened, grandpa died and left a shitton of money
The Smart thing to do would be invest all and keep something to pay college
I'm interested in psychology but maybe I just should keep doing the family bussines and do finances/actuarian

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this desu. My fave games are Dead Space 1 n 2.
Also like industrial music stuff

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what does the text say? something about handsome men is all i can get

Anyone ever just try working a skilled labor job? I was a painter for many years and was able to build up enough skills and certifications (osha shit and technical certs) to get a comfy office/QA job for a paint company making a reasonable living. I busted ass for 8 years to get to that point but was making good money the whole time. Guess I'm just trying to say don't count out hard manual labor.

Not that user, but is is do-able. Stuff like pasta, potatoes, eggs, frozen veggies (or cheap frozen pizza), ramen, bread and cheap sandwich fillings (PB&J, cheap lunch meat, grilled cheese, etc) and chicken thighs can be cheap and go a long way.

Its when you buy a bunch of garbage and don't make your own meals that cost skyrockets. Get creative and you are fine.

Hey Yea Forums do you think a NEET social media for dating would work?
How would you make that NEET only i'm not sure though.

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what the fuck, just kick them out of the way user

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>wife lost her job and spent nearly 6 months finding a new one
>had to pull 60 hour weeks to make ends meet
But then
>lost job last year
>she supported my NEET ass for over 6 months while I found a new one
It sucks being a NEET because you feel like you are taking advantage of the other person

Are you a jew?
Then do finances

I've thought about this except reversed

Oatmeal for lunch and noodles or rice for dinner. Sometimes I buy potatoes, onions, or bell peppers and have one of those for dinner.

any f2p mmorpg or any anime fighter

How should I fight? I am no covard, I told the one bitch who tried to bully me her problem, I told some other fucker too, he even threatened to manhandle me and I didn't move an inch despite not even weighing half as much as him, did other things, for what? Never got a better job with that. In the end those fuckers were long time friends of the boss so of course they win. And to be honest I don't want to work in a job with people who hate me. Not because I am afraid of them, because I fucking hate DRAMA. I don't want these forced interactions and forced drama, I just want to do my work in peace and do it right and fast.

>why not do manual labor user
Because I don't want to compete with illegals

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what the fuck is that hand

Learn how to do those things starting with the basics of housework. You really don't need to necessarily know about how to fix a car or even drive one if you live in a city with decent public transportation or can use a bike. Use the internet for instructions if you have to. I've gotten some nice recipes from just googling stuff.

God, you're pathetic.

Worked doing a bunch of projects in the IT industry to pay the bills and eventually got way more calls back then I used to and now have a full time job that pays a decent living wage and benefits.

Took me a good 8 years myself but I feel like I have come a long way.

Why not? Don't think you can do a better job than them? Get into a company that does government contracts, they have to hire citizens.

Bars and College
yay alcoholism

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>if you live in a city with decent public transportation

Sorry, I am - forgot to say that
>It isn't really nepotism you're witnessing but people just being more like-able than you even though you may work harder and consider yourself a better person.
is actually true. Yeah. That's the problem. I mean nepotism is often a reason too, but more often than that it's just fucking sympathy. I mean I tried to be more normal but people know I am faking. I can play the normalfag as much as I want, nobody will ever talk to me, most consider me creepy or jsut desinterested. The only people who will talk to you in that case are other outcasts.

Google shittily translates it as "Carry the girls who are crazy about virtual boyfriends".

Why are you still obsessing over this woman?
You wish her well? Fuck her! She screwed you over, wasted your time, effort and money, STOLE FROM YOU and you wish her well?
Fuck that.

I was in a similar situation to you, except I got lucky enough to have the cops called when she had an autism fit from me taking the remote from her and got to spend a weekend in "holding" thanks to her after only 3 years. Gives Fuck this bitch and get your mindset straight.
These women are SHIT and get away with it because the system is fucked.

Can you prove she stole your shit? If so do something about it.

Thanks for reading my blog

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may as well make a dating app for the homeless, no-one has the money to pay for a date


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I wonder what her feet taste like

I mostly like souls games and western rpgs

though I'm not really a NEET, I just work from home. still need money to fund my hobby.

>Guess I'm just trying to say don't count out hard manual labor.
When I was employed I had small talk with co-workers that were 10 years at the same company and never got a proper raise or managed to budge even remotely from where they were. I don't know if they were brainwashed or simply accepted it.

But hell am I afraid of ever adapting that kind of mindset that forever cages me in a shithole. That's why I tend to bounce a lot or do outright odd jobs for locals.

That's why I didn't say good. There is no such thing as good public transportation.

Fire emblem
Animal crossing
gay mobile games

>what do you guys do about health care?
Living in Europe.
I thankfully never needed it so far though. I had my last cold four years ago and nothing else after that.

>They're taking our jobs!
>Jobs you didn't even try to get
the ultimate deebs

>those feet

based and redpilled

what jobs can I get without a college education and I don't need to live in a city for
preferably one that I don't have to interact with people with either

First things to do are:
GTFO of your computer
Get a self help book and forcefully read through it
Forcefully do things and chastize yourself for quitting them
Don't be a fucking bitch and follow through with a routine
The rest will become second nature.

I dunno how about not paying slave wages because you can make the spics work like burros for nothing meanwhile you have to actually pay a living wage for a citizen?

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I'm laughing because there's no public transportation where I am at all

I guess if you live in a shithole country. In the US, where food is pretty cheap, 1 pound of chicken thighs would still cost around $6 which would realistically only get you through 2 days unless you're literal auschwitz survivalist

none that pay for a place to live in by yourself

This , dont like humans? help out at an animal shelter. Helped me out a ton

Security. Trucker. They're almost always weirdo loners.

Hmm stocking?

Walk into femneets home while she's feeling randy after some creepy porn
Sink all 9inches into her in a quasi rapey scenario just like her drawn shlick books.
Even look like the well built horse dicked swarthy rapists that star in her pornos and masturbation fantasies
Spend most of the night fucking her raw and cumfilled
Leave her unconscious and sleeping in the wet spot.
Mark her off the Neet slaying chart and go onto the "queer pansexual foxgirl" who's only sex that little loser cunt is getting is from riding the tiny dildo attached to a doll that looks like the fag from that vampire movie.

Going to run a one man train on that cunt and asshole.

user I don't even get out of my bed to go piss in the toilet anymore or brush my teeth/shower
I'm not forcing myself to do anything unless there's immediate severe consequences for not doing it


Why don't you just call the cops if you have evidence of someone underpaying illegals to work in their company? Oh wait, this is all just a bullshit excuse so you can justify being lazy and not looking for a job.

Wut? user, I just bought like 3 pounds of Chicken Thighs for $5 bucks and tax. It will obviously depend on what part of the US you are in price wise, but I can easily make that last a week.

Logistics would be tough since no one would want to leave their home
Might have to get them to date via vidya RP
Verification would have to forego verification unless it became a problem, most likely
The biggest concern in verification would be trolling because I doubt normal people would use it legit
I suggest crowdsourcing
Patronage funds go towards running the date, paying the NEETs to oblige and upkeep of infrastructure
In return, everything is filmed, edited videos and clips get ad revenue on YouTube and patrons get to view livestreamed dates before everyone else
Basically, we monetize the pitiful

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I felt this. I had a good shot early on, but health problems threw me off course early into secondary education and I never really recovered the momentum. The isolation enabled my more autistic traits to surface. Every foray I make into the normal world ends up going poorly because I can't function in a workplace for too long.

Granted, I can see myself holding down a job the more I work on myself, but I can never imagine myself as a career person with any significant amount of responsibility. It's easier when you accept life will never "take off" like so many want to believe.

I wish I could do that

The one where you get your act together instead of relying on your parents and the government for gibmedats

The uncle is probably already dicking her.

First of all sorry for your loss
You want Freedom?
Do psychology
You want even more money?
Do finances

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what do I do with $60,000
I literally don't know anything about money besides keeping it in a savings account

You'll change your mind after 30 seconds of fucking an unkempt, unwashed woman.

NEET sex should remain in the realm of 2D.

It's strange how similar this is for most people like that. Strangely weirdo girls are more often into dark stuff and often like aliens or robots whereas the guys are more into moe or lighthearted stuff and into cute human characters from what I have witnessed so far.
I am into industrial too as well as folk/metal

how do you people who claim to be five-year (plus) neets manage? Are your parents okay with you doing nothing or do you have large inheritances?

I've been looking for work and I did get an interview but even my two years experience for retail, professional clothing, and my willingness to work nights didn't even land me the job because I wasn't a fucking nigger
all for a fucking gas station job

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Anything that's so tedious it triggers the I am doing work part of your brain.

What do you do? I need a job that lets me work from home.

Real talk, what do you guys consider to be a decent living wage?

I am making $21.50 an hour/40 hours a week and doing pretty OK for myself, but I am in a part of the country where rent is a bit higher then the norm (Not horrible like Florida/California/New York, but still higher). I am also in a position that has a high chance of promotion and yearly raises.

Buy real estate? All you have to do is do some research on the market and if everything looks good you make the leap. You could even hire an analyst for a safe bet. I'm planning on buying my first home by the end of this year.

>those ugly feet


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>been a neet for almost a year after graduating trade school and getting a technical certificate
>can't get a job because no connections
>companies only want people with a journeyman
>don't want to work a shitty part-time job again
Don't know if I can go another year of being a neet

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ex-neet here still figuring things out.
i recommend night shift stocker at grocery store. i am alone most of the time, eat out of date food on my unauthorised breaks because no one cares, listen to music, etc. it can get pretty busy, but it makes time fly. just smile and say thanks and people will leave you to get on with it.
how long are you willing to part with the money.
like 10+ years, otherwise, just buy property.

>Buy real estate
Besides somewhere destitute like Detroit, where else could he afford buying a piece of land for that little?

my parents gave up on me long ago
my dad keeps telling me I need to get myself together but he has no spine and still does everything for me even though he bitches about it constantly and he's a complete failure himself so I think he knows he has no place to force me to be better

>living wage
easy, I live in my own place, bills get payed I have food in my fridge, and I have enough money for the non essentials

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Index funds?

great! then you'll stay a neet, you'll die alone, you'll stay in your miserable state of nihilism until you eventually die, you'll never get motivated to achieve anything and stay alone, your family will die and you'll be thrown into the world where you know nothing about and will suffer 10 fold because of this negligence.
Even if that won't be the case, you should hurry up and get off your ass, I know it sucks and I know it doesn't seem like it has a point, but it will be better, normies are normies because they don't feel this.
At any rate, I believe you're adult enough to make a decision user.

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Pretty good ideas user, clipper! The major problem would be getting people to sign up due to their low self esteem and getting people to actually interact with each other
Im ean, can you just put two neets together (boy and girl) and hope it works without knowing if they have anything in common other than the stuff they watch and that they are neets?

Having it be a tv show is also neat, maybe we'll see that in japan in the future

open a CD

The problem is that there are almost 0 jobs without a shitton of forced interaction and a ton of social skills. This is my main problem.

-Pay off any outstanding student loans, debt, car payments, etc.
-Put $20k aside for rent and living costs.
-Invest a few thousand in various things.
-Buy a used car with low mileage and has been checked out by a mechanic if you don't have one already.
-Don't go hog wild with it. Have SOME fun, but don't waste it.

I don't think about her at all, user. I just got a facebook "memories" thing that reminded me of her, that's why I looked her up. That was a couple of years ago. I haven't thought about her since then .

Also, she took all my shit back in 2010. It's way too late to chase after them, now. She took all my consoles at the time, too...

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Check your libido you uncouth savage this isn't 120 B.C.

From what I have heard Murrica is extremely expensive. I can live by a few Euros of Aldi food for days in Germoney.

This could have been funnier if it was between left feet and right feet

You took that very literally, but really confrontation is key, and I didn't at all mean physical. You have to confront people with what you want and be bold. Show and tell them what you're capable of and be persistent, rude and indignant (be nuanced with these). Don't accept being treated as an expendable employee, raise a little hell for your boss and don't just hope your work will speak for itself (although that will work just fine with the right boss).

However I am also failed loser neet so take my advice with a grain of salt. I just recognise these things are the stuff I don't do which causes my suffering... I don't stand up for myself or have confidence in myself.

Just pull yourself up by your boot straps, yeesh. People always want a hand out.

Data entry, I was able to weasel my way in by letting them hire me as a "temp" so while I still pay out of pocket for taxes & everything else, it's still otherwise comparable to working in the office. I can't really help you since it varies by company and job but it does really help to know people who work for the company, so try asking around friends or even family.

I don't know how that works
I've been letting it sit untouched in a savings account for years already
I don't know what those are
I don't know what that means
I don't have any expenses or debts and don't know how to drive or invest

you're probably ugly

won't they just ask for references though? I'm terrified of being caught in the act, the second last interview I had the guy was really diligent about it.

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Shut the fuck up

I want to work, fuck your handouts, stop hiring apes and hire actual people who want to get some money and work experience down the line you fucking LARPER

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The problem is that retards like us just don't have job related goals either. Most people cream their pants over a career, I just can't care. I only want to work to get money, can't give a fuck about status, what others think of me in that regard or a career itself.

Yeah , I wish I was a 3rd shift security officer (oddly enough ever since I was little) , just kinda fade away from the world and do my own thing. But my current job is really good

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>you're ugly
if that was the case no non-white would ever get a job

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I'm aware of all that, it's why I've been depressed and unmotivated for several years even well before my neetdom
I'm really not adult enough to do anything at all

Good job, it's now worth less than it was 10 years ago. Inflation is a bitch and you're a retard.

metal is meh/ok, but folk? idgi

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How the fuck do you get NEET bux and can you survive on them?

You could afford a lot with 60k in good areas, it helps to watch some videos on youtube from guys who started out buying foreclosed properties. It takes A LOT of studying on the subject but it's a field that could earn you a lot back in the long run.


>are into dark and goth shit that might also provide some husbando fuel.
Fuck Soulsborne, everyone in fucking Castlevania is attractive as shit.

>I've been letting it sit untouched in a savings account for years already

Brainlet, every year it's not beating inflation is it losing value.

>Apes don't want money to spend on 300 dollar shoes and weed

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Man all those fucking NEETs complaining I haven't had a single day off in like 2 weeks now because of how much work there is I would gladly be a NEET if only ma parents would allow me to.

this is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard
in that case everyone should just take all their savings and burn it right?
shut the fuck up and don't reply to me again

>what is welfare checks
>what is stealing and selling drugs
you fuckers have it easy with diversity hires, EBT, WIC, etc, and you fuckers still are in the bottom of everything
you can't fix stupid

opening a CD at a bank is like opening a savings account for a larger sum of money, and it grows interest faster than a savings account, too. You aren't allowed to withdraw it without penalty for the time specified on your contract, but if you have more money than you need, it's a nice, risk-free place to put $10k and turn it into slightly more money

It's almost like the element of NEET is rebelling what society told them they should enjoy based off of their gender, and started to enjoy what the other gender enjoys. The reason why they are NEET though is because society is still going to ostersize those who don't conform. Sorry for poor English.

Damn, I live in a meh area and the house I live in is worth well over 150k bucks right now. Maybe California really is just too different from the rest of the states.

Buttmad brainlet.

Otome games and standard weeb stuff except instead of basing some things off how cute the girls are its how cool/handsome the guys are.

I used to live that busy kind of life. No honor in it honestly. You lose yourself when you work all day everyday.

I had a neet gf once. She was cute and half my age. She was nuts tho and ghosted me for someone her age. I missed out, I guess, but it was for the best.

She was 16

Go to your local bank and say: "I want to invest x Dollars but I know nothing about financial markets" They'll set you up with a portfolio manager who will invest it for you but also take a commission. It's a good idea to build trust with this person.

Sounds like immediate and severe consequences are already happening.
Look user I know how you feel I've been there and done that, like there's no fucking point to anything at all but I'll tell you that there is, it's all about this magic word called "effort" , it will bring you self realization and it WILL make you feel better, I suggest you start now now NOW, you're fucked my friend,
neck deep into the fucking mud, and you know that too so why aren't you moving moving MOVING?

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I love how females smell, especially if they're unhygienic.

Maybe try not being a homosexual.

I don't even know what cd stands for

But user, money is worth less now than it is worth then. He could've kept the balance if he did some investing with it


Yeah. I personally think your spoiler text is the actual problem. People just don't like me. I don't do anything wrong, I value honor and shit and never act on anger or anything but it's all useless if people can't feel sympathy towards you and you not towards them. The very few people that told me what their personal problem was said that they felt I was very desinterested in everything and introverted, even while I was talking and faking shit or they told me I felt shady or alien. None of that really helps, I can't really change that, I can barely even fake facial expressions and I am probably even do that wrong since I am an assburger and usually never have any expressions save for some fake smile I get whenever I am angry.

>the guys are more into moe or lighthearted stuff
>I'm liking moeshit like Dropkick, Kobayashi, Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara
I'm fucked aren't I?

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Do you wish you weren't? Do you were a normal grill, or are you fine being a NEET only interested in fiction?

The Sims
Mario Kart
Call of Duty
Harvest Moon

>I don't know what those are
>I don't know what that means
>I don't know how that works
Me irl

you could do that, or just knock on the door

You remind me of a friend. He'd do what you're doing instead of googling it.

A certificate of deposit (CD) is a time deposit, a financial product commonly sold by banks, thrift institutions, and credit unions. CDs are similar to savings accounts in that they are insured "money in the bank" and thus virtually risk free.

t. Google

sorry bro, your story hit me in my feels since I know yours. I been there, shits fucked. Hope you're doing better now.

Get you a girl that deserves you.

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neet is a different kind of misery, one filled with a feeling of worthlessness and meaninglessness. wageslave drudgery is still miserable, but it's a very different brand of misery. long term NEETdom is absolutely miserable

Is it recommended to invest with a bank? Or should you go to those investing firms instead?

how the fuck are you a neet and can't cook or clean
otherwise same for me only I have autismbux, maybe look into that

just like my fucking family
>get money dumped on me from a lawsuit I didn't ask for
>have no idea what to do with it
I think I will just burn it all out of spite

certificate of deposit if you have $60k just sitting around you should go ask about one tomorrow

Bruce Willis had a terrible stuttering problem that he cured through acting and reading scripts.

The main problem is that I live in a shitty country from where everyone is moving away so we can't find enough workers our director is even offering us monetary compensation for finding workers. And it's not like I work all day, only 6-7 hours but it get's annoying to have to work every day without a single free day.

I must know for science

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and my parents and people wonder why I'm a fucking helpless manchild

>dude just invest your money lmao

t. 20yo boomer

Do it fagit

Ok, a shut-in with no friends

I know there are NEET girls here
What do you feel about all these posts?

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my parents already made me do that years ago and I never contacted the jew again or read any of the things he gave me or told me to look up on the internet

Sorry for your loss, user. I have no advice other than to be smart with your money and think things through fully (pros/cons/risk/etc). Hope everything works out!

user, if it's for personal advice, then it's very okay to ask people for help. However, people gave you advice using terms that you could have looked up for clarification with the information and context that they gave.

Firms usually deal with big money and most banks are attached to an investing firm. For Instance, Bank of America uses Merrill Lynch for all their investing clients. I don't think it really matters since it's not that much money and you wont be making that much money off of it anyway. But more money is better than no money or less money.

extremely cringe
I'm only a neet because I'm rich though

That sounds a lot more manageable then. 6 hour shifts are great for work/life balance. Hopefully it evens out as you gain some seniority.

>Thought the uncle was a memester
>Remembered they're called warlocks
>ywn have a Yea Forums uncle in law

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Like shark oil.

Getting overwhelmed and overreacting to simple statements of fact doesn't bode well for you.

because I've been lying in my bed 24/7 for years and nothing has changed and I know I can keep doing this for a long time
I'd rather just shoot myself when I can't anymore

be disabled, and yes you can survive on it depending how much you get.

Chads are high test, and when you have high test, you will fuck ANYTHING, just because it can be fucked. It's less about attraction at that point and more about conquering.

t. has chad friends

>tfw unironically a NEET
>only go outside for night walks and to get food or meds
>have ignored every phone call for 8 years
>lose all interest in money, relationships, hobbies nor do I care about being successful
>tried to commit suicide and ended up in a psych ward for 10 days
bros... it wasn't supposed to be like this.. this was supposed to be comfy

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Apparently some people getting paid for being NEET I don't know if it is real or just some myth.

this is coming from a literal NEET, lmao

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Thanks, user. Hope you're in a good place, too.

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Never thought about that. That's kinda interesting.
>The reason why they are NEET though is because society is still going to ostersize those who don't conform
That's true too. The sad thing is that nowadays everyone is always talking about how open and tolerant they are but they're all as ostracizing as most people were 30 years ago. I have also never met an "autist fan" who didn't hate autists. The autists they like are all just artificial characters from some feel-good movies with happy end or Sheldons. They would never accept a non-confirmist, regardless if he's doing it out of free will or if he can't help it like autists or other people that happen to be different.

unemployment or autism bux

same, god bless

although i wish i could've been more sucessful

"neet" just means socially awkward person now

>"what is"
>Welfare meme, EBT, WIC meme
Imagine thinking anything in this country was made for blacks and not whites.
>Stealing and selling drugs
Has nothing to do with you not having work.

Imagine thinking all black people are like this. Imagine blaming all your troubles on black people.

Guess you hate free money then. A neet with 60K and no rent could live off that for decades, so enjoy your carefree but lonely, uninspired and depressed decade.

Look into Closed End Mutual Funds. I learned a bit about them and they seem perfect for someone who cares more about preventing losses than making big gains.

Tomoko is too damn adorable I swear

>Like shark oil.
I ate shark but I have no idea what shark oil smells like, gonna need a better description

I had two jobs and I've been stuck in College for 3-4 years already

I was offered to take over the store just recently actually since previous manager of the store has left but I turned it down, I don't need all that extra work and responsibility. Yes I would have larger pay but it's not worth it.

I get just shy of $1000 a month, I gotta live in a trailer park and Igotta buy all my food from the dollar store bug yea, I survive.

Well I said most NEETs, not all. There is nothing wrong with any of these things or sides or people who like both.

I have too much in savings for autismbux and don't even know how to apply, and don't think I even would qualify for anything
I can't cook or clean because my parents do it for me and never forced me to learn how

>The sad thing is that nowadays everyone is always talking about how open and tolerant they are but they're all as ostracizing as most people were 30 years ago.
Because the goal of today isn't about being a good person, it's about making sure you let everyone know you're a good person.

Honestly, nothing is bad with a trailer as long as it isn't in a shitty part of town or a slum trailer park.

I don't care how it bodes you fucking nigger
it's my money and I'll do or not do whatever the fuck I feel like with it
I shouldn't even have it, it sitting there perpetually is not fucking ruining my fucking life and I will keep it there as long as I fucking please

Then why the fuck are you even listening? You made that post asking for what to do, so what were you just doing it for shits and giggles? are you going to stare at the barrel of that gun with an ear to ear smile and tell yourself that was the best life ever? Or do you think you'll be crying bitch tears of regret?
I'm gonna go with the assumption that you got some hope of turning around user, that you don't really like this and really wish you could enjoy life more, just try ok? I'm sure you can do it.

Smart man. Management is more of a status thing than something that actually pays more.

LostAllHope Wiki:
Suicide Faq:
A Practical Guide to Suicide:
Suffocation Guide:
ASM Suicide Reference:
Collection of suicide books:
ASH textfile:
List of Successful Suicides and Their Methods:

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How much do you have in savings to not qualify?
You could just lock it up at your house you know, get a small fire safe and hide it somewhere
Look up Uncle Remus' guide to autismbux, you sound like you would qualify

bring on UBI I say
we were not meant to work these shit jobs. why the fuck should we waste our time doing work when robots can do it?

A lot of people seem to go into this lifestyle thinking that. It's such an obvious trap, yet people keep falling into it.

Yup, the welfare system was designed to destroy the black community and buy their votes. It worked.

>Blaming all my issues on black people
meanwhile black BILLIONAIRES still think whitey is fucking racist and oppressing "muh people" I've worked in a supermarket before and I can tell you that 9/10 blacks would use EBT/WIC for shit like Cake and on certain months mother fucking fried chicken, which really means stereotypes are based on reality
Also look in scholarship websites and see the assload of scholarships that are black only

you first

Good question. Hard to answer since it's one of those "do you want to be someone you are not" questions. Actually rather not, if I even lose my personality I have lost everything. It's just kinda shit having a personality or urges that doom you by making you only enjoy things that will never truly exist.

Where are the NEET women anyway?
I can handle a woman like that so I do like to date one, or just befriend them.

lain a fucking cute

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I hate effort
my parents aren't going to live for decades

>I shouldn't even have it
But you do so put it in an investment and get a quarterly check from the dividends at the very least. Free vidya money.

Doesn't smell bad, pretty good actually. My grandpa used to take some shark oil pills and i'd open the capsules with my mouth and smell it when i was a kid, and then drink it

stay away from my niece, shes mine

I know so many Polish and Italian NEETs. I mean I am NEET to but I am an exception in my country and never meet NEETs from here, only from IT and PL.

Shotgun to the head has an above 99% lethality rate.
Go ahead and remove yourself from the gene pool until it's too late.

What a eloquent and overblown way to tell someone to kill themselves

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I used to have a friend
right now he's either gone on a blocking spree to be alone or he's killed himself

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i cant get a shotgun, i live in australia

I cannot
it's literally impossible for me to be motivated to do anything
I don't even play video games or watch anime anymore

Are you a bored suicide helpline worker?

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I like original Tomo the most, she's the most relatable one.
Man that anime was an adaption of my life.

Do you really think you could deal with a female you user?

what's that website that's a collection of suicides, pictures of them, and the occasional word from a family member/friend who didn't really know them?

I remember seeing one about a death metal player on there who was in a small band, who'd dress up in a kvlt outfit on stage and hangout in graveyards and seemed like a pretty cool dude.

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Get a thin knife, find the slot between your ribs where your heart is. Then stab and pull out. You'll pass out in less than 10 seconds and die within 2.

so how much do you get paid a month as a NEET.

I've been a neet for 3 years and don't have suicidal thoughts at all.
Did you always have them or it started developing from being a neet?

Get drunk and spend a night in your backyard, there's bound to be something that can kill you

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I was struggling with a debilitating medical condition that has now been resolved. Aka your social anxiety that has prevented you from working

$900 in Leafland.

last time I checked I think the limit in savings is $2000 or something and I have more than that
I don't want to just keep thousands of dollars lying around as cash in my house especially since I buy everything online with a debit card
I've read that guide before but I'm just not motivated enough to go through all that shit and I don't think I even have a real disability

You'll have to force it until it gets better, read a self help book, draw, do what ever it doesn't matter, but you need to get the fuck out of the house with no electronics, it's gonna suck a lot at first but it will get better if you try.

I don't even know what a dividend is

Yeah, that's the point. That's 90% of social media.

thats fuck all, glad im not neet.

so that's why there are so many canadian shitposters

Russian roulette.

$1000 is pretty much the max in the US, but you'll probably end up at $500-800 in practice.

I know one. Shes so fucking fat it makes me want to die

How can you even survive among all these godzilla spiders and titan locusts without a shotgun or flammenwerfer?

Where da twink neet girls at

A dividend is a percentage of the money that a company makes that goes directly to your pocket and the amount depends on how much shares a persons has. Companies generally pay out every quarter so like every 3 months basically since 3 is quarter of 12

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I often wish I could cross into a parallel universe where a girl version of me existed and be in a relationship with her so yes

Suicide Wiki:

Benzodiazepine Equivalente Table:

Collection of Suicide Books:

Lethality and Pain of Methods:

Method Megathread Compilation:

How to Hang Yourself:

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How? I feel like i could say my back is shot and get disability.


lain a fucking cute AGAIN

It starts fine but then life moves on around you and you run out of entertainment to fill the hole. Some people last longer than others before the darkness rolls in.

Judging by the posts there are a bunch of them posting here right now. I even knew/know more women than men who NEET. Not the married-do-nothing NEET, actual NEETs I mean who are unable to talk properly with people or do a 100% escapism into whatever they do as hobby, usually RPGs or manga related stuff.

>crippling internet addiction
What is the cure?

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I don't even have a way to leave my house
all I care about is video games, I don't want to be interested in anything else
nearly all my time is spent on Yea Forums, without it I have nothing

I don't know what's worst.

The ones without an obituary, or the ones where you can tell the person writing it didn't even know the person.

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I shoulda roped one in high school instead of going for big tittied drug bitches.
They be in their home but how to reach one? Idk.
Who am i kidding tho girls are too much responsibility. If the drive for sex gets any lower for me i doubt I'll have a partner ever again. Pretty okay with that

Why is it so hard to look at this. Why do I feel so much

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being a NEET increases those thoughts, but I have been depressed before being a NEET

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who is that pic supposed to be

If a girl's a neet, she got issues.
If a girl's got issues, you stay the fuck away.

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Go to a country without electricity

Is there anything you can do about hating this world? I thought of pursuing a career in biomedical engineering with a focus in the human brain to try to make fully immersive virtual worlds. Is there anything else to this world that would make me not hate it? I have real trouble finding any enjoyment in this empty shell of a world. I feel I'll just immerse myself into my career and try to make everything better for us Npcs

I unironically never have as good interactions as in the internet.
It's just impossible to talk properly with real people and I am pretty sure this isn't just my fault alone. There are people I can talk properly with but they just never talk about anything for real. They only review their day for you, or their last job and shit like that and never argue or discuss anything in deep.

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It's funny how my views on suicide have changed over the years.
I thought it was something I could see myself doing, 'check out of life', had your fill, etc.

But now I'm one of those guys who sees it as incredibly selfish. I cannot begin to imagine to pain it would put on my parents and loved ones. You basically condemn them to a life of eternal questioning and doubt.

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1.Racism against blacks is a thing. Look at this website for instance.

2.You're right. So they should take fastfood and pseudo food off of the menu when it comes to buying food. That would basically crater the entire fastfood and junkfood industry in america because welfare is just a big wealth distrubution scam. But hey. The negros will be healthy as horses and able to live long enough to collect the social security that well off whites are getting.

3.Most schools litteraly keep out other races so that well off whites and future permanent debtslaves who'll keep the absolutely useless SHIT trascan scumbag teachers and utterly useless brainwashing shit classes going and putting money into the pockets of the colleges.

Ask yourself, why would american political and media and academia spend so much time pushing the noble illegals thing but completely ignoring the poor in this country and believe me just having a fucking job does not make you not poor.
Where are the naturalized americans only jobs?
Nowhere. Tha'ts where.
Best part?
You people are 100% convinced that people being shipped in from another country to take the few jobs that americans have here and be used as LITERAL FUCKING SLAVES IN THE TRUEST SENSE OF THE WORD working for nickles and dimes.
Muh noble slave beasts of burden from another nation who are all happy and shit to be in amurica. Fucking sickening.

I don't know user, i'm pretty sure i have much more frequent suicide thoughts when trying to function like a normal person (and failing)

Looks like someone from My Hero Academia.

>I don't want to be interested in anything else
So what do you want dude? Motivation? Because that's not gonna come out of nowhere

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Drawfags are actually the worst kinds of autismo NEETs or escapism fanatics.
t. a drawfag

Nice wall you got there

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>tfw doctor gave me prescription of ativan and told me there was no risk of addiction and that I'd piss it out in the morning
>knew full well that I have depression and wanted to kill myself last time I was in
>end up taking them every day, he said as needed and I needed it every day
>withdrawal symptoms kick in and my life spirals out of control, have to keep taking them or my mood slams into the ground at mach 10 and I want to kill myself again
>trying to ween myself off but the withdrawals kick in faster and faster

Don't do benzos kids.

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I want to never have responsibility again
wouldn't mind suicide either

I can relate, the second year broke my soul

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>suicide is selfish

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>You were stronger than you let your self believe. We couldn't save you. The pain you left behind rips apart my gut everyday. I loved you so much mom. I miss you so much mom. It's still hard for me to wrap my head around it. I accept it and I know you are at peace and not struggling with the demons anymore. Forever my mommy you will be.

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Maybe that's exactly what they deserve, user

I'm too narcissistic to do it, but don't see the problem. If they really cared, they'd listen and understand that nothing will ever make you happy and forcing you to stay around for their own amusement is what is truly selfish.

There's no solution.
You either become a killer to deal with your hatred of all life or you sink all your time into an art to try and control it in some way.

that's something at least, you're motivated enough to keep doing it and improving.
t. a drawfag also

lmao if I ever kill myself I'll be sure to leave a video or note explicitly telling my family it was their fault and hope that I don't see them in hell
my only regret would be not being able to see the aftermath

>tfw your favorite game character commited suicide as well
Is this my destiny?

Then why are you even replying? Why ask for help at all?

Depth is something that is reserved for people you are truly close too or someone who is trustworthy wiser and older or a religious figure.

Random people you have not actually put in relationship work with will never want to open up easily with you. It's fairly hard and more then a bit dangerous.

Become a good listener and become a good friend. But don't become a sounding board or echo for a narcissist.
That's the last thing you want.

>haha get fucked mom and dad!
>*kills self^

wow, you sure got 'em

> I thought of pursuing a career in biomedical engineering with a focus in the human brain to try to make fully immersive virtual worlds
Please do it. I failed, but this shit is the only way to get happy.

Seriously fuck benzos. Too many people i know are a fraction of the decent folk they once were.
Everytime ive ever taken one ive either felt miserable or been drinking and done really stupid/crazy shit i couldnt even remember
Benzos fucking suck

I don't know

>like 90% white people

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Unless you don't have any parents anymore.

Im sorry to hear about your dad man. But chin up once your done taking care of him your degree should still be good as long it hasn't been like 10 years of no work. You can make some real fucking money with an engineering degree. As long as your moderately good looking your be swiing in pussy and nice shit in no time.

P.s. aim for a white trash girl who isnt into meth. Girls from poor backgrounds but a solid home life will work not matter what. Its like bred into them.

BME guy here. Pro-tip, the only way to get to neuro stuff (or anything interesting in BME) is to do grad school and suck your PI's dick the whole time. It's a degrading and horrible way to get to your dream, but it's the only way right now.

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muh white priviledge

>lainposter encourage suicide
every time, cringe
I don't feel much from this, am I supposed to? No one gives a shit about anybody. I can't imagine how shitty it would be to kill yourself and then your family plasters your face on some website posted by 4channers.

I have no idea why I was given them in the first place, I was just told it was something fairly harmless that would help with my anxiety, with no risks involved. I'm really angry at the doctor that gave them to me, I feel like my entire life has been ruined because I trusted him, maybe he wanted to do this to me.

Job simulator

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White trash best cum dumpsters. May not be vidya playing neets, but last thing they wanna do is leave the trailer except to smoke

>end my suffering
>inflict the greatest suffering on the ones responsible for my misery imaginable
sounds like a win win to me fag

80% of ALL suicides in America are white men between the ages of 16 and 60. White men are only 30% of the population at most.

>its not a copypasta

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overdosing on crack isn't generally considered suicide is the thing

I'm gonna bet that you're afraid of life, which I was too and that's fine dude, but just remember thing, as an adult you get the freedom to shape your life as you like, if death is what it is then what the fuck am I supposed to tell you

Just be brazen and open up to people as much as possible in situations like that. People will in turn tell you about their problems and you'll have dirt on them if you ever need it. You don't really have anything to lose either, because normies, unless you're doing something horrible, will always despise people that betray other peoples trust or are mean to weak people.

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It's really shit being a drawfag without motivation. Drawing is the only thing only you can do and that you can be proud of, at least for me. But then I often lack the motivation or I actually start a pic and get too lazy to do the damn BGs and coloring.
Have like 10 "WIP" and will probably never post them.

Why doesn't she have a chair or pillow to sit on? That looks very uncomfortable.


>Looks like she's never worn shoes
>Looks like she wouldn't be able to wear shoes if she tried because she didn't grow up with horrible pseudo-footbinding like everyone else in 1st world countries.
God I wish that were me.
God I wish that were my GF

>I don't feel much from this, am I supposed to?

no, you're fine the way you are. That you don't feel anything from this shows you're in a good place. Love yourself and try to live your life how you choose, but most importantly stay alive, user.

As long as you wake up every morning you're still in the game, you can still play. Once you close your eyes that last time it's all ogre.

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You're right that you never really know what's outside of your own perspective beyond what you hear and see from people. But when you were in school or some kind of regular social setting, did you look at more "well-adjusted" girls and feel a sense of envy? Like things were easier for them or that they were happier? Or did you not really care/didn't want to consider being something you thought you weren't?

>d-despite being 30% of the population...

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I always said I just worked temp jobs and didn't bother putting it on my resume because that experience is irrelevant.

your age doesn't give you shit
the only thing that gives you freedom is money

>leaving the trailer to smoke.

But I am not interested in small talk. Why are they allowed to get their fun but I am not allowed to get my fun part by talking about shit that interests me?

what the fuck my sides

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fucking sad
These goddamn kikes destroying this country are laughing about it no doubt

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Yea Forums made a video game about not being a NEET a long ass time ago.
It was fairly popular and there as a link to it a long time ago.

But I' currently on a painkiller and some other thing and I can't brain to well now.

go back to /r9k/, pedo

Thanks, user. I'm not sure about my degree, since it's in Biomedical Engineering. It's a pretty rapidly moving field. I'm alright with being single right now (jobless, penniless), but I'll keep your tip in mind, as well.

>move big toe inwards a little with my hand
>know it was meant to be like that but LOL POINTY SHOES
Future people are going to think we were weird as fuck

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Brown people are more often indoctrinated by some religious shit and family honor. They won't commit suicide but they are zombies nonetheless.

>toku loving OL
The hell kinda question is that? Of course I would. Though I'm more into Yoshida

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That probably explains why her feet are absolutely fucking disgusting. Being a footfag is the worst, because you're associated with people who like alien-looking feet, sniff degenerates, and people into crushing.

Im sure he was trying to help, but psychology is somewhat shit and the doctors prescribing the meds dont know what theyre doing.
I got prescribed Ritalin as a kid with no reason other than i didnt do homework. For the next two years i did my homework, but wasnt in control and would go full autistic on my family.
Still did fine in school and shit after that, but it became clear to me lack of focus wasnt an issue
Idk why he did what he did, but youre still alright. You can never fall too hard where you can't get back up.
I know exactly what you're feeling though. Before going on my meds, i was drawing, being creative and loved what i loved.
Now I'm none of those things and feel i got shit on for making the "right" decision.
Self help is best help, and we can do it. Maybe. One day

I bet user had a bad experience asking for help one time and he got flak for not knowing it by now. Constant embrassment. Its okay to not know and people wont think less of you and will praise you that you’re taking action. Just be comfortable with the fact you will ask for help often

>1.Racism against blacks is a thing. Look at this website for instance.
affirmative action and diversity quotas more than make up for being called names on Yea Forums I think

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You missed the point, I didn't say freedom either I said you can shape it as you want it to be, and that's hard fact with your actiong you can get the money to do what the fuck ever, or you can choose to be a NEET who spends all day on Yea Forums, who wants to kill themselves.

I think its more of an intelligence thing
They don't have a high enough IQ to know true despair

They are not obligated to talk about what you want out of nowhere.
If you can't find people that want to talk about your interests(and it's impossible sometimes believe me) then learn how to lead them.
If not then find pleasure in the small talk and go online to find people who want to talk about your specific thing.

Had the same shit four years ago. Dad got terminal cancer and suffered for two years before he died and I tried to take care of him. One of the many things that killed my motivation to wok even further, especially since my university professor forgot about me. When I visited university regularly again it was all about a bunch of students that always went to a restaurant with him and I was completely ignored, don't even get email replies, stopped giving a shit at some point.

I'll drink to that you mad cunt

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Yeah it's like if saying you were an ass man made everyone think you were a scatfag IRL openly instead of just thinking it. It's like if the first thing that comes up when people say they like big tiddies is that they're a lactation mommy cow chaser which they probably are lmao.

But I do open up sometimes and people always interrupt me, they just never care about my problems or what I like. At best they do a "lol you are strange" or tell me I am not serious or say they have no idea and can't say much about it and keep talking about their mundane daily life and celebrities I don't know and don#t care about.

user those are a handful of set aside places for minorities to keep things "colorful".
In practice basically all AA for colleges goes to white women. This is on record.

whats her social media account? curious to see what a rich neet looks like

>doxing myself

No thanks.

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>did you look at more "well-adjusted" girls and feel a sense of envy?
No, never. Actually, I was way more autistic during school time and lived completely in my own world. I didn't even know the names of most of my classmates.
I can't envy someone who is happy for having something I don't want. I mean they are technically happy about shit I am not interested in. I only got mad at the world because you are basically doomed when you an alien but happy as normalfag and even the media, my only way of escapism, panders to them. I mean let's be real, most villains that get killed at the end have a lot auf NEETy or autistic traits because they're meant to be outsiders and feel inhuman.

>then learn how to lead them
How the hell should I lead a bunch of boomers into talking about cyber punk games, VR or anime porn? I have other interests though but they are as clueless about these as about the one I mentioned and most younger normalfags are the same, only that their body is younger.

I don't care how retarded and/or autistic you are, you can work at walmart/mcdonalds.
Don't sit here and act like it isn't your own shortcomings causing your problems.
Yeah, it isn't fair, and you probably won't ever be rich, but you can at least work enough to eat better.

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Not him but this ended in a catastrophe for me. My brain can't process information correctly when there is a line of people pushing forward and I have to calculate how much money to give whom. Since I am actually an autistfag I also have problems understanding spoken words, especially from voices I don't know.

how about you play some super mario world

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