If everybody does it, why nobody talks about it?
If everybody does it, why nobody talks about it?
I love talking about it all the time
It's more kinky when it's forbidden.
Furfaggotry detected
Image is a screenshot of a NSFW pokémon flash animation
It's a guilty pleasure kind of thing.
Let's Plague Vagrant Story when?
good tastes
Remember when this guy actually believed he was responsible for the creation of Kale and Caulifla in Dragon Ball Super? lol
you would know you obsessed faglord
Why would I know that and why would he think that?
>le closet furry artist
Yeah, no thanks.
gonna need some sauce on that there chief
this is the same guy who posted this shit on /trash/ as well. we get it you want to fit in
you can try all you want but you'll never be the next lee
But that’s SFW
flashgitz cartoon
Human on Pokemon is the purest love
hard pass
Pedoweeb spotted
Gonna fuck some children when ur done?
>why would I know that
he said it in one of his videos, but I don't blame you for not watching this kind of shit
>why would he think that
he just drew some saiyan girls and he's retarded enough to believe dragon ball stole his idea like it was even remotely original.
>40k meme
40k niggers are the most reviled in the tabletop community your essentially sperging out about another group when you are just as bad as them
because it is usually awkward to bring to attention how many times you have stuck your penis into something
Are you autistic? That was a joke.
Welp, I can't tell what's the most embarrassing.
Having an Alt-right phase.
Having a Brony phase.
Or having a fucking 40k phase.
That's some hard projection there champ
they all kind of blend in together
that was a joke aspie
>Image is a screenshot of a NSFW pokémon flash animation
He says while posting a gif of a NSFW furrry flash animation.
>there was nothing that would hint at him having pedophilia
yeah but at least his gif the furries where being exterminated doom 2016 style
This guy is addressing an actual problem with this board unlike Barneyfag.
watch the actual full cartoon for a surprise at the end
If you talk about anything other than butt or boobs then insecure men will try to shut you down because they hate it when others are true to themselves when they feel like they have to live a lie.
Barneyfag is next level this wannabe faggot cannot compete
>Actual problem
So why isn't he doing anything about the twitter threads?
you mean the giant furry shoving one of the space marines up his ass?
>if everyone jerks off then why does nobody talk about jerking off in public?
there's such a thing as polite conversation, user
again wojak edit when replacing the furries with wojaks
yeah its pretty ironic how hasn't even seen the full video
is it one of those
>furry makes fun of people who hate furries videos/comics that Anti-furs use unironically
You're trying to be the new Barneyfag. And you are failing miserably.
You're just showing how new you are if you think furfaggotry has ever been accepted here.
Barneyfag spergs out and gets himself rangebanned, I simply post a gif and it derails the whole stealth furfag thread
I'm just waiting for Gamefreak to admit that everybody does it
when did he ever say that idiot. quit assuming
he acted like it was a joke but you can tell he legit believed it by how he insisted in the idea. at minimum he had high hopes his "joke" was actually the truth.
Make it yourself you lazy faggot
Nobody's arguing that. People are calling you a dumb faggot
Because most people don't have human shaped pokemon on their teams.
Can you imagine if someone admitted he has done it with Muk, Combee or Scolipede? That would be sick
Doing God's work desu.
>Not wanting to fuck a donut
What's wrong with you?
Y-yeah, who would, right?
>donut steel fart fetish art
dont make me puke
Are you implying you'd fuck shit like this?
probably not i wouldn't even know where to begin
>bestiality good
if you're going to go far enough to fuck a pokemon in the first place you might as well go all the way
Nigga pumkaboo is thicc as hell.
It's bestiality either way user
Never said I was accepting of it.
People back then who were all "FURFAGGOTY" and shit didn't try to point out where the furfaggotry came from dude. That was a Barneyfag thing.
You're also probably doing the exact same thing as Barneyfag does and make the thread you rage at.
pokemon aren't animals