ITT pleb filter vidya

ITT pleb filter vidya

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>mfw playing it for the first time after my girlfriend gifted it to me and forced me to play it as she watched and gave me no tips whatsoever

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I constantly give my 17yo brother pleb filter games and watch him fail. it amuses me but i don't know why. Get fucked zoomers.

My youngest brother is 8 years younger than me and we could only ever afford one game console each gen, so he played the same games that I did growing up. He still ended up playing Fortnite exclusively. I think it's more of a thing like whatever's cool among their friends.

I have a brother that's twelve years younger than me, he's a super zoom zoom. Iv'e tried to actually play good vidya with him and all he wants to do is play minecraft and watch streamers. Relating with such a huge age gap is hard, but i feel like i need to try every once in awhile.

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>when you finally reach the mansus and realize how deep it all goes

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How is that furry creature playing a ps4 exclusive on a laptop?

Are there any casual filter games that don't have a focus on micro management? Like, maybe RPGs or action games that require actual skill?

Honestly, I just beat Original Sin 2 and I'm just looking for more games like it.

Micro management is an actual skill that's more valuable than muscle memory though.

Did you mean pleb tier vidya, OP? Because beyond good writing this game's mechanics are as deep as a wet floor.

>cookie clicker with a thesaurus built in
The fodder of true hardcore gamers

>when you finally reach the mansus and realize how long you're going to be micromanaging your work card

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Don’t starve is pretty pleb filter considering you can lose a 30 hour playthorough forever and easily.

They're watching a video on youtube. if you see inside laptop that it shows 2 other people inside of it

Is the sudden influx of CultSim threads just because of the Humble Monthly thing or what? If there's another reason I want to know if it's worth playing through again to try out the Dancer or not since I assume Humble didn't give the DLC.

Probably that plus it got a mobile port recently

I forgot about that, I can't imagine it'd be any good unless you have a fuckhuge tablet, though. I'd honestly rather have it for Switch if it's getting ports now, the only thing I can think of to look forward to there personally is Rune Factory.

What a fucking garbage game.
You will lose once to dread, then you learn how to deal with madness and it's fucking impossible to lose to that again.
You will lose once to lack of funds, then you learn how to print unlimited money and it's fucking impossible to lose to that again.
You will lose once to the police, then you learn how to cheese cops and it's fucking impossible to lose to that again.

Then you realize there's nothing hard or threatening or urgent left in the fucking game and all you're doing is playing easy as fuck cookie clicker meets solitaire (now with more waiting!)

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Those people are Nathan drake and feet girl from uncharted, that’s an images parodying a scene in 4 where you play crash in the game briefly.

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Alexis Kennedy despise gameplay and gamers

It's also, ironically, the only medium which is profitable for his particular talents.

>tfw trying to write books
>know i'll be a starving artist forever
I'm not gonna make it bros

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recently got this game with humble, god fucking damn is it good. i think it's the only mobile game ive bought with no hesitation. any other games like this with constant interesting progression that doesn't handhold?

Slay the spire if you want another card game, other than that i don't think so specifically when it comes to card games.

>Tag! Skills:
>Energy Weapons

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>He doesn't use this new knowledge to take the next step in your development in the game, using the infinite money to play on constant fast speed since money is no longer a threat and your strategies for dealing with dread, fascination, and cops are much more refined

You hit the local maxima and gave up, git gud user.

FAKE: has a girlfriend

GAY: says mfw and the face in the picture is being choked by a man hand.

>when you reach the mansus and realize the "lore" is barely coherent purple prose that doesn't have any interesting parts

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not even just card games, just games with a similar mechanic exploration feel

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>When you realize that this is because the mansus is the London subway station and all of what's going on is your character's insane interpretation of London as viewed through a brain hopelessly fucked up.

When you realize SOMETHING SOMETHING DEEP MYSTERIES SOMETHING was the only book that actually contained occult knowledge

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Is that a thing?
Because when I played it I sure dind't get that impression and I don't consider myself bad at noticing obscure bullshit

Yea Forums doesn't like them but most survival crafting shit doesn't hold your hand, you need to explore and experiment to continue and fail regularly. Not ark or ark clones, shit like sublacreatura and the forest.

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what chinese anime is this?

It's a fan theory.

You'll note that there isn't any disproof of it, and it's uncanny how well it does at explaining
>why the mansus has many doors and you get to them through sleep (subways taking you to unknown places when you fall asleep on them)
>Why the lore is incoherent (some delusions of the insane are pretty common)
>what your adventures are (you and your jolly crew of lunatic acquaintances breaking into people's homes to steal shit)

And so on. It's only weak point is the summoning rituals, but the rest of its compelling enough that you can almost ignore them

Is there any actual proof of this?
Because this is basically A GAME THEORY tier

>people willingly pay you, consistently, for your gibberish
>the coins they give you are worth actual, real money at auction

So you're actually one of London's most popular fiction writers who only accepts valuable items as payment instead of cash up front


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>max str, no int build

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Normies cannot handle the RAW SKILL AND FINESE needed to succeed in Starcraft Ranked. This game brutally culls the weak minded.

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>nioh in the back

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One beginning has you sacrifice people to another cult you didnt start so no.

Imagine a book written by him, like 100 paragraphs that each hint at some random aspect of a setting with 30 blank pages in between each one

and the weary detective is actually sans undertale from earthbound

How does this game have such a kino atmosphere when it’s literally just staring at a board full of cards for hours on end?

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That's the secret: It doesn't

How's this game, I always wanted a cult simulator but I don't know if it'll actually scratch that itch.
Anyone got an .apk link for the new mobile port? Hate to ask for a link here but diving through half baked websites for one is a headache and a half.

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How do I find/join a cult?

Ancient knowledge type stuff, not singalongs and koolaid.

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Which boss is Yea Forums stuck on now? Last time I checked it was the guardian ape

>ancient knowledge type stuff
Secret society is the word you're looking for, and the trick is to be rich
still has a high chance in ending in mass murder/suicide, just find some weird chicks to talk about it with instead

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I don't know but the OST is excellent and helps, even though it's just two tracks repeating. Fuck i was there was more music.

>kino atmosphere
>when summoning occult abominations devolves into "hmm does it have any useful stats?" after you first few summoning
The gameplay is so shit it gets in the way of the atmosphere

So you mean... continue to playing a boring, easy game on fast speed?
Yeah that's what I did for a few more hours before giving up on it entirely. Fucking great isn't it