What is ninja planning?
What is ninja planning?
ethnic cleansing
New ways to stay relevant
a new extension on his mansion?
A poor investment, probably.
we can dream
but ninja himself is part jewish
More EGS shill threads
A torture chamber for the Twitch followers he abducts
A floss dance club
To find de weh
I wonder what it feels like to not have to worry about rent or money for the rest of your life
nostalgia'd hard
how to beat lady butterfly
>part jewish
So he's a Jew.
a new room
That's him writing out his will. It was in his early stages of Ligma. It's been a long battle but he's now in hospice care.
imagine being paid thousands to sit in that room and play vidya
it's not fucking fair
how the hell did he even get popular in the first place, he has all the personality of a dead fish
he's shared a stage with a fucking muppet and not to mention that fo76 shitshow with rick and morty, and neither situation did he manage to have any charm or even say a single genuine joke
is this what kids like now? boring people who play videogames at a decent level? if so then where the hell are my millions of followers and big steamer meme dollars?