I will give you some of my blood, okay? And I will ask you to give me some of your blood

I will give you some of my blood, okay? And I will ask you to give me some of your blood

Attached: Heather_Poe.png (250x250, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Go to college and then get a real job you fucking leech

>go to college
>get a real job
pick one

I don't remember giving you permission to talk

she's going to talk a lot while humping your leg anyway

oh silly op
women never stop talking

>stick her in my super swank wizard apartment
>still shows up in the Sabbat crack den that is conveniently located just down the street from every faction that wants them dead so she can melodramatically get fisted by bat monsters
stupid ghouls

I hope you can dress up your ghoul in the sequel with whatever clothing you can dress yourself in
because I don't think I'll get much use out of the Jeanette outfit otherwise

Attached: 1553966055995.webm (900x720, 2.77M)

whoa, whoa, exchanging bodily fluid? that's going a little far...


god the vanilla heather is ugly. i always play with this reskin (first one. on the left). gets me rock hard every time i come back to the apartment
it's even better ingame if you have community patch with shader and shit


Attached: b142.jpg (769x527, 181K)

As far as I know, Bloodrayne.

Lame. What's great about Heather is how average she is.

Wtf it's Bloodrayne, how young are you?

yeah, a half-assed reskin of a totally different NPC is obviously the better option

Objectively wrong.
You are a homosexual for disagreeing.

Attached: heather.png (393x801, 510K)

Attached: 1553965871270.webm (1440x1080, 2.73M)

Her eyes look weird without glasses.

literally anything is better than that mcdonalds looking crack addict
vv cucks you anyway so it's not like there's any duplication going on. this way you get to come home to an even hotter version of her and all she wants is to suck your blood. through the penis.
even the voice fits perfectly

>Not ordering Heather to become a big tiddy goth gf

Her goth outfit is the best.

Please tell me there is a mod to make them less ugly or at least change their clothes. I am planning on playing that but the women all look like ugly drugged sluts.

Nevermind, overlooked Thank God.


on nexus there is a mod (Dalls_Bloodline_Vampire) to put any female npc in place of heather. you can have pic related and a lot of other stuff

Attached: 4-1529394018-1219352237.jpg (800x600, 347K)

Heather was cute, she just looked retarded in the goth outfit

You DO play with at least
>Money 1.2
enabled right user? You better not have any flatties running around your undead streets!

Attached: __elf_and_vampire_dragon_s_crown_drawn_by_matsu_sensei__96f6b25da2bed4d1ca38252b7f9ab451.jpg (850x1368, 289K)

Sexy Long Hair Female Toreador V.2

Attached: 4b12.jpg (1366x768, 302K)

Ventrue Tail Hair carbon skin By 3Dell

Attached: file.png (1161x560, 934K)

looks more like a stripper rather than a ventrue


I'll get pissed if I do not have ghoul waifu on Bloodlines 2 because of SJW.

no way fag

it'll be a man. they'll give you and option to give them hormones to be a trap