Why does Yea Forums hate jrpgs for having self inserts...

Why does Yea Forums hate jrpgs for having self inserts, yet praise Spider-Man endlessly when Peter is the biggest self insert ever.

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1. Spider-Man isn't a JRPG
2. Peter has been expressly written as a relatable nerd self-insert for decades
3. You're gay

I'm a nygger that despises Spider–Fag and avoids most weeb games. Exceptions include NAtURAL DOCtRINE and Code Vein.

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Relatable != Self insert

If i could self insert as Spidey i would dump Mary Jane and hook up with Silver sable instead

I want to fuck Spider Gwen but only if she keeps the mask on

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Most JRPG protagonists are that then.

Nobody praises this game. Everybody says it's a shitty Arkham ripoff and they're right.

>nobody praises the game

Why can't we get more Spider-Man games NOT about Peter Parker? Edge of Time and Shattered Dimensions were great, but I'd like more games focusing on the other Spider-Men.