Imagine a game where picking the wrong character gets you banned from that game
Imagine a game where picking the wrong character gets you banned from that game
>still playing League of Legends in the year of our Lord 2019
>playing it at all
Go away, zoomer
18 year olds playing League in the early days are now 28
I think they're boomers now
>play a character who's off-meta
>get banned
no where have we heard that before...
Why don't they just disable those characters if you're not allowed to play them?
Blizzard follow more or less same model as league of lesbians.
18y olds played dota back then not lol
>are now 28
how did you know?
Wait, you can get banned for playing "off meta" characters in ranked mode? What the fuck. This is some Hitler type shit.
Tyler1 isn't even the worst offender. imaqtpie plays the weirdest shit all the time, feeds hard and people even dodge him sometimes because he drags down the team so much, yet he won't get banned because he's the most popular streamer. Just some examples for the shit he does
>adc Karthus
>Full ad Sion
>game lets you stack items
>you're not allowed
lol ok
ad sion is hype though
What's dota equivalent of bloodthirsters, or what's their stat
You would gain more damage the more you killed and lost it on death, it also had life steal when that picture was made iirc
Lots of damage and vampirism (was like +100 damage and +20% life steal at those times). So it probably doesn't have direct dota analogue because it's not quite like satanic.
Hey, someone's using my screencap from all those fucking years ago! Have another.
what's the point here? tyler1 has been banned more times than he got laid and he was still a key figure even in the past
Riot kinda dug a hole they can't get out of when they unbanned Tyler1.
>If they ignore and don't punish him for his bullshit they look like they're showing favoritism
>If they do punish him it justifies the opinions of the people who think he should've stayed banned and makes Riot look inept
>makes Riot look inept
They do that themselves just fime.
lol not sure I even have that one saved, but I have a huge folder of riot shit that I never get to use anymore practically since /vg/ was created.
Invoker really isn't micro. Meepo or lone druid would be a better fit.
greekYikes. asmonG, why would you even watch that midget. pure asmonL.
that's pretty much was/(is?) the dev policy for riot.
"why fix it when you can just ban people for playing the game as is?"
also checked em
They realized banning one of the most popular players is an extremely stupid decision. You'd be an idiot to not give your popular players special treatment.
I don't think meepo was out at that point, but the article was about APM if I'm not mistaken.
>article written in 2012
>almost 7 years ago
Jesus christ
LoL is objectively better than Dota 2 because of turn speed.
Dota 2 has better graphics though
good thing I never played LoL
What's his appeal?
LoL requires more individual skill. Dota is such a slow game. League's faster pace automatically makes it require leaps and bounds more IQ to compete at the highest level. DOTArds too busy moving the courier around the map to actually focus on playing the game LOL
He gets angry and loud, unlike other streamers
Tyler1 is Dane Cook's appeal stuffed into a streamer
Leaguebabbies need to get better bait.
Dude only got popular because he got permabanned, before that he was just some meathead asshole who fed and shittalked anytime the game didn't go exactly how he wanted.
>He thinks you always have to micro the courier
Well, it's kind of nostalgic, it feels like shitposting from 5 years ago
And HoN is objectively better than both because it takes actual braincells to play it (unlike LoL) and it has no turn rates (unlike Dota).
Sounds like bloodstone stacking, which surprise surprise has now become a viable build on storm
Why would he even get banned though? Off meta picks is not justified cause for a ban.
it had some fun to it, but it went downhill really quickly, and they got into this really bad pattern of forcing a meta to the point of banning people that don't play in a certain lane that is "normal" for their character, banning people for buying items that aren't "normal" for that character, nerfing already underperforming characters even further into the ground, and releasing new characters so OP it takes 4+ updates to get them on a reasonable level.
>League of Functions
It could be for anything really. Riot's kinda propped him up as this 'anyone can reform' symbol and if it turns out they have to reban him later down the road it makes them look like they were wrong for giving him a second chance.
The guy got popular through his IRL and variety streams without question. Given how popular League of Legends is and the backstory behind him getting banned his popularity within that scene grew as well.