
Say, why does Yea Forums love this game again?

>most missions are go here fetch this/talk to x
>major faction choices for finishing the game are laughably obvious bad guys, a wild card or the slightly corrupt good guys
>incredibly buggy
>combat is ass

Some characters and quest events are sweet but overall I didn't really enjoy it.

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Nice blog post.

yeah you’re right it’s like super flawed and it’s my most played/favorite game of all time. idk man.

>the slightly corrupt good guys
No retard, they're the slightly less obvious bad guys, just like in real life it's a faction that hides its crimes behind buzzwords. It's not the game's fault you're a stupid npc.

>Laughably obvious bad guys

user I tried to keep it short I don't really think that can be called a blog post

even if that's true that's still a pretty generic narrative

>fucking crucifies people and has slaves

[Intelligence 1/9] why do peopl lik new vgas

>pretty generic narrative
It's not a generic good vs evil if that's what you mean. The factions are pretty realistic.

>capital punishment and slavery
Like practiced by every nation irl?

>[Speech 90] It just works.

>>fucking crucifies people and has slaves

what is objectively wrong with crucifixion? what is objectively wrong with slavery?

Unironically my favourite game of all time

>[Speech 100] Please kill yourself


>what is objectively wrong with crucifixion?
It's medieval and barbaric and evil. Civilized moral people that care about human rights either murder them through drone bombings or electrocute them.

>what is objectively wrong with slavery?
It's medieval and barbaric and evil. Civilized moral people that care about human rights either murder civilians by bombing them or have them work 18 hours per day in chinese sweatshops.

I'm so proud of mankind that we've moved away from slavery.

Was the Roman republic bad?

to what authority can we ascribe the concepts of objective morality?

I bet Carthage would say yes

oh i didnt actually read your post, consider me gay and retarded

>[Barter 100] You should buy a second copy, pardner. What are you, some kind of commie shit?

Don't worry

Some anons like a more controlled experience.
They appreciate the guardrails that kept them from straying to far afield.

If anything it just continues the barbarism of the Wastes that Ceasar was trying to quell. Anybody worth crucifying would have sent more of a message popping them in the head and tossing them in a hole. All it makes the legion look like is another group of raiders.

OP here, can I please get some actual responses instead of this shit show?

I'm not telling you that it's bad or you can't enjoy it I just want to understand why

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Ceterum autem censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

Teleport back to 2010 and figure it out on your own fuckstick.

no idea, fallout 3 blows this shitty game out of the water

There isn't much to say, you either enjoy the possibility to role-play the game offers or don't, that's it. You have to stomach the horrendous engine it was made of, but it can be vastly mitigated if you play on pc with mods; speaking of which there are some top tier mods for nv in case you want, the game is already big enough but became endless thanks to the community.
In all honesty it's just very comfy to play.

Not OP, but I just beat lonesome road for the first time.

>[speech 90] You know we could just not.
>Ulysses: Oh,I guess we could.

The fuck was the point of this whole thing? I still don't even know why there were two Ed-Es either.

Absurdism basically. There's the lol so random XD that was the think tank then theres the self absorbed mysterious big think that was Ulysses.

>good guys and bad guys
brainlet, this isn't a bioware game


Huge variety of weapons
A good bit of options to make repeat playthroughs different
Actually possible to roleplay
Memorable (memeable) characters

Because the ranger armor is great.

because I'm a weary exile, singing my song of loneliness.

>well you see jimmy rifle number 7 here deals a bit more damage but fires a little more slowly

you must be thinking of borderlands

When you really think about it, all guns are exactly the same, they just shoot a little differently and use different kinds of bullets.

because it's amazing for a bethesda game mod

>Fallout 1
>Fallout 2
Pretty good
>Fallout 3
>Fallout NV
Pretty Good
>Fallout 4
Bad and the only fallout game I have less than 40 hrs in
Todd isn't necessarily bad but he isn't taking the series in a good direction. Also oversimplifying statements doesn't refute them, retard.

It's the best of the 3D Fallouts that's for sure.

Do you guys prefer singular villains like The Master, Father Elijah, and Ulysses, or the “army villains” like The Enclave and Ceaser’s Legion?
Personally I prefer singular antagonist. Makes the game feel more focused.

Has the most freedom in any RPG I've ever played.
No contrived plot like Bethesda's Fallouts - just find the person who killed you and go from there on how you plan to shape the Mojave with the information you've learned along the way.
It definitely feels a bit aged now, but with any luck we'll hopefully get something similar in The Outer Worlds.

I love it because you can play this game as anything you want.
Pistol, Shotgun, SMG, Sniper, Anti Material Rifle meme, Energy Weapons, Melee, Unarmed or even literally nothing it all just WERKS

Caesar’s Legion had the most interesting characters. Waaay better than NCR. The only interesting NCR character was Boone.

All factions are shit independence is the only correct choice

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This is correct
Also killing Benny as soon as humanly possible, because fuck anyone who wears a checkered suit

Who wears a suit walking through the goddamn desert of all places.

It felt like Indepedent was just there as a failsafe if you somehow managed to piss off NCR, House, and Legion at the same time so you couldn’t do any of their quests to end game.

killing everyone after your done with them is the 200iq way of playing this game, preferably with a ripper

me after I kill benny and take his suit

I hope you made the right choice and exterminated all of the White Legs instead of running away from Zion like a pussy, you wouldn't want to disappoint Randall Clark would you?

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