Why are arcades still popular in Japan?

Why are arcades still popular in Japan?

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They're dying too btw, just not quite at the rate in the West. Anyway, I think it's because it's one of those things a lot of salarymen do after work to let off steam, since there's less of a stigma with adults playing video games in Japan than in the West.

t. lived in Japan for 6 years

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vidya is universally enjoyed in Japan
there are old people playing on their DS in the subway

I live in Japan and my guess answer would be because (some) of the most popular titles provide an experience that is harder to get at home. You can play fighting games on console or PC but replicating some of the more unique games like the card games or the rhythm games is either impossible or just expensive due to custom controls.

-They have new games
-You have passionate communities even for old ass games
-A lot of games are designed to be clearly different to a console game, with custom arcade cabinets and controllers like this user said You also have a lot of lowest common denominator games with grindy shit mechanics like with gacha games so it's not something mostly meant for hardcore gamers like the usual american barcade.

And also you don't need to go too far to find an arcade center because trains

You underestimate the autism of the north American arcade community. Pop on over to the rhythm game thread on /jp/ and you'll understand. I play Japanese rhythm game arcade cabinet rips on my computer just fine with my arcade specification custom controller I imported from China

playing alone in a solitary environment is kinda sad, no?

They aren't

There are almost no niggers

Pirated iidx rips with a djdao is fine but are you going to setup your house to be able to play iidx and chunithm and sdvx and jubeat and etc.

they actually like video games

because they dont have blacks sitting around putting graffiti everywhere and causing problems, breaking machines, putting gum on the floor, etc.

because you don't have to drive 45 minutes to get to one and when you get there there aren't a million little snotty kids running around because there's a birthday party or it's just the weekend or something

Yes, separate computers running separate games on separate monitors with separate controllers on keyboard stands

You mean things white american tourists do when they visit?

Ok well I said "impossible or just expensive". Thirteen US autists doing that doesn't mean most people will.

No darkies around shitting it up or shooting it up.

You mean things that only happen in your obsessed head?

>Why are arcades still popular in Japan?
Don't they have in Japan basically local multiplayer for games. Like you sit at one arcade machine. Dude sit's at another on and you fight against the person the other side of you. Don't Japan still have that sort of shit that means playing real people outside in the real world more than online at home. Like something to do with Honor n shit?

could be, white countries are completely trashed and so the people along with them.

because there aren't any "undesirables" roaming them

Someone sounds triggered

There are many popular local multiplayer games but they are many popular because they are arcade only. The experience for most of those could be replicated at home.

I can assure you that if a white tourist did any of those things they'd be deported. Stay mad and obsessed

Maybe if you're poor, that's expensive

They aren't

You've never left the city you were born in have you. Deported for putting gum on the floor in a game center, lol.

>ywn have a cutie /jp/ gf shit all over you on any shmup, fighter, or rhythm game

That's actually a good point.

I live in texas, you go into any bathroom here its a bunch of white trash throwing grafitti or some stupid message on the wall. Trash is trash no matter what race.

Yes I totally do that whenever I'm abroad, the Spanish Customs call me "El Sig" because I bring my Sig Sauer with me everytime I go to Barajas

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no nigs

Put graffiti on a Japanese building and tell me what happens. Don't be retarded and try to bring up the smallest infraction as an argument when you're the retard who brought it up.

More like you live in Austin, Houston, or Dallas which are full of California trash

I also understand that the northern states, especially near the coasts, have big japanese communities by comparison to the rest of the state. Those japanese super markets near Wisconsin are comfy as hell

This is actually a long standing concern with Japanese citizens, and will always come to the conclusion that certain petty vandalization or littering was done by Americans, mostly because they leave their burger wrappers and chewing gum all over the god damn park.

where I'm from in New England there've been more and more arcades popping up
some of them are pretty legit, one even has a melty cabinet

You mean the fucking jarheads causing issues in Okinawa?

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>live in Amsterdam, which /pol/ would describe as a multicultural hellhole with almost 200 ethnicities
>it's actually pretty nice and everyone gets along fine for the most part
>it's nice and clean and no reason to ever be fearful of "non-white" kids or people hanging around
>there's a sense of community that transcends and actually dwarfs bullshit ethnic identities despite being a "little big city"
>even in poorer neighborhoods I have no problem walking the streets at any given hour of the day or night
>whatever problems we have are rarely caused by muh /pol/-scapegoats
>there's lots to do and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else despite having seen most of th eworld
Of course you never did graffiti, stick gum somewhere, or hung around with your friends on someone's porch or inside someone's staircase, or did any of the things youngsters do when you were young, right?

Population density
No personal computer culture
Also Jap arcades are dying

Russians are also blamed often.

not that guy but no, I wasn't a hooligan that vandalized and littered all over the place
it's pretty fucking easy not to, only people that have maldeveloped superegos act like that and I'm guessing by you trying to justify it you're retarded too

Average living space is small, so the Japanese go out if they want to have fun and wind down more often than us waito piggu.

I should have phrased that as being a common scapegoat, because I'm pretty sure a few of the native cunts will just do it because nobody will blame them for it.

Because they are everywhere and they are a fun way to pass the time while waiting to meet someone or before going to work.
In Tokyo you can literally walk 20 feet in any direction and find an arcade.

Also arcades aren't dying they are seeing a resurgence even in the west.

to add to this, people of all races do that stuff, but I don't justify it like a cuck

Nicotine addiction

Because their Arcade culture isn't poverty like Americas.

>Also arcades aren't dying they are seeing a resurgence even in the west.
Rather enjoy that shit in Japan. Than have some nigger shoot up the arcade because the machine wouldn't give him his quarters.

Because japan aren't anti-social NEETS locked behind their bedroom doors and arcades have the potential for social interactions.

they're dying in nipland too
pachinko is whats replacing arcades

Visited a Round One recently and it was a lot of fun

Culture of spending your leisure time out instead of staying at home in tiny cramped living quarters that your average jap has (hikis are more of an anomaly than the norm) same reason why handheld and mobile gaming are wildly more popular than home consoles.

Logistics of having high density urban metro sprawl where game centers operate alongside your average commute, as opposed to driving out of your way to one or being largely exclusive to shopping centers.

Lack of drug related crime and violent gang activity that stigmatized western arcade businesses during the 90s and late 80s


They aren't.
t. I live in Japan

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aren't autist scores still maintained in memory there?
that's worth keeping up

>but muh white trash
>we are all equal
>see whites can act like blacks too!

poor whites mimic the behavior of poor blacks because poor blacks dominate poor whites with their aggressive behavior which means whites are just copying blacks as a survival mechanism. Areas with no blacks do not have poor whites acting like this, gun crime statistics strongly demonstrate this correlation. Extremely poor but ethnically homogeneous whites have a much lower violent crime rate than urban blacks.
