Why'd you come back?

>Why'd you come back?
>I wanted to make a Resident Evil thread.

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Kill yourself.

Discuss The Evil Within and its sequel ITT.

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Preliminary scoring for the four top Resi games with a focus on replay value by how immersive the games are - asking the question: do I want to return to and live in this world?

REmake - 9/10
REmake 2 - 7.5/10
RE4 - 8/10
RE7 - 10/10

Let's argue these scores considering my parameters.

Oda, where's my friend Billy?

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REmake 3 will be the absolute pinnacle of the series. It will surpass every previous entry.

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Numbered scores are gay and you are gay for using them

Shes 44 yo and you will never see her again

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RE isnt popular on Yea Forums today.

I like doing it but

RE7>REmake>RE4>REmake 2

Now let's argue it. Most people remain on the RE2 hype train still and like it best, and while I've played it more than the rest, it's because I bought 7 around the time REmake 2 was released, which spurred me to buy REmake 2. RE7 is just special.

I'm thinking about lowering REmake 1 because I played it a second time and redoing the vast multitude of puzzles is a chore.

There was a 500+ reply thread earlier

>Weak enemy variety, enemies don't even look that distinct from each other
>Linear map design that only gets more linear as the game goes on
>End game is basically just FEAR
>Many unskippable cutscenes. Makes replaying tedious

Out of those 4, for fun my ranking would be
RE4> RE2make > RE7 > REmake
For horror my ranking would be
RE7 > REmake > RE2make > RE4

>RE7 is just special.
Special like a down syndrome child. It's bad. The setting is generic and boring, there's little to no lore to make up for it - which is the entire part of RE that ends up making it fun - it's not b movie schlock horror, the puzzles are laughable, the music is dogshit and thus the atmosphere is dogshit.
Man I'd play re5 every day for the rest of my life and still get more fun out of it than playing re7 once. Like cunts who thought PT was silent hill, it's not, it was generic spooky shit, these old horror franchises did not succeed by being generic and spooky, they succeeded and gained longevity because they done something different and unique that made them interesting.

I can see some of your complaints but I feel that RE7 is the best example of survival horror there is in terms of an overall experience. I don't care what everyone says about REmake 1. There are too many puzzles. Walking back and forth to the storage gets annoying and repetitive, although I could see it being improved with more experience. What I especially enjoy out of RE7 is the campy over-the-top moments throughout. It only improves Resi. They made campy dialogue sound perfectly executed without resorting to bad voice actors.

tldr: Resi needs over-the-top borderline cheesy moments - they only improve on the formula. I'm probably one of the few who found RE7 funny at times and not frightening, but merely dreadful

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>Spent hours watching reviews of literally every game in the series
>watch a full playthrough of REmake2
>still haven't played a single one
fuck is wrong with me? I'm not even a zoomer, I was fucking 8 when the original RE2 released.

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>the music is dogshit

Fuck you, that bayou save room theme is great.

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It'll remain a cult classic like Deadly Premonition most likely then. There are people who find it special because it's a humorous game with a main character who begins to find things humorous. People who like Sam Raimi's horror movies are just about the only people who understand it. You sir, are not a part of that club.

The one character thats a good guy that should actually have powers is her. They should give us an action game starring her that utilizes that fact

2nd one was a better game but the first felt more memorable

Why is Claire's Campaign in REmake 2 so boring? I play Leon's way more

This desu
I liked the Bakers but there was nothing else I redeeming about RE7

Claire had the better story. Leon is just cooler. He also has the best escape music. That gave me goosebumps when I frst played.


is this just a joke bit or is there more?

Cheese and camp aren't what makes these games appealing, it's the gameplay. Resident Evil is at it's best when elements like tough enemies, good level design, and resource scarcity come together.


There is always more if you're into pedo shit

REmake 2 made me sad. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the fuck out of it and some of the updating was great. But removing the point of doing scenario Claire A/Leon B then Leon A/Clair B made it obvious that they didn't put any effort into making the stories feel concurrent or like your choices mattered/affected the other characters scenario. So in that respect I think the original RE2 was better.

Otherwise I think RE2 needs to stop with the unrealistic random gun damage. Switch it to consistent area damage with regeneration thresholds.
For example if you hit the brainstem on certain creatures, dead. But if you hit other areas, it doesn't do as much damage and they begin to regenerate the damage. But if you do a heap of damage quickly, they'll go down from the trauma. Hard mode can be that certain organs must be targeted for a kill shot or they can regenerate continually. That way there's real stakes and real fear to shooting but it's not impossible and rewards skill

Do you defend REmake then? Too many puzzles and keeping track of too many items detracts from that game.

>tfw no standalone HUNK game

Wasn't he in the raccoon city game?

And in fact, I'm starting to think like the masses and say RE4 is the perfect amalgamation of RE mechanics. The shooting in REmake is awful as well.


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First I've heard someone complaining about having a hard time keeping track of puzzles and items. Sounds like a personal issue.
Also how can you accuse REmake of having "too many items" when there are various miscellaneous items in RE7 and the game doesn't even discard key items like previous games do so they clutter up the item box?
What exactly is wrong with the shooting? It's perfectly functional.

Running back to the storage box to put away unneeded items too often is an issue I've heard before. It's the insanely limited storage space.

Vote here for the best Resident Evil title out of the big four. I'm curious.

That school bus is too fucking long.

That's intentional game design. Carrying many healing items and weapons comes at an opportunity cost.
I don't know how you can draw issue with REmake when 7's inventory system works the same way by expecting you to either limit what you're carrying or go in prepared but with limited ability to gather new items.

Original OST or remake OST?

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I just didn't have a problem with it in 7 because of the backpacks. It's an improvement on the formula I think. But tell me why t isn't.

>But tell me why t isn't.
I don't have a problem with the backpacks, don't know why you think I have a problem with them.
Their existence doesn't change the fact that the game still expects you to weigh the opportunity cost of what you'll fill your inventory with by giving you fewer whole goods like first aid meds and ammo and more crafting items and things like the corrosive acids to occupy your inventory.

good game, yes?

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Good game, especially after 15 years of mediocre action games (not counting RE7 obviously)
Painfully disappointing as a RE2 remake, though.

Yeah, I understand inventory management in these games, it's just that in REmake there was a lot of returning to safe rooms, but I'll play REmake again. I think you're misunderstanding me though. The backpacks and hip pouches IMPROVE on the formula and therefore REmake is objectively worse perhaps? I also really didn't like the door with the handle that breaks. Broke the flow of the game for little reason.

This. It really seems like they had to cut a lot of corners and make a lot of compromises to stay within budget and time frame.

I'm also really asking these questions because Drk Souls, MGS3 and RE7 really inspired to want to design games. So once I have access to a computer (I'm on a PS4) I'm going to learn C++

I can't beat Mr. X final form, this is such bullshit

Fuck man
Fully realized Outbreak on this engine when?

R+G+B Herbs give you higher defense. When he goes for that shitty OHK attack, flash grenades will break him out of it. Frag grenades should work too, if you have neither shoot him in the heart with the magnum or shotgun.

Oh so you can take more hit with the blue herb, that's interesting. I just needed a little bit of edge to beat him. In hardcore, it's just two hits and you're dead.

just like shoot gun

There is a lot of returning to safe rooms in every survival horror RE game the first few times you play. Once you get an understanding of the game you'll know what you can get away with.
>I also really didn't like the door with the handle that breaks. Broke the flow of the game for little reason.
That was to get you to engage more with the level design. You have to decide between a limited use shortcut or taking routes through dangerous hallways. Everything in RE is an opportunity cost and the level design is no exception.

You can do R+B too for the defense buff if you don't have enough green herbs, you just won't get the healing out.

Another thing they don't tell you in REmake is how to mash out of zombie grabs. Or maybe they did and I missed it. I had to look up a video.

I never saw it, only reason I knew was because of an user that posted his findings

I just ordered RE2 remake. Haven't played a Resi game since the original game came out in the 90s. Looking forward to it.

It's the closest we've been to classic RE since RE4, 7 almost had it, but then the boat happened.
Don't get me wrong, I like 7, for most of the game it's excellent, but it shits the bed, and then drags it's heels while you're trying to get it out of the bed


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It's a masterpiece. "You find hurhhh and you stop her"

Just gimme all the nude mod screenshots of Claire that youve got, goddamn it.

Just finished Leon A. Should I do Claire B or A first?

Claire A.

A deals a deal user, now you have to lick my pits!

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