Final Fantasy XIII

Is the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy worth playing through?

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The 2nd and 3rd ones aren't bad. Pretty good games in all honestly.

However, because you have to play the horrible 1st one, the trilogy isn't worth play.


>in all honestly
>isn't worth play

I tried to like FF XIII, it's character models are beautiful to look at, i really tried but its just so. Fucking. BORING.

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FF XIII represents everything shitty about last gen
>games in development for fucking forever
>finally come out and dissapoint the fan base
>somehow short
>bare bones
>runs like ass
>totally forgettable

Damn the first is really that bad? Ive recently played through all the FFs 1-10 but dont know if I should continue

All that shit you love about the old Final Fantasies? The exploration? Lived in worlds? Gone. Not here. Shops are now floating web order balls at the end of long hallways.

13 is ok
13-2 is good
13-3 is shit

Unless you constantly fantasize about Lightning sitting on your face then the general answer is no
The Trilogy has a few redeeming qualities here and there but the majority of it is plagued by horrible design decisions or stories so bad they put VIII's muppet babies twist to shame

I only played the first one. Only decent. But a FF game, decent means it's high up there. Game really struggles to get off the ground though. First seven chapters are fucking stupid. Then it finally opens up in chapter 8. Lightning isn't bad like people make her out to be. Vanille is the real bitch in the game.

FF XIII is unironically the worst game I have ever played.

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XIII-3 is the weirdest sequel I ever played.

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If you have nude mods yeah

Fuck no. They're among the worst JRPGs ever made, and they don't belong in the Final Fantasy series.

No. Play Type 0 instead.

So you didn't play the other FF games I see.

I played and finished all of them from 7 to 13 (except 11).

The truth is XIII is actually pretty fucking good. The problem is that the game doesn't get good till around the 20 hour mark. Worth it? Yeah, but those 20 hours are really tedious. It's not that the game is one corridor after another. It's the characters, the disbalanced combat, the tedious encounters and just frustrating experience. The other 2 get the balance right but XIII is hated because they can't get passed those first 20 hours and it is a legitimate complaint.

hey Michael...
try going right...

>Gran Turismo 5
Yep, sounds about right. Few slipped thru and were good but not enough

If it does, we would already have a remastered for current gen

Reminder that Lighting is a worst character.

They're all very good. Lightning Returns is a masterpiece.

Attached: ff tiers, definitive edition.jpg (520x698, 95K)

>any FF game
>above C tier

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yeah , the third one is a great game .

If you're fine with JRPG's and particularly the FF series then sure it's worth it. People who hate it don't like FF they just live off of nostalgia.

As three games? Unironically yes. As a trilogy? Well still yes, but the connections don't really make it a conventional trilogy. In any case XIII-1 is abysmal to get through to get to the good stuff beyond it. So good luck.