Every fight that isnt against normal enemies feels like bashing my head against a wall until i get lucky

Every fight that isnt against normal enemies feels like bashing my head against a wall until i get lucky.
How do i get gud at this game?

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Learn to parry

learn to read unblockable attacks and practice deflecting alot

That's what the game is.
Keep getting two shot until you memorize the bosses strings and perfect deflect all of them.

Just cheat. Game is GOTY with an indestructible Sekiro.

Stop bashing and use your fucking brain instead of your skull?
At the very least decide if you're going to go for vit or posture and commit.

How do I parry? I can't get the timing right, it feels like enemies always fuck my parries. Do I have to press it the instant before I get hit or what

Press it when the weapon is about three feet away from you.

For me that seems to be the case, though the “instant” is somewhat generous. Honestly it’s more right at the peak of a windup usually, right when it switches to the attack. I kept trying to time it to the sound of clangs when I blocked, and it was very inconsistent. I dunno if I’m just being a shitter here, but I’m on PS4 and I’m convinced that it’s the latency of the controller + tv. I started testing hitting block and seeing the animation, and I think the tiny latency between button press and block animation may be enough to fail a parry if you try to time it to be within 1 or 2 frames. So I just started trying to time it to be earlier than that.

The parry is too short, and in NG+ even perfect parries impact your stamina.
I'm not a twitch professional player, I don't have 15 hours a day to spend on learning a game by heart.

train against the undead npc literally tells you everything

*the parry window

>hardest boss is your own giant errection

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Sekiro is all fun and games until you get to Genichiro.
Fucker spends all my estus on the first healthbar, what fucking do

actually pay attention to their moveset
you can hold L1 when they're attacking you to stay safe while doing so
then when you think you got the timing down, let go of L1 and try to actively parry it

I fought him after getting the umbrella.

time to git gud

The game gets lots easier after him, be brave.

It's one of the more generous parry windows I've seen in a game of this type user

You can even get lucky just mashing parry sometimes

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Three parrying in this game is terrible, mostly it's because it gets near zero feedback, so it's something you just get better at overtime while you play, just try to mash block in the rhythm of the game, get good at reading sweeps so you can jump kick fore posture breaks practice on the undead guy. Mikiri counters suck since half the time the game rewards you for it, the other half you get punished for it. Biggest thing to learn is attacks aren't completely dodgable in this game, no matter how good you are guys like seven spear have bad hitboxes, and this is a common thing. So your bread and butter is attacking about two times into a guarding enemy, sometimes more, for easy posture damage and occasional chip damage, this will normally dictate the rhythm of the fight and force enemies to use actually dodgable attacks in an area you can dodge them in. Then it's just a question of reading grab moves which are unintuitive on enemies that aren't title card bosses.

If you can figure out how to kill long arm swordsman and seven spear easy, then you've learned this game well enough to beat it.


Alright, I try to avoid asking for solutions, but I am at what I can only imagine is the final boss and still have these two snake hearts I have no idea what to do with. I feel like I ran into some hint about it way earlier but I can't for the life of me remember. What do I do with these things?

>see one armed Caterpillar giraffe meme
>its real
>wtf do i do
>eat candies for first time
>die 5 times

Oh wait... all i have to do is parry and jump on his head 6 times.

Easiest boss of the 10 ive done so far despite the fuck factor at first sight

>Do I have to press it the instant before I get hit or what
Rule of thumb since dark souls is the window begins when the windup ends
Exceptions being extremely slow broad strokes like corrupted monk, just parry when it's about to hit you the timing is very generous

>mostly it's because it gets near zero feedback
You mean the extra loud clangs and the explosion of sparks along with a corona of energy isn't enough feedback for you?

The secret to getting good at Sekiro is literally just going full unga bunga.

Just keep attacking and constantly keep the pressure up, only dodging when the Kanji symbol appears. Also abuse your prosthetic tools. If you're doing badly at the game it's most likely because you're playing too safe, which the game really likes to punish you for.

You have to cuddle up to the divine child and eat kuro's cooking
Start this off by giving rice to those weird holy women and getting more from the divine child
Sadly if you're truly at the final boss I don't think you can proceed with this stuff but there's 4 endings so don't expect to get everything in your first playthrough

I beat him on my second try, he's basically all just parries and mikiri counters while you hug his anus and get in a few bitch slaps. His second form is easier because of the lightning reversal.

Pretty sure on base os4 the game has pretty bad input lag. I have to parry before the event even attacks or it doesn’t register . Pretty much ruined the game for me. I beat sword saint so I guess I got used to it but still. No excuse for this kind of input lag in a game like this, literally fucking ruins the whole experience

Fuck were they thinking

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You get that either way, and in a game as visually cluttered as this you need less subtle feedback. Dark souls and bloodborne did it better.

Am I retarded or something or doesn't your posture get lower even if you parry

Base ps4 I meant

You must not parry enough if you can't tell when parry went off.

>Beat the first boss no problem
>Get obliterated 10 minutes later by an autistic bull
How the fuck do I beat this thing?

Does Attack power max out at 20 like vitality or does it keep going?!

Im sitting on 6 boss memories to take my attack power to 13.
Is attack power important to keep playing thru NG+ or once it gets to a certain point it makes little difference?

Playing on PS4 was our first mistake but From really should have optimized the game for all platforms.

I'm playing on my regular ass ps4 and having no issues like this.

I'm on Ng+2 and I've only just now fully taken the unga bunga pill. Killed 2apes first try now with lots of healing left and shit. The only boss I fucking refuse to do is DoH as it's simply a load of bullshit. Random flailing and hitboxes all over the place.
It doesn't cap out, maybe ever. I have over 20, I heard some guy had over 70. I guess the theory is that it scales with new ng+es

You can either just parry it or stay behind it. It's really easy to stay behind since you can sprint sanic fast.

Seems like I have to parry before the attack lands. It shouldn’t be like this

You should parry as the blades clash, common sense

Sprint around it autistically and get a few hits in whenever possible. I'm serious, just sprint away from most of its bullshit. The attacks are slow and easy to block, so just try to parry when you feel like the opportunity is there.

Good comeback, the game is literally immune to criticism to you.

You can run faster than it and turn tighter, do the math

Honestly user just go for it. Like, hold block when it attacks you, jump, Swing. Go fucking bananas on it. I beat it on accident because I panicked and did that

>start parrying as soon as the horns hit the ground when it charges

Feel free to throw in some firecrackers if you miss a deflect and it starts winding up.

I mean you do have to parry a moment before it lands. That just makes sense. You can't parry an attack after it has already hit you.

It's a bad boss, you literally have to chase it instead of being chased and get in ass hits where you can. It's dmc2 helicopter levels of stupid where you think " no this can't possibly be the right way to do this" but it is.

It's funny because DoH is THE unga boss
He only has a few things he can do to you when you're wailing on his nutsack and they're all easy to counter/avoid

Make sure your criticisms are well founded. If you want to whine about the camera fucking you in small spaces, I can see that. Not being able to tell when a parry connects? Come the fuck on.

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After 10 attack power I can’t tell any difference at all

10 must be the point of diminishing returns

Waste of sp unless you already have all the skills Imo

In NG, if you perfect parry you get almost no posture damage. In NG+ it becomes a pain in the ass, until you reach Owl again and decide to cheat.

hold sprint and follow him everywhere. Legit just do not let him run away from you and hit his ass

It lowers your posture but you can't be broken as long as you keep successfully parrying. You'll just stay at full posture damage.

I treated the bull like I treated the boar in Dark Souls and penetrated his ass.

>the parry window is too short
it's really fucking not

Keep running and jump over his charge attack and knick him as he's charging. The firecrackers will also put him in a stunned state where you can wail on him.

would I like this if I didn't really like bloodborne but mildly liked DS3 (DS1 >>> 3 = 2 > BB to me)

They are you autistic nigger. In Dark souls and in blood born the game gives proper visual and audio cues. Blood Bourne is even better at this because you're mobbed by incredibly fast paced enemies so the distinct sounds and visual cues Stands out more, especially because is so distinct from the rest of the game ensuring you can see it and hear it through everything going on. In seikiro everything looks and sounds nearly the same amongst a mob of enemies to where you can barely tell what you're doing. I beat every souls game including this one so far and I've seen my fair share of these mechanics, seikiro does it poorly. Take the L.

Is it just me or are some hitboxes pretty bad in this game?
This guy in particular is giving me early Dark Souls 2 flashbacks

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You mash the parry button until the enemy tuckers itself out.

>its not soulsborne!!!

a parry sounds and looks completely different from a block though.

No, seikiro is more like blood born, frenetic and faster paced

I dunno, sounds like you have awful taste so the only solution is to try it out and see if it pleases milady

Its a completely different game so its hard to tell

1. stop pretending its dark souls and trying to dodge shit
2. stop acting like a bitch sissy
3. smash that motherfucking attack button

boner please no

They clearly spent more time on certain fights than others

Its not just you, they're intentionally bad so you play around them a certain way, it's one of the biggest flaws in this game.

>Take the L.
You really think you can win this one? I don't even need to post any more proof, you're just bad and. Go play something slower paced

I dunno, some fights are so easy for me that it makes me feel like the hard ones are actually easy too and it's me not knowing what the trick is.

Dodging shit is fine, especially if you're trying to hack down their vitality so posture actually stays down

Yeah I didn't really enjoy the combat, most enemies were autistic as fuck jumping around at the speed of light and it got tiresome pretty quick. I also didn't like how the tone and world changed halfway through to something completely different

Guess I'll pick it up when it's on sale, thanks anons

>beat the game
Okay loser, learn to take criticism of your games not as a personal attack.

Yes ds2 vibes all over - the drunkard, the chained orgre, that fucking retarded bull fight...

just pirate it and try it out.

Yeah i was thinking as much as this has been the saem case with all souls type games.

Eventually you get diminishing returns where it doest even matter anymore

>beat the game
>can't tell the difference between a block and parry

Attached: block.jpg (1200x800, 197K)

i need some eyebleach

Its a mix of some slightly wonky hitboxes, and insane tracking on many moves.

I beat the game and I'm still fairly bad, it doesn't prove much. Hell the baseline metric for these games' difficulty is Miyazaki being able to beat it with his Japanese boomer reflexes.

Do you have glasses?
Vision handicap?

Wait does letting go of L1 count as a parry? I thought I had to hold L1 and then let go then press it again to go from guard to parry.

It's not short, there's input lag on ps4 and your stamina meter still builds even if it's successful. So you might be doing it right and not even know.

You definitely have to tap L1 to parry even if you're already blocking.

>Isshin Sword Saint trophy
>3,5% PS4 players got it
>i-it's well paced
Players involvement is important when you want to make a successful game.

I dunno but it's really annoying in a game you have 3 buttons to react and 1 to attack.

You keep playing. If you can beat 7 Spears, Lady Butterfly, and Genichiro in the early game you are perfectly capable of beating Sekiro. I beat Sword Saint last night and if I can do that shit most people playing this game probably can too. It just boils down to learning enemy attack patterns and responding appropriately. Also, be aggressive whenever possible. Bosses only use a couple of moves as a follow up to parrying you. Its easier to predict what theyre gonna do.

I play at 100fps+ and have vsync removed. I feel sorry for console boys who have to deal with input lag and sub 60fps framerate.

You need to attack its head in order to do good damage, not its ass. Deflect its shit.

So what does Kusabi mean?

It's mostly a trick, instead of being able to use any of those as your preferred means of defense you basically parry everything that's parry able in succession, read sweep moves and jump kick them, mikiri counter only some times, and dodge only to get to an enemies side , all while mashing attack which depending on the boss varies.

There's very few exceptions to this pattern.

You freed Hanbei from his torment, didn't you?

>got Isshin Sword Saint on PS4
So it was some kind of hard mode?
How do you explain you're a manlet playing with a knife?

I haven't fought Geni yet but those other two encounters are far from the hardest. Mme Butterfly is fair enough that you can do her as the first boss. And I beat Seven Spears in two tries, what did I do right? He gets mentioned so often here. I don't see how beating them prepared me for fighting the variety of other challenges I've found in the game so far.

I haven't even played it and i can tell you this: utilize openings to damage your enemies health bar. It's like a baby's toy come on.

>that sound when you use the teeth
Damn, felt it in my own mouth

The entire game loop is pattern fighter. If you can't beat it as-is, stop now.

楔 Wedge, lynchpin; a tie, bond

>I'm not a twitch professional player, I don't have 15 hours a day to spend on learning a game by heart.
Why do you care about NG then?

Mostly unrelated but I don't know what to do and didn't feel like starting my own thread.

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Play Sekiro

I've already spent over 26 hours playing Sekiro. I want to play DS1 again but it's fucking up.


I said professional because I consider them. Just saying the game needs you to learn every boss routine by heart to end it. Pretty sure that everyone died at least 30 times to Isshin, Owl, Genichiro or the Monkey. This game is crazy hard

people still have trouble with this game wtf?

thats y Sekiro proved
soulborne series were casual

I died for hours to seven spear, once I figured him out i beat everybody else in 2 tries.