Post your favorite video game series
I don't own 3 because it's shit.
Post your favorite video game series
I don't own 3 because it's shit.
fbpb denial
nigger you stole those games
haha black
What the fuck is that??
>video game series
>it's at least 3 different series, possibly 4
wow good job you nigger
> 1. Legend of Zelda
> 2. Final Fantasy
> 3. Persona
Rate my Taste you faggots, i dare you
>I don't own 3 because it's shit.
>owns Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne and Sekiro
Pretty good outside of FF, Square Enix can't seem to make a good FF to save their lives (XII, XIII-1. XIII-2, XIII-3, XV)
Yet you own DS 2
>Half life
dark souls
VI, IX, IV, VII, Tactics, X & X-2 were all good but everything since then has been terrible. Overall still pretty solid
how the f do you emptyquote
Oh look the autistic nigger hand is back
>amerigun box art
its fun tho
>I don't own 3 because it's shit
Soulsbornekiro is literally one series dipshit.
Markell is that you?
>half life
>resident evil
Watch out someone is trying to steal your games.
Ok so why does everyone reeee the fuck out when you say that sekiro is a shitty souls game for not having any mechanics, claiming it's in fact not a souls game
>puts DS2 above DS3
>plays the PS3 version of DS1
small dick white supremacist jealous and mad
You're shit
>I don't own 3 because it's shit.
based n-word
what's wrong with your skin?
Nothing wrong with a fellow gamer stealing vidya from another gamer. It's called git gud, and protect yourself from griefers irl.
Based soulsnigger
nigga got old man hands
I give your post a 1/10 for the effort.
>Fable TLC&2
>Saints Row
>Mass Effect 1&2.
>2 launch PS3s
Okay that might actually be stolen.
How do i get a black gamer best friend to listen to hip hop and watch anime with?
Huh, so Son(y)ggers are actual niggers. Who would've thunk it?
Legend of Zelda
So is Sekiro officially apart of the soulsborne franchise?
Go find a place that hold Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments.
This has always been one of the oddest memes this board ever established.
Go to prison. They'll probably try to fuck you though.
You got alot of games bro jesus
I'm Mexican and own everything except DS2 because it's shit
>How do i get a black gamer best friend
Crash a Wedding and fuck over your own staff at the same time.
I fucking hate niggers so goddamn fucking much
I didn't hate them till my traitor government brought them to my country.
Who did you stole those games from? give them back Jamal
is it the same guy taking all these images? is it a Yea Forumsirgin? if not then why is someone including their hand in their image?
>those hands
is that your grandma?
>black trans
>has a home
tranny or grandma definitely.
Shit the fuck up rugarell. We all know it's you and youre the one with a small dick.
Too black
sage bait post
he pirated them retard
>announcing sage
Legend of zelda, soulsborne, castlevania, dmc, and resident evil.
>Tales of Zesteria
>Fallout 4
Shit fucking taste.
Don't worry user I hate your kind just as much.
Resegregation soon, brother. All sides want it.
And I don't care because niggers as a group are far to retarded to have anything resembling agency.
I have the same hands. I could post my collection and people wold think we were the same person.
Same bro, same.