How do you measure soul

how do you measure soul

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You don’t because it’s a meaningless meme buzzword. It’s like asking how you measure blorf, it doesn’t ducking mean anything.

Your brain has to be completely saturated and numb with years of consuming media so every little thing that makes you feel something it's supposedly to be soul.

tape measure desu

unbased and phoneposterpilled

Proper use of color and contrast.
Handmade assets in every nook and cranny of the game
Things within the world that don't entirely make sense/look a little janky

>2020 upon us
>not having the new blorfmaster 3000 with a gliby attachment

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You don't, that's what's good about it.

Seething jaded materialists

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you can't but I will say the palette and composition of the screenshot on the bottom is better to look at. I don't think you could set up a similar close angle in the reignited one cause all games these days usually make the model vanish if you get too close.

lmao you're just dumb and mad

I dont get how people prefer OG Spyro over remake

Is nostaglia that strong?

Another buzzword

By how much or how little you like something.

>How I remember it as a kid when I was carefree = SOUL

>still using ISHYGDDT

Attached: 1549216591988.jpg (480x451, 26K)

>better music
>better color scheme
>voice acting that fits the characters

All they need to do is up the saturation

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>nice colors
>ice looks fun and slippy but shallow so maybe dangerous
>i can tell what spyros expressions is without seeing his face
>scales are unironically more detailed
>bland colors everything looks the same
>everything looks like a plastic toy playset
>ice looks like rocks
>snow is too white
>wings are cute

Thoughts in this Yea Forums?

If you have to ask, you'll never know. The truth is the NPC phenomenon wasn't a meme, there is a good portion of humanity who are simply automatons designed to like new and shiny things.


In actuality the soul is in the first one because it was an original idea trying to make it big.

And the remake is a cash in on a game that did well that manipulates people via nostalgia.

How much value do you put into visual direction?

Attached: Big-Xenoblade-Chronicles-X-Wii-U-Screenshot-In-the-Jungle.jpg (1500x702, 320K)

>composed like a painting (the LOD helps the effect)
>the distant gondola station is highlighted against the pastel skybox and the deep blue mountain
>the ice is clear and reflective and painted with the color of the sky
>the explosion looks like a magical spell
>the sky creates the feeling of being safe on a fantasy mountaintop during twilight

>no composition at all (and looks busy since everything has the same amount of detail regardless of distance)
>the gondola station is indiscernible against the sky, the distant mountains, the nearby mountain, and the ice, all of which are the same color
>the ice is rough and cracked and not reflective, looks like rock
>the explosion is realistic and dangerous looking, clashes with the aesthetic
>the sky creates the feeling of scaling a bleak rocky mountain during gloomy overcast weather

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This, and consistent artstyle.


I still can't believe they removed this.

That upped the soul by at least 30%!

>Spyro thread
Alright, let's just cut to the chase.
We all know the real purpose of this thread.

I laughed.

you count each one after it dies

Attached: pikmin soul.jpg (800x944, 33K)

Not optimistic. I love MediEvil, and I'm glad it'll be brought back into the limelight again, but all these shitty remakes lately have me pretty pessimistic about it.

What's wyiyiyiyum?

Skyboxes and the amount of bloom

maybe 30% but nothing beyond

I love the spyro remake but that motion blur actually makes me feel like I’m going to be sick

the original devs totally wanted to make the ice look like cobblestone but couldn't due to technical limitations

>better color scheme
>consistent artstyle.
lol it looks like shit, show any artist these 2 games next to other and they will agree remake is better

I don't even know what the fuck this is

I'm glad I don't have a console

What the monks said in the original, they changed it to some more toned down less cartoony sounding chant.

Soul is a comparator. Whichever thing is from earlier has more soul

the only people that dont prefer the original are zoomers that cant handle playing a game without all the modern conveniences
og trilogy is a masterpiece made by mold making pioneers of the industry
remake is a slopping cash grab made by literately who

the more bright plastic, the less soul

be happy: so many games with no soul, means you have more time to catch up on missed stuff

in daylight

No one says REmake is bad

The darkness in the distance looks better on the PS1

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What's with the chunky Fortnite mountains? You'd think the conical mountains of the original would take less effort to recreate.

>og trilogy is a masterpiece made by mold making pioneers of the industry
Lol that was literally their second game moron, nothing close to being a pioneer

>composed like a painting
Stopped reading there, holy shit tje delusion

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It is bad

Literally removes all color for DUDE BROWN AND GRAY LMAO

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Attached: Bonnieux.jpg (768x768, 140K)

Surely someone can mod the textures to fix the colors right? That's my ONLY issue with the remake

Based fucking truth

why did they change so much shit just for the sake of it?
its closer to a reboot, they clearly dont give a fuck about the original.


Shit makes me want to scream. Someone post the webms of all the missing animations to complete the rage

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The equation is "one divided by the product of the number of polygons on the screen multiplied by the average fps". Bigger number means more soul.

Ding ding ding we have a winner.

Seeing people on Yea Forums actually try to argue about 'soul' is absolutely hilarious because they say literally nothing of value or that has any actual meaning. They get triggered over the
>old game good new game bad
Meme but it is 100% spot on. It literally does boil down to them just pretending old game good and new game bad because they say so.

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>"y-you're just ungrateful! just play the original you whiny boomer!"

Soul: You can feel the love and hours put into something. Lack of polish isn't a measure of soul, just something that can occur when inexperienced/under-resourced creators push through to see their vision a reality. It's important to not mistake the latter for the former.

Soulless: A by the numbers product that exists to appeal to as many people as possible and in doing so lacks the personality of those who worked on it, their "souls" as it were.

Now this is a fucking crime

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Yep, there it is.

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>change so much but the headlights are left pentagons because obviously that was intentional and not a limitation
you cannot convince me this entire remake is not a practical joke funded by a billionaire

Seething blorflets

Just dumping this here

It's baffling honestly

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nothing makes any sense to me
at least they added the option to play the original music, I guess

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Last pic looks like Undercity.

>text box wipes in the original
>just disappears in remake

>spyro follows the orb as it bounces in the original
>stares shellshocked into nothingness in the remake

>put game on one side of the scale
>put weights with 21 grams on the other side

unlimited soul

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The Spyro remakes had objectively less blorf though.

How did we go from X to xenoblade 2? It felt like a downgrade

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