Other urls found in this thread:
Neat, that's my birthday
And how is this literal who credible?
i want persona 5 on switch.
reveal the rest of the fighter pass for smash ultimate.
Confirm or debunk the rumor of switch upgrade.
These are the same people who were adamant on a Direct in early January and tried to pass off the Indies Showcase in late January as confirmation of their credibility.
Gaming Intel?
More like
Gaming INCEL!
They've literally leaked multiple directs in the past, even the rescheduled one after the Earthquake mishap
Who the fuck is GamingIntel?
They're absolute "THIS THING THAT MIGHT HAPPEN WILL HAPPEN", but they're also confirmed to also only confirm actually confirmed things.
... Huh. So yeah, that date might be concrete.
If Persona 5 isn't in the direct, it will either be confirmed on the 25th (P5S) or never
Hopes: Confirming Smash 3.0 Update
Dreams: Dillons' Rolling Western Port
Expectations: Confirming Smash 3.0 Update
Please be Animal Crossing.
A proper farewell for Reggie. That's all I want.
I want to see Reggie one last time
>Okay, that's all the time I've got. I gotta get back to playing Animal Crossing on my Nintendo Switch
no direct until after e3 how many times do I have to say it you fucking retards
They've called the September Nintendo Direct twice and the November Smash Direct. But they also fucked up with an additional November/December/January Directs. They seem to be particularly confident about this Nintendo Direct so we'll have to wait and see.
That's what I was going to say...
Fuck that kiddie game
Real gamers want a new Disney Tsum Tsum trailer
Neat. One day before I start wageslaving again.
f-fuck you
t. smashfag here
Hopes: 2nd DLC is not Erdrick
Dreams: It's someone else
Expectations: 2nd DLC is Erdrick
This. What's taking them so long?
I hope you can spend a great day, user. Happy pre-birthday.
New Monster Hunter (real, not worldshit)
I hope they announce the new Switch models
>MP4, bayo 3 info, smash character reveal, more astral chain gameplay
>new gen pokemon to actually look like it had effort put into it
>prime trilogy hd collection, rare replay, geno or banjo in smash
>any hd zelda ports since I've only played oot, majora and botw
>moar dlc for splatoon 2
>new nintendo IP, specifically another RPG
>new xeno game announced for late 2019 or 2020
>FE shit
Huge blowout at E3 since it's their biggest 2019 game after Pokémon.
They leaked Nindies direct, November 1st direct, and September 6th direct, AND it's reschedule because of the Earthquake. They're hella credible
go back
>i want persona 5 on switch.
No you don't, it's an average JRPG and drags on too much, just play Xenoblade 2, Octopath or Ys instead
They sound confident as hell lol
All of the leaked Best Buy games
GTAV and Spyro Reignited ports
The next Smash DLC character
Luigi's Mansion 3
Reggie closes it out with Animal Crossing
Wario Land
Rhythm Heaven
HD collection of the Wii/3DS Kirby games
Banjo is the next Smash DLC character
Mario Kart 8 DLC
Reggie closes out the Direct with Animal Crossing and Mother 3
A Reggie sendoff of some kind
Mario Maker 2 info and release date
Fire Emblem
Astral Chain
Indies and 3rd party ports I don't care about
Release date for Joker/Smash 3.0
let him go user, he needs to rest, hes in a better palce
Something that isn't Smash shit
>Smash shit
I think april direct is obvious, they need to show the 3.0 smash update and joker (maybe the new dlc too)
>Persona 5 starts on April 11th
>They're gonna announce Persona 5 Switch and show off Joker
Not until E3.
>while The Joker is scheduled to arrive
>The Joker
I'm not getting my hopes up.
I swear.
I'm not.
They got the January Nindies too
He's in
That's MarioMaker 2 user
Would be a hell of a lot more interesting than what we're already getting.
Forgot about that. So they're somewhat reliable.
That feels more like an E3 announcement.
Hm, I guess that might be, I wonder how huge Mario Maker can be when not shackled by the Wii U or by being a shitty late port on 3DS.
A cool DLC character for Smash bros. A new Rhythm Heaven. A new Paper Mario. A new Mario & Luigi. Cool Pokémon S&S stuff. Maybe a new IP that's not anime trash, mechas or edgy shit.
>leaked Best Buy games
I think I heard my friend mention something but what is it?
ports of old gamecube/wii games would be a pretty sad marquee e3 announcement.
Animal Crossing is bigger than Mario Maker.
fuck off matthew harris
No thanks, I already played it 2 years ago
plus I'm enjoying another JRPG more
Persona 5
Metroid Prime Trilogy
A Link to the Past
all leaked by Best Buy's employee app
Thanks user, maybe they'll announce Prime Trilogy HD
Gaming Intel has an incredibly shakey history, dont take this as fact
Joker render, persona 5, metroid trilogy, and a link to the past. All on switch.
Has Virgeben ever posted anything since the Link's Awakening announcement? What was his excuse for being proven so completely wrong?
>At least one more 3DS game that isn't a remake
>Confirmation of the Best Buy leaks
>Animal Crossing
>Sword and Shield info that makes the games not suck
>Custom Robo
>Some shit about Fire Emblem where they dumb the series down even further
>More neutered third party games
>A Link to the Past
This is so fucking weird, but if it was a double release with Link's Awakening I'd get it for sure.
>includes Samus Returns
yeah that isnt happening
Joker isn't a literal wh-
I don't tnk we're getting TOO much stuff considering E3 is right around the corner.
Maybe confirmation on those rumored ports, some smash DLC news, new MArio Mkaer info, but thats only Mario Maker will come out before E3. Maybe Luigi's Mansion 3 but that could also be an E3 thing.
Don't think we'll be seeing animal crossing till E3
it's reliable enough to keep in mind this week
although I am waiting for other leakers to talk about nintendo directs
I won't get hyped until I see King Zell also mention it, he's been by far the most reliable leaker lately.
Make sure to tell us on the day so we can all say Happy Birthday!
>pretending to be an insider is fun!
Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing
based as fuck post.
They're not pretending to be an insider, they KNOW an insider, that has helped them accurately leak directs on numerous accounts
that’s my time series analysis exam
Isn't it too early for another one?
Maybe a release date on the Bad Girl dlc, more astral chain gameplay
Smash version 3.0
Pikmin 4 pls
More ports? No thanks
This could be avoided if Nintendo had stick with discs and the console was fully backward compatible
Bayonetta 3 or riot.
Seriously I need my DMC for real men.
pokémon pls
>he doesn't dig robots
fucking this.
He's in
>Pikmin 4 announcement alongside a remaster of 1-3 for the Switch fucking never
the date was made up by the person because he knows people already consider him a trustable source with previous leaks so he can just throw out anything and people are gonna believe it
there's my theory
I love DMC5 but it really just left me wanting a new Bayonetta
Persona 5 starts on April 9th, dumbass
They are going to do it!
They are going to announce Reimu!
Animal crossing WHEN
Keep your expectations low. If they have anything for Bayo 3 it will be at e3, even then I doubt it will be there.
I'm expecting SMASH DLC shit, some indie games, some more Fire Emblem,etc
We've waited so long Cronobros
that shirt is completely wrong
Joker becomes Joker on April 11th in Persona 5
More and more Kirby
I want metroid 5 unveiling
But its going to be Fire emblem and maaaaaaaybe Animal crossing with some dragon quest XI and persona 5
its leak or be leaked
There's no way Joker's releasing this week if they went out of their way to do a small separate update just for the amiibos that release on April 12th.
Hope you bought those tickets for that persona live concert :^)
Would be very based if he gets in over both Steve and Banjo
Smash Bros and Animal Crossing
Earthbound Trilogy HD, Porky in Smash
Smash Bros. and Animal Crossing
>i want this
>"actually i don't want it so you don't want it either"
● Joker: December 6th 2018 Reveal / April 11th 2019 Release / Stage: Mementos
● Erdrick: April 11th 2019 Reveal / June 11th 2019 Release / Stage: Alefgard
● Banjo-Kazooie: June 11th 2019 Reveal / September 4th 2019 Release / Stage: Spiral Mountain
● Ryu Hayabusa: September 4th 2019 Reveal / Early December 2019 Release / Stage: Hayabuse Village
● Heihachi: December 5th 2019 Reveal / February 2020 Release / Stage: Michima Dojo
from last month
Literally any info on Animal Crossing
Pikmin 4
Some other announcement so it doesn't get caught up in that insane shitposter's crossfire. I'm going to kill him if he ruins pikmin threads as well
Suda would jizz forever if Travis got in Smash.
Seriously, I want another decent 2D Kirby platformer, or at least bring some of the DS games to the Switch. Won't happen, but a guy can dream.
>Red jpgs
Why must you do this
He's the only 3rd party that should be in smash considering how close his series is with nintendo.
>shilling your shitty fake leak
>April 11th release
Until I see it from the horse's mouth, I'm gonna believe it
2.0.2 already debunked this but nice wishlist my dude
Joker isn't coming out on the 11th
the recent Ultimate update was for compatibility for amiibo coming out on the 12th
if Joker was coming out before the 12th they would have just included the amiibo shit with him
even if the 11th direct date IS real, Joker is coming out later on
It could be possible since Suda and Sakurai are bros. Suda also denying Travis being in Smash could of been both trolling, and NDA since it's a part of Suda's personality.
>Super Mario Maker 2 moderately-sized rundown
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>whatever Link to the Past is gonna be
>Indie stuff
>Smash 3.0 update; Joker, Homerun Contest and Stage Builder. Pack 2 character revealed too, release in June
>Persona 5 Switch
Mark my word: Reggie's final appearance will be to confirm Mother 3 NEVER, EVER COMING TO THE WEST.
> an user claimed we would get the announcement on a tuesday
> he included we would get the bonus stage for pre-purchasing super mario maker 2 and joker would release right after
i got hope bros
It's bullshit since the recent update added Amiibo support. Also, it seem like this is a Nintendo Direct and not a Smash Bros. Don't repost your leaks.
>datamine pointed towards female Joker skin
>new version of P5 with potentil new female protagonist shown
>P5R won't get new info until 4/24
So if I would guess, as to not reveal any new P5R info before the inteded date, Joker will only come after the 24th.
>Homerun Contest and Stage Builder
Where is this stuff coming from? Not the first time I hear it, I mean id love it but I really dont see that happening, is there any hint it might be real or its just wishful thinking?
joker releasing right after deconfirms that
I wouldn't have it any other way.
Datamined data in 2.0.0 shows that new files were added for HRC and Stage Builder modes
Oh really? Well shit who would have though.
So...Project x Zone 3 possibly leaked as well?
was made 2 hours ago.
I'm more surprised how much support Nintendo gave Suda for him to come back to Travis, especially since they gave him the floor during the Switch reveal presentation
Joker release right after
Bayo 3, Smash DLC 2
Joker release on the 25th to line up with the persona concert
I imagine they'll show his gameplay but keep her secret until they release him at the end of the month. They showed Mewtwo early April and released him 2 weeks later for Smash 4 too iirc
also with Smash 4 Olimar was shown months before the secondary Alph skins too
Where are the non-indie games
Yep. They'll show him off and his moveset/stage but they'll with-hold his palette swaps until release
direct leaks are my favorite game on switch!!!
All of the Smash Pass "leaks" that the "insiders" think are legit is actually fake & gay the whole time and the 2nd fighter is someone that the insiders didn't knew about in their circle.
The Best Buy leak is real and Persona 5, MPT, & ALTTP are revealed at this direct.
Sora or Banjo is the 2nd fighter of the Smash Pass
Persona 5 Switch is an enhanced version of Persona 5 ala DQ11S
It's going to be a mini direct
Persona 5 for Switch is not revealed at this Direct and it going to be revealed on the 25 of April
The next fighter of the Smash Pass is a DQ character but it's actually Smile the whole time
>Sony exclusive
At least we get Arena right?
PxZ3 would be cool but I don't think that ""leak"" has any merit to it
That would be possible given the separate update solely for April 12th amiibo functionality.
Though I kinda feel Atlus, being Atlus, will try to and hog the whole reveal.
>Joker isn't in PXZ3
Fake & gay
I think they'll probably save AC for E3, aside from Pokémon it's their biggest game this year. Maybe we'll get a title and a really quick sneak peak beforehand.
seconding this. persona 5 is 95 hours long and half of it is filler. Not even good filler like 3/4 that had fun calendar events, just one shitty beach trip that worse than 3/4
cuphead in smash
>The Joker
And they actually call themselves GamingIntel with this complete lack of knowledge?
Those games tend to have a shit-ton of characters, so while I don't believe that he could be in along with Ann and Ryuji.
That said, no way they wouldn't show him off in a trailer, so it's certainly fake.
what if he's paired up with a spoiler character? could be the new girl or akechi
I guess but Joker is the main protagonist of Persona 5 and not including him in PXZ3 would be weird as hell.
It wasn't a typo
He's in
Reminder that ninten-yearolds will defend this trash
Gamers rise up!
We live in a society!
Animal Crossing news please
Oh yeah maybe.
That guy has been posting on Yea Forums for years.
It's always the same "I don't recognize this character everyone knows".
>GTAV port
i'd buy that game for the fourth time. it has a good story.
joker is a codename, the joker is perfectly fine. batman joker is also called both joker and the joker constantly
There was a Lugi's Mansion 2?
Release dates for FFCC and Spyro.
Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon for the 3DS
I'm expecting Joker gameplay, probably the next DLC pick. Hopefully there'll be some AC gameplay, and maybe a look at LM3 for good measure. Though, it'll probably just end up being a bunch of shit no one cares about.
I just wish for the Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker HD to get ported to the Switch
It’s one of the best selling 3ds games
I want Skyward Sword as well. Hell I wish the first half of that IGN April Fools Direct was real.
hat in time
for fucks sake
release it already on switch
Yeah, and I'm probably the only one who liked it.
Directs almost always happen on a Tue, Wed, or Thur. Knowing this alone you can usually predict one when you consider other information like "what games does Nintendo need to highlight during this month" or "After what date do we know nothing about upcoming releases".
Direct this month will be April 9,10,11, 16, 17,18, 23, 24, or 25th. The last two are a bit iffy considering the Persona concert. So you can at the very least count the 24th out since we know P5S is being shown at the concert on the 25th, which would take place before any Direct on that day due to timezones.
You’d think they’d go for a Wednesday.
If it's gonna be a bunch of ports at least port some 3DS games over please
hope: persona 5 switch
expectation: more of the usual stinky day bullshit
they better show something for pokemon thats all i gotta say
>A Hat in Time for Switch
Oh yeah. I forgot that was a thing. Why did it took this long for the devs of that game to port that game to the Switch?
They were against it at first.
Any Persona announcement will be at the concert.
Ok but IIRC the Switch port was announced back in August-ish and we're now in the early 2nd quarter of 2019.
wheres the legacy collection announcement
He doesn't talk.
I just want a proper goodbye to Reggie.
> Implying they aren't multiple PXZ fans that are autistic as fuck,
I mean PXZ is a fanfic.
Same here. Here's hoping we both get the gift of a direct.
Project x Zone series doesn't include "silent" protagonists at all, so Ann and that other dude make sense to represent Persona.
Happy early birthday! If they don't show Animal Crossing Switch I will be very not happy.
Joker isn't silent. He's very talkative.
>only two months after the last direct
Nintendo directs are usually spaced more than this, don't expect anything before E3
Yeah, God Eater doesn't have the main character either.
It has Nana and Alisa that are NPCs in GE2.
>The entire internet thinks you're a reliable source for Nintendo leaks
>Ruin it over a dumb direct date
It doesn't feel right on Nintendo...
>includes SR for switch
what retardation is this. Anyway, including hunter's multiplayer would seal this as god tier with gyro controls
Show me any silent protagonist character that started talking in a crossover game and we'll talk.
It's going to be shit like the last time.
And even if Joker were silent, they made Yu talkative in the spin-offs, so I don't see why they couldn't do the same for Joker.
>Joker and some insignificant smash modes that I will play once and then get bored of while content creators milk them for a month
>maybe 1 or 2 new games that I have no interest in anyway
>not-Armored Core game
>info on the new Platinum thing
>nada for SMTV, Bayo 3 or Metroid because fuck me
then we choose what position we want to get fucked in based on what happens next
>next DLC is announced and it's someone no one saw coming
>no one except that literally who that guessed correctly and will milk it for all it's worth along with a new legion of 'insiders' who knew all along
>or it's Erdrick and we continue with business as usual: "STEVE NEXT BANJEWS ON SUICIDE WATCH-NO IT'S BANJO OR WHOEVER"
I don't even need to show you a crossover. The P4 protagonist is talkative as fuck in the fighting games. And aren't all the Persona protagonists talkative in the animes?
Because the PXZ never did it before, why would they start now?
It's like they put the monster hunter chick from MVCI and put them in the game or Billy Hatchet that is a silent character, it just doesnt make sense.
>Project X Zone 3
don't you fucking toy with my feelings like this
Even in the unlikely event there is a Direct, it won't be for anything major (e.g. new Switch confirmation) because it's too close to E3. At most it'll be minor stuff like new DLC or eShop games.
uh billy hatcher wasnt technically silent in that game
There's a fourth option.
They don't announce the character at all so they can do announce and release drop for E3.
Fake and gay they’ll be something closer to 4.20 that 4-11th
Info on the Smash 3.0 update and a Joker full reveal, maybe info on the next character but I'm doubtful
Mario Maker 2 info
Some indieshit that's actually new
More footage of the Link's Awakening remake, I actually think it looks cute
I don't want much that's about it. Maybe some more on Astral Chain.
A really long shot but I just finished playing through Metal Gear Rising, and Nintendo is pretty friendly with both Konami and Platinum lately, so a sequel. A man can dream.
Shit on me if you want but I unironically want Banjo to be the next Smash character, it won't happen, and I haven't even played the games, but I wanna see you poor bastards who love Banjo happy, you deserve something for once.
Bayo 3 gameplay, but since it hasnt shown shit for ages, I think it might be in trouble.
Last thing and it's Smash because I'm autistic, but I'm hoping if target test is a thing again that it's like Melee, giving every character their own level, as insane as it would be, they have had the time to do that, maybe finish it up since launch, they might have had to skip it for launch because they were working on it idk, just a dream
Ports. And info on Smash 3.0 but Idk what else to expect
It doesn't matter if PXZ hasn't done it because Persona protagonists are talkative in spin-offs. It's a non issue.
Should I play the first two? What were they even?
I think we'll still get a major direct, but it's gonna be to plug SMM2 hard + Smash 3.0 update, and show off a few smaller other things like you said
Possible new Switch models and Animal crossing info are 100% E3
Prime trilogy
Prime trilogy
some remake of a gameboy game no one asked for with basedified visuals
Happy Birthday.
If they don't show Animal Crossing it's your fault.
First, Joker isn't silent. He has multiple voice lines. Second, just because PXZ has never done it before doesn't mean they can't do it.
Why can’t the snoys meme
Sony exclusive means fuck all
Diesaga 5 was a PS4 exclusives that quickly became a Switch and PC title within 6 months
Probably the same as Prime 4 where they had nothing ready to show, we'll probably see it some time this year
they revealed smash ultimate last april direct
I just want that Metroid Prime trilogy port. I got hooked on the first game emulating it and my fucking save got corrupted half way through.
doesn't he talk in the all star racing games through.
I can't wait until people keep waiting for Persona 5 to pop up on screen and never happens, then S announcement not for switch either. We'll move into WAIT FOR E3
Hopes : Animal Crossing
Dreams : A new Super Mario RPG
Expectations : Smash Bros DLC, Labo VR
They had guest characters in PXZ2 and not in PXZ1, so they can do things that they havent done.
It's like they decide to include Nokia from Digimon even through she isn't the main character.
When has Best Buy ever been wrong?
here's hoping for more info on shantae 5
Atlus probably doesn't want Persona or any of its IPs in PxZ.
E3 is two months away. It'll be fucking nothing.
-Hat in time
-Megaman.EXE legacy collection
- Halo MCC
- Jokers Release after the direct
- Amiibos
- Jokers gameplay and stage reveal
- Reggie's final send off being M0THER 3
Anyone hoping for P5 on Switch to be announced in a Direct, unless it's a Japan-focused direct which I doubt the next one will be seeing as they'll probably want to give a release date for Joker in Smash, isn't going to get what they're after. Putting aside whether or not P5 will even be on the Switch to begin with, ATLUS never announce anything at Western events and their well known to consider their Western audience secondary to their Japanese audience. If they were going to make an announcement like that it would be out of character for them to announce it anywhere but a Japanese event. Same goes for anyone hoping for SMTV news.
>Granblue is getting a new endgame raid on the 11
>direct on the same day
Cygames is doing it
I’d delete most of my games and deal with 125 gigs of bloat for GTA V Switch.
Why didn’t Nintendo pay to make that a launch-Late fall title?
People would’ve been foaming at the mouth to play GTA V on the go
I just want them to include more surprise haracters like Neneko, The House of Dead guy, Deviolette or Aty, i feel like PXZ2 laked surprise characters.
Did you just pull this out of your ass???
Crystal Chronicles release date or mutiny
>Thinking sounds
Remember Best Buy is a big company and they’re stock come straight from corporate
Even on the gimped WiiU Mario Maker was huge
>Apparently Atlus just hates money now
user, do you wanna try that argument again?
If it’s like all 2D Zelda collection I’d be down for that.
>inb4 Persona 5S is Persona 5 The Symphony Orchestra
Even dead games like pso2 got multiple persona 3-5 collabs.
joker will be released the moment he appears in a direct, he's been ready for months. Faggot Atlus are the ones delaying him with their constant teasers for teasers
Persona is a shit series
Atlus really wouldn't have a say in the matter
You think Halo is actually gonna show up on Switch in some capacity? With all the alleged noise last month about Microsoft doing stuff?
I severely doubt it's gonna outright be the MCC, though
It'll be Persona 5 Stylin' Featuring Dante From the Devil May Cry Series
Just came here to say, direct or not, i hope you have a wonderful birthday user!
>Jane was originally meant to be an alternate costume
>She's now an echo fighter to be released after Joker because Nintendo got tired of delaying his release
They probably couldn't do the MCC in full. OG Xbone struggles to keep H2A above 40FPS.
>Shit on me if you want but I unironically want Banjo to be the next Smash character, it won't happen, and I haven't even played the games
What are you waiting for, my nigger? The original is one the best N64 games hands down
>MCC was a fuck up for 4 years and still has issues
>thinking it would work in any capacity with switch hardware
Come on grandia remaster.
Was supposed to come out winter but that obviously fell though, it can't be far from done though if that was their prediction.
what game do you want announced user?
>Viewtifull Joe
>Date Masamune
>Arle Nadja
I don't remember the first PxZ or PxZ2 announcements, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't announce an obscure character like Date so early, nor would they add incredibly cartoonish characters like Joe or Arle in.
I was thinking just the original 1/2/3 trilogy if it does happen, and maybe Halo Wars a separate release, but can the Switch carts even fit that?
>Reggie's final send off being M0THER 3
This would be fucking amazing actually.
Have a montage of all his best moments in directs or whatever, finishing off with him in that robot chicken skit burning the guy asking for Mother 3 alive, then have him say "Oh, and one more thing, about that last clip...sorry, to make up for that, we...I, have one final announcement"
>Animal Crossing
>Joker release afterwards/the following day
>Hat in Time, possibly new content?
>Shovel Knight: King of-- oh wait it was fucking delayed again
>None really because these usually end up being disappointing
>Joker's gameplay trailer and site page, possible release date
>LABO shilling no one cares for
>Reggie's farewell / he's doing the presentation himself as a sendoff
How big is their storage space? Halo CE and 2 are about 12gb each on MCC at 4k, so they'd probably be a bit smaller. 3 is like 16gb.
>no SMTV
That would mean they'd have to have made a bunch of new alternate colors for both characters just because of Atlus' stupidiity
>Okay, that's all the time I've got. I gotta get back to Japan to play Mother 3 on my Nintendo Wii U
>megaman battle network collection
Stupid faggots are allergic to money
Poorer devs were able to get shit in the switch within a month
Gta 5 switch
My biggest dream is that the new mario & luigi is donkey kong & diddy together too
largest Switch cartridge is 32GB and 64GB is on it's way this year apparently
Slay the Spire ghost drop
New Smash character revealed/detailed 3.0 information/Joker trailer
New Kid Icarus
New Wonderful 101
Any news from either Retro or Monolith Soft
Reggies comes on stage, announces his retirement, leaves the stage for Doug Bowser, Bowser goes "well now that Reggie's gone, guess it's finally time to bring Mother 3 to the Nintendo Switch!"
Honestly, i think Bayo 3 is gonna be delayed, Platinum seems to be short on resources these days and they are going to release Astral Chain in August, i won't be surprised at all if they announce a delay
Oh right, this week is Reggie's last business week right?
I work 9-1 thursday. I really hope it doesn't air during
Battle Network PLEASE CAPCOM?!?
It's weird, last one was like 2 months ago and it still feels any recent, I don't really think there's much of a need for a Direct.
Animal crossing, smash DLC, Persona 5 port
More fire emblem and more ports
a new punch out, a Kirby RPG and Super princess Peach 2
>Waluigi as DLC for Smash Ultimate.
>More information on the new Pokemon games
>More weeb shit and literal-who's, non smash-related stuff.
>Stream starts
>Reggie shows up
>"This is going to be the last Nintendo Direct I ever participate in. To begin, I will pass off to a man you know very well."
>Switches over to Sakurai
>He talks about 3.0
>"And we have one little trailer for you"
>reveals Doomguy
>Switches back to Sakurai
>Suddenly loud banging on the door
>The door is blown open
>It's Doomguy
>He takes off his helmet
>Reggie is underneath the Praetor suit
>Reggie grabs Sakurai by the neck
>Strangles him to death on the direct
Hopes- non indie non port games
Dreams- same but actually good games
Expectations- more indie shit and ports
IIRC, it took quite a while for amiibos based on Sm4sh DLC characters to come out and be patched into the game.
I need it
Reminder that
>Joker isn't getting revealed or released during the concert on the 24th because it's gonna be at fucking 3AM PST
>Nintendo also has a hard-on for releasing Smash characters immediately after Directs
>The girl in the P5R trailer isn't a fucking FeMC because she's not even in the same year as Joker and she fucking speaks
>The "Jane" thing is most likely nothing as if it alternated like Robin/Villager/etc. then Jane would land on a Male Joker alt, and if it was like Olimar/Alph then nothing has been found on Alts 5,7, and 8.
>exclusive source
Every time.
>Reggie's last day at Nintendo is only 4 days before the direct
The only perfect way to pull off this direct and honor Reggie is by having him announce Mother 3's localization at the end
I don't imagine many games will utilize it though.
Being physical chips most companies don't want to use a size larger than they absolutely have to with the largest storage space chips costing in the range of probably a whole five or so bucks.
It doesn't sound like much, but multiply that possibly millions and consider that bluray discs costs less than a penny per to mass produce and it cuts in on profits quite badly.
My big pipe dream is that Microsoft store gets announced and they introduce a special GPU dock because like hell are normies expected to "Stream Microsoft store" games
fuck you
My birthday too, happy birthday user.
Nintendo themselves basically told you
“Go pirate it”
Even when Nintendo was ripping down rom sites they left Mother 3 alone
I didn't click on the image but I know it's BS
This is it guys.
This is the one.
They're finally going to announce Advance Wars 5.
you surely are evil
How did this meme even start
every time
Happy Birthday, user. Mine is on the 13th.
They'll probably talk about Astral Chain and Super Mario Maker, maybe Fire Emblem if there is still some big thing that they have yet to talk about in the game, announce dates for games that we already know.
AC i feel they'll hold for E3, there is a higher likelihood for Pokemon showing up in this Direct than AC since Pokemon usually doesn't show up at E3
post yfw Mario Odyssey DLC, with 3 New Kingdoms, one of them being Isle Delfino, and Luigi Odyssey as basically a hard mode
Disgaea has always been on other platforms, even the DS.
>Trusting Intelligent Systems with anything about they've completely ruined Paper Mario and straight up admitted they can't think of a way to do an AW title that incorporates the waifu-fagging of the newer FE titles
inkuusan, a Yea Forums drawfag made the first one and it spiraled out of control when Isabelle got in Smash
Disappointment and overhyped garbage, as per the current Switch fanbase.
They're gonna pull a Galaxy 2 and make Odyssey 2 with what was first supposed to be Odyssey DLC.
Thats the same faggot from a week ago constantly making a new thread with his leak shit and then asking why "lol why are my threads getting archived so quickly", and then conveniently adding character names each thread every time someone calls him out. And before that, he did the same shit months ago
>no direct happened on january
>article from OP is made by the same author
Wrap it up folks. See you in the fire emblem direct
They won't announce a new game, they'll never surpass PlayStation
If anything, games like Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina seem more like underhyped if anything.
I want to see my girl.
January was the Nindies.
I'm gonna wish you an early happy birthday.
I 100% expect the Mario & Luigi on Switch to support local multiplayer, with one person controlling each brother
why do all nincels seethe?
why can't one of these posts say "or you will die in your sleep tonight"?
Retard. It's more likely that Atlus planned their teasers based on Joker's release. It's why the next P5R teaser is later this month. There's no way Joker has been ready for months.
Here's hoping for that too
and Shantae reveal in Smash either at E3 or later.
yeah, I actually liked the recent direct because it showed new stuff, but faggots kept screaming Animal Crossing
This. Astral Chain looked fucking sick but everyone online was "WAAAH WHERE'S MUH SMASH WHERE'S MUH AC!" And then people wonder why Nintendo does nothing but nostalgia-pandering rehashes.
Daemon X Machina looked pretty shit to me honestly but Astral Chain looks rad as hell
Double Reminder, the recent patch for Smash added amiibo functionality for amiibos releasing on April 12th and nothing else.
If Joker was releasing this week why would they both with a separate update.
Switch Pro
Metroid Prime Trilogy HD
Wii Sports HD
because nintendo is known for keeping suprises until the last minute.
for all we know joker may not even be part of the 3.0 update.
please no
that's the same day as endgame
because if an update launched with any joker/future data in it to be shown at a later date nintendo know it'd be datamined to shit. look what happened to roy and ryu
Probably because what if people get the amiibo early somehow? I know press sometimes gets them a bit early.
The only one that has the thing I don't like is the only thing that is a great guys have any good ones providing a lot more than that but some people meme is the current year to check on you are really interested and I can get you the money and the kids will release an email from the insulin pump is a legit reason my email address and phone crap is a legit question about my opinion this will do the needful.
my guy what the fuck
If Joker was coming out this week, they could put the amiibo shit in with Joker instead of doing it last week.
Joker footage/release date
next dlc character revealed
smash; fixed online, no gsp, better lobbies/arenas,
smash run, homerun contest, stage builder and target smash all come back,
true allstar mode
New - F Zero
Prime trillogy on switch
joker footage/release date
nothing too special from the last direct
that's true desu
Astral Chain was revealed just recently, so there's not much to go about it yet, Daemon X Machina on the other hand manages to screw itself everytime it shows up, they have yet to have a good showing
lol gamingintel
with that aside, here we go
smash 3.0.0 info, joker release date, animal crossing info
rare replay on switch, super mario rpg remake or sequel. alternatively, new m&l that isn't bland. also, banjo or geno for second character pack. former has a chance at e3, i think, but geno will never happen. i can dream, bros, he'd be the best birthday present i could ask for.
smash 3.0.0 info, erdrick for smash dlc, more super mario maker 2 info
Is that Purblind?
I know what's going to be announced, BOKTAI SOLAR BOY DJANGO FOR THE SWITCH AND SMASH
How do you faggots know this? There's always some faggot on Yea Forums that knows about leakers and shit, where do you even read that information? Do you keep track of all the leakers that are accurate or some shit? Are you lying? Was that information in the article? Do you research this before replying?
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive!"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive!"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal announced as an RPG
>"I-It's coming to Switch too!"
>P5R only lists PS4 on the main site
>"P5S will be Switch exclusive!"
Oh boy, can't wait to see what'll happen next
holy shit
my dad had an imported japan copy of boktai for GBA alongside a red/black gba sp
Disgaea has always been PS exclusive until 5, the ports are just old as fuck games being released in other platforms. Say goodbye to japanese exclusives forever.
>Reggie announces Mother 3 before he leaves
>Joker Smash DLC footage
>typical Nintendo direct stuff
>no Joker footage, but a message at the end revealing a Smash direct coming soon on April 25th with Joker reveal, moveset analysis, new modes, and then Erdrick trailer at the end of it
Screenshot this
just look through their twitter or their website
>Joker trailer ends with footage of a 8 players match showcasing each of its alt-costumes
>"MAN, WHAT A BUNCHA JOKERS!" is heard from off screen
>Cut to cutscene of Reyn jumping onto the stage, "ALLEZ HOOP!"
>Title splash "NOW IT'S REYN TIME!"
>Reyn trailer starts as the second fighter pass DLC
day one buy with frank in it
would unironically main, I dig fighters that use shields and he's a god tier bro
it's a shame japan hates him because he doesn't have a personality over there
even though hes a mii outfit
what are the realistic chances they picked Rex as one of the dlc fighters?
Not to mention you get rad stuff like fucking Rune Factory 5 but you got faggots complaining about to much weeb shit.
Just for that I wish they fill Smash with weeb shit.
>suddenly Nia in a corner cringing and moving seductively
0/10 for the first fighters pass, 8/10 for the second, if it ever exists.
very small. sakurguy even said they put the rex mii in with the fighter pass to appease those upset with his absence
Good for you and lucky, had to convince my Dad that Ebay was safe and the game came in with a sticker over the solar sensor. Took me two weeks to realize that
pretty low unless there's a 2nd pack, which there could be but Nintendo seems allergic to money when it comes to smash- no costume DLC, only one pass.
first pass is most likely full of crazy third parties but a 2nd could have some characters to fill out the games already repped
Xeno could totally get a new fighter in Elma
I hope I'll be completely ignoring it and playing EDF Iron Rain instead
My dream is for Iron Rain to be good
My expectation is that it'll be okay but not better than EDF5 in any way
not denying a April direct, but these fuckers been exposed incorrect with N64 classic and a january direct
>inb4 but king_zell said
and he's been more right than Vergeben wish he could ever be even after that.
no they didnt, they said a january direct.
>they think we'll get to see Fighter Pack #2
We won't.
Which was less than 300,000 units behind PS4 last Media creates sales
its time
>Switch Sports Resort
Fixed it for you
Also why wasn’t this a fucking launch title?
I would unironically like a Switch Fit or some shit like that with a balance board.
but they have called like, three directs before
Unlikely but who knows
He might be able to steal just enough of Shulk’s moves to get in easily
where are my Dragon bros
We won't.
Is that dragon marked for benis? in which case why would that get it, the Blaster Master MC deserves to get in more.
>blue fragments on the feminism sign
snoyboys cant oc
Are directs getting announced monday or tuesday?
>We've restarted production. Again.
directs always give people 1 day in advance to prep and stuff
it'll be either Tuesday or Wednesday. If it's just a Smash Direct I think they're usually 2 days in advance.
unless it's on a tuesday, then they announce monday
>it was a joke, Retro has been working on the game since the beginning, we're gonna release it this fall
yeah but the 11th falls on a thursday. usually most directs air on thursdays
based dillon bro
You know what, GTAV on Switch sounds amazing, it's been a while since we last had a GTA release on handhelds. They fit pretty well with the platform.
>Mother 3 was released on April 20th, 2006
Last few Directs have been Wednesday.
didn't we just have one
reminder this is basically your smashfag-tier arguer on guest characters
always making up shit to temper expectations of something he doesnt like
>they give incremental minuscule updates on certain aspects of the game being scrapped or restarted
>2022 comes around, game still isn't out
and you get retarded FEfag shitposting in return
It's a Smash Direct, reveals some free DLC and new fighter.
>cuts to black
>Regi appears
>Hungrybox appears
>Regi kicks Hungrybox's ass, like he said he would at the Smash Invitational.
>Meleefags get their game back and stop crying about Ultimate.
that not a direct and somebody else already leaked that
Hope for: nothing
Expect: nothing
Dreams: dead
My only guess is that they're saving actual announcements for E3. There's too many games without any fucking trailers. What the fuck happened to Luigi's Mansion 3?
so did LeakyPanda
There is no direct this week you niggers.
Wasn't that only one Nintendo Direct? I trust the retards in the OP a bit more. Not enough to fully expect a Nintendo Direct but enough to keep what they say in mind.
fuck you, yes there is
>already have a years worth of games revealed
>announce a direct to talk about the other games you have this year cutting the amount of E3 announcements you could potentially do into fragments
>ignoring that the next nintendo published games comes out during E3
There is no Nintendo direct coming this week, less Nintendo really want to show of no games at E3 this year.
I'd really like a new Punch-Out!! to be honest
Fuck this meme that ports are bad, I only hear this shit with the Switch when fucktons of old game ports happen on every other current gen console + PC and no one cares. Nintendo finally makes a system where devs can make normal ass ports without weird waggle or touch screen gimmicks shoehorned in and suddenly this is a bad thing.
I can understand wanting new games instead of ports, but a company making a port is not exactly putting their entire dev team on it.
Imagine being this retarded.
could be a Smash Direct or a Smash focused direct with smaller announcements on the sides
>all these replies
Whoops I must be on Reddit, my bad
>more details on announced games
>larger announcements at e3
>content coming before april end that they need to elaborate on
Also stage builder was really obviously one of the pixel screenshots they teased of 3.0
There will be a direct this month, but it'll probably be a Smash one. I don't think this is the first time GamingIntel's pulled this shit either where they don't specify what kind of Direct it is.
These guys have been wrong so fucking often that believing them now is sad.
it's more like 50/50 and they seem pretty confident this time
>game incel leak
There is no direct, there are no announcements, Nintendo are just going to dump a Joker trailer when he's ready, There is also nothing planned for E3.
>larger announcements at e3
More than likely Nintendo will have no major announcements for E3, just trailers for games they already announced but have shown next to nothing for, the show itself will be dedicated to
>super mario maker 2
>fire emblem 3 houses
>daemon x machina
>astral chain
>luigi's mansion 3
>pokemon 2019
>animal crossing
That's already a full E3, nothing more to add really.
Doubtful but that would still be disappointing
>it took us 5 months to make this character
>see you in 2021 for the final character release
What a joke.
>Nintendo are just going to dump a Joker trailer when he's ready
Why would they do that?
Guy, this isn't different than any other time they've claimed something. Believing these rumors just leads to disappointment
Ask Nintendo why they are so pathetic.
they're wrong tho its gonna be on the 15th
>Yea Forums can't be nice!
>believing a confident guy that has been 50/50 so far
>some retarded faggot on Yea Forums
The one that got delayed last year because of the earthquake or whatever was supposed to happen on my birthday
the 15th is a monday
when has there been a direct on a monday
>Xenoblade 2
How could Persona 5 possibly be worse than that hot garbage?
this coming 15th
Haven't you ever noticed how much of a joke Nintendo are, did you not see what games they released for the first half of 2019, compare that to other platforms which had like 6 milestone titles when Nintendo has 1 that comes out in June, I think Valve are the only company more pathetic than Nintendo at this point when it comes to video games.
Odyssey already disappointed me, I don't know if I would get DLC for that. Let's see if a proper sequel that doesn't look rushed as fuck does the actual job
>Joker gameplay direct before Atlus gives more info on the new protag
unless they choose to still hide 'Jane' and announce the release to coincide with Atlus dropping the news it won't happen
What's that have to do with how Nintendo releases Smash Bros information?
>A new Punch Out
My man, we need more people to appreciate Mac in Smash
Nintendo can't secure ports of P1-P5 for Switch and announce them along with Joker, and show a trailer for SMTV because they are too inept to leverage their IPs properly.
more than likely they will show off Joker (besides his alts) and then release Joker after Atlus reveals more info on the new game
>new protag
She's just the Marie/Metis/Alex/Rin of P5.
Careful with that edge.
there's no way she's that kind of character when there's a bunch of evidence against it
i bet you dont even have a birthday lmao
Happy Birthday.
The fact that she's a different age than Joker is pretty damning evidence against her being a protag.
I hope you discover that you have a lymphoma on that day.
That's not damning at all. It points to her being the protag of her own scenario rather than just being FeMC.
What is this evidence against her being this kind of character? The P4R trailer pretty much sets in stone that she's an Alex/Marie based on what she's saying.
>It points to her being the protag of her own scenario
You're delusional if you think The P-Studio has enough ambition to do that.
You can't delay a game you never gave a date for.
t. /pol/ucks who lost their way trying to find their shithole
>Appearance matches the Smash Bros datamine
>Bland character design fitting for a main character
>Associated with the color red, just like how Joker is associated with the color black
it's all there
Nah, I liked it too. It was different but definitely a good game, I was very skeptical before I started playing
with that said, the game would definitely had been better with more unique ghosts and especially portrait ghosts, they rather quickly got generic in dark moon
They have tons of shit coming this year, Nintendo is winning
"""They""" leaked three and leaked that Spirits will be part of upcoming DLC updates
>Bland character design fitting for a main character
>Associated with the color red, just like how Joker is associated with the color black
lol this is not what anyone would consider "evidence"
Play Pato Box If you haven't
How the fuck not?
>Yea Forums
>I think this character looks bland, which I think fits with being a Protagonist.
>She has red on her, which is kind of like how Joker has black right?
Are you hearing yourself? This is blind speculation based on vague "rules".
Persona protagonists tend to look rather bland. And she's the red Joker to the black Joker, since there's two jokers in each deck, dingus. Where is your evidence that she's a Marie-type character?
some astral chain, pokemon, and mario maker would be nice too
Bayo 3 isn't gonna be seen this year because of Astral Chain.
Holy fuck how is someone so fucking delusional
Watch the trailer and pay attention to what she's saying. Also her age excludes her from being a Protagonist, like pointed out.
I'm waiting for an argument, user. Where is it?
same nice
I hope you have a good birthday you massive faglord, surrounded by the people who love you
>It points to her being the protag of her own scenario
This is just wishful thinking. I get that you really want her to be a FeMC, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
I guess im one of those few losers that like them both
I even liked nuts and bolts
>Expecting new content
>Wishful thinking
the way they're marketing this shit feels a lot different than their previous re-releases too, they're definitely up to something
The only thing Persona did better is the story and the waifu. Well, even so I still personally prefer Xenoblade 2 story as persona 5 is too edgy and had too much text for my taste.
>Expecting new content
>Wishful thinking
Yes, this is Atlus.
Also keep in mind that all of the main people behind Persona 3-5 are at Atlus's Studio Zero now while the P-Studio is headed by Wada.
What Jrpg?
More info on Luigi's Mansion 3 and Mario Maker 2, surprising reveal of Rare Replay on Switch and Banjo as fighter pass 2
Rare Replay on Switch. Sabi leaked cuphead and said Rare Replay was coming so holding out hope. Also since likely this is Reggie's last direct that he announces Mother 3.
Luigi's Mansion news, Mario Maker 2 news, Animal Crossing news, another teaser for Zelda, some third party ports that will likely be cool, and Smash 3.0 with Joker shown off. Maybe the second fighter is shown (Who may or may not be Banjo, but I have a feeling Banjo will happen and he'll be shown off here and released at e3 or shown at e3 with same day release)
Idk, anyone see flaws in that? Seems plasuable
>inb4 stevecels
Just make a new game at this point, honestly. Oh, and don't show the entire game before release this time, assholes. Theme of the game is "surprise" but they spoiled fucking everything.
Do leakers ever admit when they're wromg? I want to see one have a mental breakdown.
I love the Empress!
Anyone who played Persona think a feMC would change the story much?
I can only think of Fates where MCorrin was a whiny faggot but FCorrin was an naive tard with her heart in the right place.
MRobin was a laid back tactician who intervened when times got tough, while FemRobin was ironfisted from preparation to debreifing.
Thank you user, i'll try
Literally everything you just said is headcanon fanfiction. MCorrin and FCorrin are the same character, waifufags have just tried to convince everyone FCorrin isn't just as awful of a character because it's okay when a female is stupid and incompetent.
What would drunk Shido have done if MC was a girl when he caught him?
FeMC did change a lot in 3, so while it probably wouldn't really affect the main plot, it would change a lot of how the game is written. I don't think P5 will get a FeMC though, nor do I want it to, even if I enjoyed the FeMC route in 3.
Happy Birthday ya lovable faggot!
Speaking of leaks, whatever happened to Virgin Ben?
Thanks fag
He literally just posted on GameFAQ's 14 hours ago, still saying Erdrick is a lock
>They're hella credible
Sounds like you work for them. No, they're not. They were wrong about the last three directs and they directly attack ANYONE that calls them out. They are not correct.
A guy saying and a woman saying something often come off differently.
Granted it was all text we read, but still the character is understandably naive as a female and insufferably annoying as a male.
Also, Robin has slightly firmer responses to slights and advances than Mrobin. Her supports with Daughtercina and her firmness with Chrom when rusing on Validar highlight this.
he probably got tired of the backlash
Hi GamingIntel
Holy shit, Snoys are the embodiment of "No you" humor, make up your mind, is Nintendo childish, incel, tranny?
Your beloved company is actually the most cucked and tranny ridden, at least acknowledge that and keep your nintendo memes straight.
Whatever Retro Studios is/was supposed to be working on gets announced for real finally
MonolithSoft's New IP
Business Division 8's new project
A new Astral Chain trailer
TW101 port
A fucking SMTV trailer for the love of god it's been like two years
Bayo 3 news
Pikmin 4
MP4 with an actual trailer and it looks lovely
New F-Zero and it's somehow better than GX
Gamefreak apologizes for being a shit since 2013 and says they'll actually put in effort in the new title this time
Banjo something, a port, in smash, whatever just give me more bear and bird as long as it doesn't involve cars
Other ports
an actual AC trailer
Travis, it's kill or be killed.
Whelp time to get those erdrick compilations ready cuz I'm thinking he's in
He probably is but no way Verg knew about it
The name's Chris. LaxChris.
Wish I had anything to contribute. I've been keeping my eye on Steveposting, and am putting all my energy towards that compilation to BTFO Banjofags
>kill or be killed
that's something funny to say, user hee hee hee
Can't wait for you to disappear once banjo is confirmed. Funny how shitters just leave entirely when they end up wrong.
So where's that N64 classic they "leaked"?
fuck off, we claimed that first.
I want Banjo, but Erdrick is probably going to get in, don't know about Steve
Yeah kinda like grinchfags
As if Nincels would be excited for anything else
I'm going to laugh when he gets BTFO'd yet again! Screencap this when the next fighter revealed ISN'T Erdrick!
>but still the character is understandably naive as a female and insufferably annoying as a male
It's literally the same character.
What they have between their legs should not be used as an excuse for how shit they are.
This isn't going to age well
>Nintendo doesn't get any 3rd party games
>Nintendo gets 3rd party supports of games from the last gen and current gen
can y'all pick an argument and stick to it? There is no winning with console war fags, just let people enjoy the consoles they want to play on
is "port machine" supposed to be an insult? I never got it.
>portable dark souls
>portable doom
>portable 1st party nintendo games
>portable nearly every indie game under the fucking sun
>now microsoft is throwing exclusives at it
Idk user "port machine" doesn't seem like an insult to me when I can play whatever I want whenever I want.
that's what I'm getting at
Disappear? I'll still be here user
is this site even accurate
Yes they are, accurately leaked 3 previous directs.
Animal Crossing
Astral Chain
Pokemon Snap 2
Banjo Revealed for Smash
Tokyo Mirage Sessions Uncensored and Uncut
Retro Studios Project
Smash 3.0 info and Joker release
Fire Emblem
Mario Tennis update
borderlands remastered
I hope this is true as well as an entertaining Direct.
Been very depressed lately and I could definitely use this.