American ""humor""

>American ""humor""

Attached: borderlands.jpg (640x360, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Heh, that's kinda funny.

better than shitty weeb cringe


>European humor

Attached: 1554484322459.jpg (1024x576, 136K)

>European humor
>The think its funny if it isn't yelled

Snoy "humor"

Attached: 1546582081020.jpg (720x1018, 81K)

F*ck you, feminism is awesome!

Attached: 400px-Borderlands2tinytina.jpg (400x513, 64K)

clap trap is unironically the least annoying and most funny character in borederlands

Being a gross unlikeable unfuckable pansexual monstrosity...that's really giving it to the patriarchy.
That'll show us men.

>Slav humor

Attached: 1024px-Reply_of_the_Zaporozhian_Cossacks_(sketch,_1893,_Kharkiv).jpg (1024x658, 255K)

>Mexican humor

Attached: K E K.jpg (1280x720, 35K)

thats a turk

>Canadian humour

Attached: 1511744776324.jpg (222x293, 19K)

>Forgot how to high five him.

Attached: 1501113450681.gif (320x240, 1.63M)

Sony "humor"

Attached: 1544742454907.png (800x542, 422K)

Snoy "humor"

Attached: 1543364350849 (1).gif (1080x720, 1.79M)

>he says as he watches Steven universe and plays with his little ponies
Yeah, okay sport.

yes, British humor is so much better

Sony interactive "humor"

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Attached: 1542308316089.jpg (552x540, 37K)

Time to post it again.

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I'm sorry but it's awful and no that isn't American humor. I don't even know what to call it. "Forced meme" humor? "That guy that tries so hard to be funny that they never realize that they aren't" humor?

Any kind of ultra mainstream humor is bad.

>this speaker goes up to eleven
how is this even a joke

Attached: spinal_tap_2836107k.jpg (858x536, 98K)

Nothing is funny in this game.


butthurt weeb

Claptrap and handsome jack are funny

*millennial humor

the funny part is the banter you numpty..

more like craptrap and handjob jack lmao

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First time playing borderlands 2 and just got to this lass, laughing my ass off to her

More like "Memelands 2". More like "Memelands the Pre-Memequel". More like "Bordermemes". More like "meme meme meme meme meme meme meme"

Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?

I unironically think that Brick and Mordecai were pretty funny whenever they had screentime in borderlands 2
Naturally they also had notably less them Roland and mrs "literally created the problem" Lilith

does anyone have the original image of link on the right?

Attached: 1532723224583.jpg (710x1000, 371K)

>Fuck you, feminism is awesome!
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight LMFAO!

Attached: 1552306002786.jpg (471x388, 94K)

Want to know what would have been a real mindfuck?
If Tina grew up hot as fuck.
Like holy god what in the fuck who is this sexy bitch hot even has ashley burch doing her best sex voice for the character
Then they get to a point where she goes full tiny tina and makes everyone go oh goddamnit it's tina.
And it's like "Okay dudes put your dicks away it's tiny tina".

Neither of them are funny. The gameplay is fun, which makes it more annoying, because you'll be playing multiple playthroughs listening to the same obnoxious shit over and over. I listen to music when I play Borderlands. Except when I play as Krieg.

>mrs "literally created the problem" Lilith
Co-Creator of The Problem. Moxxi also "helped"

American Humor
moar like american TUMOR LMFAO

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is it wierd that i think the claptrap bots are cute
infact a little too cute
i get the same joy from watching those silly animations that open doors that i do from watching cute cat videos
i i always get a weird funny feeling in me when clap trap hugs athena and she hugs him back in the pre-sequel intro

Attached: claptrap hugging athena.png (1278x649, 847K)

I unironically laughed at some of the claptrap lines at the end of tales.


meme like meme the meme meme meme meme

The worst of American humor is better than the best of Britain or Japanese humor.

But this one goes up to eleven.

Now THIS is the funniest thing I have ever heard an American say, well done.

More like Boredomlands because the game is just you shooting the same bullet sponge enemies over and over with a variety of weapons so great as to be meaningless. Oh I have a new gun. Oh I have to get rid of it because it's arbitrarily inferior to this other gun. Now I have to get rid of that one and it's just annoying and no aspect of inventory management is fun or adds to the game.

Reminder that this line is after immediately killing a woman, which is why it's said.

>preferring anthony burch's "writing" to anything
i want reddit to leave.

unironically better than anything from japan

hes right tho

>this again
most "problems" people on this site have with this game can be solved by getting good

wubbalubbadubdub, my fellow resetredditor!

you're cute


Attached: jMNZMgG.png (1028x575, 1.33M)

getting good at soullessly shooting damage sponges? i'll stick with sekiro.

>german humor

Attached: arbeit_macht_frei.jpg (800x517, 77K)

>it tries saving the world at the same time
will never be topped

Cringe and bluepilled
Borderlands is kino with good humor to it

>bonerfarts rite amirites

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Not an argument. It doesn't matter how good you are. If your guns or gear are shit, you can't do shit. PC players have it easy, because they can use gibbed and download save files. The rest of us are forced to grind for 8 or more hours for one item.

That guy has to be a disgruntled gearbox writer tired of Randy's shit. That shit was too fucking perfect

Clap-traps are cute, it's really only -the- claptrap that is annoying, because they totally botched his character thinking that the in-game claptrap was the same as the "behind the scenes" claptrap

>video game humor

Attached: claire_redfield.jpg (700x393, 59K)

Do americans really?

I hate how they made her talk in ebonics with occasional "lol so random" lines thrown in

they are equally bad

Needs more censorship

If not for that, then you wouldn't have remembered her.


If you make everyone wacky, how does one stand out?
It would have been nice if Tina, a child stuck on a planet of psychopaths, found herself having to become an adult child and be a sensible, realistic survivor to the world in contrast to all the adults who run around like unsupervised children
Maybe give the player a chance to try and give her back her childhood


>no clap trap unit to snuggle with in bed
why even live bros

Attached: claptrap hugging athena.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

haha yeah that'd be funny lol

>american humour

Attached: SHE FUCKING WON.jpg (720x396, 52K)

actually funny

>/vee/ "humor"
Please kill yourself.

Attached: 1335552710842.jpg (317x317, 21K)

>incel humor

Picture being so butthurt that people hate your rick and morty humor that you put this into your professional game.
Even as an easter egg.
Even as a joke.
It's a permanent reminder of how asspained the writing staff was.

Attached: clap trap BL3 trailer.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

>/blg/ humor

I like to think the first part of his dance wasn't the robot but instead the crappy engine animating him poorly for the first few seconds.

>lets literally allow big cities have all the power in elections
You are funny, in that sad sort of way

user, the only people who survived on that planet and remained sane didn't live long.
Tina has to be a bit fucked up in some way to work, or else her entire deal with her living alone in the middle of monster infested lands wouldn't make any damned sense.
Yeah they hinted at Roland being the guy who raised her and was the stand in father figure in tiny tina's dlc...but damn.
Should have gone full barret and marrie with it if they wanted to make her semi normal and you would lose like half of her quirky thing and not make any sense.
She'd be like...fuck...newt except boring and bring down the entire damned game.
Can you imagine if they played the roland raised her thing and she was all newt? Would fuck the rest of the game over.
She'd have to be a soulless murderous ess robot or an inconsolable mess for the rest of the game.

What else is there, a nice kid who's a bit of an evil loon when it comes to blowing stuff up and has a knack for weaponry and bombs?
Dump the crazy personality quirks and repalce them with what? Pathos?

>has "trap" in his name
>traps literally zero enemies

>handjob jack
actually made laugh

>No Athena gf to snuggle in bed

Here you go friend

Attached: link.jpg (400x600, 65K)

That painting took 11 years to finish

That's not how you play the game though

Attached: aitismgitl.gif (128x111, 50K)

>playing Tales from the Borderlands
>Episode 4 starts
>Catch a Riiiiiiiiiide

Attached: 1532629296559.jpg (720x480, 32K)

poor zyzz

>/fat/ humor

>butt stallion


Video games have shitty humor in general, so borderlands being unfunny isn't really that mind boggling.

>"Forced meme" humor?
But that's how the majority of american humour is.
>recorded laughter
>challenge accepted
>recorded laughter
>recorded left laughter
>recorded right laughter
>le "insert random word"
>10k shares and likes.


Attached: C_Data_Users_Dylan_AppData_Local_Microsoft_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_4Chan_Pepe_Laughing11 (258x544, 130K)

This word combination triggers dejavu inside of me but I can't place where it's from

Honestly though. When he says that and they change names and the small ones are called boner toots, I smirked

I used to think this shit was funny back then. But replaying it just recently. I just scoffed at it at how tryhard it is. Maybe a few chuckle here and there.

better than having backwood hicks have all the power so you can vote for lower taxes but end up paying more and losing benefits

> You'll never get with the bros get drunk and write an insulting letter to the Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself.
Why even live?

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Why is every character in the Pre-Sequel gay? Is it because of Australia?

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Hating on Claptrap. I'll never understand the contrarian edge lords here

>mexican humor

Attached: 1547852186490.png (618x424, 132K)

Claptrap can get old, but I'll never forgetting setting up at a buddies house with him and two more friends the night that Krieg was added, and the four of us drinking and all playing as Krieg. Shit was funny.

Clappy is best character. Blight Bot is best protocol.

it's because if he who must not be you

Holy shit this mother fucker is hilarious, remember the oil stains in his bed? lol

Seen it done, but I agree would have been neat.

>absurd or nonsensical talk or ideas.
I'd say it's fitting

Is Borderlands fun by yourself?

>human humor

Attached: 1550944504323.jpg (552x528, 23K)

It's playable, but playing any game alone is rather boring.

Stop, I don't want to know that feel...

it's literally moe factor, you want to protect them because they're bullied so much in-universe


>lets a Rothschild go free
>saving the world

Attached: eric confused.jpg (562x530, 69K)

>midwesterner humor

Attached: 1548791752919.jpg (1124x1102, 100K)

That was the midwest? It looked like a desert.

> You'll never get the joy of being a christian freeman and then, when the muslim sultan sends you an ultimatum to give up your freedom, tell Mehmet IV to fuck off.
Why even live?

Attached: fae.jpg (238x250, 7K)

Imagine being this desperate to show off your racism

>He says this on an anime website

Rent freeeeeeee

literally m

>claptrap reddit humour
>better than literally anything

The midwest is a desert hence the *middle* of nowhere

Borderlands 2


Attached: Chrysippus.jpg (1024x1365, 236K)

>remembering a shitty, annoying character for being shitty and annoying

Jar Jar Binks is "memorable" by that standard.

Well, he is,

Only thing that made me laugh during the whole game


>God Tier

>High Tier

>Meh Tier

>Forgettable Tier
Most of the other NPC

>Cringe and unfunny tier
Tiny Tina

Ever heard of the Dust Bowl, user?

Claptrap is unironically funny.
Fight me if you say otherwise.

First one was. Second was boring af.

*Blushes furiously

That's a lot of projecting you're doing there.

Gaige +1
Mordecai -1
Lilith +1
Tina +2
Claptrap +2

>no Scooter
Catch a ride into the trashbin you pleb

Why are people so butthurt about this?

Imagine being such a baby that if someone even slightly disagrees with you, you shit out as many wojacks as possible like it's some sort of defense mechanism.

Attached: kill yourself.jpg (960x660, 55K)

>Australian "humor"

Attached: 1554673640077s.jpg (250x140, 27K)

USIAN ""humor""

>Jap "humor"

Attached: yakuza-0-imposter-chicken.jpg (840x473, 115K)

Guess who's sitting on my desk RIGHT NOW?!

Attached: collectables-and-hobbies-action-figures-tiny-tina-borderlands-7-mcfarlane-figure.jpg (600x600, 105K)

You? Get off your desk dumbass.

Theonly person butthurt by it was it's writer. Imagine being so mad about getting made fun of for being a bad writer that you write a meta "sick burn" into your next project and prove them right beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are, in fact, a shit writer.

Who is it? All I see is trash.

>borderlands better
its just as bad if not worse

>Dr. Zed mentions he's an unlicensed doctor one (1) time in BL1
>mentions it every other line in BL2
Is there a more shining example of how every character got reduced to one joke

Claptrap I guess
the joke in question being that nobody likes him

All of this lines comes from a healing vending machine.

>Theonly person butthurt by it was it's writer. Imagine being so mad about getting made fun of for being a bad writer that you write a meta "sick burn" into your next project and prove them right beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are, in fact, a shit writer.
It's literally one line that's easy to miss that's supposed to be a joke about a claptrap shitposting.
If anything the people butthurt by this are the ones posting screenshots of it everyday and literally seething over the line.

Do you work at a Medieval Times or something?

>Yea Forums "humor"

Attached: 1401891595051.jpg (625x563, 65K)

>Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!

>O sultan, Turkish devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou shalt not, thou son of a whore, make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.

>Thou Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, pig of Armenia, Podolian thief, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!

>So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. You won't even be herding pigs for the Christians. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!

Actually the worst part about Yea Forums, it's the one board that all the underaged kids flock to before graduating to Yea Forums

>Yea Forums
Might want to get your glasses checked out old boy because that's YouTube not 4channel.


claptrap - me
bullets and rockets - that gay shit

based and honkpilled

twitter "humor"


you mean it wasn't?

Laughing is for braindead faggots.

Do you know how cities in america even operate on tax

>there are people who chose anything other than "Catch a Ride"

Attached: i don't want that at all.png (672x537, 482K)

bonertoots were the real payoff to that joke

Hi guys, I'm new to :)

I was hoping someone could show me the ropes

Can one of you PM me if you see this message? I'm not sure if I'm posting right.

Thanks a bunch :)


Hey fag,

Kill yourself

Thanks for visiting :^)

haha what if you squashed her with your big hands and she wriggled around a lot haha

Unironically based (i mean claptrap)

imagine having pride in browsing a website



Fuck yeah

So can anyone explain what the story of the second game is about? The setting seems very interesting (a space frontier filled with lawless shitheads and groups ala mad max) and some of the characters look cool but I cannot stand the writting in two. They just go on and on and on and on

Probably bait, but I'll say it anyway. Claptrap means absurd or nonsensical talk or ideas.

Sure there is, in the bead of Janey "Did I mention how much of a huge lesbian I am" Springs according to PS

*verifies you*

In the Pre-Sequel Jack is faced with a serious of morally grey dilemmas and he makes totally rational decisions. Lilith doesn't like his choices so she fucks him over and disfigures him. Jack wants revenge so he's the villain in Borderlands 2.

no fun allowed

has a game ever actively BTFO Yea Forums before?

Precision accuracy

Excellent job triggering weebs

>not fp

Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 20K)

going to start a new playthrough. should I be zero or the gunzerker?

Attached: 1554039776100.png (848x806, 733K)


undeniably based.

Wait so jack being the hero wasn't a meme?

already did one with her and axton before. was going to play a character thats a little less passive

then Zer0

Just be less passive.

He gets betrayed so much that turns violent to not show weakness and believes that everyone that isn't on his side is a bandit that needs to die

Both of those show's fanbases have huge overlaps with weebs though

jack started out as someone who wanted to be a hero but had psychopathic tendancies. after being betrayed by literally everyone he trusted and mind fucked by the artifact he turned insane and into more of a antihero who murders people to get his end result. honestly he's no worse than most of the vult hunters in the end

borderlands 2 happened right before the big faggot agenda horseshit, the few instances you can find where it seems to be ((())) are debatable.


This but unironically

More like Down-underrated

Absolutely based

Attached: furtherbeyond.jpg (2529x1080, 759K)

> racism
> nips
pick one

Tiny Tina and Cloe are two of my most hated game character so much so that even though Horizon zero Dawn is supposedly a really good game I had to drop it because I get annoyed every time Alloy opens her mouth

>Borderlands 2 & Borderlands 2 pre-sequel + all the DLC on Steam is on sale for like 95% off right now
>fuck it I just got paid and it's like $15
>both f them load up but crash as soon as I create a character
>refund games
so how was your day Yea Forums

His backstory pretty much removes any possible interpretation that he's a villain. He was a rational actor the entire time working towards a virtuous goal. Now that he's "evil" he's still working towards the same virtuous goals just using more severe methods because it's been proven that if he doesn't, people will fuck him over.

>mfw Lilith is still there
Jack should be still alive instead of her

I don't even blame him for wanting to destroy all the people on pandora. literally everybody he trusted from there turned out to be a cunt. and those people were the like .01 percent of the population that weren't crazy outlaw bandits

*camera pans to the sky*

I fucking hate her so much. I feel like she's not going to die though because they're faking us out with the trailers looking like she's in trouble


>Claptrap is a service robot with a forced positive personality, which juxtaposes the characters and world around it. This makes the character somewhat amusing, and sets the tone of the game at the beginning of the game.

I wished in the last bit where she tells you to kill jack or she will, that I could have just killed her.
I wonder how jack would have reacted to that.

>You're about to kill Angel
>Jack is begging and pleading for you not to kill her
>No option to spare her

Fuck me, he was a douchebag, but he didn't deserve witnessing his daughter dying.

anything is better than most nip humor

I liked BL1 claptrap more but at least it's made very clear in BL2 that even the NPCs hate claptrap. still a weird character.

weebs are gigantic faggots
>inb4 hurr anime website
Kill yourself. If watching anime is an unironic past time of yours, you're useless.

sadly not funny the guy lost the 4 limbs, cant even play on consoles

fuck mexican cartels man


this is the same cringe humor that Destiny 2 tried pulling with Cayde 6 and it’s just lame man. Also in NuSpiderman Peter Parker jokes. hahaha wow funny guys

Yeah, and this is one of the few times where it would be fucking great.

Why do Americans love memes so much?

Attached: D3XJoJTUIAAc0to.jpg (960x666, 59K)

That was fucking great, especially when you were expecting some serious ass vault hunter and Clappy just rolls in cursing up a storm

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>run up to nippon girl
>scream memes at her
>she says "s-sank yoo"

>Claptrap's voice actor left Gearbox and is no longer voicing him
Fuck that sucks, new guy is alright though


what can i say.
its a clowns world

listen buddy.
randy pitchfork doesnt speak for all gaymers.


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hi dylan

i feel that way about minions

I hope you mean the good kind

Attached: Overlord.jpg (1139x1580, 594K)

good british humor > good american humor > bad british humor > bad american humor > everyone else >>>>>>>>>> Japanese """humor"""



What's up you meme loving fuck

She's very clearly standing.

you should probably lurk more, newfag

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>Humor "humor"

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Dylan you fucking underage

Educate yourselves!

this kills the j*p

>starting my shift in 20 minutes

I just wanted to play vidya

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I actually thought Claptrap was cute in the first game, but holy fuck did he get annoying in 2.

Attached: 1554632878778.png (379x520, 48K)

Gotta agree with this, and I watch animu. Bad Jap humor is fucking BAD.

>watching presequel playthrough on youtube(stream highlight)
>part where the blue claptrap finds the dead loader and says that robots feel pain and in slow motion
>door opens and he gets shot up and dies
>feel sad but streamer starts laughing
>close window

Hot glue

Tweet it to Randy

Based, look all these triggered virgins

I can relate. I watched Critikal play DDLC he laughed and was joking through the bit where you find Sayori's corpse, I just cried through the whole thing

>boomerlands humor
>written by Anthony Burch

You don't need to grind anything to play through these games. Stop being dumb and autistic.

>tfw wanna keep shitpostan and playing vidya but gotta go to bed to be up bright and early for a long day of wagecuckin it
Damn why yo gotta hit me with that feel

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based based based based based based based based based based based based based based

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Is this where I type "based"?

>Yea Forums "humor"

Attached: 1552772814129.png (600x400, 16K)

Attached: Gearbox writing.png (1245x324, 43K)

watching people play games and totally miss the point of things or even notice them is just painful.

Bonus torment-points if they talk over some dialogue and then say they don't know what to do.

Attached: 1387214790106.gif (237x240, 1.95M)

"See you, Space Cowpoke."

>He thought BL is a serious game

my story isn't Yea Forums related but i know that feel, i watched two guys react to jojo and started laughing there asses off once one of the characters died, a child character to boot

>work will set you free
>it doesn't set me free
>in fact I'm more stuck than I was before
wtf bros??

I played it with a group narrating different characters for kicks and we caught on pretty quick and couldn't take any of it seriously.

Why does this have so many replies

All units, be advised: FEMINISM IS AWESOME!

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It wasn't a shock for me it was the build up. I'm a depressed person and the language that they used in Sayori's dialogue was very similar to the way I speak. Even a few while conversations we're practically identical to ones I've had with friends. It felt a lot like watching my own suicide from my friends perspective and I felt guilty putting them in the complicated unreasonable position that the protagonist was in.

Fucking hell didn't mean to blog but I fucking typed it and this thread doesn't matter so w/e.

I understand man. I caught a lot of those tones because I have similar experiences, so laughing it off as a group was probably the best way to handle it right there.

sent ;)