Here is your Pistol Bro, Enjoy!!

Here is your Pistol Bro, Enjoy!!

Attached: Fallout4_pipe_pistol.png (1651x862, 538K)

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How the fuck does that trigger make any sense?

Attached: fallout 4 assault rifle.jpg (474x197, 9K)

Never understood this design. I know they have a 50s style but guns like the mp40 had already existed for 20 years by the 50s. Also it's a fucking gun, the military tends to have a function over style approach

>open safe that hasn't been opened since the bombs fell
>pipe pistol x1

You have to understand, the company that made this game, also openly admitted to being lazy

Attached: 169b34f6e72255c332e73216244f7631.jpg (1536x2044, 305K)

What the fuck? Why are there vents that point back towards the shooter?

Todd Howard strikes again

fallout 4 wouldve gone up a whole 1 point on the 10 scale if the guns looked good
i dont praise new vegas like everyone else on this board but it was still the best fallout game and had guns that looked like they could be real

The worst part is it's already outclassed by the 10mm which you get before you even leave the vault. Same exact problem as Fallout 3 where the 10mm you get in the beginning is better than other pistols you'll find when you leave like the .38.

Looks like a water cooler maxim gun from WW1

>animations needed to be shared
literally why tho? why not add an additional set of animations? where is the “need” they are talking about coming from? is this a joke?

sad that fallout 2 had a better pipe gun design than this

That takes time and effort to do user, which is why its much easier to just copy paste.

>The stock gets narrower at the point that makes contact with your shoulder
>the vents will blow hot gas back in your face especially if aiming
Is their anyone from /k/ who can tell me if I'm wrong for thinking those things are retarded

i'm paraphrasing but this was their design process

>"normal gun look too small in power armor hand"
>"ooga booga!!! google BIG GUN!!!"
>find pics of ww1 era machineguns with water cooling tanks strapped to them

the trigger is also way to low if you consider the position of the thumb hole, very awkward bend in your wrist at all times

the best part is that they realized this problem but instead of fixing the loot tables, they just decided to add an in-game pre-war magazine that taught how to make pipe guns in an attempt to make it sensible

It was supposed to be a machine gun, not an assault rifle

No, thank you. I'll take my slavshit.

Attached: Pipe_Revolver.png (160x80, 16K)

>the assault rifle is actually a machine gun
>the machine gun is actually an assault rifle

Because most of New Vegas's guns are real- either real ones with the numbers filed off, or based very heavily on real designs with only minor changes to aesthetics and operation. Excluding laser/plasma guns, of course. It helps that Josh Sawyer wound up a gun nut by the end of development because his autistic design style meant learning about guns enough to portray them accurately while still having to use limited animations and gameplay modifications (and they still had a properly reloading lever-action rifle, something Bethesda fucked up not once but TWICE afterwards).


can mods fix fallout 4?

How do you know it hasn't been opened since the war?


> Unofficial patches end up breaking more of the game than they fix.
When have mods fixed anything?
Unless you need floppy dongs and waifus they are useless.

They actually worked out how to do shot-by-shot reloads by 76, they just didn't bother updating the lever-action.

>Because most of New Vegas's guns are real- either real ones with the numbers filed off, or based very heavily on real designs with only minor changes to aesthetics and operation.
Just like every other fallout game?

Attached: 1523830695870.jpg (1000x625, 110K)

Short answer no
Long answer
They made the game too linear this time.
The dialogue wheel limits your options too heavily even mods can't fix
Skill checks reduced to color coded dumb luck also ruins any chances of having propper skill checks
The special/perks even with the be exceptional mod still don't really allow the same amount of freedom to build your character the earlier ganes did

Heck no

God i hate the guns in 4.Also the shooting fucking sucks. People who say 4 has good shooting are the people who like COD shooting. Give me the shooting in NV or even 3 any day. at least it feels meaty

Yes, just like 1 and 2, although before 3, manufacturer names were dropped so the 10mm is no longer explicitly a prewar design by Colt, there's no longer a 14m pistol by Sig Sauer, the Plasma Rifle/Caster doesn't carry the Winchester name, etc.

3 uses a few real-ish designs, but largely went by 'what looks neat?' and they aren't accurately reflected in gameplay, plus you got abortions like the Combat Shotgun.

Is that a god damn needle spike sticking out of the trigger?

Attached: whatthefuck.png (848x430, 466K)



I don't know man, 3 did a pretty good job of putting in guns that look real enough

Perhaps the synths or the institute staff have a hole in their finger tips so whenever you fire it the gun connects with the synth or staffo so its verified that you are not an outsider. Sort of like Judge Dredd where if your not a judge the gun with backfire on you

Extremely retarded. Even if the vents were at a wide angle you're still getting heat/air pushed back at your general direction very close to your face compared to a brake. Dirt + eyes = bad time all around. Smaller buttpads mean more felt recoil. Obviously if it were a pistol configuration and for whatever reason a laser gun needs a buffer tube you wouldn't shoulder it. But it's not and bethesda is king retard.

It's designed for a synth, probably dont have as much of a problem impaling their finger as a person does. Still kinda dumb to design a weapon thats only usable by what are supposed to be your slave robots though.

Funny enough the "assault rifle" is listed as "machine gun" in the game files.