What's your opinion on MK11 final roster?

What's your opinion on MK11 final roster?

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Mostly good except
>No Stryker
>No Takeda
>No Nightwolf
>No Sektor
>No Ferra-Torr
>No Tanya

>no mk9 rooster

>no Cyrax


Get rid of Mumm-Ra, Blacki, and Aloy and replace them with Rain, Mileena, and Sindel.

Is that hooded fuck on the left Reptile?

Thats the only boy I want in

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Nah Reptile ain't in. You might be looking at Frost

I think it looks great.
They brought back long time fan favorites like Noob, Baraka, Kabal, and Jade.

They mostly brought back the right characters from X with Kotal, Cassie, D'Vorah, and Erron. Jacqui was questionable. However, it looks like they did a ton of work with her so I'm going to give NRS the benefit of the doubt and make a call on Jackie after I've played the game.

The Kollector looks really fun. And his design kooks like he would have fit right in with 4 through Arnageddon.

Geras and Cetrion are weird but seem to fit in with 11's more angelic/benevolent villain motif for the story.

The rest are tried and true MK staples.

Little miffed that Cary Togawa is dlc, but I've preordered the premium edition so fuck it.

The roster is a 9.5/10

Sad to see Reptile get axed.
However I bet there is a reason. Rumor is lots of characters die in chapter one. He's probably one of them.

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The white hood is Frost.

Remove fucking female Jax

That is Frost.

Reptile is on Erron's farm getting milked.

it's alright.
when a single guest character is added I'll hate it.

I would like Stryker, but Erron already beats him, I'm glad they brought him back.
I'll miss the cyber ninjas tho.

ferra/torr had no chance for a comeback, big slow characters in fighting games are rarely very popular with casuals (they look too goofy or grotesque) tourneyfags (they're low-tier) or loretards (too hard to write fanfic for).

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Why include fucking Jax, Sonya and Cage if their children are in too? Waste of slots.

>No Kenshi or Takeda
>but femjax is back
what the fuck boon?

Better get ready for Spawn or Pennywise

Spawn is always welcome desu

>he doesn't want Ash Williams

or maybe both

Like it other than the lack of Stryker and Nightwolf. I wonder if NRS is too scared to touch a walking stereotype like Nightwolf.

>Not Blade

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where the fuck is Motaro and Cyrax?

I just want to see Spawn rip people apart with his chains

No Human Smoke
No Play
Also no MK9 roster

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Yeah, this is actually the thing I'm the most surprised about. Out of all the combat kids, Cassie (who was basically the MC of MKX,) and Takeda were the most popular. Not sure how in the hell they figured Jaqui should be the one to return.

where's the white people?

better than X, worse than 9

>Not sure how in the hell they figured Jaqui should be the one to return.
oh you know exactly why they chose her of all people, you just don't want to admit it

It's not confirmed but Ed Boon implied in his GI interview that the next NRS game is not a fighting. It's going to be similar to Shaolin Monks.

Fans are speculating it's going to feature Kenshi/Takeda hunting down Red Dragon members and getting revenge for Su Chin (wife/mother).
And that us why they aren't in 11.

Alternatively they will just be dlc along with Kung Jin.

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They really fucked over the Kombat Kiddies huh?
Only two of them are in this game

100% DLC

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Looks good. But I could really do with less SF(none) though.

You're absolutely right, but I'd take it for variety's sake. Lei got into T7 despite historically low usage and everything else has at least *one* big guy.

Did they leave out Goro again?

just remove
and replace them with
then it would be perfect

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the new characters feel really fucking lame, especially compared to X's
i wonder if they're going to get more third party DLC characters and who'd they pick, i hope if they do its not just more slasher villains

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Yes. What seems to be his corpse, or an amazing statue likeness of a Goro corpse, in the Goro's Lair stage

No :^)

>i hope if they do its not just more slasher villains
>implying alien and predator weren't god tier guest characters

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>next NRS game is not a fighting
WB won't allow that

Too many Special force characters and not enough asian men
>Cassie or Sonya
They the same no point in having both
Or change her design and abilities to look more like an MK character
I think he is dead though
>Shang Tsung to the base game
>Sektor or Cyrax
Or any Cyborg
But him less of a joke and remove his fart moves and some of his puke moves


Motaro is dead. He died in 9.
Triborg is the only Cyber Lin Kuei for the moment but it looks like Frost is redoing the cyber initiative in 11.

Motaro will never return because of X-Rays/Krushing and Fatal blows. Creating separate animations would be too much work for a character that maybe 10 people would main.

However, the cyber ninjas will definitely return at some point

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>be DLC in MKX because he's requested
>no one plays him
Geez, I wonder why.

>No Human Smoke
you'll get Triborg as DLC and you'll like it bitch

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It's already confirmed though. We don't know what it is. But Boon said it himself. Their next game isn't a fighting game.

Havik is the only guy I'm hoping for. I know he isn't coming back.

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Stop reposting this blatant reddit image trying to get laughs.

I think getting 20 char. as DLC is bad, but its current standard.

triborg seems like the best way to have those characters in the roster and not feel like character bloat

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Reminder that Ed Boon spits on rainfags for fun

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Wrong. Triborg was already DLC in MKX. They won't do the same DLC characters twice.

Kreate your perfect roster:
>Sub Zero
>Liu Kang
>Kung Lao
>Shang Tsung
>Li Mei
>Bo'Rai Cho
>Shao Khan

>Erron Black
Literally couldn't care about the rest, these are all that I need.

>because he's requested
He was pre-order DLC. There might have been some focus testing pre-release but that's about it.
>I wonder why
Because NRS made him shit and never buffed him to being viable. Even casuals knew he was shit and avoided playing him


oh don't get me wrong, i love the horror movie fuckers, i just want some more exotic shit now that we've gotten pretty much all of the major slashers
characters that hail from other ultra-gore media like doomguy or even guts would be neat to see translated, hell if i had my way i'd even slap in one of the nuttier adult swim series since WB has a direct line to CN, get fucking carl from aqua teen in there just to hear him shit talk the cast
i love the idea of horror movies in MK but i think its time for some more out-there shit

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It is his corpse. They said so on Kombat Kast 4.
Kotal Khan killed him before X.
He wasn't actually alive during X. Just a dlc character.

WB lets NRS do nearly whatever they want as long as they bring in the green
And action-adventure games sell more than fighters in general, so if NRS said they wanted to do that they'd have no problem

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Who is the real face of MK
>Sub Zero

Kollector is the coolest looking newcomer. Reminds me of this guy.

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What a based lad.. Rainfags are insufferable and deserve to be bullied.

the problem is that once they put out leatherface you knew they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for horror guests
nobody gives a shit about texas chainsaw massacre

>Carl getting mutilated and talking shit
I'd pay for that

counted 9 that are just complete garbage I'll never play

pretty shit

Ed's husband, retard

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saying he *wants* to do something else doesn't mean it's happening

quan chi is too based to be in come on boon

pretty disappointed only new character that looks cool is kollector and we got jacqui instead of takeda

Who else but Scorpion.
And the real trio is:

He waa a huge monster in 9 and then they made him a stubby armed human looking fuck

Sub-Zero & Scorpion (MK1 - MKtrilogy)
Raiden (MK4 - Armageddon)
Cassie Cage (X)

At least how I see it.

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>WB owns New Line Cinema
>we could've gotten shit like Ash Williams or Mad Max
>they chose fucking Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Using a Terminator or Michael Myers both got shunted cos of upcoming projects so you're half right, but TCM's one of the genre classics. The movies post the original are just shit

The only changes i would make is remove jacqui for triborg.
For DLC im hoping:

>no putting cyrax and/or sektor in your game
it's like they don't even want to make money

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Ash and Mad Max had their own games.

Leatherface didn't.

wishful thinking

Pretty shit.

see instead of shit like Texas Chainsaw, we should've gotten Horrorkino like the Bye Bye Man

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Probably for readability. They have a weird aversion to not going over specific heights or builds. I don't think Torr (whichever one the big one is) is that much taller than Kotal. Abigail dwarfs everyone but manages to follow SFV's rules, and Tekken 7's bears are mostly fine other than being open to unique combos.
I imagine the gameplay stuff's the main hurdle

Scorpion is the face
Johnny is the soul

Jesus, that movie was ass.

>bye byeman
>horror kino
What a shit movie.


>Erron has Reptiles acid
Did they do this JUST to blow out reptile fags?

>no boobs
lmao what a joke of western developers

Who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to bring Cassie and Jaqui back?
Kano is also a shit character but they just keep bringing him back for some reason

the green chick with the stupid laser beam made me lose all hope in any future mk titles, isnt this game supposed to be about ninjas?

the character himself would be hilarious as fuck as an MK fighter though, don't deny it

They did it for potential yaoi

>no 4 armed amazonian goblina

Ok faggots, what guest characters do you want?
I know you don't want them, but we are getting them anyway

Personally, I want to see some videogame characters instead of horror movie villains

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It never was.

He better have his dog then. I wasted money seeing that in theaters and I normally can pick out stuff I like in bad horror movies.

>lose all hope in any future mk titles
>isnt this game supposed to be about ninjas
Shows how little you know about the series.


Fujin and Rain aren't happening. Cetrion covers both if their gimmicks and Tremor's as well.

Reptile isn't going to make it either. Erron has his acid.

Frost is the cyborg for 11.

Havik is the most likely of your list, but he is iffy too. Since he dead in the current timeline. Unless Kronika pulls him in from another time.

Like it or not. Kombat pack one is probably.
>Shang Tsung
>Kung Jin
>Sindel or Nightwolf

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only a few video game characters actually fit MK's philosophy of "They must be violent to others, and they must allow that violence to be done to them." that being said, put in some Killer Instinct characters god damn it.

Give me one reason to not just play MK9 where all character looked like they should and no characters were missing.

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>Virtue signaling
>No Reptile
>Stupid hat graphics on every character wearing a hat
>Still not good enough mechanically to compete with Jap fighting games
I'm going to say it. I'm going to say who this game is for.

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>i hope if they do its not just more slasher villains
i just want pinhead in, he's literally the only horror movie character that would fit in with the universe/style and the fact they haven't got him in a game yet is down right criminal

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Well, it's an ancient game so you'll just be playing with yourself(which you probably already were if you were that concerned about bikini costumes).

Centrion is awful character

Mk9 still the best

Pinhead would be pretty cool

Never ever.

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>NG3 Ryu

It's the same size as X's.

Where the fuck is Ermac? Smoke?


is noob saibot in?

John Wick
The Nun

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no reptile no buy

>wanting Stryker

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Give me the dumb cop guy. Fuck you

Just make

I know but X wasn't that good to begin with MK9 is the only MK with the really really good roster

Marcus fits that perfectly. Sadly he would be a version exclusive and I hate that.
Doomguy also fits those requirements but I don't really like him.
Kratos was a decent fit in mk9 but the execution was terrible.
Nu-Kratos wouldnt really fit in MK

Why are the female characters ugly and why do the graphics look like shit? D'vorah was gross, but at least she had sex appeal. NRS must be appeasing to the vocal minority that doesn't even play videogames.

>Not wanting Stryker
bad taste

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Why not just get the fat drunkard Bo Rai Cho

It's actually bigger than average.
Dynasty did a whole video on dispelling that lie.

The Kock-licker is reptile's replacement.

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This 2.0

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Raiden, Snake, or Big Boss could maybe be cool, but we've got a lot of special forces characters already in the game, and I doubt konami would be alright with subjecting them to MK's ultraviolence

Smaller than MK 9s

You know what, you're right. I'll admit Stryker's redundant cos of all the Special Forces characters. but I still think he's campy and fun.
But Bo Rai Cho'd be a good unique character gimmickwise, so he'd be number 2. Thanks for the eye opener

SFV launched with 16
T7 launched with 20
SC6 launched with 21
DBFZ launched with 24
SS is launching with 16

No stryker? Thats a fucking great info. Who needs the most custom looking character in a game that is supposed to be badass?

There are so many cool looking characters with interesting kits that are not included in the game. Looks like i gonna have to wait next 4 years for a better roster.

Perfekt one:

Quan Chi
Sub Zero
J Cage
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Noob S
Hsu Hao
Kotal Kahn
Shao Kahn
Erron Black

+some new ones, some guest chars.
Ed boon please gtfo with these boring bytches like jacqui and cassie. My god...

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Implying that I would even touch a shity Dragon Ball Z game

>That character you liked?
>They aren't in the sequel
Why do fighting games do this

>Steve Blum is Sub-Zero's voice

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Stopped reading at Kai.

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I think MS would allow fatalities on the KS characters, probably not the guest characters if they put in guys like Arbiter and Rash, but the actual KI characters would probably be allowed

Tekken 7 launched in arcades with 20. It launched on console with about 35. SFV sucks, SC6 is basically Bamco's retarded budget child and SS is a relatively budget SNK game after the massive roster KOFXIV debuted and flopped with

fuck you steve blum is top tier

Needs Mileena, Ferra/Torr, Sheeva, Reptile and Triborg (so you can make your own Bot)

Other than that I like it

>Blade, a marvel character
>in a WB (DC) game

>Opinion on MK11 roster.
I am as hyped as Boon is user. Giving this one a hard pass.

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To restructure tournaments play without ruining the previous balance structure

So Reptile isn't on the roster because he's off-screen going full Onaga, right

not completely out of reach, Boon did a poll and found that people are very clearly interested in seeing a Marvel vs DC fighting game from them. I'm sure they'd be able to do it considering they were able to get a FOX owned character in MKX

> a model and costume like will never happen in current NRS era .
Fuck you got my hopes all high ...

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Smaller than Armageddon's
Smaller than Smash's

Sometimes big rosters just make things shit.
Quality > Quantity

I don't really hate Stryker. He's just kind of you know like not overused but sort of Tamer compared to the others

fuck it just throw pyramid head in there at this point, scorpion can't do anything worse than what konami's already done to the series

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When is netherealms gonna just make a horror fighting game already?

>Ash Williams
>F. Krueger
>Michael Myers
>Hellraisers pinhead
>Leather Face
>Thing monster

>implying they wouldn't do Silent Hill

Smash has Echo Fighters removal of the echo Fighters will make it like on par with eyes of heaven or MK 9

one day, Boon has teased that shit for years and there's still very clearly a demand for it.


Shame MK11 is not quality though.

>eyes of heaven
Seriously? You really brought that pile of shit up in a fighting game thread?

>Devil May Cry 5 has the shittiest roster in a fighting game, only 3 playable characters! Even Skullgirls launched with more!

>Marvel vs DC
he mentioned having a meeting about that during the GI interview


>No candy man
Shit list.

Capeshit has killed that option long ago.

Eyes Of Heaven is and always will be better than any smash game

Nvm, you boring fag. Go play stryker in mk9.
Kai looked as badass as it gets in mk4.

No Quan-chi no buy

If we're adding in more Image characters it would be nice to see Rathraq(Rumble) or Fabian Gray(Five Ghosts). I feel like they could be wonderful additions.



I think Fabian would be pretty interesting giving how each of the five spirits would be utilized in combat.

>mk9 roster
>mkx dlc characters
>erron black
>hsu hao
guest characters
>ryu hyabusa
>kung fury
>not playing hftf or asb

user, characters looked as they should in MK3.

That's the price you pay for good graphics, sweaty

Marcus for the Xbox One and PC versions, NuKratos for the PS4 and Bayonetta for the Switch

>wanting console exclusive characters
fuck off

Not entirely true have you ever heard of Eyes Of Heaven

Perfect Roster:
>Cyber Sub-Zero
>Cyber Smoke
>Cyber Noob Saibot
>Cyber Sektor
>Cyber Cyrax
^hold away hp/hk/rn/blk and get human forms at the start of the match

Literally just a game of ninjas

Main Boss: Grandmaster from MK Mythologies

is there gonna be any PS4 exclusive characters like Kratos in MK11 on PS3? If not, I'll stick to PC

no exclusives

characters looked as they should when they debuted. with a few exceptions (Stryker, Bo' Rai Cho, lesser ninja clones like Smoke, Rain, Jade, Tanya) these constant redesigns Mortal Kombat does are retarded.

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Here's the one true roster. Straight off the top of the dome nigger.

>el habib
>snowflake cage (cassie's demiboy infant son)
>guest chars rick and morty

I'm buying it by the way. In case that wasn't clear.

Fuck i forgot chub-queero.
>Kuai liang's gay dogfucker son.

Is this what they call an 'anti sjdub meem'?

>not wanting Stryker

Guest characters are the only characters I play. People want them as evidenced by them selling gangbusters.

Ash would be nice. Also Michael Myers or Pinhead. I don't think Pennywise fits



Stryker is such a faggy character.

Like your mom

>he doesn't want to play as Mad Max
He'd fit right into Outworld, WB owns him and he's a kino character.

just glad noob is in

the problem with max is he doesn't have a readily apparent moveset. that doesn't bar his inclusion, but would put more pressure on the devs to make him interesting as opposed to someone like spawn or WB-owned pennywise and beetlejuice who each design themselves

who is the one below noob?



I couldn't take seeing Snake getting ripped apart by a fatality

Thank God

I wish they had both so I could play as Stryker putting down some racially motivated police brutality on Kai.

>realistic fighing game with mature aesthetic
>still a fucking 2D fighter where you can't STEP TO THE SIDE

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Where my /Kanbros/ at?

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>inb4 they start selling skins for real money only that are way better designed

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MK was 3d for a decade. it didn't turn out well

18+ site, kid.

Reporting in.

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Goober Geeter in 2019.
I think I broke my back cringing, realizing there are still Goober Geeters in 2019.


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That's one hell of a recovery

Lmfao this game is gonna fucking suck.


At least it will make money doing it unlike your mom.

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You're a real nigga

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Cassie is alright and I feel like she's making a name for herself as her own character despite being a kombat kid, I think she's a good addition. But fuck Jacqui, she has nothing going on for her except being a blander Jax. Her character feels like the equivalent of a damp towel.

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no reptile - no buytile

He thinks we are the same person

But he's underage and doesn't know how to check for samefag

Literally underage

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Blum is alright on his own as a VA, but there's something I liked about his MK9 voice. Still kinda pissed Seitz isn't Scorp anymore though

I just want more 3D era characters

I don't like how NRS seems to want to sweep that entire era under the rug

kollector is cute!


>except being a blander Jax
it could be alright, but then we got the real Jax, that makes her even more pointless

It's not NRS as much as it is Boon.
The only characters Boon likes from that era are
>Bo Rai Cho

He hates the rest.
But Havik has a very vocal fanbase and the MKX comics made him a big deal, so Havik might show up sometime.
But I doubt we ever see the rest.

I wish that weren't the case though.

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>appeasing to the vocal minority that doesn't even play videogames.
finally someone said it

I was actually referring to Kano looking like shit in X but looking better in 11

chances of any of pic related to be in?
Traps have a lot of potential as abilities and fatalities

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MK11 shuts on modern Jap fighters mechanically. Actually having to use spacing and navigate neutral after ungaing in Baby2buttonTag, DBFZ, and the early seasons of SFV makes MK11 seem like rocket science.

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haha what would his milk taste like? haha

People who care about waifushit are the vocal minority. People just want to play with cool and intimidating characters not substitute a broken life with a shitty waifu addiction that's worse than crack.

Thats a good question

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Story behind this webm? I see it's evo japan.

It’s even more annoying due to the fact that NRS is pushing her so hard as a “fan favorite” when in reality she was the least liked of the X newcomers.

Still can’t believe they made Kotal Kahn job to her in his own fucking reveal trailer for 11.

Titty-ninjas should have different ares of body exposed instead of being palette swap of same bikini. Cleavage titty-ninja, sideboob titty-ninja, underboob titty-ninja.

>bulky Sektor and Cyrax
Disgusting. Each of their iterations after MK3 is shittier and shittier.

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Japs hate the game, but play it for money and because the western ArcSoys claimed they liked it and would compete.

No reptile? Is ermac on there? I cant even tell who half of these people are and who's even new. Don't have high hopes foe this one

3d era produced the worst games of the series so avoiding it is understandable
i don't like jacqui, but her moveset in mk11 is quite different from jax aside from one special she outright stole. still would've preferred takeda or a legacy character though

no reptile or ermac. geras, cetrion, and kollector are new. jacqui and (presumably) frost have had an overhaul

Not Samefag, just fag.

mr x

When Capcom made SF3 and it bombed, they didn't pretend it didn't exist

When SNK made KoF 2001 and then 2003 they didn't just ignore it and actually finished their respective sagas

When Namco crapped out Tekken 4 and Soul Calibur 2 they didn't just abandon them and ignored anything that was established there

NRS doesn't have to pretend it was an amazing part of their career but to just completly abandon and neglect them because they aren't the original MK3 is kinda cruel

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>When Capcom made SF3 and it bombed, they didn't pretend it didn't exist
Yes they did for 8 years.

no ninjas/10

Lol Street Fighter 3 characters were ignored for nearly a decade. Why are you lying?

>3 ninjas are in
>are the only important ones
I don't see a problem

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not sure SC2 should count as crapped out since it was the only time SC ever hit the big time

cassie is just the personality of johnny is the body of sonya. she's taken more moves from her parents than the other kids did from their relatives yet still has the least interesting mk11 moveset thus far. cringe dabbing like some boomer politician is the icing on the cake. she was used heavily in mkx because of her strong pressure and 50/50 game. her popularity is going to tank in this game

the problem is that it looks like mk4 roster

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Technically 4 ninjas are in
>Noob Saibot

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4 had a solid roster though.

Deception and Armageddon are the shit rosters

great? I know
can't fucking wait

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She is literally a Lin Kuei
You mongoloid.

>Hurr not a ninja since i don't like her hurr


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nrs =/= midway: WB is calling the shots. they want what works and the 3d era didn't work. simple as that

I actually love her
Thanks for copping tho :)

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But 4 was kino
11 is kino too

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You do know 4 is beloved right?

>what will you do next ?
>dunno lol travel the world and find myself
okay just because it became a meme doesn't mean it was a good game

no it isn't

Jade is my waifu.

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>caring about the story in a mk game

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It's both.
Look at RE.

If you didn't like Bone Breakers and cheesy kung fu dialogue then maybe you just need to go.

It is.

You are one guy/tranny.
Just ask any MK fan if they liked 4.

3D era is trash and anyone who defends it has brain problems

no no I wasn't talking about the lore
I was talking gameplay
if you're saying
>mk4 was beloved
YOU are the one who is obviously just talking about the lore, 'cause the game itself was a fucking mess

Mk4 was considered trash at the time my discord tranny

actually the lore was the one that was a mess and the gameplay was great
Trying playing the game the next time :)

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>Deception and Armageddon are the shit rosters
retard detected

Re-release of 4 when?

Why is Aloy on the roster next to D'vorah?

God how I'd love a PC port of MK Gold remastered

>the gameplay was great
I have no words for such shit taste
>same combo for everyone
c'mon mate I got the game when it came out, don't try to bullshit me

Time fuckery will like result in time changes like haviks death

What’s your opinion on the 3D Mortal Kombat games?

They're fucking garbage

>he doesn’t know

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a dark time best forgotten

I like MK4 but its roster is absolute shitshow full of literal whos.
>Raden Jr.
>boring niggress
>some goth freak
>literally clown
>Sub-Zero's and Scorpion's hoods

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Deception was alright, I liked the story mode and the Chess/Puzzle Fighter Rip-off mini games were fun. Armageddon had your own customisable fighter which was cool, although the new fatality system was awful. The rest are terrible and should be left alone.

>you now remember MK vs DC was a thing
Fucking why?

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Hide got his spirit broken and got command grabbed three times in a row

They put in leather face to promote that shitty leather face origin movie that came out at the time. That's why everyone is assuming penny wise and terminator are gonna make it in the roster because they have movies coming up.

who the hell is above Erron?

That new Kollector dude and everything related to Johnny, Kang and Lao look great.

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Just make the damn mortal Kombat mmo already.

can we agree that mk 5 and 7 are the worst ones?
>martial arts
>3d battles
>worst rosters
>terrible music
>terrible designs for a 3d game

The only thing that moves 6 from the list is the adventure mode

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6/10 Dont care much for the Special Forces bullshit

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Sub zero. He wins almost every fan poll out there. Ed boon is really shooting himself in the foot jobbing him.

TCM is kino but I will agree Leatherface shouldn't have been the horror guest character.
Ash or Candyman would've been better picks.

I'm amazed he didn't make it in. Ed boon said he's the joker of the mk universe.

Kitana (Revenant)

Deadly Alliance (10/10)
Tried new shit. Had the balls to kill off Liu Kang. Introduced the Krypt. Cooking with Scorpion. Unlockable characters. Was a brave way to reinvent the combat.

Deception (8/10)
Terrible fucking roster. Mediocre story. Combat pretty much unchanged from Deadly Alliance.
But it did have Konquest and Kar Kombat. Onaga is cool.

Armageddon (3/10)
Every character is in the game so they didn't have the time to give them individual movesets or fatalities. Every character plays the exact same and has the same generic fatality. Even Motaro got half his body removed so he could use the same moves and fatalities as the rest of the cast.

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>Tfw when I first played MK at a friends it was Deception and I didn't know jack shit about MK, never paid attention to it at all
>Decide to pick the guy who looks like shredder
>Sub Zero loyalist ever since
Had no idea I picked the Ken of the series. I gave up on MK after MKX but he'll always have a place in my heart.



I also like Erron, Noob, and Jax.

Roster seems good.

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0 attractive females out of 10

>He doesn't like Deadly Alliance


is one of the worst games


nah its the dragon logo.

>Black empowerment women got in over Shang Tsun

Not sure if they'd want their good guys getting mutilated. Immortan Joe and the war boys might be cool.

honestly, the dragon

I loved it.
It's my list. If you don't like Deadly Alliance fine. Make your own list.

10/10 MKs
>Deadly Alliance

And probably 11.
Sorry for liking video games on Yea Forums I should have known better.

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Shang is in though.

He's your guide through the Krypt and he's the first dlc.

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Fuck off, you memester

Someone once suggested The Batman Who Laughs as a guest, which I think would be pretty great. He's an edgy fuck and I don't think DC would mind him getting brutally murdered.


It's honestly a bit surprising Kano made it through the entire new trilogy without getting cut. I know he's an OG but I feel like he'd be first on the chopping block among them.

Exactly, his slot got bumpped to DLC dispite being in multiple games, and being one of the big bads.

4 had the best roster, minus kitana,
Kai was a great design
Reiko was mysterious af
Jarek was fucking hilarious
Tanya and her character redesign in MKX was fucking brilliant
Fujin finally another god character
Shinnok, play as the final boss of the tower mode for once
Quan Chi, one of the best villains ever introduce in MK lore and in video games at the time.
Only thing bad about this game is Reptile's design.

>og char
>roster staple
>'protagonist' of mk9 and x
>the most normal of the bunch
>fish out of water situation letting the player easily empathise with him


That had nothing to with Jacqui though.

It's because Cary Togawa is playing him.
Something fans REALLY wanted for years. Movie Shang Tsung has been requested since the 90's.
NRS knows we'll pay extra for it.
It's about money. Not Jacqui.

Johnny doesn’t come to mind for MK the way raiden, all the ninja colour swaps and the women (and gore) but he’s been the face of MK basically since MK9 on top of being an OBAMF

>>og joke char
>roster staple joke character
>side protag to Raiden and Lui Kang
>Quips every moment is normal

Memester begone!

So who's the bad guy in this one

t. Trashtard faggots that couldn't play a basic fucking character. He was great against everything except Tier 1's.

>Reiko was mysterious af
You overplayed your hand with this shitpost.

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Not me. Kano is pretty popular actually.

Then again both Scorpion and Reptile have been cut before and they are more popular.

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I'd like to think that MK4/Gold was the best way to end the MK storyline and reboot it afterwards. Everyone had a good ending, and some endings correlated so well in regards to certain fates of characters.
>Scorpion finally knows that Quan Chi killed his family and finishes/casts him to the netherrealm forever.
>Sub Zero and Scorpion make peace.
>Liu Kang declines Kitana and the throne to edenia and serves now as earthrealm's true defender.
>Raiden becomes an elder god, fujin takes his place as protector of Earthrealm
>Kung Lao makes fucking peace with Goro, due to the Great Kung Lao being killed by Goro in Mortal Kombat.
>Reiko was Shao Kahn theoryboys?
>Cyrax become s good guy and goes through decyberization to an extent and then joins Special Forces.
would have preferred the series to die and reboot years later to MK9

>rekt by shao in annihilation
>cucked by baraka for mkvdc
>turned into boomer and dabbed on by his own daughter
>will probably get #metoo'd in 11

>no shujinko
its fucking shit

Should I get MK11 on PS4 or PC?
On one hand PC fighting games tend to die quickly but ps4 is going to be irrelevant in a year and will be replaced by the PS5

Needs more slots.

>Kano and Reptile are popular

Liu kang fatality LITERALY is the logo of the series

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Imagine paying for multiplayer.

No 7 deadly ninjas, no buy.

this with the costumization system

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I'm not a sonyfag though. I only use it for watching movies and bloodborne, the last five fighting games i bought were on steam. I'm tired of paying for dead games like i did with injustice 2, dbfz, and unist

>NG3 ryu being killed in gory ways

I'd rather have Takeda over Cassidy, they put so much work into him, he had the most fleshed out backstory, he was the main character of the comic, and they dropped him for Jax but a girl

So, explain why the Kung Lao kid is out? He's gay.

People like them. Popular doesn't mean most played. Lot's of people just pick a tier one character.

I thought Smoke was Yea Forums's favourite character.

there are SF3 characters in SF4

its raiden

Virtue signaling is a meme word.

Looks like shit
Not buying this game NRS can suck my cock

Disney doesn't care if the comic itself is gory, they want to keep their brands kid friendly so they could sell toys, hell one of the very first things they did after buying Fox was release a PG-13 version of Deadpool 2

some people pick based on tier, but most play their favorite, which is why scorp and sub are overwhelmingly high compared to even 3rd yet top-tier shinnok is near the bottom

>roster staple
Jax has been in more games than him

There were like 20 games between 3 and 4.
Every character in 4 from 3 was dlc except Makoto.

and 10 of those are sf3 related
>second strike
>third strike
>fifith and a half strike
>thirdy three and a third strike

I'm genuinely shocked he hasn't been in one yet, and its probably too late for it to matter now.
Duke Nukem and Doom Guy would fit so well in Mortal Kombat though

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>No Kronika
>Johnny, Cassie, and Noob literally the only interesting characters
>Mommy Earth could be cool, but fuck all that zoning that NRS is know for.


The "3D era" never happened, they literally reset the timeline with MK9 and basically erased everything that happened after 3

The 3D era is literally the real timeline.

>instead of finally not fucking up Reptile's design and giving the fans the real Klassic Reptile they all wanted they just gave us no Reptile at all
Why they gotta do this

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Its literally not, Raiden sends himself a message in the past warning himself about how everything leading up to the end of Armageddon goes down.
Basically everything from MK4-Armageddon takes place in the doomed timeline that Raiden gave up on, and we're in the timeline where he got the message from his future self and tried to avoid that shit during the first tournament.

So, why is Kronika here again? Just for fun?

She seems to be mad he fucked up her planned time line.

I'm hoping that they'll add Shinnok down the line.


Pyramid head would be pretty good, but i doubt that Konami gives a shit.

Did you even play MK9?
This shit couldn't be laid out any more clearly, its like the first 5 minutes of the story mode that explains this. It starts with everyone fuckin dying at the end of Armageddon and Raiden sending a message back to himself during the first game.

The fact that Takeda and Kenshi got cut makes me think they got father son iced

The Armageddon timeline still happened. It had to happen for the 9 timeline to exist.

The ENTIRE story of 11 is Kronika trying to course correct back to Armageddon timeline.

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That is likely the case.
Have a feeling

All get killed off really early. Like opening cutscene early.

we were talking about the 3d era game's rosters not the current timeline you retard

What the fuck is that thing in the very top right? Also who is far left on the middle-bottom row?

Shit roster anyway, the only two worthwhile character's are a pre-order bonus and DLC. They've absolutely butchered Noob, especially his voice. Erron looks boring compared to X and Cassie has lost all her soul as a character. Scarlet would have been cool too if they didn't turn her into an ugly 50 year old gypsy.

No Rain, no Reiko, no Quan Chi, no Goro, no Shinnok, no Shang Tsung as DLC. Shit roster, almost worse than X's.

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And my point was that the new games are on a different timeline with different new guys, which for the most part is good since the vast majority of the "3D era" newcomers were shit

hyped frost is back

upset no shinnok or quan chi but ill get over it

Police Brutality Coming Up!

>Shang Tsung back as an old man
>his personal bodyguard isn't back

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Not that you actually care.
You are just here to shitpost.

Reptile works for Kotal now.
And technically he is likely dead in the first few minutes or is Erron's prisoner and Erron is milking him for acid.

The problem is... batman doesnt kill, not even i the injustice games, that being said,i guess you could choose other characters from injustice that have killed people, like superman, but this is warner bross, and since we have a joker movie soon, he might be the guest

Why does Kronika want armageddon to happen? What does she gain from it?

god power sex energy

I feel you Boomerbro.
I can only pray for DLC for red and green to come back.

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that roster sucks so much, i'll be on mk9 for 4 more years i guess

She exists outside of time. She's above even the Elder Gods. Armageddon will not effect her.
But she is the keeper of time. It's her domain, Raiden fucked it up.

>Quan Chi
>Bo' Rai Cho
and many more 3d era characters have story appearances or cameos in arcade endings and the comics. speculating on which may return in future titles is not nullified by the reboot

erron doesn't even have combos
I don't recall any special move that could allow extended combos, nor any popups

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I'm not talking about any old Batman, user.

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That just looks like Judge Death

What the fuck you stupid asshole, why hasn’t anyone suggested Judge Dredd yet?

>game lacks needed advancements over the prior game, cuts content out to re-sell for preorder DLC, and takes out perfectly good tits and ass for absolutely ridiculous reasons like "It's not realistic or respectful", and you expect me to drop AAA money on it
Go fuck yourself Warner Brothers




Yea Forums.Com

>reddit poster

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Maybe im getting old but this is not impressive at all.

Where the fuck are Mokap and Meat

You thought wrong, forehead.

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for me, MK is about the ninja and gods intrigue, and the white and black humans are just there to be fatality targets or plot points
so leaving out any ninjas at all feels wrong
if there's no place for them in the story I understand, but I still want them present in the background

MK has been losing its way ever since they worked on Injustice and realized how much money capeshit can make.
Its less about being an over the top homage to cheesy 80s kung fu movies and more about appealing to the Marvel cinematic universe crowd now.

MKX outsold both Injustice games though.


I hope you're joking user

And MKX is when they stopped trying to be like Mortal Kombat and started trying to be more like Injustice.

>3 "mains"

>Caring enough to only play one character

Someone making fun of you user?

It's going to happen because the guests this time are edgy comic characters instead of horror icons

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>No Reptile
>No Ermac
Thanks for nothing Boon.

I miss the old scorpion voice

Not a single cape is in X tho,
You said it was the "capeshit" making the money.

Nice goalpost shift

Ed Boon?


no the mk9 one

why is boon pandering so hard to the Middle East?

Why are they all so ugly?

>no mileena


wheres the slut character

this is the future of mortal kombat you dirty misogynist

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showing skin is haram

Oh look it's Billy from One Butthurt Incel. Took you long enough to get in here this time.

You have to go back.
Your article is cringe.

Go back to crying in your hugbox pls.
Goober Gate lost, kiddo.

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It will be the first MK I skip. In retrospect I should've skipped X ko, but I had hopes for it. I don't know why they refuse to add the cool characters people actually care about, instead of trying to force the boring retards no one cares about. I know it won't, but I wish this would bomb, fuck paying for DLC. Fuck cuck character designers too for being scared of hot girls

>implying there's only one butthurt incel

Also fuck off, they made a game about ripping people apart but refuse to give a girl tits.

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I respect your opinions, but I never really understood why some people praise a game or a movie or whatever because it had the 'balls' to do something, when that something isn't really anything that amazing. Killing Liu Kang was an interesting plot point, but the game wasn't really improved or worsened because of it. Is Deadly Alliance really a 10/10 because they tried new things and they were brave? I still enjoyed the game a shitload when I was a kid, but a 10 is a ridiculous score. When I was a kid, I'd probably have given it a 8.5/10, but now I'd probably give it a 6.5/10.

I mean, 11 looks like a pretty good addition to the series, but are you guys really putting it at the top before it's even out?

He'd just be a neater Stryker

MK is about gore, not titties.

I want all earthrealm niggers to leave. They are consistently the worst part of Mortal Mombat, and I have no idea why B*on keeps pushing for them, especially the Kombat Kids.

I don't have a problem with Earthrealmers being the heroes, but I hate how the Special Forces have become the main faction in the new timeline.

With the exception of Cage, I want them all thrown into a woodchipper.

No Buyborg


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i played a few hundred matches during the beta and am confident it's the best mk in terms of core gameplay, which is the most important aspect. roster could be better, but it's a step up from mkx and the notable omissions are characters i don't care for anyway
whether it'll get good reviews from the press or pro scene is another story. the former cares about singleplayer content and the latter about tournament viability, with the variation controversy causing waves. regardless, the mechanics are great and barring catastrophic imbalance in its final form i don't see my opinion changing

>no smoke

>Dismembering people is fine but showing some skins of women is not.
Yeah, SJW trash it is.

Anyway I stop buying MK series long time ago, so whatever.

>no booty torr
No buy. Probably for the best, she wouldn't gotten the burka treatment too.

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Black people like Mortal Kombat and they don't like police brutality.

What platform are y'all getting this on

you some kinda retard?

She would have been the big one and they would make a new shota riding her around.


No Sheeva no buy

>he dosen't know that guest characters is a huge part of fighting games now

I'm getting it in two years with all the characters on disc.

Congratulations, you're so dumb you think a company should make a game marketed to people who don't buy it like you.

Looks good but I'm salty about kenshi not being in. Also skarlet and sonya are seriously fucking shit.

>implying everyone does it
it's basically just nrs and bamco

Should've been "kollection"

better than X's I guess

Is Rain in the game?
I heard it was leaked but idk


>Muslim Kombat