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>t. hawk

i used to play guile but now i play blanka

I went to Toronto I went to Atlanta. I used to drink Pepsi but now I like fanta.

Blanka or Cammy

Fist or Tiger Uppercut.
I just like both. sometimes I pick (((Bruce Lee))).


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woah such hard choice

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SFII Cammy will always be my favorite, Best face, bet outfit, best butt.

Why vanilla super?

Just ryu. If it was ST maybe boxer if I wanted to win depending on match up

>best butt

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Have waifufags ever been good at fighting games? I've never been beaten by one

SilentScope's Cammy

lmao sure thing faggot

Wtf that map is all wrong


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Didn't know he was into Cammy for the ass. My obvious go-to for a successful waifufag would have been Infiltration since he doesn't even try to hide it but you can hardly compare guys like Infiltration or SilentScope to the average /fgg/ poster. If all they post is lewd art of the girls it's always directly inversely related to their skill.

I know Balrog is Vegas and Ken is San Francisco, where's Guile at? Texas?

I literally cannot look pat how horribly diverse the sfii cast is, wtf happened to me? i used to love these characters, now i cant stand even looking at them.
The Punching and Dancing Niggers, the Masked Beaner, the Stretching Poo in Loo, the Subhuman Hue, the Savage Redskin, all the disgusting Gooks.

Holy shit.

>wtf happened to me?
You migrated to Reddit. Now go back and stay there.

>disgusting gooks

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Oh never mind. I just thought you meant good female character players.

I choose 3rd strike


>mom i posted it again

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