>Japanese characters
>look like White people
This is pathetic.
>Japanese characters
>look like White people
This is pathetic.
"""White""" with a capital 'w'
They both look Asian.
>charge $60 for a fighting game
>doesn't have lobbies
This is pathetic.
Left is only half-jap. Other half is German.
right is half jap too.
White people are a sickness that needs to be purged.
They don't.
oh boy. the first in the line of many joker == incel memes. can't wait.
>release wedding DLC before lobbies
Based Bamco giving their dumb players what they want
American white nationalism is pathetic
>low nasal bridge
>flatish face
But Hitomi is German
Those are both hapas. They gave Kokoro Hitomi's 'hapa' face this time though. Before Kokoro always looked the most completely asian of any DOA girl save perhaps Nyotengu.
You mean KT?
I want to impregnate that kraut
Today everyone is a hapa
Never saw white girls who look like that.
>that outfit
And that retard
A lot of teens look like that.
Bitch I fucking wish white women looked like this
And this fatass
>It's another "dumb user projects his whiteness into obviously Japanese characters" episode
Where can i find girls like this in US?
>the left can't meme
It's practically turning into a scientific law
Stupid idiots who don't understand their electoral system? Try the coasts.
They are both 50% japanese and 50% caucasian, you mong.
Yeah, it's pathetic how even the fucking Asians can create better and more beautiful white people than Whites themselves. I agree 100%.
Are you guys still playing?
this shit looks almost exactly like DOA5, what a disappointment
I am for the daily login and to rack up some coin every day to buy what I already did Pattern Parts for. All the patterns are filled out, it's bullshit to have to then buy it afterwards.
Haven't played since DMCV and I'm back on my UNIST grind now.
Yeah the costs for certain costumes are pretty crazy. I just play enough to buy one whenever I even bother to play. The delayed lobbies really killed it for me.
Who do you play in either game?
Honkers and Wagner.
The lobbies and the next costume set will have me back. Annoyed that my fav to use still didn't get the update for Opening/Closing bits yet. Marie fucking got it in round one.
>update for Opening/Closing bits
I haven't even played enough to notice that. Time to look for patch notes.
Last thing I did was mess with character swaps.
God I wish I had a Kokoro GF
rent free
Oh shit, One Piece did a crosspromo into DOA?
I hate when japs do this
Can they just have a character be a foreigner without some contrived half japanese shit like they're going to catch foreigner cooties if they ever encounter a character who isn't from glorious nippon in some fashion?
and proud of it
The game Is dead, almost nobody play it anymore.
Wonder what KT Is going to say.
Honestly you guys bring a lot of it on yourselves just look at any thread where a /pol/tard appears
Happy than the game bombed, what they did to Ayane have not name.
Fuck Shimbori.
If they dont put spray tan, lip/ ass implants and blonde extensions for tyrone and instead try to look cute for the white man, they can look like this
Then they will have to explain why foreigner speaks fluent Japanese.
Did Shimbori already got fired, he didn't make another interview since the game was release.
Midwest and new england
incel detected
dead on arrival shit
Even Japs recognize hybrid vigor
>mfw you get bannu for pointing out anime is similiar to europeans
Truly the wokest site.
>playing VV on DMM still
>pull 2 SSRs
>Marie's Butterfly and a default SSR for Helena
>every other roll keeps pulling up SSR Marrie
>not a single best girl Ayane Butterfly
Fucking RNG!!!
Nigger or liberal detected
>he keeps getting Marie SSRs
What an unlucky scrub.
>want to roll SSRs to get new characters
>want to roll SSRs for the 2 I've picked so I can actually use them
At least you get SSRs.
Not getting SSRs is better than getting SSRs for meme girls like Marie, Honoka and Luna.
Have sex
Think of it this way, they do the work while you gift the rewards to your favorites.
If there was any option to give away SSRs of those characters to other players I would do it in a heartbeat.
small mouth, small nose is a strong indicator of whether the one is asian or not
This one is full-blooded murrican.
Obviously everyone would do that but that's too consumer-friendly for gacha.
Yeah now that I'm done with Sekiro. No lobbies or individual costumes for sale killed it for me.
I got to C rank today and was about to ruin somebody's 15 win streak until they disconnected
asians have big noses just flat noses. Its rareer in asians than whites for them to have little noses.
>tfw when you have small mouth and small nose but are not asian
Are you sure?
I am as a fan of asian girls its still rare to see a button nose one.
Why isn't this game popular, it has big anime tits
DOA6 has one (1) girl with big tits, and the devs were so desperate to placate the esports and sjw crowds they downplayed it and tried to hide the fanservice like they were ashamed of it. Itagaki must be rolling over in his italian grave.
because people can get big anime tits without having to "bother" with gameplay
The DOA Asians are the same as Whites in facial features.
Why can't they into racial traits?
Bad PR
Publisher rushed out a sequel and tried to appease the 12 players that still are interested in the series.
bad gameplay even by 3D fighting game standards
Fuck off Tekkencuck.
What can be done about Ayane's fat ass?
They do. The white girls tend to have stronger jaws and Helena in particular has a long aristocratic nose.
I could pound it
because they are universal attractive traits amd that means looking white.
they are different
Leftmost white has stronger white features, higher nasal bridge, protruding eyebrow ridge
2nd from right white has a more asian-y look
The left two do it well (except the asian one definitely looks like one of those post surgery asians lol) but the right two look the same.
me on the left
those aren't even their actual models, that's some fan-made shit
Yes, the Asian people you visualize is flawed, you only been exposed to Japanese entertainment workers who’s job is to look and sound good. That’s the equivalent of thinking the US is full of 25% 8-9/10 white people, 25% young latinas/middle aged Latinos, 25% fat black woman/funny black guys, and 25% Chinese because you Used American entertainment to conceptualize what American society looks like
Majority of Asians are Chinese and Indians, they all have big wide flat noses, you would fuck most of the Chinese girls because you don’t rrecognize enough asian faces to tell the ugly from the average to the 10/10, in your mind there is only fuckable or not
uhm no sweaty this is what a western face looks like
this is a game
no real