Don't mind me bro just pirating your car

don't mind me bro just pirating your car

Attached: depositphotos_109366184-stock-photo-car-thief-pointing-a-gun.jpg (1023x683, 67K)

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It's for car preservation bro, you'll understand when they stop making this model

Nice false equivalency

so you get a brand new car and I get to keep mine?

Software isn't physical property and the rules should be changed to account for that. There is literally absolutely NOTHING wrong with pirating.

So you're gonna copy it, make a downloadable version and i'll be able to keep my car I originally bought?
Sure, cheers mate

So you magically copy my car and get your own? That’s great man!

You wouldn't download a car

hope that's a duplicator or something that duplicates cars

This, desu. You need a better metaphor.

Then he points his gun the other way and fires it, projecting a copy of your car and proceeds to drive away

It doesn't exist
Pirating is a pretty unique concept, this is why anti-pirate fags are grasping at straws all the time

Don't mind me, just pirating this sunset

Attached: 500_F_125629399_cEk2SltcvIXXhTK8IO5ttSziIFwFs98K.jpg (500x334, 86K)
Imagine wasting 360,000 € of tax payer money, just to get a result that you don't like.

why are pirateniggers so defensive?

>mfw i have 400 PS2 games on my hard drive

Attached: nice.gif (327x251, 996K)

hold up

Attached: 1446061911504.jpg (240x240, 8K)

Piracy isn't theft

That's why it has its own laws and statutes that govern it.

Attached: 1322531081268.jpg (800x542, 89K)

Leaked pic of GTA 6

oh shit, what'd I do

Attached: thumb-1920-695525.jpg (1920x1080, 82K)

Because they're betas who feel guilt at getting paid software for free so they come up with ways to defend it. Meanwhile real chad pirates don't give a fuck and don't have to defend anything because in the end they aren't stealing anything.

I can't tell if you're talking about pirates or the people who complain about them