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Kreia is definitely better though

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not even the best villain in kotor 2

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Women should only exist in video games as damsels in distress or quest givers/shop NPCs.

easy as fuck

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Not only is she good but GLaDOS ranks as one of the best antagonists in the medium of video games.

Dahlia Hawthrone, mostly because she’s the first girl in the series that’s really an unrepentant cunt
Up until that point the women all had some freudian excuse, but Dahlia takes it beyond the realm of sympathy with just how little she’s guilty of her crimes

Sarah Kerrigan

Kreia is shit
>Lol just kill the force

based and firepilled

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Hilda+Mother Qualia

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>she’s the first girl in the series that’s really an unrepentant cunt

>Sarah Kerrigan
True, ignoring how Blizzard fucked her character up in StarCraft 2

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computers don't count
plants don't count
tits but shitty villain
computers don't count
hot garbage

Women shouldn't be in video games

>im a jedi
>jk im actually a sith rofl


Shes right though. If it weren't for the Jedi niggers training all the sith they wouldn't exist. Just about every sith in the universe started as a jedi.

Mass replying is more garbage than any post you quoted, faggotron.

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Wow, an actually acceptable answer.

Mara Aramov


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Why do mass-reply fags exist

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Sin episodes

Okay zoomer, let me give you a tip noone may have taught you. Hating on everything doesn't mean you have complex and refined tastes, it just makes you seem like a spergy fuckball

total babe

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>Nobody has posted her yet
Sure she's not really a villain in 2 but she still was in 1

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people who complain about shit like this are the sort of people who don't actually play games.

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These two are the best.

Its just shitposters looking to get a rise out of people

>The Boss
Not that I disagree with your post, but not the boss imo.

Sort of

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I can think of many great anime female villains, but none for vidya

A-user... theres something you need to know...

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Uhh, I think you mean The Joy.

She's the final boss and you have to kill her. Her complicated actions and heroic character are what make her such a powerful final antagonist. It's an actual subversion of expectations that isn't retarded. She should top the list of female bad guys imo

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But her complicated actions and heroic character are what make her a hero. While she may be the final fight, I wouldn't call her a Villain. Shes a hero branded as a villain out of necessity.

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Sophia Lamb from Bioshock 2

Did you even play any of the games you replied to?

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then why did you post a movie?

>Shes a hero branded as a villain out of necessity.
That's literally my point you are repeating. You, the player character, are fight her as the villain.

Maiden Astraea is a similar deal. Her being sympathetic doesn't mean you aren't gonna have to show up and harvest her soul for your own ends.

t. molested by a white aunt

The only ones I could actually recall without excessive digging were Poison Ivy in Arkham Knight (though I only remember her because she died) and Shadow Sae in Persona 5 (though she's not technically even a villain) and I guess Alexia from CV (though her role was partially played by someone else). I guess everyone else is just not worth remembering.

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>That's literally my point you are repeating.

Wrong, she was literally only pretending to be the villain. Antagonist and villain are not the same thing.

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imagine being this gay

Dahlia, Junko and GLaDOS. That's pretty much the list.

What did she do

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I hope you don't mean Enoshima.

Not a woman.

Dark samus

She's an ambitious girl

But she isn't a villain.

that ho from battle toads

I do. I could spend a while listing what I like and you could spend a while listing what you don't and neither of us would make the other change their mind. Let's save ourselves the argument.

>one good game
>helps the good guys win

No villain in that game was even passable

& glaDOS

Joseph is cool though.

Faith pls let me bang u


I adore her.
She throws a tragic backstory out there and immediately throws it out herself to get back to her true passion: murder.

How is rape not villianous?

She tried to seduce you the whole game and at the end you use yourself as a bait to catch her, that means your consent.

Oh good, I didn't have to post it.

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The bad girls of Guilty.

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I liked Horribleville more than Gunshow

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These were pretty good

we said villains, user

>managed to get an E on the ESRB despite seeing her naked
how did they do it lads? also tron was better

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>female overlord/tyrant villain
>you can join her
>you can romance her after joining her

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Not only did you not see that he has a male body, but you missed the obviously male voice that can before you even see him? How blinded by desperation are you?


April May doesn't even come close to the shit Dahlia pulled

Mother Brain
Dark Samus
BW Kerrigan
Dahlia Hawthorne
SM Lusamine

>Mother Brain
>Dark Samus
holy shit kill yourselves

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>male body

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My nigga. Catarina was a CUNT.

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Also, would Eve from Parasite Eve count as female?

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Literally refers to herself as a mother and a goddess. The annelids also refer to her as their mother.

Nothing could signal that you've never played System Shock harder, except maybe a giant neon sign.

It's borderline, like Glados.

You a retard. She could call herself the Great Quetzalcoatl she would still be an AI.

This may be subjective, but I know some of you have to agree with me that she is in some form or another.

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An AI that uses a female persona. Would you really claim that Cortana isn't a female character? Aegis? Would you claim megaman isn't a male character?

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Just because someone is an obstacle for the player doesnt mean they are a villain

>she and Moxy stab Jack in the back even though he had everything under control
>she is a selfish bitch

yeah she deserves it

Does not classify as female.

Shit eater.
There is not a single good thing about FC3.

What's cool about Shodan is that she's a cold AI. Those other characters weren't made with the same thing in mind. The fact that Cortana is an AI and not a real woman is also something important in Halo.


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>Seed family

seconding this

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>He hasn't played Portal 2
Are you the same nigger who said Shodan wasn't a woman? Because you have one hell of a cause of the downs.

>objectively right all the time
>writers desperately come up with a franchise ruining macguffin to make her the bad guy because they have a dumb 'both sides' narrative going on
Meredith deserved better

Gwyndolin has a pretty nice rack for a dude pretty sure that ring was more than altering his posture a little bit

>is a female human mind forcefully shoved into a robot's body
>not a human female

It's the best Far Cry though. All the other ones are boring

Moon presence


I'll admit that Jack was kiiiind of showing some red flags in TPS, but they were exacerbated 100x by Lilith and Moxxi. They turn his crazy dial way up when they destroy the eye of Helios and then turn him totally batshit when Lilith decides to, for some reason, punch the Vault symbol straight into his fucking face. She didn't even accomplish anything with it, just pissed him off even more. Doesn't stop him from learning about the Vault of the Warrior, doesn't actually kill him (nor does she stick around to finish the job. Hell, instead of a punch a shotgun-blast to the head should've worked wonders), etc. etc.

I can definitely fault Jack on things like stuffing Angel away and air-locking Gladstone and the other scientists, but jesus christ Lilith.

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Every post of Yea Forums has at least 1 pendantic sperg who won't stop repeating himself.

Look up the definition of a female.
It does not matter what personality one has, but physical body does.


Yeah, and glados was born human with a vagina, my retarded friend.

Best be joking nigger, the environment is great and Vaas did his job well. 2 still holds a place in my heart.

I bet you support faggots that claim they are little girls at heart born with the wrong body.

Literally arguing semantics. You might be the only person in the world who wouldn't consider glados a female character.

No I am the one who said that Shodan wasn't a woman. In Glados case it's obviously different since she was originally a woman. It's a borderline case.

Are those baits?

Caroline was born with a vagina and XX chromosomes. Therefore she is female. Her brain has XX chromosomes as well, so Glados is also female.

That girl from metal gear v, Silent.

Yet glados is no longer a woman.

reminder that even though she's a villain she's enough of a sadist to be considered one

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Her brain isn't inside Glados though.

So memorable even withou any dialogue

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Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a girl, sweetie, and neither does the opposite.

*she's not a villain, fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

Delete your life immediately.

Wasn't just her consciousness digitised?

in portal 1 yes
but her motives in 2 make no sense

Honestly, we don't know. Doesn't make her any less female, however. Women's and men's brains are different, and their thinking patterns are as well.

Turning into a machine does.

No it doesn't. I'm sure you're the type of person who thinks VR waifus are real grils, even when it's a fat sweaty neckbeard on the other side.

>MGS3 comes out in 2019
>Yea Forums shits on it cause of western styled manjaw boss


That's retarded and have nothing in common with the glados case. Making a copy of your mind and putting it into a machine will just create an AI at your image.

>mfw that's the same type of person that thinks SAO is good, and getting in that situation would be a godsend

An AI that shares the exact same way of thinking that you have in your current brain, yes. And since men and women think differently, it's only logical for glados to be female.

It does. An advanced phone call does not turn a fat fag into a little girl, though.

what do you mean good? as in enjoyable or as in "deep and profound motives and character" kinda thing?

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But Glados as an AI doesn't think in the same way as Glados when she was a woman.

>men and women think differently
Is that not just because of hormones and body needs?

Brood War Kereigan is my fav. We dont talk about SC2

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How much farther up your ass are you going to move that goalpost?

>tfw you can't be dominated by Plutie and Sadie at the same time

I'd agree with original campaign - she feels like some special girl too much in brood wars.
Not w villain though, really.

Nowhere. Shodan call herself and shows herself like a woman but she acts like an AI.

>Reality isn't real if I don't like it.

>When VR brothels will become a thing and you’ll never really know who’s on the other side.
Truly as long as it’s a fake vagina I’m fucking and not a hambeast’s belly button I’m down for that

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So, things AI stripped of.


She literally killed millions of rat people

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all i want is a VR MMO that uses the only good concept of SAO, aka, your character is you, with the same face features & bodytype

Soldiers at war, user.

holy shit

She acts perfectly like a woman would with infinite power. All you really need to do is plug in a flashlight to her mainframe and fuck the crazy out of her

For Glados it can be argued with but Dark Samus, the Metroid Prime ? No way, it's nowhere close to a woman nor a human. Same for Mother Brain, it's like saying your mothership is a woman.

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But why would I want to play as myself? Hell why do you want to play as YOURself? Real humans are boring

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>All you really need to do is plug in a flashlight to her mainframe and fuck the crazy out of her
You have some kind of point.

because it prevents me for flirting with a 300 pound whale or a neckbeard that uses a fedora and black trench coat in real life

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Hard to be wrong when you’re always right

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Sorry didn't see this post

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But you’d never ever know unless they told you

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Women are not scary or intimidating.

You’ve never been married in America

She just needed a good dicking, it's fairly obvious if you played male Exile.

>implying american women are worse than south american women

When the court favors the woman they’re all scary

In North America we call those "men".

Jaina Proudmoore.

What about mean ass succubi that are the real deal and scary shit, not female (male) hentai succubi.

But she did nothing wrong

Sorry, She was never a villain just misunderstood.

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Like Xana ? She not scary either.

Like Garrosh!

I don't think vidya has done succubi well, or much media at all. They're suppose to be literal demon temptresses that murder you after they steal your essence. So like a bi-polar girl on adderall. Dragon age origins had a decent succ but she wasn't mean enough.

Amelissan was a really weak villain, at least in my book. ToB was far too short to develop her and the twist was blatantly obvious - it's even worse when you go straight from the build-up of Bodhi and Irenicus in SoA. The whole "your mother was an unrepentant Bhaal cultist" thing felt more satisfying.

Xana was great though.

Ygerna in Divinity 2 DKS was pretty gud, can't mention Div2 without posting this though. youtube.com/watch?v=MDFHmZkXr64

Reminder that Thrall was the true villain of cataclysm, He forced a poor orc boy into a position he couldn't handle, Not to mention completely cucked the goblins by putting the fat bastard who tried to sell his own kind as slaves as the racial leader.

Can you even say dark Samus is female when it’s just phazon puppeteering her suit? SA-X would be a better example.

What was her issue again? mommy no-lovey?

>soul, soulless

no one loved her, user.


Brother no fuckey

If we ignore the god awful nu-blizz writing, maybe

i did

I'm fairly sure everyone loved her
>Dad saw her as warrior paramount
>Mom was scared of her intense power, but still loved her
>Zuko general sibling story

This is the only one I can think of.

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Shit I just realized someone already did it. Guess I'll use her instead

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lol censored

Not Yea Forums but Lord Dominator was a fucking great character and I wish she got more screentime, she was like Handsome Jack but without any semblance of a moral high ground. My only regret is that she got gimped by being on a kid's show, but she was still fucking horrible as is and it was great.

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It's funny how reading the lore for the pre-event of the burning of the tree just makes Sylvannas seem more logical and panned out, and Saurfang being a literal retard who can't fixate on the definition of "honor"

>sets fire to a world tree
>makes dying night elf watch in horror
I used to not care much for Sylvanas but she's definitely a villain now.

>mind of a female used in creation
>not a female

Based retard

>The Universal Will
Dunno if Ishiwatari is a woman-hater or something but he’s gotten some good results

Got upstaged by hades, but still worth bringing up.

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You can thank Saurfang for that

>duhhh being sad is a good thing!!

Despair is just despair, there's nothing else to it. What a dumb character.

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Her motivations aren't what make her a good character, it's her demeanor and personality. There are more things to a villain than just motivation. Otherwise no one would give a fuck about half the villains posted in this thread, like dark samus and mother brain. Hell even Shodan. Presentation really matters.

Plus, it really isn't a simple as "despair is just despair." Her motivation is still shallow, but sadomasochists do exist.

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Sniper Wolf

Alright fair enough, my bad for being retarded

All three of those are genderless with female mannerisms.

Would you not consider 2B to be a female character?

She at least has a female appearance and female mannerisms. But seeing as this thread is asking about villains, she has nothing to do with the topic so I will not be answering that.

Since you want to dodge my point so much, I'll think of something that's essentially equivalent but at least a villain. Would you consider shadow labrys from persona 4 arena to be a female villain?

If a character is sexless then you'd refer to them as whatever they act and/or look like, this isn't real life where trannies pretend they're something they're not. GlaDOS is a woman with a robotic body. If she changed her voice to that of a male and gained male mannerisms, she'd be a guy.

She is a robot and therefore genderless - meaning not female.Why are you so committed to making me count those? Can you not name any actual living female villains? I'm even willing to count non-humans.

Kos from Bloodborne

I can name good living human female villains, I just want to know why you make this incredibly autistic distinction when no one else in the world would be so hung up on it. If I said I think Popola and Devola from Nier were really good female villains, would you really correct me by saying that they're not technically female characters?

Not a villain.


>I can name good living human female villains,
Then do it.

Yes, I would correct you because they are robots and therefore not females. It's a pretty simple distinction.

So you can't name any female villains?

Here. You're still fucking retarded.

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Literally children of The Boss fighting over her legacy here WOW

There you go. Was that so hard?

I never said I couldn't name good human female villains, you're the one who made that claim. All I wanted to do was call attention to your retarded idea that androids representing certain genders can't actually be referred to as male/female characters.

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She was manipulative as fuck, all things considered.

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Gender is what you choose to identify as, not what you are (sex). Humans with rigid, genetic bodies are retarded when they try and change what they were born as because they can't escape their sex, and humans' sex and gender are closely linked so trannies come off as abominations in limbo that want to be something they can never be. I can respect the fact that a tranny chooses to identify themselves as a girl, but they're still male and I will refer to them as such.

Sexless -not genderless- organisms like GLaDOS can be whatever the fuck they want to be. GLaDOS identifies as a woman, talks like a woman, acts and thinks like a woman, and this is all she has to go off of in terms of what she is, so she is a woman. This applies to any sexless creature. Their identity is who they are. They're a blank slate and can put whatever the fuck they want on it.

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For the record, I posted Dominator, who's a girl both by sex and gender, so yes I can. You're just fucking wrong.

Who's this demon


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>all these glados post
i almost thought i was in
since when does Yea Forums like portal?

the original was. but copying one's memories and personality into a hard drive doesn't turn the hard drive into a human. just a machine that emulates a human. a pretender. a fake.

>since when does Yea Forums like portal

Portal is one of the least controversial good games in existence what the fuck are you talking about, I don't even like puzzle games and I can still say it's good.

Queen of pain


Delilah Copperspoon

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Baiken is also a villain in one of her endings.

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that doesn't even make sense

>All the retards ITT posting robots or aliens with "female" mannerisms or appearance but not biologically

No wonder you faggots love traps.

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I want her to spit on me and call me trash


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Does he really count as villain though ?

Have you heard about touhou?

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Vivec is literally holding a meteor above his people's head so if they stop praising himher they will die

Wrong board, idiot. Fuck off to Yea Forums, so they can tell you to fuck off to Yea Forums.

>don't respond to the post assblasting either you or a guy that coincidentally thinks and types exactly like you but posts a non-response that just parrots what they/you already said

Jesus christ how embarrassing

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there's a game, fuccboi
still your quivering jowls


That bitch from FF8

He's not the game's antagonist, but a villain? Yeah, maybe. Depending on how you interpret some of the background lore, like the murder of Nerevar.

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He's definitely an asshole.

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She isn't a villain so much as just an antagonist.
Villain is defined as being bad or evil where an antagonist is just the opposite to the protagonist.
Nihilus and Sion are villains because they're just straight up evil to be evil.

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My favorite antagonist turned heroine

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That's just cheating

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>Yea Forums thread with a prompt of female characters people genuinely like as who they are as a person and not on how hot they are
>150+ mostly valid submissions

Nobody can play the sexism card on this board anymore sorry

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I was going to say "that green twat from the banjo games" but I suppose this will suffice.

>GLaDOS has Caroline Johnson inside
>It's a robot guys

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technically a villian as potrayed to the public in MGS3

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I want to ruin your dom doujin by immediately turning the tables and making her beg for cock like two pages in just like EVERY FUCKING ONE GODDAMN IT IT'S NOT HARD FUUUU

Phoenix Wright is truly the turnabout king

azula did nothing wrong

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How is she a villain?

oh yeah, posted the wrong one.

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There you go, fuck the witch. It's a good thing Viola made it out of the mansion ok.

It's pretty apparent to me that what happened here was the developers originally intended for a female Gwyndolin, and at some point in development after having drawn and modeled the character someone said "Wouldn't it be more interesting if this were a man?" Then bing bam boom, male voice actor, character written as a male, and they didn't bother replacing the model because you're really not supposed to see him up close and his clothes are very modest.

Pic related, this is what he canonically has going on under there. He's clearly not doing so well after the Aldritch problem, but that's a very male chest.

Attached: aldritch2_tc.jpg (1920x1080, 251K)

Good point, OP.
There aren't any. They're either good but misunderstood, they "knew better and the protag was in the wrong", were mind controlled or are cartoony/insane evil.
I guess women can do no wrong.

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Best hag.

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Mutant woman who just wants to breed. Why is this a bad thing?

Nervous breakdown as a result of control issues and conflicted feelings over her mother. Brought about by her mother's banishment and furthered by losing her only friends, combine that with the stress of leading a kingdom and she simply couldn't take it.

Her actions nearly destroyed the world twice over, and that's just what we KNOW she did. She may have influenced Rei's fall from grace, and there may be countless other worlds she's ruined in some form or another. All because she's bored and can't be fucked to stick to her intended role.

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video games aren't allowed on Yea Forums


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Velvet from Tales of Berseria was a pretty good villain protagonist.

>GLaDOS identifies as a woman, talks like a woman, acts and thinks like a woman, and this is all she has to go off of in terms of what she is, so she is a woman.
That's because she actually is a woman user, or at least the divorced mind of a woman from a body.


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>implying they can't
as if...

>good for anything

oh no no no AHAHAHAHAH

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It's AI, dumbo.

this 100%

>the r word was posted 11 times
I just wanted to let you know that this isn't realy cool and insulting to people with actual mental disabilities

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>Knockoff of SHODAN is a best antagonist in video games
No wonder, why they are shit today.

Pretty easy OP

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sniper wolf was a pretty cool guy

basssed and redpilled...

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It is pretty hard to think of female villains in general but Tomb Raider Legend was some female driven protag/antag kino.

This game was so unexpectedly good.

Also this

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Appolyon was a cool character and the voice acting is great but the story was pretty abysmal.


My sister.

the tiddies have rotted off by then, you can see that it's literally just skin and bone there.

Gwyndolin is a girl because Daddy says she is, okay?



>literal space jesus
>a villain
based metzen poster being a retard

Holy shit

What's that horror game with the lesbians? It's like rose something or something rose.

Rule of Rose

Rule of Rose? Don't know anything about it, that description makes me think of Fear Effect. Which did have major female roles on the antagonist side too.

Based, thanks user.

>No one said Jenova

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fuck the witch? Man if only I could...

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Every Touhou final boss.

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I thought her arm was a really long tit

/threado to be h

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they are all eager to kill you

Good shout user, forgot about her. Excellent villain.

>Maiden Astraea
lord have mercy, nothing sympathetic about her...a proper demon veil under the flesh of a weak looking women

I am not sure how much plus patch ruins the game for people or if people are just plain stupid. They are all horrible person that abuse the player and try to get him killed.

Every people you met in VtMB are villains.

Did you just presume it's gender, shitlord?

deus ex?

No it's MGR.

>He forced a poor orc boy into a position

Ignoring that Garrosh challanged Thrall to Mak'gora right before Wrath and would have killed him if Arthas hadn't attacked at that moment.

>Giving Garrosh what he challenged him in Mak'gora for when leaving the Horde
>Forcing it
You are a special kind of retard aren't you.

He can't and never could, because there is no fixed idea of orcish honor in WoW.

That's why for the first time in years I have an itch to got back to my old horde characters again. But I don't, because blizzard can't make good games anymore. Fucking shame.

fuck off harvey

>They are all horrible person that abuse the player and try to get him killed.

4 you

Dr. Lamb from Bioshock 2. She was a truly despicable, cruel, nasty person. Fuck the good ending

thats my issue

Preceeded by the Suck family.

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>oh no no no AHAHAHAHAH
hi underage

The Scarlet Crusade was right

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Jenova is an "it", it's a planetary parasite that can take on the form of an organism it consumes.

I liked Dahlia from AA3. Bitch was scary because her motives were pretty normal. A petty golddigger that was super ok with murder. Petty villains are always the most intimidating in Ace Attorney.

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portal and portal 2 aren't set in the same universe

Daily reminder

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>not even posting the main villain of the series

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As already said, every character is a villain in that game, except those thin-blood maybe.


I think Frieza is just a fag.

literally a woman, by the end of SS2 even has human body with tits and pussy

>People actually playing Rule of Rose

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Not villain, they just use player like irl one use another. Thing is vampire busines is shady, almost like criminal world where, used ones, sometimes end up dead.

But it good game. I played it through from start to end in almost one go. While i usually drop every game.


You sure, faggot?

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Constant and unrelenting period pains.

Does Whitemane even have a personality? She's just a boss in Cathedral. Onyxia had more character development as far as WoW female antagonists go.
Or did you just want to post the HotS artwork because it excites the dick?

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not female nor a villain. he just wanted to stop nigger undead from niggering up his father's grave


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cute and funny villain

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Loli dr wily should not be this cute

My ex-wife.


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What game ?

this one

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Oh it's LISA ? I haven't played it

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>western games
>making a mommy this yummy

>didn'd do their makeup right

what's the problem with azula's makeup tho ?

Her actions helped save the world. wasnt exactly her complete intention but still did so regardless

Bottom lip looks smeared
fuck its so hot bros

Get your eyes checked

Lillith from Borderlands

I did, they are literally perfect

If you think the way its visibly curving down on one side and up on the other is applying it right, you suck at putting on lipstick

>being coerced by context and having no other choice = consent
lmao nice i guess if i put a gun to a girls head that means she consents when she chooses to suck my dick instead

Buddy's lips are fucked up, it's not makeup

came here to post this bitch

after googling which one of these fucks is buddy, how is that not make up? im not seeing any pics which suggest anything else. not even that its a cut the artit made look like smeared lipstick. and little girls dont have lips like that

There are bad people in the galaxy who aren't sith.

real life

>Just about every sith in the universe started as a jedi

Not really.

tactics ogre march of the black queen. scarlet fro ff7 That one subordinate lady in xenosaga 2 and 3, morgana le fay

How about you play video games before discussing video games on a video games board in a video game thread


>Playing indie games

daddy/mommy issues

Not married to me.

why does she wear such lewd things

That's your prerogative. Plebeian.

cutting off your girl makes you a dick.

now that's the real bait

>extra room on the throne
You'd fail to defeat her, wouldn't you Yea Forums?

It does.
Glados doesn't have either genitals, either chromosomes. Her "Brain" is a copy paste IA of her past human form, but it doesn't have any biological source that can decide its sex.
It isn's a biological entity anymore, it can't reproduce, Glados is a pure machine, you dense fuck.

In rule 34 sure I do, but cannonically she doesn't have a vagaiga, and she's made of pure metal so no.

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You must think that trannies are also females based in your way of thinking.

why does gwyndolin has these stupid snakes? His Brother only had an army of snakes because he fucked the dragon girl and made yorshka.

Wouldn't she just assume direct control of the fleshlight?

Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance

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>cannonically she doesn't have a vagaiga,
The androids frequently do after market modifications to become more human.

Only if you ignore Starcraft 2

I've never hated a character as much I hated her after 3-4

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cant believe no one posted Risky Boots yet

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>she is portrayed as the villain
>turns out that there was something horrible that happened to her and made her that way
>You're the actual villain who is partially responsible for killing her children and that's why she hates you.

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imagine her mustache tickling your face haha

I'm not seeing it.


Minnie is a cute but a shitty villain desu
Lily alright I guess

you thought she had 3 tits...?

Literally no good games have ever done this

Queen bitch from Ico.

Aribeth de Tylmarande

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Single mothers.

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Mileena and D'vora too

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