What went wrong?

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Saw my thread about it? I'm honoured. Anyway, pretty much everything

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Same game 3 times in a row.

Worked for Uncharted.

they shipped development to a different studio. the team responsible for the first 2 games were sent off to work on another big project so they gave shadow to the C-team. Despite having the biggest budget in the trilogy, it's the shortest game with the least amount of content.

the exploration was great, but god damn was the combat and stealth complete ass. especially segments where you literally have a machine gun against natives with bows and spears. and they regressed lara back to being a whiny crying unsure chick despite her growing vastly in rise.

what a complete fuck up

I liked the first two, they were ok. This one was awful. Awful exploration, puzzles, combat. Everything about this game screams boring and uninspired

Uncharted is a system exclusive and so has fanboy sales.

___ ____, __ _____

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I loved the first two games in the reboot trilogy but I had to force myself to complete Shadow. It's hard to explain but the whole thing is just off. I soldiered on and forced myself to the end of the game and fucking lost it at the ending where Lara has spent her whole adult life trying to find the person responsible for killing her father (who the main bad guy in the game), fights him, and gets a killing blow on him only to console him when he's dying and saying she's sorry she killed him despite him trying to kill her (and most of the world) just a few seconds prior

Fucking uninstalled instantly and permanently removed it from my steam library. And it doesn't even have the survival/horde mode like Rise. I have no idea how they took such a huge step back from Rise.

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Most people haven't even played/finished the second game. They announced a third game at E3, then two months later, released it. Nobody was expecting it.

lol, how did the writing get worse? at least lara pseudo-forgiving her stepmom made some sense.

again, they just do this to cover their asses because the game shows you slaughtering 10,000 natives

Jonah suddenly being prominent which isn't too bad but the very awkward and weird relationship and dialog they had was pretty jarring.

Lara's regression. She starts off Rise fighting a bear and quickly starts wrecking mercs without mercy and without crying about it like in the first game. Then she's back to crying and "oh what have I done" in Shadow.

The main antagonist isn't threatening or interesting in Shadow. I didn't feel anything for him. Meanwhile Konrad in Rise was a good antagonist because I couldn't wait to kill him.

I picked it up for 30 bux and I'm near the end, it isn't terrible but I don't like the setting or theming as much as 2013 or Rise, I think isolation and scrappy survival fits the series more than populated hubs with sidequests
I do like the fact that Lara massively fucks up at the beginning of the game tho

That and Uncharted has a lot more character than Tomb Rider i think, Nathan at least is a far more enjoyable character.

the only sappy 'what have I done' moments have been when her actions caused lots of civilian casualties or when she thought she got Jonah killed, I don't remember any part of Shadow where she gives a single fuck about killing mercs or hostiles

They made the same game like three times in a row and that was at least one too many.

It's 2019 and this franchise peaked like 20 years ago.
The gimmick that gave it's identity is something plenty of games have now, too.

It's kinda backwards that i related much more to the poor fucker who has to babysit Lara than Lara herself in these new games.

will we ever get a game that actually has challenging climbing/traversal? even with the hints and "jump here' white markings turned off, the climbing paths were very linear and obvious. they're so easy that it's basically a waste of time and just adds a slight delay to getting to your objective

Uncharted had likeable characters

The entire new trilogy was forgettable as fuck. Not bad, just generic action games with no soul. You forget them the second the credits roll.

Is Jonah a beta orbitor?

Lara is indeed an unlikable cunt in these games.

a lot of those segments are pretty much glorified loading screens, if you 'sequence break' some of them and get thru them faster than the devs intended sometimes it rewards you with a nice loading prompt

He actually does hook up with a cute Mexican tomboy near the end of the last game.

well shit.

Did any Nu-Raider games have a kino level where Lara is dehydrated for 3 days straight and then gets into a 20 man firefight?

no, but it had a level where she fights immortal ancient greek soldiers in an ice entombed city which i thought was pretty neat

They should reboot again and go with a more puzzle focused game with minimal combat.

Nothing. All of the new Tomb Raider games are great fun and have the tightest third person shooting out.

how come no one made an actual indiana jones adventure exploration/combat game like tomb raider and uncharted set in the 1910's-1930's? does lucasart (now disney) just not give out the IP?

If i remember correctly the new one has a section where she pretty much slaughters an entire army with a machine gun while the whole place is set in flames

this is a pretty cool part from the last game


Not much, good game, sold well and good critical and user reviews. What do you consider to be a failure about it?

This some Terminator ass shit lmao

never going to do this. wouldn't appeal to enough normies for the budget it has.

It's the third iteration of the exact same game.

Its a pity. The old ps1 games had a good balance of puzzles and combat. If they went with games like them but modernised it would be nice.