ITT: Only based vidya companies allowed in this thread

ITT: Only based vidya companies allowed in this thread.

Attached: hal.png (220x167, 38K)

dogs don't lay eggs??

It's not a dog.

>american education

Attached: RWS.png (220x221, 34K)

Attached: ubi.png (797x440, 606K)

Attached: Croteam.png (1221x325, 34K)

It is a dog you fucking moron.

Eggs or puppies, answer now

Attached: 3DRealms.png (463x215, 141K)

there wasn't a reference to IBM or something like that on its name?
i remember seeing something like that a long time ago

Attached: 1549401848123.png (317x350, 168K)

you've never had a dog have you

didn't say they have to be alive

Attached: Pandemiclogo.png (220x332, 30K)

It's clearly a penis with a mask.

Attached: cyberconnect.jpg (296x159, 8K)

>he's never heard of the phrase "lay a nest of dog eggs"

Each letter of "HAL" is the subsequent letter of "IBM"

it has any purpose or its just a coincidence?

that exercise will be your homework for the day

Too bad they are now enslaved by Activision doing Call of Duty games for all eternity.

Attached: RavenSoftware.png (300x275, 21K)

thats what the jews want you to belive user

they made it that way on purpose to "always be one step ahead of IBM."

THIS picture will always make me feel nostalgia

Attached: hX-FBXf9_400x400.jpg (256x256, 4K)