Why does hollywood fuck up every video game adaption?

why does hollywood fuck up every video game adaption?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Not a word you stupid fuck. Be sure to come back tomorrow and make this same exact thread so you can fix your mistake.

why wait till tomorrow just spam the board with it every hour like everyone else

The mk movies have aged so well especially the first movie.

The RE movies make amazing comedies.

Only good one you listed is Mortal Kombat. RE sucks ass. Only a zoomer would think otherwise

Basically this is how it is

>big wigs sees something is a financial hit with young audience.
>Let's make a movie
>Gets director/writers who rarely does research on the source/ if so, they warp it
>Production costs usually get cut
>The producers an studios start demanding changes
>Disagreements may be assumed with the team actually working on it forcing to compromise.
>Release it
>Profit even thought it is widely hated by the fan base.

Mortal Kombat is probably the only decent adaptation.

>Nigger and yellow rat do detective shit
Even kids films aren't safe from diversity quota

Because videogame stories are shitty, uninteresting, narratives.

try again, retard