3x3 Thread

Lets have a 3x3 thread. Just finished up an edit on mine, so might as well post it. Remember you can make one here: bighugelabs.com/mosaic.php

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do we make our 3x3s or do they make us

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Copen's cool but he felt too easy to me. I should replay 2, still only played it the once.
Arguably both I'd say. I really need to get a hacked psp to play shit like Tagforce Special one of these days.
>it's arc five
Well I'll be, I'm still gonna call it vee though.

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I really need to play the diablo games... Can i jump to the third directly?

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Well we choose the games, but the games mold us. It is a tango

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Newfag here, what are 3x3 threads even supposed to be?

>I really need to play the diablo games... Can i jump to the third directly?
The game on the grid is the first Diablo specifically, not the series as a whole. I won't recommend it, no.

its where faggots spoonfeed newfags to unload more cancer onto the board

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You post your fave 9 games and people rate their tastes in this format: liked/played

>Can i jump to the third directly?
diablo 3 is bad.1, 2, and titan quest are the only good diablo games

ah, there it is. right on time.

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4x4 for favorite vidya characters

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Soooo is there a sinlge diablo game better than the others in general, that i could start with?

alright then, go try angband

why does it matter which one you start with? do you think you can just play the "best" one and you're an expert on diablo games and never have to play them again or something lol

just fucking pick one. the games are braindead. a retard could play them.


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just play 2 with lod expansion

because i dont want to waste my time playing all of them, if they dont differ too much from each other. I intend to play one game from the series. Ain't nobody got time for all of them

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thanks will do

>if they dont differ too much from each other
they all differ a lot
>Ain't nobody got time for all of them
they are very short games unless you play them over and over again like an autist

Pretty good, Vile is based.

post server/room

Based retard. Has to have someone else make all the hard decisions for him.

>smt 2
some damn good taste
never really like BotW
some fine taste
I have put to many hours in Ceaser III

I have some shit taste

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+++Ace Attorney, Nier, Yoshi's Island
++SMT2, NMH, Gunvolt 2
+++Persona 2, Soul Hackers, Kirb, Live-A-Live, Cyber Sluts, Vib Ribbon
+++Diablo, THUG2
++Lumines, DMC1
++Specter of Torment, FFX
+Gunvolt 1, Bayo 2
+++Dong Freeze, Red Alert, Crash
++Bayo 1
++++Super Metroid, MGS3
+++Diablo, Starcraft, Castlevania, Pokemon, San Andreas
+++Dark Souls, AoE2
++Simcity 4, GT4, SMT2
pretty based tastes so far itt

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>I have some shit taste
down't bow to board hivemind, you have a fine taste 5/6

Rating now, but I'm editing mine as I speak so I'll post after. Here's a vidya character 3x3 for now.

2/2 (NMH, Yoshi); should probably try Gunvolt since I love MMZ. Ys interests me with its power metal as fuck OSTs but the gameplay has never impressed me from videos.
2/2 (KSSU, Melee)
2/2 (DMC, GnG)
2/2 (Bayo 2, Specter)
4/4 (T7, Odyssey, Bayo, Crash)
12/12 (DMC3, DMC4, Revengeance, Odyssey, Vanquish, SM64, XrdRev2, God Hand, Sly 2, Spyro, Cuphead, Melee)
11/12 (Geese, Samus, Vergil, comic Sonic, Heavy, Big Band, Ryu, Bowser, Amingo, X, & Simon -Geno); Daidouji seems cool but I don't give a fuck about Senran. When is the fucking Uppers port coming out?
4/4 (SM, CV, SCBW, GS)
5/5 (MK, DDD, Beelzemon, Bowser, Vile)

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Soul hackers that good?

2/2 sick art choices

4/4 that medabots game was sick

6/6 gen2 bros, good taste

2/2 for NV and Strange Journey

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souk hackers really is good. it's the middle ground between smt and persona. old-school smt gameplay with persona's focus on characters, with a neat cyberpunk atmosphere.

bumpe :DDDDD

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Why Mercedes
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Divinity 2's last half is bad.

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+ - -
/ / + Need to play the first two
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+ + +
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+ + + Great choices
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+ + + Great games
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+ + +

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>Why Mercedes
I think her character and arc are interesting. When you meet her you expect the kind of "underestimated female knight" character that a lot of things have, but then you realize that everybody's estimates are correct but hers. She's also not out to prove women can lead and fight but that SHE can lead and fight, because this is her dream. Learning about her situation over the course of the game makes her all the more pitiable, as nobody around her respects her enough to even tell her she's in over her head, and it takes a traitor in league with Salvation to hit her over the head with the idea of her being sent as a political gesture over real aid for her to realize that. Also her accent is just shitty enough to be charming. The voice actress being unsure in her line reading actually improves the character to me because Mercedes in general is unsure of anything.

On NG+ I made certain that she was my Beloved and then used her sword to kill Grigori and get it Dragonforged. Goat wife is a good life.

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Why a minus for King?

You've probably got better taste than me in an objective sense.