Dragon Quest 9

what clases did you run?
what outfit did you rock?
did you get to play with friends?
are you exited for the remake?

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Wait, they're making a remake of 9?

I stayed as a Minstrel for most of the game because I didn't find the Abbey until like 3/4 into the game, but changed into a martial artist.
There's a remake?

How did you not find the abbey until that far in the game? You need to go there to progress in the story.

There's gonna be a Remake?

they are working a mobile remake
you can skip the abbey and board the ship to collect the other fyggs. but thats not 3/4 of the game

Priest+all the Strength,Defense, and Life seeds=Basically invincible
Every Time.

DQ9 is the only one I played
I really liked it but I have a question
Is it widely considered the best DQ game?

As I played I liked it but in the back of my mind I always had this thought there's a previous entry which is much more fleshed out or that the game was flawed in some aspects

>they are working a mobile remake
It's better than nothing I guess. I do want to replay DQIX

5 or 3 are widely considered the best. If you're western than 8 probably has the biggest following. There aren't any bad Dragon Quest games though, although 2 is a bit aged in some parts.

>Male Paladin
>Female Mage
>Female Priest
>Female Gladiator
Fucking kino

>Dragon Quest

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Get the fuck out smashfag.


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Are they really? Didn't they say they may look into it years ago, but nothing ever really came out of it?

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I wouldn't say so.
This user is on the money. V and III are the best, with IV right behind them. I'd put VIII someone between them, depending on how important graphics and presentation are for you. Haven't played XI, but the rest of the series ranges from just okay to great, but they're not really worth playing unless you're dying for more.

you mean turning the hero into a priest or just giving your seeds the priest?

I went Minstrel, Priest, Mage, and Thief.
I was pretty proud of my creativity in designing them.
I made the mage like an bald african shaman and named him Castor for example
Well my player character didn't make any sense for the class since I went into the game completely blind. But by the end of the game you have enough clothing options to make them look however you want which is cool

I wish the characters had any kind of personality though, even if I had to choose a shallow personality with some lines once in a while. I'm still not creative enough to think of any way they'd interact with each other. I'm not very good at roleplaying

>got the game in high school
>put myself and my closest friends in it for laughs
>homie that got it before me says to make him an Armamentalist, I agree because I thought it'd be like the Red Mages from Final Fantasy 1
>it was not
Gladiator (with cross-class shield), Martial Artist, Armamentalist, and Sage. Three of the best classes in the game, and a wannabe Red Mage that can only do buffs/debuffs. Damn if he didn't look cool though.

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I made my own character an Armamentalist and it was great.

Armamentalist is only good when cpu controlled because there's no way for you to know foes weaknesses if you don't play with a wiki open all time

I remember armamentalist being great for the hero against legacy bosses since buffs are key and he can psyche party members up too.