Dragon Quest 9

what clases did you run?
what outfit did you rock?
did you get to play with friends?
are you exited for the remake?

Attached: hero.png (600x1100, 545K)

Wait, they're making a remake of 9?

I stayed as a Minstrel for most of the game because I didn't find the Abbey until like 3/4 into the game, but changed into a martial artist.
There's a remake?

How did you not find the abbey until that far in the game? You need to go there to progress in the story.

There's gonna be a Remake?

they are working a mobile remake
you can skip the abbey and board the ship to collect the other fyggs. but thats not 3/4 of the game

Priest+all the Strength,Defense, and Life seeds=Basically invincible
Every Time.

DQ9 is the only one I played
I really liked it but I have a question
Is it widely considered the best DQ game?

As I played I liked it but in the back of my mind I always had this thought there's a previous entry which is much more fleshed out or that the game was flawed in some aspects

>they are working a mobile remake
It's better than nothing I guess. I do want to replay DQIX

5 or 3 are widely considered the best. If you're western than 8 probably has the biggest following. There aren't any bad Dragon Quest games though, although 2 is a bit aged in some parts.