Literally soulless

How do you go from the n64 games to this?
Mario Party Thread.

Attached: spm.jpg (1200x675, 312K)

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It's time.

Likely Only Many Extroverts Lose Long Intensity

Lets have fun out there folks!

Attached: 1545635680985.png (780x702, 743K)

based bowsette poster

Attached: 3c2b5faa18ff070e30527582da6273d5.jpg (2000x2829, 1.01M)

Attached: 1554561814484.gif (300x500, 480K)

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The very best

Attached: Are you sure.png (650x3875, 348K)

Who is the best Mario Party character and why is it Bobbeh?

Attached: 23453547345243.png (800x800, 497K)

>A retired character
>Best anything