How do you guys afford buying so many $60 games + tax + tip + DLC?
How do you guys afford buying so many $60 games + tax + tip + DLC?
I live with my parents. I'm 26. Just fuck my shit up. Fuck, everything is expensive.
I'm a 30 year old virgin who lives with his parents. I collect 2 checks from the government each month and have zero expenses besides buying stuff for my dog. I have like $2000 a month that I can spend each month on whatever I want.
I bought a house that I could afford a 20 year loan on if I lived paycheck to paycheck, and got a 30 year loan. Then I had friends move in, and make them pay rent.
You don't tip game shop employees anywhere on this planet
I rarely buy DLC
>expecting to be treated as a human being while not tipping
get a job and manage ur money wisely
I'm really fucking tired of donald cuck, hope next president does better.
I'm going broke. I'm selling blood, working 50 hours a week, and selling whatever I can. I hope I can make it through this year. Maybe I'll try the lottery. What numbers are going to win this week?
>You don't tip game shop employees anywhere on this planet
Pretty sure you're in the wrong here buddy
They afford it by not saving money, fucking themselves over when that gets disrupted.
Even at a mcjob or retail you shouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck. I work retail while living alone and going to college, and am able to save up money while not penny pinching. People are apes that want to overspend on things like phones/cars/clothes for "prestige", and a lot have children when they really shouldn't be reproducing since they're not even competent enough to get a proper job.
Fuck that. Restaurant staff gets 15% to 20%, and never tip anywhere else.
You guys ready for the great recession coming in 2020?
I have a non minimum wage job.
I live within my means. My take-home pay is $3300 a month and I typically spend less than $2000 a month on my necessary expenses. That leaves $1300 for whatever else I want. I typically put it in savings, but I can afford to buy things I enjoy. I also usually only buy games on sale a few years after they were released. The most recent game I bought was God of War for $30. Most of the time though, I spend less than $20 on a game. I also was able to pay off my student loans and car thanks to cryptocurrency, so those aren't expenses I have to worry about.
Some of my friends and work colleagues have a similar salary to me, but they live in a giant house. Sure, it's impressive, but god damn, they must be one of those living paycheck to paycheck. Their house is typically way too big for the amount of money they make. I actually feel a little sorry for them because I cannot imagine the stress that comes with barely being able to make that mortgage payment each month. I only have one other friend who lives like me and has extra money at the end of each month.
go into a trade, I did and I only slightly regret it
>30-55% tip for eating out
Restaurants are literally required by law to pay their workers at least minimum wage, with or without tips. Yes, in the US.
tipping the barber $20. tipping hotel staff $20-$30 PER BAG.
was this made by a literal jew?
by having a job and still living my parents. don't have to pay for rent, electricity, water so that's money I can spend for myself.
>Make ~$60 a week off transcribing and surveys
>Wake up, game, masturbate, cry, continue cycle on daily basis
it's chill and I get to kill myself by the age of 30 comfortably.
By not buying shitty games
>was this made by a literal jew?
No. Jews don't tip.
Thank god only tourists tip on my country
>$60 games
I don't.
I can count on one hand how many full price new titles I've bought in the last 10 years on one hand. They're not worth it, they're NEVER worth it. The few I did buy (dark souls 3, bloodborne, RDR2) I immediately regretted, as there was nothing I got from buying them at $60. If I'd waited a month for each of them, I'd have been able to get them at $30, or if I waited even longer I probably would have been able to get their complete dlc filled editions for $30.
that's true, jews don't tip and they expect everyone else to do so and they under pay their employees.
I have a 40'x50' little plot where I'm growing vegetables that can feed me in a pinch as long as I take care of it.
I'm mid-upper mgmt in a fortune 500 transportation company.
My monthly bonus alone covers video game purchases.
Move to Florida user.
If you already live in Florida, you’re just a major fuck up.
Check em
>Don't put the effort in to get an actual job.
>Angry when you live paycheck to paycheck
This country is so strange.
By having a job and not living check to check
Also not having super autism and needing to buy games right when they release
No way is this real
Shit is expensive in Florida unless you're talking about NW Florida in a small town.
I do it by living paycheck to paycheck duh
I make around the same amount but I rent a floor from my family to save money but still have student loans. I really wish I had gotten in on the Cryptocurrency shit but all my family members were telling me it was a terrible idea. I was thinking about getting into it in early 2014.
I feel that. I'm not that worried about the friends that have a nicer or bigger house than me. I just live in an apartment, i buy the ingredients to my meals day of and i manage my funds. I usually pirate my games, but thats because i don't want to pay for dog shit. If i like it enough, i buy it. I make less than my friends, but i'm also the one living most comfortable because i manage my cream well.
I have a decent (for my area) paying job, and split my expenses with a loving woman who makes more money than I do.
Dude. Do you think there are higher paying jobs that are simply not being filled? They're already filled. People are taking what they can get.
hey look! it's the thread we had twice last night. wow neato!
>you're supposed to tip officials at a funeral
what the fuck is the point in that? do I need to tip the air traffic controller for making sure my plane gets to its destination safely?
I went to a cheap no-name college that offered me a scholarship, got a degree in a field I'm not really interested in for the employment prospects, and now work a soul-crushing job that I hate in exchange for a large amount of money.
Maybe 78% of Americans need to live within their means, stop buying $15 s o y coffees loaded with sugar, stop wasting money on endless Apple garbage, stop wasting money on s o y b o y subscription box services and all the other shit they don't need in their lives.
Maybe while they're at it, stop voting for democrap fucks who promise to give away "free" shit that ends up taking damned near a third of everyone's paychecks.
I only buy 4-5 games per year and unless I'm really hype for the game I'll just wait for pricedrops and buy used.
seriously just join the air force. you never get deployed and you hardly do shit but you get so many benefits from the government that you're set for life.
>buying so many $60 games
I don't buy many games, I only pay for series that I really want to show financial support and just pirate everything else. I only bought DMC5 this year, and only Soul Calibur V, Fighting EX Layer and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 last year. I don't know if will even buy something else this year.
last time I got a haircut I tipped the barber $20 and she showed it off to the girl working next to her lol
here's my secret: i don't tip the vidya dispensation officer more than 15%
I'm a neet too and the idea of living on my own sounds awfully depressing. Even if I save and buy a shitty little house outright, then the government is going to be wanting their fair share in the form of taxes. I just want to be left alone, it's hard enough to make it in this shitty world. I don't want to be coerced into paying anybody unless I voluntarily make a deal with somebody.
I mostly buy indie games, and only one or two mainstream titles a month. I could only afford that much since I mostly stopped collecting comics.
holy shit just buy a PC
Do they accept skellys?
>tfw Floridian accountant
>mfw doing Californian's taxes
Not that my client base can't afford the incredulous taxes, but still
>just get a better job lol ;)
has to be under 50
45 7 5 8 6 7 9 0
Get rid of the duplicates and zero
5 6 7 8 9 45
I'll play those numbers in everything. Thanks pal! I'll gift you every steam game after I win.
Pfft, stupid cuckservative, why would I spend $500 on my healthcare when I could give the government $600 instead and get it FOR FREE?
>debt went up over 50% in the last 4 years
When's it all going to end?
>I only pay for series that I really want to show financial support and just pirate everything else.
I'm actively trying to support the next gaming crash, anyone who loves video games over political pandering drama should do so as well.
The problem with your strawman is that it would actually be the other way around, you'd pay the government less than you pay your private insurer now.
>seriously just join the air force
The bar higher than being some random police officer or recruit, some neet who only thinks about video games would find very difficulty to pass the requirements.
Aren't mortgages less expensive than renting?
There is absolute nothing wrong with living with your parent. Just pay your part and you get to live under a roof with someone you're familiar with instead of shitlord roommates that will steal your food or take full advantage of you with the rent and shit.
i do art commissions, usually $100 a pop, whenever a i want a new game i just open commissions and boom, luckily still in college so parents provide money for food and living expenses, i just do these commissions for personal goods
tip is retarded, i hardly ever tip but then again i dont live in the usa, i live in a country with actual wages
Lottery is a tax for those with low iq.
No wonder youre broke.
>housing market is already about to tip
Hold on bois we are in for a ride.
Anyone got this image in a higher rez?
>pay the government $600
>get fucked with an $8,000 deductible and wait in line behind illegal immigrants who pay nothing and get free healthcare on the tax payers' backs
I laugh a little when leftists call anyone else a cuck.
Good thing I don't live in this so called 1st world country with the most freedom, but in a "3rd world shothole" so I can afford what I want.
>live in EU shithole
>get my cancer mis-diagnosed 4 times
>die miserably
Heh... at least i'm not paying for healthcare... stupid amerifats...
Won't happen with Trump winning.
He'll Make America Great Again.
This. Roommates can be annoying af. I had to buy a mini fridge for my room so the dude would stop taking my drinks. Idk why, though. My mom sends over some shit in moon, then he takes it, but when i bring it up, he said it might have been one of his friends.
>The dude has no friends
I'm a pdychologist
Also a jew
Have no money to play the lottery calm down, sperg.
Depends on your loan amount and other factors like where you got said loan. I just bought a house and with a 15k down payment on a $190k house I pay around $850 a month on my mortgage. My rent was higher, but not by a huge margin. The difference is in 10 years I'll be able to sell my house for much more than I paid for it, move into something smaller and pocket a huge chunk of change.
I make 70k a year but I dont buy new games or games for 60 dollars. 40 is the most I'll spend on a used or new game.
Fifty years ago you could walk into a factory at 16 and get a job that would give you enough to buy a house and raise a family.
High-paying jobs now are limited to college grads (with degrees in certain fields) and people who put in 5+ years learning a trade. Everyone else gets jobs in the $10-$15/hr range that will barely cover the cost of rent, and places don't like to promote internally or offer large raises to their employees anymore either because they think your loyalty is a sign of complacency and meant to be taken advantage of. This is the height of cucksitalism.
all I need is a gun and I'm set
the bar is lower than trying to find job out of college. just have a highschool diploma or ged, drivers license, complete basic training, and get a good asvap score and you're already hooked up with a secure job and many government benefits.
>another non Vidya thread
We're going to enter a recession before 2019 ends and politicians will blame it on the "evil capitalist" Trump, convincing voters to push us further into full-blown Venezuela-style socialism.
Screencap this, i'm calling it now.
Change my view: I believe the house market crashing is a GOOD thing for society.
I don't buy new games, also I never tip because it's not my responsibility to make sure you get paid
I can't. Your trips confirmed it.
I buy maybe 2 full price games a year. Everything else is on sale, borrowed or pirated. So far the only fill price game I've bought this year is DMC5.
They don't accept people with one past attempt at their life. Good on them but I would have loved to join.
It is if you have a decent job and don't want to get buttfucked by gentrification ruining property prices in any town that isn't podunk nowheresville.
Wrong again
Not sure about anywhere else but here in Australia they're about the same. The problem for most young people is saving enough to get a deposit for a house since our housing market is in a bubble to end all bubbles and people keep saying it's going to burst but it wont. Property investors will just pull their stuff from the market until the prices inflate again. They already just have empty houses to keep supply artificially scarce anyway to maintain the prices.
If enough people realize before then that these sorts of things occur only through government interventionism, sure.
Otherwise people are just gonna vote in socialism because FrEe MoNeY!! and we're gonna be Venezuela by 2030.
See, the trick is to wait until they let you touch the weapons.
if a recession on the level of 2008 end "venezuela style socialism" will be the least of anyone's problems. You're probably going to have to be worried more about food and armed militias overrunning large swaths of the country in the coming years.
I did this at 25 but by 30 I couldn't keep up with the PT requirements and got out before I got kicked out. Don't know what to do with myself now.
I'm literally waiting for this to happen.
I have good credit, saved money for a 1 bedroom condo (20% down payment", can save up more for an actual house
Why are there so many lazy socialists ITT?
Read yhis article. It proves millenials are the richest, most prosperous generation. Lokr Ben Shapiro said they just want it all right now without working.
>Current amount of money
>Venezuela + millions of guns
That'll be a fucking fun time
I think youre the one who needs to stop projecting amd calm down yourself. Broke ass nigga
Just in time for Republicans to blame Democrats for every fuck-up they did while in power.
Why is this always the case?:
>Somebody complains they can't get a good job
>Studied a bachelor of arts or other useless/saturated degree
>Blames rich people and the government for their own problems
~14k across all my savings, but just bought a house so savings are thin atm
Heh, in a few years, the military is going to be fill with drones and bots anyways. At least you don't have to relive during an era when Drafting was a thing.
$15/hr, about 50k in savings
Live with my parents but pay them rent.
>private companies report mistakes honestly in order to make sure customers get the best healthcare
>meanwhile government-run healthcare facilities hide all but the most extreme instances of errors as a means of tricking the public into believing that it's good to hand over their liberties in exchange for shitty public services
>$240 canadian
>make $500/wk
>pay $500 for rent each month
>somehow always have like $0 in my bank
>check bank
>I buy like $300/wk worth of vending machine Energy Drinks at work.
You mean the place of retards, cubanos, and invading oversized snakes?
The good parts (which I have been to) are too expensive for a single man on the grind
I just want to watch the world burn too. I could give two shits about politics
I'm unemployed, but lucked out by having grandparents who have millions and give me money every month
never, pussy.
I don't. Lol.
If technological advances and GDP growth on paper means you're not allowed to complain, why did shit publications like The Federalist spend so much time bitching about Obama?
Checkmate atheists.
>just pay your part
Are amerimutt families that fucked? Why would a parent ask their child to pay rent for their own house, lmao
>$500 of rent each month
Jesus, where do you live?
In SoCal rent is at least $900 monthly for shitty studio apartments in the middle of the ghetto.
I finally got a real full time 9-5 though that I start tomorrow so I can start saving.
By not working at mcdonald's and not spending my disposable income on stupid shit like weed and booze
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