>No Man's Sky
why is this game never discussed in here?
I know it started like shit, but at the current state of things they added a lot of content and this game has become kind of enjoyable and fun
>No Man's Sky
why is this game never discussed in here?
I know it started like shit, but at the current state of things they added a lot of content and this game has become kind of enjoyable and fun
I used to make fun of it but ended up getting it last week for half off. Put around 30 hrs in so far and enjoying it.
How do I go online and do the community missions? I still haven't earned any quicksilver
because no one on Yea Forums gives a shit about a scummy game developer
It's comfy to play with some friends. Some of the planets can be pretty comfy actually
the crafting/inventory system is still complete trash.
You are always online
you need to find a portal for the community event, they teleport you there
haven't played the game since october so maybe something has changed in the meanwhile
That release state was unforgivable.
stop being so dramatic, it's just a fucking video game lmao
Especially since they've all but proven they care about the thing and continued to work at it. Shitty would've been to take the money and run. They've done a good job righting the wrong.
I bought it for $30 when it went on sale right after the Next update. I liked the overall aesthetic and the concept, but it still had too many problems. A lot of the missions were very grindy. Getting all of the base building parts and rovers took a long time. There is even a part where you have to survive on a harsh planet for like 8 real world hours. Additionally, there were still a lot of bugs. There was the camera bug where you entered a space ship and the camera would be pointed down so you couldn't see out of it. There were lots of mission breaking bugs. There was one update that added a bug that completely broke the inventory screen. They fixed that one after a couple weeks, but the fact that they could even push out an update that broke the damn inventory screen says a lot about the lack of QA these updates get.