Which one do you usually play, Yea Forums?
Which one do you usually play, Yea Forums?
what happened to the author of top right? did he actually get fucked by cops.
Healer/DPS hybrid is god tier
Give me the sauce of tank and dps right now
The tank one fucked me up the most for some reason
Haven't really played any MMOs. Healers seem the most fun, though, followed by .
Your a bad person if you know what these images are from
I require a quick rundown about the two characters on the top.
why even pretend this thread is about video games, when you just want to talk about your rape doujins?
Serious question. There are specific boards for that, which guarantee a long going thread with serious replies and new recs for you, with 80% the same people who browse here.
Is it the "thrill" of getting b&? I honestly don't understand it.
The Clown
What are you on about? This is clearly a thread about the MMO role trinity. Stop trying to derail so hard.
-Controls the flow of hentai
-Netorare authors bow to them
-Can cuck men telepathically
-Can cum without even touching anything
-Rich as hell, can cuck anyone out of their bitcoin at a moments notice
-Funds are NOT safu
ironic she could save others from death but not herself
I don't play shit MMOs who have this garbage paradigm.
again, why larping like that? everyone knows the doujins in your pic (or at least should) and know this thread is not about MMOs.
call me autistic, but i fail to understand the reasoning behind it.
can i get a link for the tank one? i never read that one
Tank mostly, but dabbled in healing. In almost every MMO I've played DPS is more difficult than either tanking or healing, just simply because their rotations can be so complicated, and there's more competition to not have shitty numbers. Not to say that you can get away with that as a tank, but it's less forgivable to be doing shitty damage as a DPS.
Top left, autistic dude rapes a little girl who’s coming home from school and doesn’t get in trouble.
Top right, old dude rapes a little girl in her house and records it and threatens to kill her, the author got in troubles with police because some nip tried recreating it but got busted.
So how is the bottom one perverted.
nah, but you are a bad person if you got off to any of them
>not having a party with three tanks that can take anything and hide the damage
Mind if you carry my mage?
>some nip tried recreating it but got busted
The man on the right is making sure the neighbourhood has their mandatory copy of Fallout 4 in their steam library
A dude I know on discord read that once and it apperently fucked him up real bad.
I honestly believe you have to be sick in the head to enjor NTR, if what's getting you hard is cucking another man you sure as fuck are a piece of shit IRL
She is healer.
Gives a whole new meaning to frail magic users
whats NTR?
Pretty weak honestly.
CC/Debuffer/DPS mage if there's any such class, Buffer/Healer otherwise.
often too many for high level content since you generally only need a couple or even 1
gay bitch job unless its a game where they also dps/debuff/cc
makes stuff go faster and is fun
Kind of. He thought he was a tranny for a while but he stopped. Now he’s just kinda weird and occasionally butt heads with other people in the discord.
i dont play shit MMOs that have the holy trinity.
the good MMOs are ones that break the mold.
>omg this drawing of a girl getiing fucked by a man other than me makes my peepee hard weeeeee
Weeabos are worse than furries.
Change my mind.
>No material of a Shota who is kidnapped, beaten and raped by an older woman and is a wreck afterwards
>Pretty much gender-reverse of this
Please, one of these days...
What? I'll admit Shindol had a touch for storytelling and dialogue that gives his victims a pathos that most hentai lacks, Emergence is still like, baby's first fucked up story and at the very least it serves a purpose as a cautionary tale of sorts. The other two are just cruel and don't really serve a purpose other than to test your ability to see something terrible. They're like the hentai version of a beheading video.
Why did she want her friends getting brutally raped too?
What if you clicked for the porn, but stayed for the story?
Misery loves company.
Y was she so angry?
Who here has read all three?
Reporting in.
>LBG Gunner with recovery slugs
I’m no doctor but I can keep you alive
Most people are soft as fuck. Look at the comments on any NTR doujin and it'll be full of guys freaking the fuck out. I don't know how they can get traumatized from anime girls getting dicked.
i read that strip some days ago, i remember thinking how some people can't mentally handle something without having a good ending, basically that comic porpuse.
What's the one with the spastic kid called?
Why do sissy faggots have to ruin healing for normal people. I like the idea of being a battle healer throwing out buffs and heals while still capable of putting out damage and debuffing the enemy. Who was the first degenerate who thought that it was a great opportunity to act out their submissive fantasies?
What is happening here?
Why is this faggot so austists it can’t be that ba...
>Looks closer
Single mother parenting happened.
Yes and there's much worse out there.
Hey there Wong
I spent 1 hour dreaming about saving the girl from her fucked up family after reading it
Remain ignorant
Did she deserve it?
you're autistic
I play the gimmicky support class like bard
Just the austistic retard one.
For being a well experienced degenerate even I was taken back
this clown is like the halo 3 of memes
Tank, though the trinity is shite tier.
I really enjoy the gameplay of the Controller/Messer.
I also enjoyed the Mesmer in Guild Wars. While not a CCer in any way, turning your enemy against themselves was goddamn amazing and I wish more games let me do that.
Alice put all of her points into the fucking dork class!
if you were able to send any soldiers off to die in the sock wars while reading any of them then you are going straight to all the hells
Blame women for playing video games, and blame the lack of women playing video games.
the fuck.
>Half-asian kids
Of course...
netorare is getting cucked
netori is cucking
What's it called
Normally healer.
It's a brainless class compared to tank but lets me feel important unlike a DPS.
I like feeling important without having to work very hard, so healer is for me.
>Anything but the bullied loser class
Seek help
The only bad one is Emergence, and that's just because of how fucking long winded it is. The other two are a bit disturbed, but it's over quickly and isn't really too fucked up compared to other shit Japan pumps out, plus the girls don't even die I think.
Can't remember the name of top left, but I think top right is Geiger Counter.
Wow, what an upstanding member of society.
>Why did she want her friends getting brutally raped too?
She's a woman.
She wants her friends to be the same as she is.
Seek medical attention.
>daughter of a single mother
You cannot save them.
was going to call your boi a discord tranny then saw can't make this shit up
People who get off to this are legitimately disgusting.
where would utility dps be??
I'd say a passing dark thought is understandable. Delving deeper than that is acting upon them, such as looking up pedo hentai shit.
>tfw when you read all of those doujins
You're going to hell if you recognize these doujins, how do you feel about that?
>some nip tried recreating it but got busted
how autistic do you have to be to think that something you read in a doujin was going to work in real life?
I was born raised and had predisposition to be wasteful sinful and squander every opportunity just as I am about to be fulfilled. I belong with rot. If I was in Hell I could not even tell.
>married with 2 kids
how is he not in prison yet?
user he got busted after like the third time he pulled it off
could have worked honestly. he was probably an autistic unwashed neet that looked suspicious from the start. Then when he started talking...
Most kino ending rewrite in history
why are Josuke and Okuyasu there?
>implying I'm going to die anytime soon
Future me can worry about that nonsense.
They fixed a cute girl's life
>third time
well then his victims were stupid to fall for the radiation inspector trick
>being upset by Emergence
fukken casuals...
I haven't even read them and I recognize them, does Jesus still love me?
I don't know the story, but I would assume he was targeting children mate.
they were kids retard
>sake bottle
truly a different era
they should have been smarter than they were, i thought japanese kids were really good at math and stuff
>>No material of a Shota who is kidnapped, beaten and raped by an older woman and is a wreck afterwards
There's a fanfiction for TLH that's literally like 140k words that's basically just a story of a shota getting raped over and over and losing his mind.
It's okay.
Do you 'member? I 'member
Tbh while I never tried to be a tranny, act pretty retarded on discord myself. So I try not to give him too much shit unless it’s fun
>yfw the firecrackers
Rundown on this one?
im gay
I prefer this gem
Make it Wit Chu is a godsend.
Glad he finally updated it.
Actually not that bad desu
how new
w-what happen to him? why did he let himself go?
It was a different time
DPS is that rape shit fuck off
Healer is that ShindoL thing it was ok
but what the fuck is tank?
You know, the fact that I still feel genuinely sickened by these kinds of things really cheered me up. I thought I became a completely jaded old cunt a long time ago.
>yfw it's based on a true story
>yfw many people knew what was going on and did nothing
>yfw those fuckers got a slap on the wrist in terms of punishment and are free men
How many people read this to jack off vs people who just read it to bask in the edginess?