Bakugan thread

Bakugan thread. Bakugan thread

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>Battle Planet
What have they done

No one watched or played this

I know nothing about this show, but I've blown countless loads to that shitty CG set of the blue hair girl and the dark skin girl getting gangbanged.

I bet my dark robotallion can destroy your mantis.

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They should be ashamed. The entire Cartoon Network went down hill fast after they started canceling some of the most popular shows like Courage and Flap Jack

The merchandise sold like hotcakes.

I saw the new Beyblade show and I was like what the fuck. Why do they keep making garbage looking shotas for these revivals?

Move aside Bakugan.

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What is this? Was this a boomerang show?

I watched it and even got one of those Bakugan as a present once but I knew literally no one else that had one so I just shot marbles at my cat with it.

It's an actual video game, but it got an anime series.

jesus, how much new toy animes have come out

I heard they straight up removed Subterra and moved all Earth element stuff to Ventus

I wish I could still find a place that sold these things. Or find that one Bakugan I had lying around

I never watched this, but I always thought the toys were cool

I can send you some

I never understood how you could make a toy work off of a show like this.

I watched it. I love the flat tomboy

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The characters are legit charismatic and their interactions are entertaining.

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>Bakugan thread. Bakugan thread
oh shit, the zoomers are here.
Rule 2, kiddos

>Flat tomboy
>Big tiddy brown whore
>Cute shy redhead
Character designers had good fucking taste

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Oh shit, no fun police is here
Suck a dick, faggot.

>cute shy redhead larping as a Male edge lord (female)
Also don't forget the Chinese semen demon.
>mfw Dan was voiced by the same VA as Kaere Kimura in the Japanese dub

>game ended up being really slow and clunky
>the majority of parts were worthless
>AI is your typical cheating AI that will always know exactly where you are an can snipe you from the other side of the battle arena with the most inaccurate ranged weapons

Alice is Masquerade

Alice is the only thing I remember about the show, and that's because of her being a guy

Needs a Switch version. Also Ami (purple haired girl) was pure sex.

>japanese series
>never liked in japan
>only popular in muttland for a while

and I thought yokai watch was pathethic

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>and I thought yokai watch was pathethic
Yo-Kai watch is a massive success in Japan though?

westcucks got to it
bakugan battle planet is fucking trash

Holy fucking shit people actually remember this franchise?


>tfw some fucking retards imported Bakugan to Mexico
>They only sold the spheres and the magnetic cards
>They never sold the regular cards that were supposed to be "the ace up your sleeve" before power calculation
>The game was boring because of it

Did the new series already come out? It's not a reboot, is it? I hope they're doing new characters, they should leave the old one as is. Don't let it get Ben10'd.

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Wasn't it Korean?

I worked at a Toys R Us when this show was on and it did well enough that we would have events occasionally. I would say it had a solid year or two before the popularity fell off. Now those kids I sold Bakugan to are posting on Yea Forums, fuck I'm old.

I'm just amazed since I forgot about this since the anime ended.

I never understood how she managed to change her entire body and gender by just wearing a mask

worse, it's worse than that shitty new megaman cartoon, although all three are fucking abominations
battle planet was brought back by talentless westcucks and it shows in the writing

The best toy anime/game.

I had fantasies with Julie...

Beyblade Burst was alright and maybe even good for a kids show. Shit even forced me to buy like 20 Beys out of muh nostalgia.

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brown girl was literally the only reason i watched the show


She's a real cutie. Still a whore though

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Beyblade was the better toy/game

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Fuck, marry, kill?

Suck my dick faggots.
I even autistically painted some of them with silver sharpie back in the day because fuck it.

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>Fuck brown whore
>Marry tomboy
>Kill Redhead

>tfw mom gave away all my bakugan stuff

>Brown QT
>Readhead Qt

Man that reminds me of the Mega Man PET I used to have.

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Reminder that there was a whole episode of the Simpsons focused on Bakugan

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Were the video games of Bakugan even good?
For absolutely no reason one just one day appeared in my house, for the ps2.
I've seen a ps3 game in local store too

>Were the video games of Bakugan even go-
No. Unless you like games such as Animal Kaiser or Dinosaur King.

>dude spain lmao
Do japs even know about spain?

Apparently not.

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who the fuck asked for a new anime?

>ITT Bakugan, Beyblade and Dinosaur King were all mentioned
Ah yes, the "we tried to be the next pokémon but died really fast" thread

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Can we talk about how FUCKING AMAZING the ost for the DS game was?

I fucking loved the show. Julie was best girl. Also was nice to see that Shun got to actually be a ninja and do cool shit.
Best underrated girl is Chan Lee
I have a Drago, Skyress, Fabia's bakugan and a few of the battle gears also the game on PS3.
Fuck you saying I didn't watch or play it.

What a bunch of losers lmao

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>Written by Man of Action
It couldn't be THAT bad, right?

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Dinosaur King had that one bitch, but never played either of the games or heard beyond the cartoon

I still have a couple in my drawer
I miss playing it with my dad