the servers went offline a long long time ago
What went wrong
too many bugs
too unfun and grindy for the sake of being grindy (the attenuation process was insanely long)
terrible humor
downright broken combat
They banked heavily on catering to the hardcore PvE MMO crowd and it turns out that they're such a small minority that they can't keep an MMO alive. Not even F2P could save this mess.
Fuck man I remember following the development of this game.
I was really looking forward to it.
It still hurts to this day...
they wanted hardcore attunement chains like old school wow had, but that resulted in a retardedly high barrier to entry after a while because the only way to get attuned to the current content required a new player to get carried through old-tier raid content that nobody actually wanted to do anymore.
unrelated but anyone still playing ms2 please make a general on vg im lonely my guild is dead and want to talk about the game
her in game model was so disgusting