Prettiest game ever made right here
Prettiest game ever made right here
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Second Impact had better looking backgrounds IMO.
Terribly overrated. Shit resolution and low quality music.
The animations are indeed fucking awesome. Too bad teh balance issues kinda fucks it up a bit.
Pretty good. But that's extremely subjective. Are we talking art direction? Bloodborne is probably the best at that.
Only thing good about that game is the rap song
It would be the perfect fighting game if it had the 2nd impact stages.
I only ever enjoyed fighting games casually with a close friend but it's my understanding the FGC hates third strikes parry system. I was just wondering why? I always thought it was great because it added a fantastic risk reward type deal where instead of holding block you'd chance pushing forward and were rewarded with excellent timing.
So what was the deal? Unless I'm just wrong and gathered incorrect information.
>my understanding the FGC hates third strikes parry system
i thought people loved that shit. it is one of the best features of the game. However i can really see why. the character were not designed around this mechanic so some characters get absolutely demolished depending on wich normals they use, Alex for exaple has a bunch of simgle hit slow recovery moves so if you parry it you basically get a free punish. It also kinda fucks with the fireball game.
The FGC loves the parry system, but in third strike was hard to master so maybe you met some salty newfags.
Because you can't just spam fireballs and just anti air the opponent jumping over. Parries added like 10 more layers of mindgames.
The problem with 3s parries is that you can low parry/block os so easily that it turns most matchups into fishing for low parries into super confirms
At least that's how it felt when I played on fightcade
3s is actually one of the more balanced street fighter titles. Plenty of players use low tiers and win against top tiers and of course Kuroda just shits on everyone with random characters.
>spam fireballs and just anti air the opponent jumping over
I'll never understand why SF players love this shit so much. It's so boring to watch and play.
It's a mixed bag. Some pros love it for the reasons you stated, some pros hate it because it adds another level of unfairness. Characters that are already strong got even stronger. It also made the neutral game more passive.
Boiled down:
>Super strict
>Extremely punishable
>Some moves/setups are so good that parrying is actually worse than just blocking
>Varying punishes for the cast. Some people get godlike setups/damage off of parries. Other's get jack shit.
>3s is actually one of the more balanced street fighter titles
Nigga, you just went full fucking retard.
Interesting. It was only ever maximum fun for myself but then again I only ever played the same person over and over again. While I don't understand I guess it could have some kind of negative impact in higher level play. I assume so anyway.
Post the most balanced Street Fighter.
Good 2D is eternal
That title belongs to KoFXIII because it actually had everything 3S did but with prettier effects and backgrounds.
Unironically SFV. Kuroda himself said that Chun had no losing or even matchups(as in, every MU is 6-4 or better) with Ken being the same bar Chun.
What gaem?
Either USFIV or SFV. No shit.
Third Strike is the Melee of streetfighter.
>Plenty of players use low tiers and win against top tiers and of course Kuroda just shits on everyone with random characters.
that say more about player skill than actual balancing. Sean is purposely made bad for example an a player winning with him is just impressive.
Here’s his MU chart btw
In the Hunt
Huh. I thought it looked R-Type-y
artwork doesn't compare favourably at all to snk's heights
Have you ever played Metal Slug? The team that did the art for In The Hunt joined SNK later on.
>Have you ever played Metal Slug? The team that did the art for In The Hunt joined SNK later on.
Nigga, I played Metal Slug back when it first released in the arcades. Nice little factoid, though.