How did Hien mange to survive all of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood?
How did Hien mange to survive all of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood?
By being Aymeric 2.
If you didn't notice, the entire plot structure is repeated beat for beat, with the only real change being that Gostesu lives while Haurchefant dies, but both go off camera to never return so fuck it.
His assets are so low res they confused him for a regular NPC.
Easterners just have knife edge sharp arm muscles you racist.
>t. Lyse
That 24x24 texture robe waa made of the finest Doman silk, you cur.
Can we go back to Ishgard? The rest of Hyadelen sucks.
All I can pray is that we never go to Tharvian.
The generic dancer slut glams don't need to be fueled any further.
This. Let the rest of the world burn but leave Ishgard alone.
good fucking lord the textures in this game are shit
Splitting eu was a mistake. Game's barren.
>inb4 end of expansion
End of HW wasn't nearly as dead.
No, that's just Hien.
HW was also actually good, that factors in.
Not until we get access to the rest of Hingashi
And it's about to get split again
I feel like ShB will kill this game
Honestly, it looks like it. It's Yoshi's last expansion, he's been moved to another project. Looked at the savage and ultimate clear rates, 95% of the playerbase don't even do it. The game has become a glorified Sims simulator. And now on EU, it's literally unplayable outside of a few roulettes.
the game officially died when they decided to release ARR
whatever we have is an empty husk with 0 vision, leftovers meant to salvage as much money as possible from the blunder that XIV was
I think the next expansion has an entire story planned out for Ishgard reconstruction, but it's going to be crafter onry
My nigga Exdeath knows what's good.
>gives you a pimp coat
>invites you to his house for a fancy rich person meal
>gets all flustered at the thought of going on an adventure with you
Was he trying to fuck the WoL?
Oh he was
And he definitely molested you while you were passed out in the hospital
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
no, a fuck ton of textures in this game are glaringly bad.
Hien's the worst normal story NPC in the game.
Yeah what's up with that? They made a big hooplah about dropping PS3 support yet it looks no better
>he doesn't want to go to fucking Thavnair and swank out in Aladdin and other middle-eastern glamours, become a Mystic Knight/Rune Fencer, and introduce another continent to miqo'te, elezen and lalafell rapefugees like we did Othard
Sorry, that'd be Lyse
>yet it looks no better
Gwaffix increases were never promised, dropping PS3 is to help on the technical end
Dropping PS3 support brought a bunch of under the hood changes you may not appreciate. We now have TP bars on the party UI because we're not bound by 512MB of RAM, the character/object limit on screen has increased a lot giving birth to content like Eureka, world zones are also much larger in stormblood than they were in heavensward or a realm reborn, etc.
In terms of textures you jokester.
It's the price to pay if it keeps more generic thav glam sluts out, I'm sorry user.
Is Eureka meant to be a good thing?
Did people actually enjoy it?
they are doubling ram usage in shadowbringers as well, right now it caps out around 2gb
Funny thing is that here on Odin I don't remember last time seeing so many people running not on a patch day. PF is dead though.
People played it regardless of whether it was only for the carrot-on-a-stick of a relic weapon, or elemental armors. Square chalked it up as a success overall and more Diadem-like content is planned for ShB
>Looked at the savage and ultimate clear rates, 95% of the playerbase don't even do it.
That's almost always been the case though, high-end content is pretty niche as far as XIV's playerbase goes.
>Games get massive amount of texture mods all the time
>FFXIV has like, 3
>Instead there's mods to remove the bras from half of the female clothing
>It's Yoshi's last expansion, he's been moved to another project
The other big game by his BD was in development since Heavensward, fuck off. I'm so tired of retarded armchair Square Enix experts that think they know what they're talking about but they don't. Stop posting forever.
running around*
They thought they would keep their word and give us a texture pack after dropping DX9.
Diadem was actually reasonably fun. If they abandon everything that eureka added to shit up the formula into a torturously boring grind, what they do might be good.
it's not for everyone but there are some people that enjoy it.
Eh, Diadem is different from Eureka. There is no secondary progression system, it includes crafters+gatherers, you're chasing after pink
set gear that drops from NMs instead of doing 4 zones worth of stuff for 1 weapon
He might step down from one of his positions like he talked long time ago, but no way he will stop working on ffxiv.
It sure explains why SB is so shit.
He said that he wants to become a full time director instead of being a director+producer. But he hasn't found anyone yet that he thinks is good enough to be his replacement producer.
No, it doesn't, and it isn't.
Maybe you should stop coming daily to these threads to complain about the game you don't even play.
Oh. Then you're probably right user.
XIV threads are a notorious circlejerk where the same ~20 opinions are regurgitated ad infinitum, typically amounting to "the game will die aaaaaaany minute now". Armchair-developers complaining that what they want would be so simple to program, and inadvertently exposing they have no idea of how the game client ticks, let alone its servers; endless crying about the cash-shop that only has a handful of items worth buying in the first place, and most of it is stuff that was free from previous events and wouldn't be obtainable by newer players otherwise; and all the playing-pretend that everyone in the thread isn't addicted to a skinner-box dress-up game that's more compelling than most other MMOs on the market by virtue of the dumbing-down across expansions being kept to a minimum, with all base gameplay from ARR relatively intact and choreographed combat encounters becoming more elaborate as time goes on.
So basically it's an MMO thread.
Sure is a lot of assuming going on there. I'm not in most of these threads, I just dropped in here before logging on.
Stormblood's content absolutely was shit, aside from the dungeons. The MSQ just copied HW's skeleton point for point, content rolled out glacially and wasn't even terribly interesting, etc. Cutting down on the number of dungeons and making them worth a damn was a huge improvement, but that's all I can give Stormblood. It's shit.
Most of what I see is "holy shit this game has absolutely no budget this is ridiculous, give the bastards some time or manpower so they don't have to recycle so many assets god damn."
>So basically it's an MMO thread.
yep sounds about right. just go on /r/mmorpg and you can find similar bitching you find on Yea Forums there.
>content rolled out glacially and wasn't even terribly interesting,
You reiterated "it copied Heavensward" seeing as it followed exactly the same patch roll-out and content drip.
>Cutting down on the number of dungeons
We are missing only three dungeons compared to Heavensward, two if you want to count Baldesion Arsenal as a pseudo-dungeon. Unending Coil of Bahamut and Ultima Weapon Ultimate are what diverted resources away from more dungeons, apparently.
you can be the richest MMO company in japan but still have manpower issues because nobody in japan wants to work on a niche genre like MMOs when mobile gacha is 10x more profit for 5x less work.
>ending of Stormblood
>all of the Stormblood major cast gets BTFO
>they are never seen again
>the Warrior of Light never asks about them
>instead, they hang out with the superior Heavensward cast
top kek
Why should I play BLM when I can do pretty close damage with SMN while also having utility?
>that one crafting quest where a Hingan woman tells off an Au Ra for wearing slutglam
>You reiterated "it copied Heavensward" seeing as it followed exactly the same patch roll-out and content drip.
I'm aware. I'm saying that more of the same for a $40 price tag and a sub is a bad sell. I just wanted to go over what was specifically shit, even if it was a matter of not moving forward rather than actively being worse.
>We are missing only three dungeons compared to Heavensward
Yeah, and that's why I said it's an improvement rather than a problem. The dungeons for Stormblood are a good step up over garbage like The Antitower.
Because it's more challenging and rewarding when you succeed.
You can apply that logic to literally any genre of game, that doesn't make it okay. A game based on a perpetual service model shouldn't be struggling this hard to create content. We understand why it does, but we disagree with the decision handle finances in that manner.
He cute
Because Black Mage doesn't have a terrible pet-system.
Because some people like playing the game, and if you don't want to play you may as well make yourself a Scholar and save yourself the wait.
He has been moved to another project you mongoloid. What, did you get scared your glamour simulator might not last forever?
Because you enjoy the animations and hammering the rotation buttons more than Summoner's equivalents and don't give a rat's ass about 'the meta'.
He's a nazi
Page only says he's the general-manager of 3rd BD and mentions a change of position absolutely nowhere, quit being smug when you're not absolutely sure of it
Hidden face and yellow lamplight eyes WHEN
He's also apparently living in an N64 cartridge.
>when your mans estinien got your back
Never it is completely impossible.
>Literally create the same effect for a piece of Lala headwear to make them Dwarves.
Uhm uh you see
prease understand
>You can apply that logic to literally any genre of game
but it affects MMOs the most, especially ones made in Japan. AAA quality MMOs require a ton of manpower and budget. Square Enix got the budget part covered, but not the manpower. Hence why they've been looking for FFXIV staff on their job recruitment page since 2016
I don't recall him saying it was impossible but I do remember he said he'd rather tie it to a passive ability like Enochian than to a piece of equipment, maybe ShB will give it to us with an Enochian upgrade or replacement
>A game based on a perpetual service model shouldn't be struggling this hard to create content.
Japanese developers, that are understaffed, making an extremely niche genre game, in a time when said niche genre is dead and mobile gacha is where everyone wants to work for, has trouble making content...
>“Based on the former 5th Business Division, the newly launched 3rd Development Unit has launched a new core project following “Final Fantasy XIV,” and has begun to challenge the next generation. The initial development of this project has already ended, and the development environment has been established. We are now shifting to the full large-scale development phase.
>The new project is looking for developers who will give the world something “interesting,” “fun,” and “surprising” together. We are looking forward to your application to challenge the worldwide market!”
>pic of Yoshi on the page
I don't understand why are you faggots getting so defensive.
He's manager of the new division, but not director or producer of their new project.
"General Manager" means he's their overseer and reports to any higher-ups, he's not necessarily affiliated with any one project. The department he's in charge of is producing something but he's still the producer/director for XIV.
t. Didn't play a single stormblood duty
Where are my fellow Lalafell enthusiast at?
I wish they were shortstacks and not tarutaru 2.0.
fuck off. having to deal with your obnoxious useless french ass over and over was absolutely revolting. good riddance
>he doesn't know
oh nein nein nein nein nein
He literally spends the whole of 4.56 trying to kill a blonde, blue-eyed Aryan.
what are lalafell link shells like
are they some kind of secret degenerate hub of deplorable behavior or is it just memelords
tell me your secrets potato
Right fucking here
I love lalafell so fucking much
I wouldn't know I just admire them from afar
This, desu. The potato bodies look too weird.
Not them, but I think it's memelords usually.
I want a lala to step on me.
I'm in one and it's mostly just people talking about shadowbringers, new video games, and looking for help doing content.
Hell yeah
By assigning two inept guards to stand outside of Yotsuyu's room so her whole Primal thing can be centrally HIS fault, but you just happen to pick up the slack and save face for him without it ever being acknowledged.
Hien survives solely on luck, gambling or people picking up for his mistakes.
The one I got invited to is just a couple braindead retards that say the equivalent to lala = best over and over. They stopped playing so I'll find another and report back.
PS4 gets screenspace reflections and AO?
they patched it in sometime in heavensward for ps4
He looks like a shitty budget Mitsurugi
>implying germans are ANYWHERE near as bad as frenchfags
newsflash, the worst they can do is add an xD at the end of each sentence. Frenchtards will seemingly purposedly fail the simplest tank/deep/heals check in the game and call everyone else shit in their impossibly awful languages of french and arabic
Fat cats anyone?
Nah fuck off we've seen this enough times
I can't wait to interact with these pompous landwhales
He wasn't even worth killing. Guy has like 3 moves.
I am that lalafell, present.
>BBW catgirls
his solo duty was the most embarrassing finale fight to a game ever made.
Leveling DRK, give me your best edgy macros
Wrong. French are bad at communication. Krauts actually can't fucking play at all. But majority of EU players are absolutely dumbfucked substandard shitters so if you see anybody ACTUALLY making decisions over supposed "language spread" you know they're just as bad and stupid.
just copy quotes from kingdom hearts villains
What a shitty SAM, no wonder Doma lost if their samurai were that shitty.
Copy Archer's entire monologue for Unlimited Blade Works
How can Ronso hope to compete against such an alpha?
The best edge is the edge you come up with yourself
>Diadem was actually reasonably fun.
Hello Zelda cycle
You could say the same for Lyse.
They just can't. I feel sorry for all future Hrothgars.
>not using smug redman's lines for the actual archer class in the game
The faces on the middle left panel are on the wrong bodies.
>I don't like {Grit}. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating and it gets everywhere.
>If they abandon everything that eureka added to shit up the formula into a torturously boring grind
All they really gotta do is not introduce the actual fun part of things half-way through the actual content, Logograms should've been there with Anemos instead of being introduced in Pyros/Hydatos
Just think of what Fray would say.
Fate collab when? I want Mash huge shield
Right after the PSO2 collab.
A Dark Falz or Olga Flow trial would be sick.
high steel scale mail
I enjoy it very much.
>NPCs who are the inner voice of the WoL, no less are allowed to be edgy but GMs will bust your ass if you try to pull the same kind of talk with other players
>no crossover-only raid with Galdera, The Lich King, Doraemon and Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
Yoshida is slipping
This game needs more capes in general
Reminder that its a shit skinnerbox game with no point, gear againts DUMB NPCs over and over again.
Yoshida wants to do a Diablo crossover but Activision won't let them.
You can't even speak English properly. Dumbass.
je suis monte hon hon hon hon hon
Even if PvP was worth half a damn in this game you'd still be fighting against people dumber than your average NPC. Nor would I ever expect them to make gear matter again, not after removing morale and pvp-specific materias.
Dungeons are boring. BA was a creative move and I look forward to what they learned from it.
I love it, it's my favorite content that has ever been released in FFXIV. It's relaxing to grind in new areas with a story to go along with it, and each step of the relic feels manageable but not too easy. It is a far superior way to do the relic instead of having to run old instances 100 times each, that type of content is way more lazy on SE's end.
Because tails. Blame the cats and lizards.
It's a new type of content, which is always a good thing.
The problem is how shitty the first few areas were, it actually got pretty high quality by the end. There's a good chance that the Shadowbringers equivalent will be even better
Name one (1) objectively bad thing about the female DRG idle pose. "It's not Kain!" is not objective.
Balance on a SAM are way too OP
It's not as cool.
Mad skills he tries to keep hidden.
Did anyone even die? The only one I heard of was that emperor guy who was the big bad for one patch and then died in a 5-man and fused with shinryu, and apparently he's alive again.
Shadowbringers Eureka could be really good if they have logos or something similar on day 1 and they reduce the low level grind.
Despite the expacs name being stormblood, there wasn't a single drop.
I want FOnewearl glamour and a bunch of PSO mag minions.
>not RAcaseal
>custom body pillow of my char came in the mail today
Post it with timestamp, I don't believe you.
They really failed to focus on the occupation theme, which is a shame since it had a lot of potential. I was actually really interested in seeing how the complex situation in Ala Mhigo would be sorted out. But, almost everything about the story felt rushed, disjointed and generic.
Azim Steppe was the only part with interesting ideas and distinct characters (even though it's essentially just a detour), and it's a very good thing that the writer responsible for it is the main writer for Shadowbringers
That looks bad and western made/drawn, I feel sorry for you user. How much did it cost?
In Japanese, the expansion is called "Crimson Liberator" which fits the theme of liberating ala mhigo. But I don't know why they changed it to Stormblood for English.
the fact that he has a ninja lizard lusting after him keeps him alive
Isn't "Shadowbringers" in Japanese something like "Jet-Black Traitor"? I recall reading that when the name was revealed.
Don't feel bad, I love it.
It was pretty cheap, only $50 for front and back
All the Japanese expansion titles are different.
Heavensward is Blue Skies of Ishgard
Stormblood is Crimson Liberator
Shadowbringers is Jet Black Villains
They go for the single word titles for English because it's more marketable and easier to remember.
Last story patch.
Stormblood would have annoyed us until the very end.
Why the guns tho?
for scale
How's the donkey dick grip handle?
>SMN being pretty close to BLM
Found the shit BLM
BLM can do SIGNIFICANTLY more damage than SMN
eh its a grip. It works.
have the buttstock to match but its missing an authentic buttplate so I didn't bother replacing it yet. Plus I want to get a side folder instead
>Was he trying to fuck the WoL?
He absolutely was now that Haurchefant is gone and WoL is single.
>legacy tattoo
its only natural for 1.0 players to have such shitty taste
I can taste the envy.
I do this something, not ashame
He's a faggot who can't handle criticism so he's gonna be like I'll kill anyone who trashes my shit waifu character.
lol what, everything in this game is designed for midlanders
Why does so much gear look like complete shit on catgirls?
99% of them just wear swimsuits or lvl. 1 vanity gear so the dev team doesn't bother with the rest.
Gear in general looks like shit on the manlet/womanlet races, I hate how most things look on fem-miqo'te, fem-aura and lalafells
>being this insecure over the mere image of a gun
to be fair those grapes were really shitty
again, everything is designed for male midlanders
catgirls have it much better than me though, everything give au ra such huge shoulders, I must wear things that show them
Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!
pretty sure most people want to give you death
How do I acquire the second option
>or give me death!
might as well do it yourself since you'll never get shotas faggot
it's because he posted it, look at my guns! my possessions!
You're going to look very foolish when 6.0 rolls around.
can mods please just ban this ip already
>got to experience a part of the game that will never happen again, players who missed out beg for 1.x servers just to experience it
>lifetime reduced sub
>dank tat
>dank chocobo with tat on beak
>dalamud horn
>legacy goobue
>name in credits
>not to mention a ton of gear being made even to this day is designed to show some if not all of the tat
>probably some other shit I can't remember
If all I want is the ozma mount can I just grind to 60 or whatever it is or do I have to do all the relic and armor shit too?
I cant wait to make a bunny!!!!
limited race
Keep seething
Controller user here, is there a way to make ground-target spells less clunky?
I have to release the trigger to activate it after the AOE icon appears
Now I don't feel so bad waiting several for an an actually skilled Japanese artist to open for commissions in order to get a proper dakimakura cover made.
/micon "Shadow Flare"
/ac "Shadow Flare"
/ac "Shadow Flare"
Reminder that Viera SLUTS belong to Hrothgar COCKS.
just grind to 60, don't need to worry about the relic one bit, it's what I did
elemental armor/weapons are nice to have in BA but not required, and you can find stuff in BA that has elemental bonus on it that isn't related to the relic stuff anyway
how much would the costs be though? If its really well done it would probably be in the hundreds. Not saying its not worth but is it worth just for the meme of having a body pillow of your char?
I'll try this, thanks
but they can't even wear helmets, why would i be mad?
However if we end up getting nothing but circlets from here on so Viera and Hrothgar don't feel left out, I will definitely be seething.
As it should be.
these but beware it attempts to drop them in the direct centre of their hitbox, even if that hitbox isn't on the stage or collossal in size
Literally doesn't work on some enemies, can give you range issues on others.
This will make it if you're targeting an enemy it will be auto places on them or if you're not targeting them you can place it freely.
As much as I like adding glasses to my girls, im fine with this at launch. They said they would add headgear is time goes on. Better than delaying the whole race 8 months like WoW did lmfao
I unironically use pic related.
The writers wanted him to.
Looking at two artists and yes it'll be at least $200 for either of them. I'm no stranger to high commission costs, and getting it printed isn't that much more on top of that.
>trying to play MCH again since post-HW
Why is this job so unnecessarily complicated?
>dump your skills, but do it efficiently, but also do it in a 10 second window, tighter than your butthole in an open bath
All while trying to scoot your low damage ass out of mechanics.
I get MCH is more support DPS, like NIN. But boy, do I feel retarded trying to do its burst rotation.
It is getting reworked in ShB.
The only main stormblood character I gave half a shit about was the cute brown catgirl. Damned if I can remember her name though. The only other character I gave a shit about was a random dragon loli out in bumfuck egypt, because she's the only attractive dragon girl in the entire game.
Yoshi-P straight up apologized for MCH this expansion. The rotation is easily the worst in the entire game and has resulted in MCH being the least-played job in the game. Just get it to max level and leave it alone until Shadowbringers when it should be getting overhauled.
You get used to the pattern, but it really fucking sucks if you accidentally overheat or do something like accidentally press flamethrower or unequip your gauss barrel. One mistake can set you back by at least an entire minute before every thing lines up again.
we're all queens
i dont know about you guys but i find nin more annoying to play, mch is super static and the burst window isn't as latency based as nin
Why were Zandalari so fucking delayed? Did Blizzard ever say?
>I can do pretty close damage with SMN
Also, the risk versus reward for SMN is just not worth it. BLM has such a low skill ceiling compared to jobs like SMN and MCH, where you have to be on-fucking-point, it's just way more preferable than SMN unless if you just enjoy SMN more, in which case you are entitled to your (wrong) opinion.
huh that's really not too bad. yeah mine getting printed was $20, but I noticed the seams are on the outside which kind of sucks. the print itself is fine though.
I might get another one done at a later date in a more realistic, on model style if I can find one around that price
You say that, but I've heard that there are still people that fail it.
I don't know how, but they're out there.
He should apologize for a few more class-related things while he's at it.
He needs to apologize for four years of WHM being on the sidelines.
nin is more rewarding and it actually takes a bit of effort and one you get down to it, mch is probably the most boring piece of shit job in the game because you faceroll your buttons every 60 seconds and that's it.
Fuck S rank spawners. True MVP are public hunt shouters.
stormblood was reaaaaallly boring compared to the other parts and the song at the end made it even worse
That's one thing that comes to mind, yes. Any instance of double weaving is also unacceptable.
Who the fuck still does hunts?
A ton of people. Shout always gets flooded whenever there's a spawn.
>one class isn't press these 6 buttons in the same order and these 3 every 90 seconds
>everyone whines and they're just going to make it bard 2 and dancer bard 3
>being a disingenuous cocksucker
Facerolling every minute isn't somehow better than a set rotation
in my server its always the same neets at any time of the day doing hunts, these faggots are seriously aiming for the tiger
shit is so mind boggling, they take it so seriously too
Almost everyone who isn't in any instance. People want their tigers.
>the character/object limit on screen has increased a lot giving birth to content like Eureka
Meanwhile every non-Eureka content tries to limit itself to 30 onscreen actors at any given time, because someone please think of the PS4 users running the non-performance mode...
I don't know how they solve the double weaving problem without greatly reducing the number of oGCDs each job has, or by greatly increasing the animation lock of oGCDs to force you to only ever do one in between GCDs. The former would make certain jobs more boring and the latter would possibly feel clunky.
You'd have to be doing it deliberately, it's don't stand in stupid and wait for it all to blow over. Timed encounter.
>BLM has such a low skill ceiling compared to jobs like SMN and MCH
you what now? I won't speak for MCH since I don't play it, but outside of SMN's opener the rotation is pretty simple (the hardest part is getting used to not smacking buttons to line them up with DWT/bahamut) and it has MUCH more room to deal with mechanics than BLM does, which is the actual hard part of playing BLM.
fuck whm, bring something or fuck off
>and dancer bard 3
more like Mudras. ranged edition
The funny thing about this is that Eureka still has serious culling issues despite the increased object limit. You can especially see this in BA where many of AV and Ozma's attacks just won't hit some people because there's 56 players in one place.
I wish these were playable instead of Hrothgar.
I'd fantasia in a second.
They solve it by, as you said, reducing the number of extra buttons you need to sandwich in by tossing out some of the skills that don't do anything beyond adding an invisible number, but more importantly don't design them in such a way that the player will want to hit three commands in a single gcd.
>three commands in a single gcd.
What were they fucking thinking?
Make offGCDs having their own 1.5s GCD.
They've only ever played on Japanese internet so they don't realize shit like that is impossible in the rest of the world.
Game was designed to be played with 200-220ms by the way.
That sounds terrible user.
Guess we know what the devs are doing then.
Japanese internet makes a huge difference but you still cant do that shit in a single GCD. Not like you'll be using anything other then fuma and setting up trick.
>Also, the risk versus reward for SMN is just not worth it
The only risk with SMN is whether ping will permit you to squeeze out the extra DPS or not, otherwise how could you possibly fuck up SMN
>b-but the rotation
It seems complex until you realize it's just three mini-rotations that are completely phase-dependent, and that knowing when to use each phase is hardly rocket science. Black Mage seems easy because LOL FIRE IV SPAM, but in a game that emphasizes movement it's the least mobile job in the entire game by a country mile, especially with how vital ley lines are and how easy it is to get completely fucked out of them.
Why the fuck don't they just register mudra client-side for fuck sake this shit is ridiculous.
Actually true. Remember Yoshi went to Australia back in 2.X and discovered Titan was hard when you don't have 0 ping, and Australian ping to Japan is not that bad.
t. Greylet
Good job on outing yourself WoWfugee
system rimitation, prease unurstandu
They did alter mudras a bit at some point to make them more responsive, but it clearly hasn't fixed the problem.
You are the one who has outed themselves, idiot. You must be always mashing the keys. Try something more your speed like warrior. It's an easy rotation.
>cleared UCoB/UWU
>was greylet in both
>but it clearly hasn't fixed the problem.
Clearly not, because mudras still aren't client side.
>need to input three commands between GCD
>basically having a full blown fucking conversation with the server in order to use a single fucking ninjutsu
This is what WoW did and they reverted it im-fucking-mediately. Shit opinion
>Tank pulls with provoke.
Learn what sarcasm is you autist
Someone invent time travel and force YoshiP to play on the "European" servers.
>Remember Yoshi went to Australia back in 2.X and discovered Titan was hard when you don't have 0 ping,
Titan HM (before they patched in the updated server polling rate) was categorically impossible if you lived in Australia without memorising the fight and moving pre-emptively.
It's easy now, but you still probably want a tunneling app like WTFast, Pingzapper, or Mudfish if you want to avoid potentially getting fucked by a lagspike.
>Explain to them in a direct and simple manner why this doesn't work in XIV.
>Get ignored.
Imagine trying to do shit like Ultimate Titan's double-landslides if they never changed the position tick rate to 100ms and left it at 333ms.
Lying through his teeth. Absolutely shameful.
A lot of combat issues would be fixed with client-side determinations, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was simply impossible for them to do it without throwing the whole game out the window. Do you remember or have you seen how slow 1.0's menus were?
I remember. I did HM/EX before they improved instance server ticks.
Imagine still posting after being this fucking wrong.
I don't think trannies will EVER recover from this
>Thinking you can ip ban meowie
I'm pretty sure even mods know this faggot will kill himself if he can't post here. His families probably long since abandoned him, he has no job and no BF and is 30.
Cut the guy some slack.
I can't wait for 6.0 and they announce they are adding the other genders for Viera and Hrothgar, then male Viera are tall buff wild rabbit men and female Hrothgar are small cute lion-girls.
Fine with me. I don't care about waifufags anyway.
Trannies don't play male characters you retard, it's fags that got btfo
I mean, I've cleared every tier on 200ms but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it.
>try to use swiftcast/triplecast while slidecasting
>25% of the time it works
>25% of the time it works, but the slidecast is interrupted
>25% of the time SC/TC doesn't activate
>25% of the time SC/TC doesn't activate, and my slide is interrupted
Yoshida has pretty much already said male viera will be tall elegant and handsome like elezen if they were added.
Yoshida says a lot of things user
No, it's just meowie, he's the only one that's been shilling shota bunnies. He was shitposting in the /vg/ thread about cosplaying as his "boy bunny" when it gets revealed.
Probably running low on patreon money.
>and is 30
gross. please be joking
I am neither 30 nor do I post on /vg/, especially not in /xivg/. Stop making stuff up about me...
No, he's a 30 year old trapfag that's been posting on here for like 7 years. Constantly shitposts battlestation threads.
That's exactly what they should be, according to the lore and also how you'd imagine the males would be like compared to the females, those fags who want shota bunnies are just retarded.
Yes they do, especially if there LE SMOL
Get the fuck out with your vg discord drama
how will armor like this work with hrothgar and viera
assuming that's one that has the head and body built in ofc
Just adopt a trip so I can filter you already you faggot. I already had to abandon battle station threads because of you.
Leave xiv threads along you dumbass.
They're just Roe and Elezen body swaps.
Also Hrothgar won't have helmets.
They said head gear will be made visible with time, it could be that they're making those chest+helmet pieces already available
Trannies, fags and fujos get mad at the same shit. Trannies are especially mad because female Viera and male Hrothgar promote stereotypical gender norms that are transphobic.
The same reasons someone would pick SAM over MNK, style over substance, and I'm not saying it condescendingly, style is all that matters.
what the fuck is dialation
I really don't understand why they don't just make ear holes for helms and shit when it comes to Viera.
Maybe the First Shard version of Ishgard won't be a frozen wasteland.
It works just fine if you immediately cement your aggro with a move after, it's got a higher range than Tomahawk and the like. It establishes aggro if none exists previously since it's counted as entering combat with the creature, on account of you using a move on them and all.
>gay guys being mad that the bunnies they're not getting (yet) aren't tiny instead of poised supermodels
Imagine being in this much fucking denial
I use it when doing trash pulls and there are mobs that aren't linked
>tomahawk one
>gcd happening but another is unaggrod
>provoke it on instinct and immediately tomahawk after to seal the deal
it just feels right
Lol you sound mad. I guess the OF stopped giving you attention so now you're here
He's been doing this for awhile now.
What are you on?
It's actually a little alarming there are people that think Provoke/Ultimatum on an acceptable target does nothing, that's not how skills in general work with this game. Using Peloton on party-members as a BRD or MCH counts as entering combat with a creature and earning a spot on their aggro table if you try using it when another party member is engaged with it, for example.
It's only worth it for ranges outside of your ranged attack. Pulling a boss of any kind? get the fuck out of here. You're more effective body pullng and clicking Anticipation since using oGCDs is 4 enmity to the naked Provoke's 1.
And Anticipation is worthless enough to use it like that and consider it a benefit.
thing is hrothgar heads look a lot bigger than roe heads and they are weirdly shaped
the helmet on that kind of armor replaces the head in the model iirc
it just seems weird
You can use provoke on a pack of mobs that is very spread, they'll start moving towards you and you can just AoE aggro them and keep running. You'd have to tomahawk one of them otherwise and then wait for a second dor GCD to AoE the before you can keep going
>I really don't understand why they don't just make ear holes for helms and shit when it comes to Viera.
They use unique heads, same with hrothgar. They can do it but there's like hundreds of helmet models in this game they have to go back and modify. Over the patches they'll gradually modify the helms and add them.
And in true FFXIV team fashion, forget about that at some point and stop doing it.
>every encounter is a precision dance based difficulty
>every job slowly playing the same archetype and general design of strict rotations and minute cd's
>community complains about not being able to weave efficiently sometimes
MMO's are as bad a gachas now
>I don't think those guys are mad
>you sound mad
I want to go to the empire. I want it to be a massive steam punk dystopian city. Instead we are going to the technologically inferior first shard infested with beast tribe niggers.
I don't understand why tanks always feel the need to range pull. Most mobs don't even pull in range of overpower.
until we reach the point where we have an auto battle system at endgame, pay for rolls, and their major content boils down to "here's 1 new png waifu", mmos are nowhere near as bad as gachas.
make ear armor
Yep. Definitely mad.
>tfw every expansion here-on will be +
>here's 1 weapon token a week
>overgear fights where you skip half of the intended designed encounter
>paying a sub for this
>nowhere near as bad
>tfw getting jettisoned to Crystal
Haha time for transfer
I really don't know why they spent how much of SB building up to us invading Garlemald, only for us to fuck off to another world to help them out cause their team of WoDs fucked up.
About what?
At some point being 5.1. That or the helmet updating pace will be glacial.
Yeah? None of that comes anywhere near paying real fucking money to RNG roll for gear you fucking retard.
Eh, they used to do it too when they had access to Flash.
Body pull and Overpower is pretty much the only way to do it these days.
Indeed, that's nowhere near as bad. What are you getting at?
>No definition anywhere else on the body.
Fuck's sake, user.
If you reply to the tranny lover he'll just keep calling you mad mate, gotta leave him alone and let him obsess with trannies by himself.
It's fine that he's obsessed with trannies (everyone needs a hobby), but I worry he doesn't know how to read.
holy fuck
I'm legitimately surprised they haven't added gatcha mechanics to the game yet, for glamours and housing items if nothing else.
the au ra that did the same thing in 4.0 was better
>tfw everyone but me hates the Antitower
Sharlayan shit is awesome, aesthetically the dungeon is a 10/10. Are people really that assblasted about gated pulls?
yeah especially since Eorzea is literally in the middle of a battle with the empire and the emperor has intentions to start producing nerve gas. Guess its time for the warrior or light to fuck off to another world. Maybe they will pull some bullshit that time moves different between the worlds so a long time in the first boils down to a few minutes in the source. Its Final Fantasy and there is so much shit they can pull out of their asses its not even funny.
>Maybe they will pull some bullshit that time moves different between the worlds so a long time in the first boils down to a few minutes in the source
They won't pull time bullshit, they're just going to disappear lots of time through events. We won't be heading back to the Source until like 5.55 so we're locked there a long time.
The entire game has a really.warped perception of time anyway. All the promo material for ShB portrays WoL as some punished grizzled old vet on the verge of collapse from all the endless years of conflict but in game they act like it's been about a month or so since you rolled into Eorzea on that carriage.
Or they'll just make the Garleans act utterly retarded, like always. The only reason Eorzea hasn't been completely trampled is because the writers make the Garlean Empire have the military wisdom of an Ul'dahn whore.
The empire needs time to prepare for a larger assault, and the First will have a stable connection for the WoL by the end of the .0 content to allow for other things like Ishgard, so they can get back to imperial business whenever they want.
Well the Ascians want balance so letting the Garleans win would not be in their best interest. Furthermore the emperor is likely planning to betray them and take the empire back into the hands of man once more. so the people at the top have political motivations to not kick too much ass at least for the time being.
>character looks great on character creation screen
>looks like shit in the actual game
Does anyone else's character have a retarded blank expression on their face?
by being the best and cutest boy
depends on what face you pick. catgirl face 3 is always smiling for example.
You need to be more specific, but also when you're making a character use the different environments and rotate them so you see how they look in in-game settings.
La Noscea background, put the boulder behind your character. Now you have real lighting to work with.
>viera can't wear headpieces
What the fuck, why? And when the fuck did they say this? You can't even wear fucking glasses?
You need to check how your character looks under in-game lighting (there are test-zones for the Shroud, Thanalan, La Noscea, plus the inside of a Gridanian residence, and a toggle for night/day)- as opposed to how they look under the default aetherial lighting.
You also need to turn your character around to see how they look when directly facing a light source, and all the weird it does to their face.
The aetherial lighting also seems to increase the colour contrast. This is an issue especially in regards to skin tone; because I like my dark chocolate with a high %-cocoa, and what looks nice under aetherial generally looks terribly washed out under normal lighting.
2 more years till we get man buns
Never post this again, what a revolting art style.
they can wear head gear that completely replaces the head like the moogle, namazu, chocobo, etc masks
Die tranny
at least pedos are a minority
i'm almost dreading what nomura's other design for the 8 man raid will be like
why do tumblr/twitter dwellers insists on having this weird mongrel facial aesthetic?
Is Nomura capable of making character designs that aren't anime/edgy bullshit?
Post more tumblr XIV fan""art"". My bad art folder needs more crap.
If he is, it doesn't matter since that's not what he gets paid for.
most of them are legitimate teenagers with poor anatomy in the first place, if they don't grow out of it it's typically because they're coddled or have hordes of yes-men fans
Who cares, he's gonna be Aymeric'd in the next expansion anyway
not sure how this zero effort garbage even got approved, seen better shit on deviantart
I like his designs in parasite eve. I hope he can design another urban like game in a more realistic setting.
Nevertheless I do like TWEWY
You are taking care of your Chocobo. Right?
The fact that you can get Amon's outfit EXCEPT for the cape is a travesty
Hien isn't gay enough for the WoL to get the special attention Ishgard's main NPCs get.
I want nomura to fuck off forever
Is she gonna be in ShB?
Or Smash?
i wish there was a reason to
i wish my chocobo had a dick
yoshi needs him in order to get KH collab. If not that then twewy or whatever nomura worked on
and skull
He has some good designs. I think he's just trying too hard to make his designs stick out from the crowd. He needs to work on being subtle.
>The WoW shill seethes so hard he can't even speak coherently
reminder: Raen ninjas were quietly assassinating garleans while the xaela distracted them in the air
She's a bit too busy taking part in the Ala Mhigan population restoration initiative. Maybe in 6.0.
I never to make a version of WoW/trannies just for you
Does that mean she'll have sex with me
he's designing so much that many are looking alike, especially with the hair. I do hope get a new artist FF16. Yoshida is pretty popular with Nier Automat, Tactics and GBF
yugiri is the only raen ninja and she was banished from her clan for it
Any way to find a free company? Just go to a city and ask around?
The hell, I've seen this exact cat on the left multiple times on my world
girls can't get pregnant from girls
and you're a moonshit
All I know is my server has a login queue most of the time and that was not the case in HW or ARR. And this is supposed to be the dead zone time for MMO's. Maybe SE is running thousands of bots to fake the numbers I guess.
She's the only bad Raen ninja. The other ones are good at their job.
post moar Pineapple Mango
Are you not getting spammed with invites? When I was without one I would get at least five invites a day.
Every tumblr artstyle looks the same. It's so obvious that they gain inspiration off of themselves, it's hilarious.
unlike Yugiri, the rest of the raen ninjas are good at hiding
to remind you before they black rose ishgard and kill edmont
yeah ok
and guess what cumscales
the ninja and sam in kugane castle are xaela
fuck doma, xaela protect superior nations
Some random shitty npc shouldnt be getting this much attention. Fuck off
not sure about the history. i heard there was a very popular artist that was the inspiration for tumblr art.
>kill edmont
Anyone but him.
And what you should?
>anything with wavy mechanics clips horribly like hair and robes
>we need more capes
Like everything else in this game if they added it it would be awful like that motorcycle and car
Ninjas are fucking traitors and cowards
A warrior with a katana is all you need you hiding faggots
>random shitty npc
yeah man it wasn't as if she was the unofficial leader of her branch of the resistance-movement or anything
remember when the xaela took over ilsabard in the past?
Nope. And even if I was, what's a good way to filter them? Just join and see if they're alright?
sam are dumb fags
t nin
M'naago should have been the resistance leader, not godsdamn Lyse just because she was pretty.
Unironically, are you supposed to read up on the mechanics of every dungeon before you enter?
I have never heard of this before t b h
literally who
>L1 to win game
Who cares
Is there something wrong with the bike model?
Lyse was confusing and everything about her in 4.0 was hamfisted. They REALLY wanted her to have a coming-of-age story.
No, the bosses are generally simple enough that you can figure out what to do just from playing the game and maybe getting whacked once.
NIN. Only one that groups actually want.
t.filtered by ogre
No. Dungeons are easy enough that you can go blind with everyone. If your the tank and worried just pull less mobs.
The actual model's fine but its animations are fucked, it doesn't bank or swerve when turning so it's really stiff and awkward.
You could go in unconscious and still clear them.
video only proves you can beat him with katana and skill rather than sneaking like a fag
who's dead though
no, they're all designed to be done by a full party of new players, anyone that says otherwise is a moron
it was in the lore book. it didn't last long because the khan became greedy and didn't share look and civil war broke.
Are there really that many people who play BRD?
I feel like people always say that, but I'm not seeing it
women and fags love bard and healers
No. The Xaela only recently could even be described as a civilization. They're so primitive the first tribe you meet is one that still hasn't learned language.
Every raid needs a BRD or MCH. No one wants a MCH. So yes, BRDs are everywhere, easily the most common job.
That's kind of shitty. Movement in general doesn't really seem to take turning into account. It's kind of funny when graphically simpler games manage it.
SAM but I'm being biased as fuck.
>making shit up
they know how the talk, they only refuse to because they think all words are lie
The worst part is Lyse is 25 or so and has had the last 5 years or so of combat against Garleans and whatnot while she's been with the Scions, she shouldn't NEED a coming of age store.
Whoever was waifuing her wrote her as some inexperienced newbie teen girl, but it doesn't make sense.
Bard is the easuest job to play that has utility, so a lot of women and basedboys love playing it because they simultaneously don't have any responsibility and get to help their team.
There's like 1, maybe 2, mechanics introduced at a time as you go through them. Easy to deal with blind, maybe cause a single wipe if everybody is oblivious.
Remember them though, they'll come up frequently as you go on.
If anybody demands you watch shit before a dungeon, start a vote kick. It'll probably pass.
>being a lorelet
Hey guys, if you buy the new expansion on ps4 store do you get any time with the purchase? I already have a realm reborn on my ps4 from having the game last year.
ShB? Fuck knows, ask again in a month.
I think they genuinely didn't know what the fuck to do with Lyse as a character since 4.0 was pretty hamhanded in general about plot-threads and taking anything from the previous expacs into account at all. Way back with Ramuh and the Sylphs there was the hint that Yda wasn't really Yda from how both senses-addled Yda and her doppelgangers behaved, then 4.0 rolls around and she gives a big reveal she's actually Lyse courtesy of Papalymo's death and everybody already knew and it wasn't even worth bringing up.
That is disturbing. Please tell me that terribad artist isn't saying they want to be hired and I am just reading that wrong.
They're trying to one-up "anime trash" by turning the characters into pseudo-modest bay-area hipsters, they're just being a jackass
She'll look decent in-game, since it's impossible for them to make the models that ugly.
Buying expansions don't come with any sub time.
>fat cat DRG
>fat cat MNK
>fat cat NIN
>fat cat DNC
I never knew I wanted this until now.
Pretty sure 1.x did it but it's one of the things that got gutted.
And how are you told that information? Via words (lies) told by someone outside the tribe. The other tribes made up that excuse to cover up their shame.
This picture is all bad
this is going to be even funnier with the XV car mount
Go back to sucking Koji's dick Anonymoose.
>already spent 10min in character creator trying to choose a nose for my giraffe
So this is where it begins
>tfw my IQ isn't high enough for Astrologian
Give me the For Retards guide on these cards
>everybody already knew and it wasn't even worth bringing up.
this is what really annoyed it about the scions. they knew all along, but pretended not to know all these years. they didn't confront her about her bs or anything. i can understand the need for her to fake it since Yda was a popular freedom fighter and scion and her death would have decreased morale. but that wasn't the case
The best part is that Bushiroad has basically nothing to do with those cards.
>talk shit, get hit
>wow bootlicker
Plus her hiding her identity doesn't affect us at all, since the real Yda died years ago so we never even knew her, its always just been Lyse. So the reveal has absolutely no impact, it literally changed nothing.
Now if it had been something like the real Yda died in Ul'dah back then and Lyse replacing her was a recent development maybe I'd give a damn.
Are you still forced to watch the cutscene even if you unsync the Preatoriaum and the other MSQ 8 man dungeon?
you install ACT and then give me all the cards because I'm the best
Exactly. They'd be like the Popori from TERA.
>DRG becomes a pilebunker
>MNK becomes Bob from Tekken
The potential for memes and jank by playing combat roles not designed for their larger frames is just off the charts.
You could just go in solo and test it yourself.
>fat cat AST in a form-fitting muumuu helping his party with the power of his Magic deck
Yes, I recently wanted to solo Prae for shits and giggles and was forced to watch the cutscenes, even if I was by myself.
>elezen faces
Just give up now.
Shit, there is no point doing them unsync then.
>Fat cat WHM twirling around casting Holy and Assize.
4 man? Balance and Arrow the dps, extended (Arrow/Spear Road).
8 man? Balance, Spear and Arrow everyone, expanded (Ewer/Spire Road).
If it's none of them, arcana it.
just use mods, that's the best way to make elezens look good
you'll need to post an example
Always parse your dungeon runs, and feed cards to the highest DPS.
Prior to unlocking the Minor Arcana ability which turn cards into a one-use heal/damage spell, don't be afraid to right-click a card to get rid of it if it'll squander a good Royal Road.
4-man content? Fish for Extended/Enhanced Balance/Spear and feed them to the better DPS (Arrow is also very good for BLMs, but only them). 8-man? Fish for Expanded Balance/Spear.
And if you can, between pulls try to swap into Nocturnal, give the Tank an Aspected Benefic, then swap back into Diurnal.
That's about it. The rest are tricks you'll pick up over time.
>WHM now has FIVE twirls
I wonder how many we'll get in Shadowbringers.
>(Arrow is also very good for BLMs, but only them)
MNK/BRD have no problems taking them either.
arrow is also great for sam though, extra gcds also has the effect of extra kenki which is further potency
Use ewer and spire for Expanded Royal Road. Bin them if you have expanded RR already
Always fish for balance. If you redraw and get arrow or spear, or if you draw them and the fight is about to end, use those instead. Try to avoid expanded RR spear unless Litany is up. If you draw or redraw one while you have exRR, put it in your spread until you use an expanded arrow or balance. If you draw or redraw a balance, spread it until you have expanded RR. If you already have something in your spread, just use the balance.
If you have to use a single target card, use it on whoever is playing well. If everyone is pretty hgood, then priority goes like this:
>BLM power gap SAM power gap, MNK, RDM, SMN, everyone else, NIN
>same as balance except BRD is always 1 and MNK is always 2
Can you show a good elezen picture then?
I'd heard it makes them clip GCDs and burn through TP too quickly.
if you couldn't tell already this guy is baiting
Meme SS SAM is the only melee that has TP problems ever. Even thenthey can just get a goad
Depends, they're in a similar situation to DRG. Sure, more kenki is good, until it fucks a 3 sen Hagakure and either forces an overcap or midare and a 1 or 2 sen.
DRG get fucked on bufff windows for the rest of their fight if they get anything more than the expanded arrow.
TP is never a problem. The GCD thing applies to SAM but just see above. Monk/Bard give no fucks about TP and going fast.
Fast GCD speed can force monk to double bootshine.
What do you think random retainer ventures are?
No, it can't. That's somebody being shit or hitting lag spikes.
t. 1.66 GCD MNK
Regen effects =spread
Damage/Defense buff = Enhanced
Speed/Crit = Extended.
Yes it can if youre doing the looping TK rotation properly, but if you have a meme build your GCD might be fast enough to cancel it out. However even if you do have to double bootshine, a single extra auto from the arrow is still more than enough to megate any possible DPS loss.
Or Arenvald. He has the local scion angle covered and a better voice actor.
He's busy off fucking Fordola and killing Primals.
>Yes it can if youre doing the looping TK rotation properly
If that's happening they fucked up like 20s ago and didn't notice.
And that's more interesting than what Lyse has been up to since the war ended too.
Playing as an Au Ra, Hrothgar or Viera is dumb. It makes the MSQ make no sense.
Speaking of AST, I'm always surprised by how many AST don't know the Aspected Benefic + Aspected Helios + Collective Unconscious + extender combo for trash mobs in dungeon...
Those iron earplugs that Mimidoa gave me to stop Siren's song from brainwashing me, how the fuck did my Au Ra use them?
Too much effort, I'd rather spam Gravity and save them with oGCDs.
Too many AST players convinced that noct gives them more mileage because of the healing boost, when the HoT is many times more efficient.
In other words, absolute brainlets that don't read their tooltips or do any basic math. The same that don't AOE on fuckhuge trash pulls.
You pop off the horns of course stupid.
The cards just take time to memorize and learn. It's earthly star and celestial opposition you wanna pay attention to.
big cat is big
So endgame BLM is just keeping Enochian up and spamming Fire IV?
>dont have any responsibility except being designated as the baitcuck for every mechanic
it's fine though you dont lose dps while moving though so that matters :)
More or less. Keep up enochian, use your ice phase to reapply thunder and blizz 4 to reduce fire 4 cost, fire 4 as much as you can while keeping up astral fire, using foul before the second foul proc comes
And that means Fire 1 + Firestarter is basically useless now?
>healing boost
That 4.5% compared to Diurnal is really not even worth mentioning.
What the FUCK is with M'naago's neck
Everyone in the game has long necks, you just normally cant tell unless wearing unflattering outfit or by being an elezen.
She has the stance of the "You're a big guy" dude from that Batman movie
You'll still use them as Fire 4 does NOT renew astral fire, nor does Blizz 4 renew umbral ice
Called it a while ago, the trusts system will be like a gacha.
Expect an SSR Swimsuit Y'shtola by next summer.
Firestarter to prolong a fire phase instead of a fire I part way or to transition back faster if the timer allows.
There'll be times you need to fire 1 mid fire phase or you drop enochian. This is where Sharpcast comes in handy.
This just makes her another cat thot.
if you insist on starting off as a tank/healer yes please watch the 5 minute video so you don't waste 20 minutes of 3 other peoples time
there is a tanking video?
Honestly, healers can get away with doing any non-savage content blind. Healing requirements are super lax now.
I'll take new and clieless over established shitter every day of the week.
this type of mentality is why everyone in the game is so bitter and passive aggressive, you faggots snap so quickly
Are there really? I'm seeing way more RDMs and Bards are pretty underappreciated to be fair
You're already wasting time playing video games, faggot. If someone is new, let them learn. Only expert dungeons have any sort of mechanic that might be cause for concern. AV has no where near the bite it once did.
Just check FFlogs
they are the most played job
most parsed doesn't necessarily mean most played. I imagine only a small subset of the game parses, let alone uploads their parses to fflogs