Nintendo Switch

What are you playing?
What are you waiting for?

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Other urls found in this thread:

i'm broke as shit this month and considering grabbing baba is you

is it worth it bros

Smash Ultimate and MK8
>Waiting for
Rune Factory 4S and 5
Astral Chain
Link's Awakening
Bloodstained RotN
Persona 5 if the rumors of the port are true

>he bought le sweetch?
>announce two new models

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Can someone give me a quick rundown on this man?

Why does a console need constant validation threads? Oh yeah because its shit.

same desu

would you buy this shirt for 10 dollars Yea Forums?

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Playing this masterpiece.
>pic related
Thinking about buying Hard West, and the upcoming My Time at Portia.
And yet, you keep coming to these threads.

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Yeah if you arent a brainlet

Playing this right now. I don't know what I'm doing other than beating up goons, getting straight A's and cracking open a cold one with the crew, but it's pretty relaxing. Dunno what to do with Ken.

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I swear, the day I would buy the switch this shit would happen to me again! Fuck GBA and fuck 3DS.

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>He baught le hat?
>change le drop raite for ze crates

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I'm a brainlet and it's fun.
Provides you more hours of content

>he bought a Switch?
>release more Wii U ports

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Who is this chick and why does she look exactly like Amy Smart? Also why does everyone keep posting her?

it's 1 retard posting Hammerhead Shark-Venti.
He probably doesn't know much about her otherwise he would know how shitty of a person she is

you're not wrong m8
I just think she's cute

i really want to buy a switch, am i a fool to buy one now with possibly a new version coming out soon?

nothing, haven't bought one (yet)
my wishlist for switch is a new, HD 2D Metroid, and an actually good Paper Mario. Neither will happen, so IDK if I'll ever buy a switch

even 2 years after launch it's not really worth grabbing right now unless you really like the idea of playing indieshit portably

wait until after summer once all of the games due for this year come out and then decide whether or not you wanna buy it

Torna and puyo puyo esports
>waiting for
basically this first half to end, I know first halfs of years haven't been really that strong as far as switch games. But they could at least have thrown a WiiU port worth shit or something. Basically what I'm saying is where the fuck is the W101 port.

Redpill me on this monster

Just completed Labyrinth of Refran. Can't decide whether to play Cave Story, DKCTF or FFVII.

>Waiting for
AVGN Adventures I and II
Anything Pikmin related
Castlevania/Contra collection
Bayo 3

>What are you playing?
Nothing, I don't own a Switch
>What are you waiting for?
Dragon Quest XI and more games. I'm no longer the audience for the big 4 recurrent Nintendo games so I've to wait for their other stuff.


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Playing Sonic Mania, and BOTW at the moment.
Looking for a new game, considering either Dark Souls 1, or Dragons Dogma.
Which one should I go for Yea Forums?

I'm still waiting for some worthwhile games before I buy a Switch. I have a Wii U for the record so the smorgasbord of ports doesn't entice me.

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how does Dark Souls play on the Switch?

Xenoblade X is probably getting slotted for announcement some time after Mario Maker 2. They're doing one Wii U game at a time and they're running a bit short by now, what's left, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Mario 3D World and the other more niche games that are not getting in like TMS and Fatal Frame?

About Xenoblade, I'm willing to bet they're not going to port it, but sell emulated versions, like in the Wii U. Seems to be working fine on chinese Shields, and the technology should be the same. They have been holding off Wii games (DKCR, NSMBWii, etcetera) for a reason.

Same version as the PS3/360 but better performance with compressed audio. Not remastered, ported.

I never knew even the monkey paw bowed to the Bogdanoffs.

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>What are you playing?
>What are you waiting for?
Rune Factory
Sonic Mania 2
Pokemon to utterly disappoint me once again

pamp et!

Playing FFVII for the first time while still going back to Smash and Splatoon 2. Also thinking of going back to MK8 for 200cc cups

Animal Crossing, Bayonetta 3, Mario Maker 2, and Joker in Smash are my big ones. Interested in Astral Chain as well.

I need to be sold on Pokémon, I want it to be good but can’t trust Game Freak or what I’ve seen so far.

>Also thinking of going back to MK8 for 200cc cups
Do it, it's fun as fuck.

>That feel when you bought a hackable model

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>mfw bought hackable model but the new model would be beefier thus more prone to nice emulation in the same way N3DS was, thus if I were to hack one, I would wait until the potentially unhackable one

This shit is like a PS3, it should be able to run up to the N64 at the very least. I can't fucking wait.

Is Furi good on Switch?

It’s where I played it. Stuttered a few times but otherwise was solid. Game itself is amazing.

Farm Together any fun?

Uhh..... The current switch can run N64 dude

Sounds good enough then. Thanks, user.

Just finished SRWT, gonna take a break before my 2nd run. Looking forward to Langrisser I&II.

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I know (although I dunno, how well, you have a compatibility list handy? How about PS1?). Thus, imagine a beefier model.

I set up easyRPG and Retroarch so I'm playing a lot of games older than 10 years old. That and Totori.

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Pretty much every ps1 game is full speed. N64 is, as you probably know yourself, a little tougher to emulate so the compatability is about half. Though it's always improving. The dude who works on it showed Resident Evil 2 and Rogue Squadron running full speed on the latest build. Two of the most demanding games on the system.