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oh fuck is that the Miish Cap ?
That's all my childhood

Don't forget that wonderful music:

Attached: minish_cap_by_kiru75_d4be62t.png (1196x757, 1.23M)

I wish I had a Link that I could sound myself with

Capcom should make more 2D Zeldas. It would look and sound better than the soulless crap that is the LA remake.

I can hear this without even opening the video

easily the best 2d zelda.

twitter fuckin retard

Fucking hell nigger, I can only handle so much nostalgia

imagine 3D minish cap made by EA or Ubisoft
>shrinking QTE
>post processing filter over everything

Attached: 1542661164516.jpg (200x156, 14K)

Would I be able to play this on my phone with an emulator and still enjoy myself? Or does it need physical controls?

So I've been playing Zelda my whole life since 1990, but the only handheld game I've played is LA. Which ones should I play? The Capcom ones are pretty liked I imagine, any other ones?

wut ?

kill yourself zoomer faggot

Why in God's name was the feather that let you jump so goddam useless? I was so excited when I got it but you can't jump over fucking anything

easily the worst 2d zelda. bland garbage

Probably the worst GB Zelda honestly. I'd say this was the first actual soulless Zelda.

The team that made the Capcom titles no longer exists. Flagship has been dead for a good while now. They did become Games Republic, but they too are dead.

So those staff are now at Tango Gameworks. AKA Bethesda's bitch.

unironically the best handheld zelda, anf the second best 2d zelda after LttP

Attached: retard-.jpg (325x292, 16K)

>Literally just an old good game
So every single good old game got soul ?

nice looking water

something about that water is so soulful. not sure what it is

As a boomer who grew up with Link's Awakening, this already looked soulless to me.

Minish cap is like the embodiment of soul

Not one is even remotely bad, so get in gear and play them all.

Is it a suppository?

always liked how they managed the GBA soundchip's shittines
that rough sound feels like an integral part of the soundtrack instead of a severe hindrance like in the GBA castlevanias and the zero games

toon link is the definition of souless

The LA remake art style has soul, it just looks like shit.

I never got to finish it sadly. I got stuck at the Wind Temple because I couldn’t find the Mole Mitts


Game is soulless as fuck. Back in the mid 00s Yea Forums hated the shit out of Minish Cap

>another capcom zelda game never ever

Attached: 1529322412702.jpg (768x1024, 233K)

>Games Republic
Cool. So the same guys that did the oracle games and minish cap, made Folklore?