2019 Blizzard folks

2019 Blizzard folks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Circle Game

Stay on twitter, you don't belong here.

>be kid
>this sign was used for "A-OK" and "good job"
>now adult
>its a nazi white supremacist symbol that can get you banned from anything

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how the fuck is that gesture a symbol of white power

hey wacko, blizzard is dead
it's called activision blizzard now
what was left of blizzard was reanimated as a puppet by kotick and his warlocks
you can go home now
>b-but muh wow c-classic!

How long until the LGBT flag is banned because of honkler?

>meanwhile in dota
>pro players literally say nigger
>and nothing happens to them
>however they say one negative thing about china and they get fucking banned from tournaments

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warlocks dont reanimate the dead, dummy. those are necromancers.

>they themselves give power to words and gestures
>they can remove that power by not giving them importance
>they chose to give them power instead
they are so dumb

Yea Forums and /pol/ tried to see what they could turn into a racist symbol. They decided on the OK gesture, came up with some bullshit reasoning that was just believable enough for mainstream idiots to buy it and started trolling everywhere about it. Then the mosque shooter did it because he fell for the meme. Now it's been solidified and cannot be undone.

how dare you speak to me

lets make it happen

If that retaded seamonkey didn't try to cover up his shit like a toddler nothing would have happened.

Do you guys just trawl Twitter looking for people to say something that makes you angry, or what?

>90% of Dota players are Chinks and Russians
>Act surprised when pro players shit on them.

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Sooo, people can't put a fist in the air as well, considering it's a symbol of black power as well? Or is racism okay for some people?

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I, for one, am glad that we as a community have finally recognized scuba divers for what they really are: disgusting neonazis.

merely a playful gesture

not related to meme fueled white supremacists browsing /pol/ and shooting up mosques whatsoever

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I mean, niggers can't swim, so it fits.

It's not.

>/pol/ memes a thing
>it becomes real outside of the internet
is this how jews feel when they manipulate whole countries?

let's be real it probably was some dipshit from here hoping this would happen

>NZ shooter was a manlet


>our based ausbro from cripplechan keeps bamboozling the retard even from the confinement of his prison
Bless you user.

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Truly the worst timeline

If he made a peace sign would you say the same thing? Dude, it's an OK sign, he's just fucking with you to see if you'll actually believe the troll and start freaking out, he wants you to believe this.

it's already been explained to you in the last thread that it's a made-up in-joke
this reaction is exactly what pol wanted it to have

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Alright /pol/ which handsign or cultural icon should we appropriate next to throw the normalfags into a loop?
Should we aim high and do Mickey Mouse ?

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Blizzard consolidated Warcraft 3 units/spells into playable classes in WoW so it's all a mess

OWL literally only exists for blizzard to scam corporations out of millions of dollars to pay for overvalued team slots, they can't have anything that might scare an advertiser off

>mass shooters breathe
Well I guess everyone needs to stop breathing then, don't wanna be called a white supremacist

are you dense mate ? If nazis rally behind a symbol and constantly use it, it becomes a nazi symbol

there's nothing inherently nazi about the black sun, but since incels spam it everywhere, i has become a clear nazi symbol

you dense motherfuckers would claim 14 88 are merely a mathematical display

Are you and everyone responding to this newborn babies with no memory of anything prior to the past month? That isn't the "OK" sign.
urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Circle Game

so how do you tell someone that you are okay when underwater?

Based Ausfag. Me only regret is that he didn't thank Allah and Tailor Swift for their blessing.

honk honk

It was memed into a racist symbol WAY, WAY before the mosque shooting.

just talk lmao

>makes it a white supremacist symbol as a"joke"
>cries because people call it a white supremacist symbol.

attempt at a pyramid scheme

>chinese stream viewers
imagine falling for the viewbot numbers in 2k19

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but thats what you wanted tho, and no it was a symbol before he did it

Agreed we need to stop mosque shooters like pic related

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It still amazes me that /pol/ managed to meme the OK hand symbol to be considered a hate symbol. Of all fucking things, THAT is a hate symbol now.

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Sound like something only privileged white male would be worried about.

Lies, it's a freemasonic handsign.

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Do you guys think Brenton is done with his IRL shitposting yet?
I honestly wouldn't put it past him when he now starts to transition and request to be put into a female prison just for laughs.

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It really doesn't matter anymore, if white nationalists use the OK symbol for White Supremacy then it's a White Supremacist symbol. Nothing can be done about it, White Nationalists ruin everything they touch.

>Remembering that Malcolm in the Middle episode about that game.

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oh shit, he got me. now I have to fly to NZ so he can punch me.

Ahh yeah the English Twitch views are totally normal and not bots!

Based retard aussie poster. If neo nazis try to make the peace sign a nazi symbol through pol memery, does that mean it’s no longer the peace sign? Use your fucking brain, retard you make me want to vomit. Neo nazis also breathe the same air you do, so why don’t you suffocate yourself with a pillow you clown.

whether they're chinese "humans" or scripts it's all the same automation

Well... yeah. Unless you propose all Twitch numbers are botted, then yes.
Just google chinese stream viewbots. I know you won't or you already know the truth, but if someone else is curious.

It'll be very comfy to sit back and see this fucking company crash and burn. They had every thing a vidya studio could possibly want, sales, fame, money, talent (yes), and they all threw it away or squandered it after a few good games because they got lazy and greedy.
Fuck them.

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>kikes and massmedia have given memespouting shitposters the power to claim any symbol they want for their own

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Imagine if all /pol/fags got gassed. Yea Forums would be a much better place.

or you can just not be a pussy and not let zealots co-opt a symbol that has existed for hundreds of years because you're too weak and fragile to resist the knee-jerking of over-reactionaries.

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Oh so I'm a Nazi because I'm not acting like a retard because I think attacking an OK sign is retarded lmao, dude it's people like you who just accept what the media says as the word of God are the problem. "You're LITERALLY a neo-nazi if you make the OK symbol" fuck off.

it's ok dude, i think we'll survive without doing the OK sign

They are making clown their next symbol.

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14 88 was created specifically to be a nazi symbol though dickhead, the ok sign wasn't, its just used by edgy retards because they know that all the other retards will immediately get angry, its the same as when several news sites reported "drinking milk" to be a right extremist sign.
I bet if extremists started making "breathing air" a "hate symbol" then all the other idiots would suffocate themselves to show how cool they are.

It's not an overreaction, and there's nothing to be saved for a dumb hand gesture. If you continue to use it, you're a white nationalist and that's that. You can't scream fire in a movie theater, you can't say the N word, and you can't make the White Power symbol.

>going scuba diving with your bros
>everyone does their equipment check and into the ocean we go
>very lightly bop your head in your way
>your partner asks you if you're fine using diving gestures
>do OK signal with hand
>get arrested for being a white supremacist

Just more things to discard.

You waste more time and oxygen than is necessary.

>14 88 was created specifically to be a nazi symbol though dickhead, the ok sign wasn't,
no man 14 and 88 are just numbers and were definitely not invented by nazis.

You sound like an SJW , how dare you call numbers a nazi symbol ?? The west is truly dooomed with people like you

Mickey is too black, should use Donald duck he's all white so it would make the meme easier to sell.

They’ll take your other hand signs too and you’ll just sit there and let them, cuck. Just believe that everything is a hate symbol when it isn’t, you’re such a fucking genius I hate you and hope you die soon.

That all really started when that guy screamed PEPE during a Hillary rally, memes are simply too strong nowadays

This, seriously if you're that much of a sheep just put a bullet in your head because eventually your going to be told your "problematic" for not doing so.

They’ll take your other hand signs too and you’ll just sit there and let them, cuck. Just believe that everything is a hate symbol when it isn’t, you’re such a fucking genius I hate you and hope you die soon.

that and he has anger issues. not to mention he was already portrayed as a nazi

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you can't ban me mods

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Not only is that not an ok gesture but that is a state sponsored killer

The media also says this is a site for neo nazis, guess you’re one too now since you actually believe meme bullshit that pol throws together

Very comprehensive.

They need to do a friendly wave and the black power fist next. I wanna see every single non-verbal communication turned into a racist symbol. This is hilarious.

Because it's a meme, that's the whole point. It's all a /pol/ psyop

>no man 14 and 88 are just numbers and were definitely not invented by nazis.
Correct, they weren't.
>You sound like an SJW , how dare you call numbers a nazi symbol ?? The west is truly dooomed with people like you
>You're acting VERY problematic by making hand signs that
Sure I do, pussy boy. Why don't you just crawl into a hole and die? That's about all your good for. Because you seem obsessed with blmaing other people for your own cowardice and justification of giving ground.


You’re right, it’s the circle game. Or are you too facebook-boomer to know what that is?

You really find it that hard to tell people who are saying frogs dressed as clowns are "nazi imagery" to fuck off?

>one very specific gesture has become a nazi symbol
>oh no everytime surely is going to become a nazi symbol tomorrow, this is realistic

can't right wing free speech activist lay off the slippery slope fallacy for a second

The state of the left these days is such that you can throw a thumbs up sign before broadcasting your hate filled manbaby massacre to the internet and they instantly cave in, let themselves be contorlled and say "DON'T DO THUMBS UPS, THEY'RE A HATE CRIME!".

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>calling someone else dense when you're the one stupid enough to give not just an empty symbol, but one that has had a clear and defined use for literal decades, the ability to have power and influence a group
You're actually legitimately indoctrinated. I'd tell you to read about cults and the kind of shit they do to your brain, but you'd end up rationalizing away your own insanity anyway.

Guys you cant walk, hitler did that too. dont wanna be a nazi do you?

omg Al Queda have hands. better remove those. don't wanna be associated with terrorists do we?

Above the knees, does not count, faggot.

Thethree fingers and the ring represent WP-White Power.
Yes, retards fell for this.

This, we need to start killing ourselves because Nazis were alive once.

This but unironically, walking is a dogwhistle for racial supremacy

Its upside down, different symbol.

>I wanna see them turn other shit into nazi symbols
Calm your tits, I don't give a fuck about your politics. I want to laugh at retards on the internet making other retards believe stupid shit.

It's not just blizzard, although they are shit for doing this. It's everywhere now, it's infected all parts of society.

I can do all of those things and you can't stop me. Only screaming fire would get be banned from the establishment and maybe like a $100 fine (but no jail time).
>Y-you wouldn't say nigger to a black man
I called the people in my apartment who I woke up to trying to steal my shit niggers. I called the heckler trying to buy alcohol from me and my friends on the way to the bar a nigger.
>B-b-b-but okay sign
I had me doing the okay sign with a prominent conservative speaker and them doing it too as my cover photo on Facebook for over a fucking year. And I'm a police officer too

Nothing happened
I still have my job
Have never been called out
And there's nothing you can do about it

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More like exciting with the train of thought some of these retards have.

It’s funny because it’s used in diving as a world standard hand symbol to signal that you’re alright

The raised fist is a unique case because it can mean either oppression or defiance, depending on its usage.

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Is 13/50 for nazis?
Does that mean the FBI are Nazis?

Lets make white people ask everyone, especially minorities, for a high five in the middle of intense arguments. Say its a "high five for superior equality". See how quickly we can get the high five seen as a nazi salute no matter who asks for one.

He's going to Banepost at his trial.
>Was getting caught part of my plan, you may as.

But killing yourself is what Hitler did, now we can't do it.

Can you fags stop pretending slippery slope isn't a thing?
Either stop being disingenuous or wake up if you're actually fucking stupid.

Mosque shooter didnt fall for a meme you retard.
He purposefully used it to further the divide.

We've made a frog, the ok symbol, drinking milk, and now clowns symbol of evil white hate.

Why do you keep listening to these insane leftists?

>But killing yourself is what Hitler did
>He doesn't know that Hitler fled to South America
Hitler must have also be female because the skull they found was a womans

Based chads

Ah yes, the “ChingChong Major” incident.
Chinks have no sense of humour. Literally bred to be mindless insects.

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>a complaint was made to the OWL account on twitter
I find it hard to believe one of their 10-20 viewers actually made a complaint about it

>.t plebbitor


Allow me to recap.
>Boomers enjoy a luxurious life of bumming off of their parents who grew up during the depression and worked hard to rebuild their lives
>As such, believed that money grew on trees and did not understand the consequences of poor financing
>Their reckless spending and consumerism cause irreversible damage to the planet, then they tell their kids and grand kids to clean up the mess
>When they grew up, they cut funding for education and now the American school system is terrible and probably won't recover for generations to come
>College prices are through the roof
>Millennials and zoomers will never be able to afford houses at the same ages boomers did because they crashed the housing market in 2008
>They still blame younger people for these problems, despite causing it all.
>They then proceed to destroy every powerful western civilization on Earth through their own greed and lust for power
>They try to control what we say, do, and even think.
>All because they were spoiled as children.
Boomers are truly the worst generation in American history, if not world history. They're the only generation that actually halted progress instead of pioneering it, and are proud of themselves for it. On top of this, they will continue to call young people lazy while living off the dole for the last 20-30 years of their lives, doing fuck all but reminiscing about all the good times they had at their children's expense. I've met so many boomers in my life that are beyond redemption, that I really wouldn't mind seeing them get dumped into retirement homes for doing what they did to us.

>oh no everytime surely is going to become a nazi symbol tomorrow, this is realistic
I mean they did it to the fucking OK hand gesture, it’s more realistic to expect everything is nazi

Here, let me explain it to the people that don't understand it yet:

Right wing nutters, including the alt-right, deliberately takes mundane gestures like these and then appropriates them to use them as a dog whistle. They are specifically mundane and apparently harmless because then, whenever someone calls them out on it, they can go "HEH now even a simple gesture like THIS is supposed to be racist and shit? You must be crazy."

It's all a trick to stay under people's radars and give themselves and excuse while still propagating and utilizing their own coded language.

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That shooting was entire height related

>next make Y-(^_^)- the next white supremacist symbol

What would the left do then?

gotta be the V or bunny ears bros,

>muh boomers
Jewish post

>it’s used in diving
It's used as literally everything like that. You could trip and fall on a sidewalk and that would be the first reaction to signal that you're alright to anyone in the entire western world.

>drinking milk
kek, I already forgot that one, how is it possible that one, just one small board, is styling this hard on the rest of the internet

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Nazis dont exist you actual retard. They died with ww2. Calling retarded autistic spegs modern day nazis actually DEVALUES what the actual nazis did in terms of evil shit.

Could breathing be coded language, they are using breathing to gaslight poor souls into adopting such a hateful belief system. I suggest we all stop breathing.

this is what /pol/ wanted
why are they complaining about the very thing that they started?

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You say that as if Jewish boomers as their own subgroup didn't play a huge role.

Get a life, Jared Holt. Yeah man Nazis from the moon are coming to get you soon, BE AFRAID lmao.

Maybe if it was something specific like breathing with your mouth.

I know your kind already has a lot of mouthbreathers.


its amazing

INTRODUCING the next white surpremacist gesture: DANCING KIRBY!

He dances left!

He even raises his hands in the air like he just don't care!

its a fucking meme that has spanned for decades. It used to be "ballgazer" and you trick people to looking below your belt. It just recently got mainstream again to the point where just seeing it you lose like the "game". Main stream media is so fucking clueless it see dumb white frat boys doing it and think its a fucking white power symbol.

>when anime is done correctly

Holy shit, as a person of color this makes me feel unsafe.

>tfw /pol/ was right
>this world is doomed
>it's a fucking clown festia

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>your kind
This is a dogwhistle for a racial slur, used to dehumanize people of color.

You know exactly what you’re doing, cut it out.

This is a communist dogwhistle
Calling something Nazi is what communists do as a dogwhistle to other genocidal stalinists

alright this is epic

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We're now blinking 14 times in a row, better stop doing that.

It was /pol/'s forced meme and everyone actually took the fucking bait, big time.

Imagine unironically using words like 'dogwhistle' and still expecting to be taken seriously.

>they're still falling for a fake /pol/ psy op
>/pol/ have enough influence to make corporations and media to act like retards

I can't believe nintendo hasn't removed this white supremacist character from their games yet, I can't even right now

and the reason is because of this meme people just imitate the hand gesture.

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>your kind
As a POC I'm going to have to ask you to stop with this problematic language.

Most are destiny fans mad he got fucking dabbed on by Nick

Wtf!? Borderlands 3 is Racist! Shut it down! REEEEEEE!

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Here it was called "seven and half". If you watched it, the guy who did the sign was allowed to give you seven punches and half (with the elbow) to your arm.
Wonder how many version of it exist out there.

I think /pol/'s best work was "it's okay to be white"
The media really tripped over themselves on that one

>college is too expensive
stop going to 4 year universities for garbage degrees. try going to a community college and knocking out gen eds on the cheap then going to a 4 year for the two remaining years. I did that for my finance degree and only ended up with the cost of a new 2019 car as debt for the whole rodeo. Paid it off in two years flat since i was working while in school and instead of buying stupid shit every month i invested it properly. Try that sometime.

>simple terms that are easy to understand are bad

As I say, fascists do deal in secrecy.

It’s funny how much influence /pol/ has

how about we start using this along with OK sign?

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Okay kid
Let me guess you think Tucker Carlson and Trump are secret Nazis too huh?

I hear they're making breathing a bad thing now, you should stop doing that.

>nazis do this so that when you call them out they can pretend it's retarded
>soon as this is pointed out, people swarm in an attempt to call it retarded


How stupid do you have be to jump from silly /pol/ comics and nigger jokes to mass shooting people.

>claims to be against “fascism” and the alt-right
>uses their own terms and codified language
Gaslight harder

>cost of a new 2019 car
So yeah expensive

oh no bros, Blizzard is full of white supremacists!

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This is the power of memes. It's dangerous when used recklessly.

Nice communist dogwhistle you fucking pinko
Apologize for the 11 million of the holodomor
Never forget

I cant wait for a clown to beaten on the street because people think he's a white supremacist

So are we just supposed to ignore you using bigoted phrases rooted in actual historical prejudice

/pol/ tried this too but it didn't gain traction.
>Thumb is the number 1
>fingers are the number 4
>14 Words is a Neo Nazi slogan

>Everyone I don't like is a Nazi and retarded
The unexamined life is not worth living dude, pull your brain from your paranoid ass.

>"Nazis" aka people who aren't retarded self-hating leftists say "hey I bet if we start doing this completely innocuous thing that has absolutely nothing to do with politics or race retarded leftists will start calling it a secret white supremacist hate symbol"
>Retarded leftists do just that

Truly the most powerful board.

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It's a shame the clown thing didn't happen earlier, otherwise Jessie smollett would have been beaten up by clowns shouting how this is clown world

35,000 is expensive? Nigga you need to get your finances in order if you think that's bad. My mortgage is 250,000 that blows my student debt out of the water. Try living with in your means and get a degree that actually pays itself off after receiving it. There is a reason FYE courses make you look up labor/pay statistics for your future job. College is just another investment and you should always invest wisely.

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>nazis say "hey let's do this to identify ourselves, as a joke"
>it eventually stops being a joke


>the mosque shooter did it because he fell for the meme
Ausbro is from cripple/pol/ so it's fair to assume he didn't 'fall' for it.

>Everyone I don't like is a Nazi
Fixed that for you.

>Implying I didn't do exactly that
You would have to be a retard not to, right? I wish that was the case. Modern high schools push 4 year colleges onto students harder than the Turks pushed Islam on Byzantium. Guidance counselors even get paid for doing it. That's why so many zoomers become debt slaves.

M8 plenty of non Nazis do it as a joke to make fun of the reactionary left
Like your reaction right now lmao

So just ban everything that Nazis do? Give them absolute power over what’s acceptable?

This means that Epic Game Store is racist also by giving them an exclusivity deal and allowing them to spread their toxic, nazi, white supremacist, fascist, bigoted game.
We have to utilize Twitter to attack Epic Games. It is the only logical thing to do.

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Leftists are the easiest lolcow of our time.

I'd say anything about 10,000 is expensive for college. There's no excuse for it to be as costly as it is, and most people are better off not going in the first place.

>even the police can't stop his IRL shitposting spree
He just keeps doing it kek

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We're not Nazis and we don't do it to "identify ourselves" like there's some secret club. You have already identified us as Nazis for us and anything we do no matter what it is becomes an evil symbol of white hate, that's the point.

>Wow, it's not even a white supremacist symbol you can't ban it fucking lefties

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Miss me with this nazi shit

It's crazy to me that /pol/ started that shit as a joke now it's taken seriously as a racist power hand movement by both the left and the right

Literally not a white supremacist symbol.

Uh huh. People that worry about "triggering the left" are very normal.

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Yeah but thats wrong you idiot lol. the shooter didn't do it, the fucking media journos did

But the Buddhist swastika isn't banned dumb fuck
Do you not know the difference between clockwise and counter clockwise dumb mother fucker?

or, try wrapping your head around this, people can just keep doing it the same way they have since fucking ancient Greece without any kind of racist connotations and the tenuous association becomes completely forgotten in an incredible short-amount of time.

you sniveling, weak-willed, spineless little nihilistic sack of shit.

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Good on ya man. Personally, I think kids should take a few years off after high school to enjoy some freedom before buckling down. I also wish high schools would let kids know trade jobs are not bad, in fact they pay really well and are in high demand. I also wish they would let them know getting their gen eds knocked out at a piss easy cheap ass community college is a smart idea.

>Buddhism has both the swastika and the ok sign
Is it, dare I say it, based and redpilled?

UnIronically only someone who's been ideologically programmed since they were young would be afraid of a Swastika.

Congrats. This artist actually makes me hate both characters despite only one being "likable".

Yes, but user means that in what essentially amounts to a diving specific language it has a literal meaning. You don't use thumbs up, because that means rise.

You can hardly turn over a pebble in your garden without triggering some commie nowadays.

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except it actually is a white power symbol and should be banned.

Also people who say that toxic players aren't a problem in games are 100% always a toxic player themselves. Stop feigning ignorance and realize that the people that are being banned are exactly the people everyone wants out of the community.

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Yes people that get humor out of other people being mad are normal
Hell it was he basis of leftist 'humor' during the Obama years and run up to the 2016 election. God there were so many Facebook posts on election day about how much they were going to laugh at Trump fans later

Remember when /pol/ tried to meme "Google" into a hate speech term? They should try that again.

They have to pay for the faculty, accreditations and facility some how user. Also four years are not all priced the same. Some will be cheaper than others. There are many reasons for that is, one is to keep "undesirables" out of their institution another is because their name alone can get you a job.

I didn't know Scuba Divers were all White Supremacists. They need to all be sent to jail. As a wise women once said ;
"Everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything is homophobic, and you have to point it all out"

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I'd rather authoritarian crybaby nannies like you get banned forever, thanks.

The version I played was if somebody caught you with it, they got to punch you once, but if you could break the circle, you got to punch them instead.

>the N word
The what now? Someone help me out here?

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I think he means


>muh toxicity
>players being permabanned from games they purchase is actually a GOOD THING and here's ten reasons why.buzzfeed
>lmao freez pech
excellent bait my man

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I really wish they would, but they're not going to. Sending kids to four year universities lines their pockets, it's literally a ponzi scheme. Trick dumb kids into going to schools way too expensive for them, only to get a degree they'll never use, and if they use it, they won't be able to use their new job to pay off their insane debt. Kids have to learn about these tricks the hard way I guess.

>everyone wants
Speak for yourself, you low T thin-skinned fudgepacker.

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It's fucking amazing that lefties literally no longer believe in free speech. Like unironically they want dissent censored now

What the fuck happened?

Shut it fag

>People REEING this hard over nazis clearly using the OK symbol as a dog whistle

Why not get mad at the /pol/tards that schemed and ruined the OK sign forever instead of people merely recognizing it for what it is: a dog whistle?



>baiting that hard

Attached: smalltime.jpg (500x500, 45K)

How did this dumb shit even start?

Manjis have been censored both in and out of Japan for its similarities and association with the swastika. It's the same idea, except that the Nazis didn't coopt the manji thinking that it was a joke and didn't believe people would be stupid to think a symbol they use to represent themselves and communicate was a symbol that they use to represent themselves and communicate.

Stop being obtuse.

Imagine being so fucking cucked

Modernity, they are the ideal consumerist bugmen. They’ll never revolt, but they will spite their fellow man.

>ruined forever
Why not take it back, like fag, or porch-monkey?

Get a job

/Pol/ absolutely BTFO

Attached: 8yhgk9yn2cz11.png (713x726, 272K)

Conservatives and centrists use these symbols because you call anyone you disagree with a Nazi
We use them to make fun of you dumbass

>anime poster
no surprises here

Attached: goebbels on pol.jpg (700x646, 80K)

LITERALLY and I mean literally a dogwhistle for disparaging remarks about the handicapped. You never apologized for using racially charged words either so I guess ableism is no big deal for you.

Because it's only ruined if you let it be ruined for yourself, in which case you're hardly any better than any of the people making a fuss.

>reddit filename
You can leave now

Because retards over thought the idea of the gesture and mistaked the coincidental "w" finger mark along with the "p" like finger mark for an acronym of "white power".

Welcome to politics.

Attached: 1554478742698.jpg (752x1062, 186K)

Honestly the fact that people are legitimately taking this seriously and falling for it like /pol/ wanted it to is only making /pol/ stronger, you fell for their shit and are only making things worse for yourself.

Attached: Trump_hitler_water.jpg (845x681, 49K)

This reminds me of the whole
>Hitler drinks WATER
thing from years and years ago, except somehow people are actually reacting to it, instead of laughing.

>oh this guy made jokes about sending someone to a gulag haha so funny it's a joke and he's not actually a genocidal stalinist
>What? That person was seen doing the okay symbol???? Fire him now! Tell all his family he's a Nazi!!!


>implying they'll ever learn

Because it's been appropriated by Nazis to use as a dog whistle. Christchurch shooter flashed it multiple times. The fact that it's so benign is literally the point, you can do it and most people won't notice and will defend you when anyone criticizes it.

The only logical thing to do to make these crazy people see that they are crazy, is to turn something these crazy people respect, into a "figure of hate" as they call it, so they realize how insane they are.
Like Anita Sarkeesian or Steven Colbert or something.

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Isn't that racist against Italians?

>why are they complaining about the very thing that they started?
Topkek and true

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>oh fuck they caught onto our bullshit

Clown world. Liberals wanted a school to get shot up because a white kid smirked at a minority. dystopian shit

Chinks are literally the NPC's of races

They are unable of independent thought or personal opinions

The word dogwhistle is literally a communist dogwhistle

so you admit you won't fight for anything?

>Nazi's want the OK symbol? Wel gee I guess it's theirs now what can you do?

That's not how language works my idiotic friend.

Don't know what you're trying to prove with this reddit image. I don't think anyone outside of /ptg/ blindly thinks anything Trump does is good, especially in /pol/.

Until LE NAZI managed to destroy New York tallest skyscraper, have a death toll of over a million, and start making leftists fear them, and start bowing down to white demands about limiting immigration, then and only then will I believe this myth you call "neo-nazi" and "white supremacy".

And socialists are human garbage, numerous communist leaders agree given how often they needed to purge their parties. Look at these communist. Look at how proud they are, trying to act like the a-ok sign is white supremacy, trying to rationalize that its okay to be offended by harmless symbols because /pol/ KNOWS that you jackoffs will start demonizing any normal behavior, because leftists WANT to control people.

"White supremacy" is a myth, a dog whistle used by leftists to attack Europeans.

You idiot, they WANTED this to catch on to make liberals seem ridiculous I fucking hope youre only falseflagging with your comment because you're doing much more damage than you think you're doing.

I want sunglasses to be the next ""Nazi dogwhistle"""

Full thread here ; twitter.com/Slasher/status/1114229329448308736

I prefer this one

omg very problematic very racist very divisive
honk honk

Attached: 1553631586239.jpg (225x225, 11K)

What's next? Sign language? This is getting ridiculous

They're hypocrites to the core.

It's pretty telling how many of you guys immediately start talking about communists and shit when defending whatever it is you are defending.

>No we are not nazis

Realistically? Clowns and dabbing

>also he was radicalized because someone made a meme image with a frog, not because we've banned him off of every discussion platform, got him fired from his job and generally don't allow him to express his views and concerns in any open manner without severe punishments. In fact, we don;t punish them ENOUGH for heretical thought, that's what we're really doing wrong. That's how we de-radicalize evil nazis.

I thought the shooter did it referencing the game where you punch someone if you can trick them into looking at it and that he got everyone watching
Disappointed in the actual reasoning

Because they believe they are the good guys like harry potter, and everyone that disagrees with them is wrong and should be silenced.

>I'm not a nazi
>I just hate immigrants and call people "based" whenever they kill/threaten violence against brown/black people

We gotta wait for clowns to cycle through first. I'm hoping for the friendly wave, but sunglasses could be funny too.

Because it's a joke retard.
People that call everyone they disagree with a Nazi are as dumb as calling everyone they disagree with a pinko.
The difference is calling people pinkos has been out of fashion for like 5 years

Not wanting more immigrants doesn't make you a Nazi.

>Then the mosque shooter did it because he fell for the meme
He did it intentionally because he knew leftits would fall for the meme. It's in his manifesto.

His entire motivation was literally just:



Attached: 1554586258841.png (495x395, 203K)

Yes it does as does making an OK sign

>secret people are doing secret things
literally a conspiracy theory

It's not Blizzard's fault that the media wrote articles about this and caused it to be a thing.

This post is offensive! Look out!

I don't hate legal aliens
I do call edgy stuff based though, because I like edgy humor and over half the time I use the word based it's ironically

Like I don't actually believe in fucking Jannies because Jannies are fat and gross so that'd be disgusting, but fuck Jannies

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Not sure if bait because there are people who actually think this.

You are going to have to ban Obama then. And Borderlands 3. And lots of other things.

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Video games

Why not thumbs ups and jazz hands?

From what I understand it has to be upside down to be white power


His manifesto has too many words for the average lefty desu.


Attached: bait.png (450x450, 14K)

When is the last time Yea Forums achieved something on the same level as /pol/?

White supremacists also drink water and breath air, you should stop doing that bud

Let's make dabbing a Nazi thing

The only thing that needs to be discarded are leftists and their ideology. What's next, are you gonna ban genes because they prove that racial equality is a pseudoscience? That your whole little nazi boogeyman is discredited? I mean, part of your argument hinges that people give a shit about DA nazi and think they are satan, and not that National Socialism as a party died almost 70 years ago. Before you were even born.

Yea Forums is giving this fucknugget too much credit. They assume he is acting logical. No, he knows what's he doing. He understands the utter stupidity of trying to claim that the OK hand gesture should be banned. He knows that he's being manipulated, that part of the power behind memeing normal gestures as hate symbols is due to the left convincing themselves that is the case, and censoring others. He doesn't care. He just wants to control people, and nothing gives him more joy then knowing that he can make normal gestures taboo and punishable.

It's a kind of slow burn

I'd argue a good chunk of Yea Forums is probably just at the green, /pol/ is anywhere from yellow to red though.

Attached: pyramid of hate.jpg (720x924, 40K)

This world is so fucking gay rofl.

I'm not complaining, I like seeing non-/pol/ LE radical centrists whites wake up and realize just how in danger they really are.

I'm unironically at Green and ironically at red

Imagine being this brainwashed

>What's next, are you gonna ban genes because they prove that racial equality is a pseudoscience?
>I'm not a nazi tho doods, I just believe in eugenics and racialism!

Attached: coldpeel.png (500x660, 133K)

As long as people are this over reactionary over calling everyone nazis /pol/ is able to control the narrative. It frankly quite embarrassing that the people who want to stop them from having any sort of power are the same ones giving them the megaphone in the first place.

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Welcome to clown world, where you can't make an OK hand symbol without being seen as a racist.

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You don't have to be a Nazi or eugenist to say that people with different genes have different characteristics

if only nazis said the n-word then no would would say it

>black people have black skin
>white people have white skin
>you are literally a nazi for thinking this way

Because /pol/ isn't ruining it. You are, you and the left that have the power to censor and attack normal people for using it. Take responsibility for once in your life, you little fucking communist. Last I recall, DA NAZI didn't murder 100 million people. Leftists did, so I think a better case can be made that people like you need to be suppressed.

Tarrant didn't name Benji, he named PewDiePie. PewDiePie kind of had it coming by constantly winking at /pol/. Eventually some nutjob would take his shitposts seriously. He also said Candace Owens was too extreme for him.

we meed a mass shooter in a clown outfit

You do to believe any of that is tied to race though.

>why won't you just let me laught at Trump for enjoying food a certain way? I'm clearly the emotionally stable one.

bait harder faggot

PewDiePie just has a dark sense of humor and it's amazing that both the left and right can't get that.
He's probably pretty centrist

I just wanted to watch people play video games. I never asked for this.

same here desu

Do you believe that the African swallow and Asian swallow are the same?

Not really. The left has done this for decades. Today the left is just too stupid to realize that their tactics are being used against them.

These thoughts will reduce your Social Credit once I report them to the CPC

It's quantum racisim. Everything is racist, you just have to figure out how afterwards. I'm sure you could get someone to bite on cultural appropriation for that though.

Yeah dude hitler was trans. That’s why the media wants trans people to exist. So they can kill them and get their revenge

>the "a okay" symbol is considered a symbol for white power
What a horrible timeline we exist in.

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>2019 Blizzard folks.

How many "pro" Overwatch players have bailed on the League so far? I know one guy just left and another guy bought out his own contract so he could leave.

The tables have turned

what naruto magic is this

Excuse me?!

Attached: yikesposting.png (600x535, 43K)

Yea Forums is my favourite circus

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Miiverse is dead, Little Tom

HEY Obongo never ordered any mosque shootings, he just drone bombed them.

>Because /pol/ isn't ruining it. You are
But they literally are by using it as a dog-whistle genius.
>Last I recall, DA NAZI didn't murder 100 million people
But right-wing white-supremacist are 70% of all terrorist attacks in the U.S right now and currently the most dangerous. Of course people are going to get antsy with people using a literal fucking dog whistle, you people are such fucking weasels, it disgusts me. You do the most conniving shit then play the victim when it suits you

Seething queer

>Nazi's also breath, piss, eat and have sex

OMG Zenyatta is a white supremacist?

And if you know anything about Candice Owns you'd know she's a completely tame and mainstream "based black conservative" and the idea that a guy who just shot 50 people at a mosque would think she was "too extreme" is laughable. It would be like if some hardcore Marxist Leninist shot up an executive board room meeting and said Hillary Clinton was too extreme.

nope. the three fingers make a W and the circle/wrist make the P

it's outlandishness and obvious parody should have been apparent but here we are

Depends on what you mean by "the same".

Just say what you really mean and stop pussyfooting around.

Ah yes, that's totally what user meant. That black people and white people just have different skin color, my bad senpai.

So Asians being shorter has nothing to do with them living in a section of the world where those characteristics were pushed to the forefront for hundreds of thousands of years
Yea okay champ.

No one is fucking saying you can't have a tall Asian or a short white guy. People are saying that ethnicity isn't just the amount of melanin in your skin, there are several characteristics that became prominent over great lengths of time

Yes, English and Russians are very different, just like how Somalians are ten times as butt ugly as any other African.

Race isn't just black, white, Asian, and Latino. Race is English, Irish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and so on

Remember when memes were getting 10 minute deep dives on cable news networks?


yes but the shooting helped validate the decision


nobody has the power to make people come to their senses so you might as well enjoy it because itll be eventually illegal in a few years

Attached: 1554452772970.gif (264x202, 387K)

Pewds legit got 40k subs over Tseries that day.

Okay and Kurds, aka communists, kill more innocent lives in a week than all the 'white supremacists' do in several years combined

>you people
Your true intentions laid bare.

You’ve done this twice now, you slip in an extremely racially charged dogwhistle (one with considerably more history proof than the ok gesture) and just pretend that no one sees you making disparaging remarks about people of color.

Nazi symbolism isn't even illegal but you think a hand gesture will be illegal?

Rainbow flag.

Is Classic dead before it even gets off of the ground?

Awww it's tiny isn't it?
What's it like losing to a 20 year old two days in a row?

Do the old people that come up with this shit understand how often this is used in gaming circles just as a general positive symbol?

My parents have tried to tell me the same thing, went so far as to tell me "in a few years, you'll agree with me." Like holy shit, I see so many people on the daily using that hand sign in a completely innocuous way, why are you trying to give it to nazis on a silver platter?

I remember.

I've been following Candace Owens for years. 10 years ago she would have been seen as an outlier for black woman. But nothing radical. Now she's a "white supremacist enabler" and an Uncle Tom.

you say this like slippery slope is not a argument yet real life has already proven its a legitimate argument

>Uncle Tom
Okay racist

> where those characteristics were pushed to the forefront for hundreds of thousands of years
What do you mean by "short". I looked up the average height for japanese compared to germans, the average german height was like 5"8 while the average japanese male height was 5"7. Hardly a difference.I think diet plays a huge part, though.

Regardless, what you're trying to peddle is the same as "people were born in different parts of the world, so therefore they are born with different numbers of toes and fingers" it doesn't quite work the way you think it does. There is no scientific basis for it.

Who's REALLY in control here motherfucker?

Everything the left does is a direct response to what the right does.
Everything you ban is everything they make look bad.
Do you not see where this is heading?
Do you honestly think this isn't gonna lead to the complete lockdown of reality?

Give it a few left-wing supreme court nominees and they'll make all sorts of "hate speech" illegal. That's the ONE THING we can thank Trump for, thank god that disaster has been staved off for a few years.

>half black grand children

Attached: 0qvjxvlwxqw01.png (606x473, 368K)


You just contradicted yourself, why would you thank trump for delaying the inevitable.

If you don't know;

/pol/ spread it with the purpose of extreme irony. Their aim was to show the absurdity of media fear mongering, they had and have no intention of actually using it as a white power symbol. It being demonized is only serving the left's self devouring nature as it further alienates the uninformed populus and proves /pol/ right.

Take a note how media will used anything to divide and conquer.

no dummy that's the circle game, you get your buddy to look at it and you get to punch him

I just wanna know what's next on the "new hate symbol" list. Can it be something really silly so I can laugh my ass off even harder when the mainstream media starts calling it a hate symbol? How about handshakes? Or high fives? Maybe hugs?

That symbol always was a hate crime and never allowed to be used anywhere, comrade.

>Incels projecting
Cute, bet you tense up when you see a black dude out with a white chick in public, don't you?

who knows
everything is possible in the clown world

you should realize no matter how big the bottle is
it'll eventually fill up and we should just expect the worst

Ethiopian males are on average 6 foot 3
Please tell me how that has anything to do with diet because I'm quite curious how the excellent nourishment of Ethiopia leads to a figure like that

Why do you hate people of color?

Fucking drumpftard incels ruin everything

Haha you fucking admit it shorty
Everyone as a reminder this guy is DesTiny

Attached: YeakzWP.jpg (536x552, 101K)

I wonder if a guy who said "subscribe to pewdiepie" before going on a shooting spree with a first-person camera could be doing this for memetic purposes?

White Lives Matter

imagine being so desperate to live in a world of fear and malice that you willingly allow things to be labelled as 'scary racisms and bigotry' on an hourly basis

i cannot for the life of me imagine existing in such a sorry state when there are so many issues that present themselves without you fucking actively seeking them out or manufacturing them

>Have sex
Cool here's my response
Take care of your kid and stop watching 'ethical' child porn

Statistically race mixing isn't much of a problem. It's not all that common despite decades of social engineering and white men actually mix outside the race more than white women do. More black men date white women than vice-versa, but that's really more because black women are completely unappealing than anything else.

it pretty much started out as a joke that nobody really thought would work, only to then realize that it worked way to well, kinda like that one user who decided to larp as a pedo on twitter only to realize that he was getting to much support for it

Literally who said anything about people of color besides the incles in this thread?

I looked this up and the data was unavailable. The women are 5"2 though. Also, the Nilotic people are tall as shit compared to the pygmies which are like 4"11 on average. They live in the same climate and environment. You're trying to simplify a complex concept down to pokemon trading card levels of understanding and it's embarrassing.

Itt; little Steve tries to pin anyone that's ever used the okay symbol as a Nazi and pretend that ironic jokes aren't a thing because otherwise his entire argument falls apart

Ok sign BAD!

Attached: 1549935781636.jpg (500x548, 56K)

yeah, in the meanwhile we can just criminalize abortion, allow the meat industry to regulate itself again, and wave off climate change as a foreign conspiracy-hoax despite the fact that even big oil companies like Shell and Exxon are starting to pivot to alternative energy sources.

that's real process my nibba

>Nilotic people are tall as shit compared to the pygmies which are like 4"11 on average. They live in the same climate and environment.
Wow gee willickers maybe it has to do with the Nilotic people seeing certain traits as more desirable and this those traits eventually becoming more prominent huh? God it's no wonder you dropped out

If Nazis didn't make benign things into hate symbols it wouldn't matter. No one had a problem with the Swastika until Hitler came around. There's no slippery slope here, it's a signifier of white pride used by the far right as a dog whistle. That is the beginning and end of the discussion.

Interracial marriage is on the rise, my friend. The fact that you're defending yourself proves my point, so thanks for the stunning admission I guess.

You specifically used the racist dogwhistle “you people” several times. You know exactly what you are doing and refuse to own up to it. Stop being a weasel.

>the triggered retard has literally resorted to the insult of incel
Ah the ever common sign of someone in over his head lmao


They started getting power. Once they get power they wish to remove ways for people to take that power away.

Precisely the problem here. Well put.

>Wow there's no way people are making fun of reactionaries and leftards they're totally Nazis!
Imagine being this dense

fucking hell it's amazing how they successfully memoryholed that already

>wahhhh he made an okay sign he's a Nazi!

Attached: 1554481434160.png (607x693, 817K)

ok so why are we handing a symbol that i still see used by shitloads of regular people as it's intended on twitch on the norm to nazis again?

because i have proof right in front of me that we don't have to give the ok sign up. the mortal kombat devs included it as a reference to meme culture. fucking respawn included it as a reference to meme culture. it might be the single most used emote on discord.

why is the default reaction to even an unproven ASSERTION that a symbol has been compromised to throw it at the people we don't want to have it in the first place? it seems absolutely paranoid and counter-intuitive. the only thing that behavior is going to do is make your fears reality.

It's crazy enough to work
>the year is 2020 - the media is condemning ralliers for holding pinwheels and wearing shirts of cartoon frogs

I don't know why blizzard takes this white power shit serious, it's not like americans are even white.

The best deflection the right has from racism is "lmao I'm only ironically a piece of shit" that argument has been repeated for the last decade and it's still ringing hollow as more and more far right political parties start popping up.

>ketchup on steak
Right cucks WILL defend this!

Attached: asdf.jpg (800x450, 40K)

Yea remember when the kid smiling at the native american in front of the Lincoln memorial was totally a Nazi dogwhistle because of his smile?
Huh what happened to that again? Something change a bit in that narrative?

You're a retarded reactionary. Wake up

>irony doesn't exist

yes there are a LOT of people out there that use irony to deflect from their genuinely fucked beliefs, but don't be wack

>OK hand is now a symbol of white power
/pol/ fucking did it holy shit.

Attached: 214C4148-BD56-49ED-B240-BCB63D22445D.jpg (735x913, 148K)

Have sex

god damn it i came to this thread to write this

ayo discord anime tranny

Attached: ayo trannies.png (738x669, 186K)

So no one in the world has a dark sense of humor huh?

Just so we're clear here, gulag jokes are dogwhistles to genocidal Stalinists and anyone that has made such a joke should be deplatformed as a bad actor looking to seek violence against others correct?
I just want to make sure you're a tiny bit consistent on this issue little guy

It's not an unproven assertion it's reality. You being a 17 year old cuck who's never cracked a book on political theory and has no idea how ideology develops doesn't mean your precious okay symbol isn't being turned into a symbol of Nazism.

I see what you're trying to do and it's beyond stupid. Keep pretending to be a retard though, or not pretending in this case. The fact that you are more concerned about people reacting to the OK symbol instead of reacting to Nazis using it as a legit dog-whistle speaks volumes about where your priorities lie.

> Nilotic people seeing certain traits as more desirable and this those traits eventually becoming more prominent huh?
Now all of a sudden you're going from environmental evolution to epigenetics, I'll just take your goalpost shift as a concession.


Comrades like this never wake up even as their being lined up against the wall by their own party

Take care of your kid


okay but i see a metric fuckload of regular people using it as a symbol without that context you've decided is the sole reality running through their heads

all you're accomplishing is forcing it into reality when most people don't want anything to do with it

Some traits are brought out because of cultural attitudes and some are due to environment, this should be obvious but your education is about as deep as the thesis of a few papers you googled like the time naked ape demolished your economics argument since that is actually his field.
God you are such a disingenuous bad actor it's cringe worthy.

there's "police come and slap cuffs on you and put you in prison" illegal
and there's "coordinated media blitz, lose your job, people think you're some kind of unspeakable pariah" illegal

just because the court system kept things in check for hundreds of years doesn't mean the advent of the internet had no effect on it. sure, maybe a jury of a dozen people agree you're innocent after months of court dates and deliberations. but does that mean a fucking thing if 20 million other people got the CNN side of it and decide you're guilty top to bottom?

Who knows if there is legit retardera posters or retarded trolls pretending, its the same shit at this point

I can see it now
>Go diving with a female colleague
>Gesture to her that you're alright after accidentally swallowing a bit of sea water
>She gets offended and afterwards tries to ruin your life using twitter

except college faculties are mostly either understaffed or part time contract professors, so no, there's really no excuse for charging upwards of 30,000 for a shadow of what you would've gotten 10-15 years ago.

Why do you hate people of color and why are you pretending “you people” isn’t a specific dogwhistle substituting for racial slurs? It was so common it even became a joke line for bigoted characters in media

There are no ResetEra users. Only false-flaggers and people falling for their trolling acts.

Answer this tiny I want to see your logic applied to your side
I want you to admit in screen able forum that you're either a bad actor or half your retarded audience should be deplatformed

but where is the fun on pretending to be like that? is fucking pathetic

It's desTiny
You can tell because his poor arguments are riddled with self satisfaction and goes on to ignore anything he can't argue against

All leftists on this board are false flaggers.

Why stop there.
>windows share the same style motif
>9 dots can be used to easily draw swastikas

I, for one, enjoy a good trainwreck. To see other people flail against a non-existent enemy is immensely entertaining.

No this is more likely
>you’re concerned with not looking like a white nationalist so instead of giving the OK you give a thumbs up
>she starts ascending and gets decompression sickness
>you end up killing the only girl who shared your hobbies

>decide anyone with differing views on migration and climate is a piece of shit
>wonder why they treat it in an aloof manner
christ you people are fucking insufferable

>/pol/ makes the white power handsign hoax
>retards fall for it and ruin it for everyone
>One upsidedown shitposter shoots up 50 muslims
>Two countries follow his manifesto to the letter and ruin everything for everyone

this needs to stop

Excellent bait, have another (You)

Not that user, but I don't condone political violence and I'm just as opposed to communism as I am nazism and unchecked capitalism.

Attached: Social_Democracy.jpg (200x290, 17K)

>there are no resetera users
All the people writing paragraph after paragraph about easy modes beg to differ


I motion for saxophones

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Attached: white power simbol meme Based. Arian Actor Eddie Murphy . pol .tv.gif (327x300, 771K)

>destiny asked if his logic should be applied to stalinist 'dogwhistles'
>Leaves thread just like how he fleed from venti last night
Good ol slimey Steve
This or "no one should be deplatformed" are the only proper responses, take note little guy

All elaborate exercises in playing Devil's advocate. After all, there is no better testing ground for that than an anonymous discussions.

I know that nuance isn't exactly the right's forte, but context matters. If someone falls and bust their ass but someone asks "Hey man, you alright?" and they make the symbol, then obviously they aren't propagating white power. However, if a mere lord in a crowd of thousands randomly does it for no particular fucking reason where it can be seen by millions of other people? Probably a dog whistle.

Okay and what about gulag jokes?


>be happy about being somewhere
>show it off by doing ok sign to camera
>no particular fucking reason

>falling for falseflagging
All these threads are just people pointing out a thing and then all the sheep just nod along saying yep yep yep and attacking obvious bait.

Is falling and busting your ass a dogwhistle for white power?

>Blizz got trolled by /pol/
/pol/ wins again. The liberals just keep falling for it.

I'm not going any further with this debate until you come out and say what you mean by bringing up racialism. What are you trying to say when you bring up "equality" in the context of racialism?

I literally just told you that I don't condone political violence, you absolute moron.

>Then the mosque shooter did it because he fell for the meme. Now it's been solidified and cannot be undone.
Nz shooter was a leftypol shill, so he didn't "fall for it".

Didn’t know that “drinking milk” was for nazis, but “reading books” apparently is

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I didn't fucking ask that little guy
I asked if they should be deplatformed like you believe people that do the ok sign should.
Should pre emptive violence also be justified against them since their ideogy calls for violence?
Have some fucking consistency in your philosophy at least Steve

Literally never said anyone should be "deplatformed" or called for it. Nor did I condone gulag jokes.

>Being this triggered over Destiny
Just admit that not being allowed to be a piece of shit in public without consequence hurts your sensibilities.

>Didn’t know that “drinking milk” was for nazis
Like a lot of things, /pol/ decided to see what they could convince normies and the media was a "white nationalist symbol", and so they made jokes that being able to drink milk means white people are superior to black people since black people are sometimes lactose intolerant.

Literally every "white nationalist symbol" that the media or normies know about is a joke created by /pol/.

I wasn't the individual that brought up racialism I just hopped on about there being genetic differences in different regions due to seclusion from each other for sometimes tens of thousands of years.

I don't believe in any racial superiority and race itself is a bad term, ethnicity is more appropriate as it covers a more narrow area. I believe in genetic differences that come from that seclusion due to a mix of environment (most obviously seen in skin color, but also in some diseases such as sickle cell since it's better than malaria), but also cultural, which could explain things like height. These same differences could also become prominent for different factors in different regions. Smaller body size may have been a better trait in one place because of a lower abundance of food, but in another because height was seen as a culturally based aesthetically appealing trait such as how certain body shapes are today

>It's the people reacting to the nazis fault and not the nazis fault
>The mosque shooter was "just a shitposter"
Based Sargon of Acuck

Yea whatever Steve, don't call for deplatforming when you're called out on being inconsistent whatever little guy have a nice day, maybe you can debate a 12 year old tomorrow

This. /pol/ is half-retarded but we need to recognize how much progressives hate us.

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>be Asian
>this sign is literally just a "good job or well done" sign
>some fat blue hair colored "women" who would be burned as witches in the past are calling this "racism"

I wish we could burn witches again and make wild west great again.

Ironically you are a part of the forced meme by making another variant of pepe. Why do non people like yourself lack self awareness?.

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/pol/ made up the drinking milk thing too. They do this to prove that the media is full of bullshit and to laugh at liberals who believe it. They're undermining the credibility of the media and left. It's working too because the lefty media won't stop publishing these bullshit articles. They can't help themselves.


That's not a wrong way of looking at it. That shooter doesn't if they slide into dystopia.

>I don't believe in any racial superiority
so whites and asians are equal to blacks?

It's like they don't even care

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blizzdrones will buy anything why would they bother?

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Yes, but they each have different traits more commonly found in them, but are not necessarily limitations or defining. I would be disingenuous if I didn't respect some African intellectuals such as Justice Clarence Thomas, one of the brightest judges of all time.

>Create a meme to dog whistle
>shocked when people treat it as such
>Hey bro, let me suck your dick as a joke! No homo bro, just as a joke
>Hey what?! I'm not gay! It was just a prank bro!

why does Steven try when his mother even makes fun of him
he is manlet maddox

>But right-wing white-supremacist are 70% of all terrorist attacks in the U.S right now
>he thinks that "right now" is a time frame
source btw

So long as we're generalizing, Blacks are more dangerous than Whites, see pic faggot

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>say something stupid on a website full of jaded fucks with superiority complexes
>expecting multiple people not to call you out
Just stop man, either your baiting or your grasp on reality is weak. Either way the result is the same, we are all enjoying ourselves calling you a retard

>Jeff Kaplan username was "Tigol Bitties"
>didn't give a shit, raged and shitted on everyone on forums, then goes on to participate in the development of 2004/5 wow
>s o y boy who uses words like 'toxic' and promises to scan peoples social media to deliver ingame punishments
what happened

>Create a meme to show that the media I reactionary and will call anything a Nazi
>It works
>Edgy centrists and even neocons do it as a joke, get called Nazis


statistics are only valid if they support my viewpoint, sweetie

>libtard fell for the dog whistle meme
This is about exposing the fake liberal media. It worked. /pol/ can make up literally anything and make the liberal fake media believe it's a hate symbol. /pol/ is winning the culture war and using the liberal media against itself.

how about apexfags?

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>I would be disingenuous if I didn't respect some African intellectuals such as Justice Clarence Thomas, one of the brightest judges of all time.
What does one single guy have to do with anything? Explain Africa VS China to me. Why does one never had the wheel or a written language and the other has written records starting from 1250 BC and many incredible achievements?

i love how all you dog haters seem to be the only ones who hear the whistles meant for them

I’m unironically a nazi and I wouldn’t use that stupid symbol

This, you’re letting them outright control public perception and thus reality

sorry sweaty but apex is free to play

>Third world countries are more dangerous than the first world
Go figure.

Also, I compared sierra leone, Russia, and the U.S's murder rate stats for shits and giggles. Apparently, you're about 2x more likely to be killed in Russia than in the U.S Not only that, but you're 60% less likely to be killed in sierra leone than in the U.S.

Attached: Domestic_terrorism_incidents_by_type.jpg (738x383, 41K)

Saddest words of tongue and pen....

>stop pussyfooting around
My bad, what I meant to say was fuck niggers.

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Because it was never a Nazi symbol. It's bait to expose fake news. If they were real news they would have done some research and found the posts discussing the hoax. But they aren't real media and they don't do research or report facts. This only works because the media is grossly incompetent and fake.

It was an example of a man that achieved far more than even his white peers. Just because Somalians are tall does not mean a short Somalian cannot exist, just that it's far more rare

>This is about exposing the fake liberal media
You expose the media by acting like a retard then acting high and mighty when people treat you like a retard? Where is the punchline?

To quote a great intellectual
Russians are just blacks but the wrong color

I hope there isn't anyone that truly fell for the milk bullshit too otherwise what a pathetic sad sack of shit

You expose the media by showing that people are called Nazis for making dark jokes

Or we going to ignore the part where a black country is safer than both for the sake of an edgy joke?

why else would that guy be doing it up in the air like that to be desu

i know back in school days kids would do it on their leg as a "made you look" thing and people do it now in pictures for that same reason but just holding it up in the air kind of seems like he was intentionally looking to start something like this

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>It was an example of a man that achieved far more than even his white peers
so what? what does that have to do with anything? Explain China VS Africa.

Again, I'm not /pol/. I just watch what they do. The punchline is the fake media being exposed over and over again. The fake media keeps dancing while /pol/ plays the fiddle. They take the bait every single time without fail. /pol/ are a bunch of retards but they're still outsmarting the even dumber media talking heads. The media is the fucking joke. /pol/ does this to laugh at them. We should all be laughing at the media except it's not funny. It's a serious issue that the media is this stupid. How can we have a functioning democratic society when our media is being outplayed by a bunch of trolls on a mongolian shadow puppet forum? Our country is in deep trouble.

>>If neo nazis try to make the peace sign a nazi symbol through pol memery, does that mean it’s no longer the peace sign?
>Swastika was originally a symbol of peace
>Is now a Nazi symbol

Do you believe the reported status from a third world corrupt country?

> Why does one never had the wheel or a written language
This is white supremacist propaganda. Look up the Mali empire or the Kingdom of Kush, they definitely had written languages. Also, European hadn't invented the wheel around the same time period. It's crazy how slavers came up with this shit to justify enslaving blacks, yet it still stuck with idiots like you.

I don't see why not, don't you believe the reports of the FBI which are notorious for curbing civil rights?

>those people doing the OK hand gesture while holding a glass of milk
2016 was a mistake for a lot of reasons

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Neo-Nazis certainly do exist, it’s just a lot simpler to say Nazi instead of neo-Nazi.

When did I say Sierra Leone was predisposed to violence?

>It's crazy how slavers came up with this shit to justify enslaving blacks
blacks enslaved blacks lmao

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Earliest wheel found is from Europe from like 5000 bc

Lol is what leftists are saying now

Do you not understand how the UCR is made?
I could enlighten you because I contribute to it. You might learn something more than the abstract of some random study you google

You said that blacks were more dangerous than whites.

He also wears clothing. Clearly clothing is white supremacist.

When did I say that?
I made a joke about slavs sure. I didn't make a statement

You so this putting words in people's mouths thing a lot

uh, yeah honey
I'm talking about the cosmetics
anyone and how many are actually paying for that shit?

>(yes, seriously)
Why do leftie news outlets do this shit where they literally directly try to tell their audience what to think? In this case, pre-emptively responding to a "seriously?" question that no one asked

>Ha ha, we tricked those stupid liberals good, we used this as a symbol of our racism, and those dumbasses started treating it like a symbol of our racism!
>Libshits btfo forever

>Justice Clarence Thomas, one of the brightest judges of all time.
Thomas is a fucking hack and his opinions make no sense most of the time. I find it especially ironic that he hates affirmative action despite the fact that the only reason he’s on the Supreme Court is because they needed a token black judge to replace Thurgood Marshall.

>What's next, are you gonna ban genes because they prove that racial equality is a pseudoscience?
Nigga you have no idea, absolutely no idea, they are, have been, trying to do this already for the past 10 years.

i hope this is bait and you arent the most retarded person ever

You certainly make lots of leaps
We tricked these liberals good is a quote, then you add in your own assumption.

>the investigative fund
It's shit

Then do, please go on, tell us how Sierra Leone is lying about their stats, yet the FBI is entirely genuine.

Don't even try, people like that faggot believe natural selection is irrelevant to humans.

I certainly hope youre just a falseflag and pretending to be retarded.

>Thomas is a fucking hack
Lmao read some of his opinions next time kid or check out some of his interviews (which is rare because he hates the media)
Dude was bros with Scalia, easily the brightest member of the court followed by Ginsburg, and they'd have chats on opinions and philosophy all the time

you country is subverted to the fucking bones, otherwise stupid shit like that never would fly

The earliest wheel found is from Iraq.

God, what fucking timeline is this? It's a bizarro world.

I didn't say they were I said you're very misinformed if you think the UCR is inaccurate.
The FBI does not itself find these statistics or anything silly like that. The FBI is like media create an the UCR is one of their reports, to put it in terms someone of your level might understand

Well idk who you are then, I was replying to


>This thread

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Scalia was also a hack. He would throw temper tantrums in his dissenting opinions.

I'm the guy that responded to your claim that the UCR is fudged up, it's a very small brain claim made by people with no understanding of how it's made

>Used to be a sign meaning "OK" or "Nice"

>Now there's tarts who thinks this is offensive

Geez, could you imagine if this meme still going on? Poor Pacha.

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>all these triggered /pol/cucks responding to this post.
You did good.

>Scalia was also a hack
Ah so you're just a dumb as fuck lib with no understanding of judicial principles

I never said that the UCR is "fudged up", smoothy.

Honestly I'm amazed Sunrise has never sued HiRez for that Furia skin. It is LITERALLY Wing Gundam.

Attached: thunder-brush-furiamecha.jpg (1920x1080, 575K)

>I hope you kill yourself one day topson"

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No but you certainly implied it, saying that the FBI's history should for some reason call into question it's legitimacy
Don't try to be slippery you made a dumb statement, it's okay bro