Any MGS game after 2

Any MGS game after 2

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This only applies to critically panned games like Deadly Premonition

Not to games like MGS which is liked by millions

I find it hard to imagine many people actually pretend to like a game. What I think is more likely is that people will often cite popular opinion in order to talk about games they never even played. And then things like Deus Ex will get called fantastic by many people that, if they do ever play it, perhaps don't end up liking it.

>Deadly Premonition
is this a good game?

diablo 2

People pretend to like Deus Ex? I thought only oldfags were revering it.

Any games that critics hated on launch or have stopped caring about
> God Hand
> Deadly Premonition
> VTMBloodlines

It's simultaneously a fucking awful and amazing game. If they had fixed it up before release, it would probably be one of the greatest games ever.

FOTM Battle Royale #2068
Dark Souls
Final Fantasy games

I know I used to assume Deus Ex was an overhyped shit game before i played it. This was like 10 years ago. It's honestly one of the best games I've ever played, even with it being dated at the time.

I've enjoyed every MGS game. The only one I haven't finished is 5, but i still enjoyed it while i was playing.

You may pretend to like games OP, but most people genuinely enjoy video games believe it or not.

It’s a great game.

Dark Souls

It's the only game that I'm glad I watched instead of playing it.

like percentage of people that say they like a game but don't actually?

probably indie darlings like Celeste

I imagine in the AAA sector a good chunk of the shootan RPGs like Anthem, Destiny, Mass Effect types, there's a large chunk that don't actually like them but play em only because their friends do

But mgs3 is the best one


Wow, you're retarded.

Every Kingdom Hearts game after 2

It has to be Breath of the Wild


planescape torment


But MGS2 is the second worst, other than 5.

Secret of Mana is the only one I genuinely believe.

Yumi Nikki

Super Metroid


>people pretend to like
What is it with pseuds thinking they know what you like and don't like more than you do?

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When a long period of time passes and a classic (or even bad) game becomes generally agreed upon as legendary or having a legendary moment, people will start to use that thing and that weakness in human psychology to win arguments and gain credibility. In the FGC, people do this with Street Fighter III: Third Strike.

People do this with Ocarina, Mario 64, Deus Ex Machina, Mortal Kombat II, Super Metroid, Castlevania SoTN, WWF No Mercy and so on. These are all classics. But people who haven't even played them use them to try and win arguments all the time. You can just tell when it's happening.

said games that people pretend to like, not games that people pretend to have played

persona 1 and 2 and all of smt

Every Sony exclusive.
This thread in general is pretty much all about sony fags.

I see the distinction you're making, but pretending to have played usually involves pretending to like which is why I think Earthbound counts.


Garbage taste.

It's a meme. When there were so called pro gam outets giving DP 9/0s and and 5/5s, I finally conceded gaming had become more about irony, riding waves, and memes than the games.

A terrible game, but a fantastic story.

MGS2 specifically

Most of that game is a slog

any zelda game. that or they just have really shitty taste.

fortnite is the only answer at this time,it's the trendy game of all normalfags

games like zelda and other old shit are genuinely liked by retards although

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It's actually a pretty tight experience if you skip cutscenes. Decent replay value.

Said the retard thinking millions are pretending

Pretend to like or pretend to play.

This thread just fucking SCREAMS of fart-huffing.

You can tell when someone could be doing it. For example, when they say things like "[modern genre game] is so much like [insert old famed classic in genre for many years ago] that's why I like it!" when the game is absolutely nothing like it.

PREY (the original)

It's a good game with horrible combat.

deus ex isn't that bad

get a couple of points in the sniper skill and never, EVER aim down the scope, always hip fire that shit

on the flipside, what is the most honest video game. if someone says they like it, you genuinely believe them?

Octopath here, in addition to Star Ocean games. though with Star Ocean its hard to get them to admit they liked 4

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I don't really know. Why would someone pretend to like something? Just to be contrarian on some shitty imageboard?
Maybe I'm retarded but even if it's horrible game in my opinion that has some sort of "fanbase" I can usually see why someone would like it. Unless it's total horseshit that literally no one likes.

Are retards known to lie?

The only people who pretend to like DX are people haven't played it though so not sure if that meshes with the implications of that clickbait headline.

Guilty Gear (the series) and Third Strike
old PC games people namedrop but never actually play, System Shock, Alone in the Dark, I Have No Mouth and so on.
I feel like when people say they OMG LOOOOOOOOOOVE the Silent Hill series it usually means they played 2 and 3 once. Maybe just 2.

You cannot convince me that finding and freezing those bombs will ever be fun. Also swimming with Emma gave me PTSD


>The only people who pretend to like DX are people haven't played it
That's not true. I loved fucking shit up with my upgraded 10mm in that game. It's not a bad game, just difficult to get into unless you are an oldfag such as myself.

>swimming with Emma gave me PTSD
It's like 5 minutes long

Bombs is the longest section of uninterrupted stealth in the game so I do like it. Emma is less that 2 minutes.
Fuck Fatman though.


only game i pretend to love is Suikoden 1, only because it's a mediocre RPG that leads into a fucking fantastic series. at least for a few titles.

Any game featured in 3x3 threads.

Shit gameplay, great writing

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

>Wow, you're retarded.

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>Half Life OMG
>if 3 was announced I'd cum so hard!1!

I will routinely say that Parasite Eve and Vagrant Story are two of the best PS1 games but I've never finished either of them.

So, literally any game? Nice digits, by the way.

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

World of Warcraft specifically 2004's iteration called "vanilla" that is being released this summer.
I expect this shit to flop HARD and be niché for only the most autistic of autismals

>MGS game after 2
>he prefers 2 over 3

Really, anything Western. Indie garbage included.

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I recently saw a conversation on twitter where some people were saying to play deus ex, but tread carefully around it's alt-right messages. There wasn't any elaboration or context further than that.

Team Fortress 2
Dota 2
Guild Wars 2
Counter Strike GO
Smash Bros Ultimate
Battlefield V

I only pretend to like Dark Souls 2 because I'm a huge contrarian. I usually shit up Souls threads by insisting 2 is the best.

No Man’s Sky

What Remains of Edith Finch and any other walking simulator bullshit

While I do like the RP aspects and setting of this game, the wonky combat and some missions needing you to use the shitty stealth mechanic really makes me think this game is extremely overrated.

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Kingdom Hearts, Smash Brothers, Halo,The Last of Us,Celeste,Sekiro, Fortnite, Minecraft. Etc,etc,etc.

>Any flavor of the month trash

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100% Planescape Torment
I would fucking bet that most people haven't even fucking played it and just bandwagon the fuck out of it

Speaking of Octopath, its likely coming to PC. I wonder if the attitude towards the game will change on Yea Forums

No, people only praise it because critics hated it

heres how you bait in a thread like this
>modern popular trash game
>very popular old game that is good
super mario 64
>popular new game that's good
>alright/good game of any age with a small but passionate fanbase

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Depends on how much you like Twin Peaks and how willing you are to with through an even goofier version of it

It's not the games people pretend to like, it's the people pretending to like games, and that's just about 90% of all gaming population.
There's been at least +50 situations where I've talked to different people who've been self-proclaimed "gamers". Once I've started to talk with them about games, it quickly becomes awkward when in fact they know NOTHING about games in general and soon enough I'll be left alone when everything I have to talk about is about games, but not even the "gamers" around me are on my level.
>"Have you played *this* game?"
>"Oh yeah, I love that game"
>"How far have you gotten in it"
>"Oh I don't know, I can't remember, there was this and that and that's where I've been stuck since"
>"Oh, okay, I've played it around 300-1000 hours, I've played it through numerous times and I know a lot of tips to help with the game, if you'd want to know"
>"Yeeaaah, let's talk about them another time"
Not sure if it's a blessing or a curse to not get acquainted with people who don't know anything about the hobby yet claim to be part of it. I didn't have much friends at school, only 1 to 3 people who weren't on my level either, but at least they understood some of the stuff I was talking about, if I was talking about something they didn't understand, we'd change subjects, but it'd still be about games.
I don't give a shit about television, I don't give a shit about movies, I don't give a shit about bars, clubs, booze or tobacco, I just want to play video games and have friends who play them just as much as I do. Is that too much to ask?

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Mario, Metroid & Zelda are casual as fuck, people geniunely love those franchises


Quake, or any arena FPS for that matter.

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Bloodborne, 3million sold on a platform with over 90million users

And rape can be 5 minutes long but it doesn't mean its not traumatic

Dragon dogma and age of empires 2.


You deserve to beaten and shot for posting disgusting fatties on here.

It's not my fault you have shit taste.

>Planescape: Torment
>Zelda 2 (its so hard guise!!! that makes it the best.)
>Sekiro (see above)
>ANY fighting game
>any game that requires an IQ above 80, like The Witness

The amount of hipster wankery on this board is astonishing.

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Soulsborne games
SF2 derivatives

guys stop using jc denton as an icon on youtube I see him in every fucking comment section it's getting weird

>rape analogy

>ANY fighting game
seething from lack of skill

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its just a better version of twin peaks

How did you convince yourself that BotW is a fun game?

It's because of that one popular youtube video that claims that everyone using a JC denton avatar is an intellectual, it quickly blew up and now every drooling retard uses the avatar
but the fad is slowly dying out, which is good.

god hand was great for its time

No, Twin Peaks as a whole is way beyond DP.

Don't think you know anything about the commander, because he's my pal. Here's a picture.

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anyone know why my online friends only play the newest flavor of the month exclusively? They always say how good the games are then stop playing after 2-3 months.

>for its time
It's still the GOAT beat em up.

>>ANY fighting game
Found the Smash player

even felicia day did it

I don't know why anyone would pretend to like something they never played, but I can think of a few games that people hate despite never playing them such as Nuts and Bolts and Sonic just because some e-celebs told them they were bad

lol you fucking twat

I liked the first 3h but it crashed every time i got to the objective so i will never finish it

Awful atrocious gameplay. People like it for how absurd the characters and story are

>thinks zelda 2 is bad
>posts BOTW

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And especially, Planescape Torment.

nah DP is twin peaks without having everyone be unlikable, so it's instantly better

73 Metascore, kill yourself Contrarian

It's a fantastic game with average gameplay, just like Nier.

How can someone dislike Doom?

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>proper respiratory function and cardiac health are now shit taste
>being attracted to what is definitively, physically an evolutionary dead end
Literally the most objectively incorrect thing I have seen on the Internet in weeks.

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imagine being this much of a pleb

MGS 2,4 and 5 are not that good


Back to r/gaming, westacuck scum.

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>How can someone dislike Doom?
When you play Blood and Shadow Warrior after it.
I don't dislike it, but it's weak compared to those 2.


your favorite game

you're weird AND retarded.

Dragonball FighterZ
t.fightan elitist asshole

Fun fact: there weren't trophies or achievements back in the day.

Nowadays I can look up any game that Yea Forums talks about and see 20-40% actually finished it.

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>When you play Blood and Shadow Warrior after it.
Shadow Warrior is complete shit. I've played it back in the day and last year. I could not stand it, it's bad combat balance, it's build engine (shit) and its self-induced cringe factor. Only Redneck Rampage managed to pull that off successfully.
Blood was weaker than Doom at everything except graphical fidelity.

>Shadow Warrior
>better than Doom
kek, no, the build engine is trash

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Holy fucking cringe.

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Deadly premonition is okay IF you play it on PC with mods. Its fairly unique.

Dwarf Fortress as someone who plays dwarf fortress
The entire community is people larping scenarios that never happen

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Why has this particular game led to so many calls by people to make games easier? If I am bad at a game, I can watch videos of the parts I can't finish. I don't demand they they lower it to my level. Are third part cheats that rare these days? Just have someone put out a trainer for the game so people can be as invincible as they want. Don't beg the developer to come down to your level.

Deus Ex is my favorite game of all time and I´m not some kind of jaded old-fag who only likes old shit, I absolutely loved some of the games I played in the last decade.

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Finally someone has developed the ultimate clickbait shirt article.

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>infinite posture
>invincibility while drinking gourd
These fucking journokikes finished the souls games with co-oping and cheesing. Even a lead editor at IGN confessed in completing the game by severely overlevelling himself. Absolute cringe.

When you think about it. Most of the bosses in that game are a joke. Olga and Solidus are really the only ones that really feel like a fair one vs one.

I honestly love MGS2's gameplay. I like MGS3 too, but MGS2 is like this perfect blend of arcadey stealth action.

>alt-right messages
>No comments about race or any kind of identitary politics at all, even the leader of the Illuminaty is a nigger not the one in a fridge tho
>If we skip the most scifi themes, the main message of the game is literally a warning about the powerful (corporations and governments) becoming even more powerful thanks to surveillance and the dangers of prioritizing security over freedom, something that is every day more relevant.
>And even then, you get NPCs raising good points defending various political views on the subject, not to mention the endings
Holy shit, I thought twitterfags couldn't be any more retarded, what a sorry bunch of corporate bootlickers

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He's the dev behind Celeste not a journofag, that's why so many people commented on his post.

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vanilla wow

what made it fun was the original community which is long gone

the game on its own is a fundamentally broken and imbalanced piece of shit

i played fallout 2 and i hated every minute, i would say i loved it on the internet any day though, there's hardly anything more based in Yea Forums's eyes

Should have played twenty years ago.

yeah, back then it probably would have been great. but expectations change.

Even back in the day people were not crazy about shitty combat and most used cheesy builds with Bozar and gauss rifles. Everyone loved writing and funny dialogues, atmosphere etc. It wasn't a fun game, but it was enjoyable media.

but everybody on the internet said that it was the best, not just the worldbuilding...
oh wait

Its a bad game thats good in the same way the doom movie is a terrible movie thats fucking brilliant.

Sometimes bad stuff is just greater than the sum of its parts. OG resident evils terrible voice acting is a good example.

If anybody in any way shape or form likes the TV series twin peaks and resident evil wooden acting then deadly premonition is a must play.