If I go to Wal-Mart today and grab a 2DS, is it hackable?

If I go to Wal-Mart today and grab a 2DS, is it hackable?

Attached: 2DS_ZeldaOOT_pkg.0.jpg (1200x800, 98K)

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Nintendo shut down the Freeshop. Not that you couldn't just use a hacked cartridge.


yes. but if your gonna hack you should get a New 3DS so you can install all the cool emulators and features

So can I still put a bunch of SNES, GBA, and DS games on it? I'm getting it for my girlfriend who was a broke ass kid and never got to play them.

What emulators am I missing out on with the New 2DS?

It is...but you should get a 3DS with proper IPS screens. If you get a New model you can actually overclock it and run otherwise non boosted 3DS games to run better. Like Pokémon gets much better frame rate, Donkey Kong Country Returns etc.

you could put gba, snes and 3ds games on it but for original ds games you'll still need a flash cart which depending on the firmware the system has out of the box might be required to hack it anyway

None, but you talked about a normal 2DS first.


Can a 3DS or 2DS do any non-Nintendo emulation yet? Always wanted to run something like PSX on it

I meant to ask which I would get with the New 2DSthat I can't with the normal 2DS
I'll probably get her a flashcart after she goes through some GBA and SNES games, she's not gonna want a million at once anyway lol. How do I get them on there without freeshop? I'm sure there's a guide but I'm wondering, is it just a normal SD card thing?

You can play ds and 3ds games off the a
Sd card, you can also emulate a fuckton if consoles

Neato libido. What's the maximum storage space the 2DS can handle? I know the Switch caps at a TB SD card, I'm guessing the 2DS is like 128GB or less

you're never getting psx lmao
just get a psp or a vita

fuck, that's such a shame
there's genuinely nothing else I'd want a Vita or PSP for at all bar emulation, and at that stage I can just buy a wired 360 controller for cheap and play it on my PC

I think 128gb cards from some brands worked, 64 are sure to work though. 3ds games aren't that heavy so I'd recommend to save some money by just going with a 64

there are places online you can get the game files from pretty easy if you look around, then you just put them onto the sd card and install it through a program

don't get a flashcart, just put custom firmware on it instead, there's a guide on Reddit somewhere

Excellent, thank you.

Freeshop added convenience but it only takes like 5 minutes more to use Boop to transfer game files to your 3ds.

No u dont retard
Twilight menu exists

Yeah, just be sure to go to the hardware section and buy a decent ax.

chill a bit my dude, was unaware that stuff went anywhere since it's been awhile since I hacked my own shit

Does that have good compatibility now? Last I heard running DS from SD was a total shit show

the psp genuinely has one of the most underrated libraries in vidya, is cheap and easy to hack and is overall a very reliable and deceptively modern device, but OK

Consider buying refurbished, it will save you a few bucks.

Yah got over 90 hours plus on digimon in it totally fine felt like actually was playing it from a cart

I'm fairly certain that all firmwares are hackable these days so it shouldn't be a problem

Ehhh I like this girl a lot, I'm not gonna cheap out.

Certainly but I'd like to avoid buying a flashcart

yeah it's really bad from an SD or flashcart, most of them have stopped production and only the really old ones still work

this makes them super expensive and it's very easy to make knockoffs that brick your machine instead

saving money to spend on other things =/= cheaping out

it's pretty fine get a good deal, and then you get to spend the rest of your budget on other things for her

Yes, I just put cfw on my new 2dsxl

I hacked my 3ds a few weeks ago. All firmwares are hackable. It's super easy. No flashcart needed

Yeah that's true. I also just kinda want the convenience of grabbing one instead of getting it shipped, though.

Japanese refurb shit is very on-point
other than the receipt, there's no difference to buying a completely new device
you even still get the same warranty last I checked

neat, I'll have to check that out. been trying to play pokemon platinum on my cart but the bag in particular runs like complete shit on it, maybe that'll work better

11.9 is the newest firmware and it doesn't require a flash cart

This is very based

Attached: 5D0Kmsl.gif (540x603, 188K)

You don't have to buy a flashcart retard

Well that's news to me

Flashcarts haven't been required in forever. Just look at the guide

I dont think you need a flashcart but its the easist way to do it plus get a 128 gig sd card I got a 64 gig and ran out of space almost immediately

Hacking a 3ds is so simple a literal retard could do it if he can read and follow directions. The guide even has big red LOOK AT THIS RETARD boxes at any point that can cause a brick

Yes. You don't need a flashcart or anything.
I got my girl a refurb N3DS for her birthday two years ago from Nintendo's site. Both of us use it a lot (my 3DS broke and she has a Switch now so she doesn't care much about it anymore outside of Pokémon) and it actually feels like I bought it new. 0 issues.
Flashcart shill or...?
Installing games is still easy as fuck. 64gb is definitely enough for a shit ton of games. I have 25 retail titles, a decent amount of downloadables, and a fuckton of virtual console injects on my 64gb.
All you have to do is find a good source for .cia files. Which is just as easy (imo easier) as finding a website for 3DS files for flashcarts.
Also, when it comes to DS games you still don't need a flashcart, because ndsbootstrap is god tier these days and runs almost everything flawlessly.

I don't think you can even brick with current methods unless you're doing shit randomly and not following the guide at all

Idk I hacked mine a long time ago and one part of the guide your system would brick if you closed the 3DS. The guide had a big red box that said DO NOT CLOSE THE 3DS OR ALLOW IT TO GO INTO SLEEP MODE after pretty much every step during that part

that was while ago, it's changed a lot since then