imagine the smell
are these pinups official? and if so, is there a Sakura one in there... just wondering
muh dick
i do value their cores and how much i want to lick them
>anime titties makes my peepee hard and this makes the game better
>Meanwhile, Mortal Kombat made the women cover themselves in burkas.
Can't be a coincidence.
ups forgot image.
You don't need to greentext truth
All that sѹ rotted your brain.
The west is fuckd beyond salvation
>Robert "my wife left me because I drawn porn and have no professional career anymore" Porter
>more FANartists
Where can I order one?
>jerking off to cartoons
have sex
La creatura...
They are, there was one of Poison with an incredible bulge drawn by a known futa artist.
Being straight and a virgin has ruined your brain completely
This is sexual harassment!
>FGC riddled with people who want to have a good time at the expense of others
>No one saw this shit coming
>Schadenfreude is at an all time high during Evo Japan 2019
>check them out here
>no link
congrats op, you're a faggot
You say FANartists like it's a bad thing but that Juri is fucking delicious.
Sorry about your projection, retard.
pretty nice
This but unironically
>those faces
>LOLLL my giant anime thiddies thooooo!!!!!! Xd
Man I fucking hate udon art
Unironically this.
It's okay if it's Street fighter.
I have something against the fanartists Udon hires to fill their pages when there's far better out there. Pic related was one of those hacks hired by Udon and the worst of the bunch.
Who would buy this crap when there's way better free porn online?
Drawing porn can be an extremely lucrative professional career.
yes it is
Imagine the smell.
>those faces
Ur just jellyooz!
>that Chun face
How could someone look at that and think "Yeah, this is good enough to submit"?
you already know who's the target market
Not for Robaato. Ever since Cryamore it's going downhill for him, never learning from (artistic) mistakes.
I agree with you. If the titties are big, the sales are going to be big as well.
source pls, i need it
Why does the girl in the back look fine, wtf
This but unironically
Its just how whites view asians. UDON artstyle caters to whites who want to utilize bit of Japanese art.
>flat in colors and shades
>broken anatomy
>Robaato UGUU~ face
>almost tumblrnose
>anime titties are in the game and that makes me uncomfortable so the game is bad now
go back to l*ddit
Holy shit, slugbox is still alive? I remember him back in 2011 when he drew pony stuff. His artstyle's always been disgusting with overly long bodies and shiny fluids everywhere.
Capcom didn’t make chunners look as good as she does in 5 just for this to happen
Fegu really fucking sucks at drawing noses holy shit
Know how I can tell you don't frequent?
Well, yeah
>Got excited because Lei Lei and Rin Rin were on the last cover done by Cutepet.
>It was only good picture of them.
Won't care for it.
It could be a lot worse. But at least Slugbox got better with time.
Btw they hired Reiq this time.
>Hair blocking armpit
>H-Hey guys I totally care about this controversy!
Kill yourself, cuck
Well, in comparison to that thing on the foreground anyway
Ton of western artists have some issue with face for some reason.
You've never been close enough to a woman to smell pussy, so you have to imagine it.
Some of us don't. Stop this shitposting. Shitpost about funny stuff like anime tiddies.
Muscle women are disgusting.
*AHEM* sexy women bad
>still patreonshilling
go drone somewhere else, twitterfag
Yeah, why can't they just be happy people use their art for free with no compensation? Fucking entitled brats.
>>Some of us don't.
Play your cards right, and one day you can stop pretending.
>Ironically posting something that can't be refuted.
>I deserve free money for poorly drawn doodles
Kill yourself Shekelstein
These people are called otaku outside of japan and hikimory in japan. They are willing to spend hundreds of dollars for food / figurines / magazines / basically anything with picture of their waifu on.
This market is pretty niche, but extremly lucrative. Kinda like apple makes only 10% of market but have 90% of its profits.
artists deserve to get paid, losers
>Its just how whites view asians.
Robaato is black, which is why almost every woman he draws has that black wimmen physique.
He's doing well still drawing like shit.
He ripped off the style from a japanese artist. That's how he "improved".
Women in SF look so goddamned ugly. Chun Li only looked good in SF2, once 3 hit she became a fatass with giant turkey legs.
Refuted why?
is this the core value thread
Hey you said it not me
No, they don't.
Someone post the poison one.
>liking cowtits
there is such a thing as too big
actually they do that shit to pretend that girls stink bad, because they have never smelled a girl. When girls sweat they release pheromones that gets my dick rock hard.
Remember boys, FREE TO PLAY both on steam or on your console. It still have playerbase. You have only a week left to try it for free before MK is out and DOA dies again.
my body, my choice sweetie. you're basically raping me with your words
Why does she look like Elmyra?
>disfigured clown feet steroid driven deviant art fetishes is making its way to being pin-up!
Street fighter fags are disgusting.
Fucking this. Even my shit colorless drawings have better faces and I'm a fucking newb. Pic related.
wtf I love street fighter now
When will Capcom abandon Udon?
>Btw they hired Reiq this time.
Does UDON have a contract with FLAA or something? Cybetunique when?
Listen, I like Robaato's art in general, but idk wtf is going on with these faces. It's like he's gone off the deep end
>woman smell good when they sweat
Found the virgin
>scammed his fans twice with an artbook and cryamore and ran away with a shit ton of money
>wife left him because he wanted to start drawing porn but he hasn't drawn any official porn of his """game""" yet
I'm still waiting for that official Bliss porn
FLAA is fucking dead. And Reiq is jewing people on patreon,bwt HQ variant costs more than his old site.
Cyber have a new site and is being irrelevant because he locks everything on paywall.
can they stop drawing chun li as a fucking humanoid turkey? also why does she have a dick there?
Doesn't make it worse either
>H-Hey guys I totally care about this controversy!
it's a joke dude.
>implying I give a shit about SFV outside of the characters
Get bent jackass
I'm autistic, to me symmetry is very important. so when i see vaginas all fucked up and all over the place I can't get hard. real vaginas are always so asymmetrical but cartoon vaginas are always even. or even better blurred out. im not gonna buy this calendar cause that squirrel Makoto from BlazBlue gets my nut.
he's giving them black features, its why they look so bad
How could someone willingly ruin Morrigan like that
If you could put one Street fighter image in the calendar. Which one would it be?
That's not a dick you mongoloid, that's how a toned woman's crotch looks like. The original on the left was drawn by a woman.
Oh, word, your work is pretty tight dude.
>nobody poster that Poison pic from the previous book
You know the one
>capitalism bad
>dont try to make money
Based makotofag
Is that Sombra?
Robaato art started going down he got depressed over his ex wife? He's been complaining about it on Twitter for the past year.
Seems like his old friends put him down too.
The dude literally lost everything just for his family to step in to tell him to get married again. I'm pretty sure I don't have all that right outside of his ex
At least the cover art he's doing with Chun-Li wedding dress is half decent.
Imagine not being a memelord.
I just fucking hate when Cyber threw a bitchfit and shut down his One Piece site because of pirates or whatever. ironic
shit looks so good, do you have any booru or something where i could find more of your art, user?
What the actual fuck is with this art
He always had odd faces even back in his furry days. Shit looked down syndrome.
>no male fan service
He is doing a shitty VN at moment, just check his twitter.
He probably going finish in 2021 because he is a lazy cunt.
I want Cammy to crush me between her thighs
Snoy values you mean.
literal neanderthal logic
Just from one twitter search, his ex pretty much cheated on him.
I couldn't find the other tweets about him complaining? I guess he deleted it over time.
Yeah but his art improved slightly then suddenly dropped in quality again.
having peepee hardening character in your game is a major plus for both player and game maker.
>anime titties makes my peepee hard and this mean game bad!
Who the fuck actually gets a boner when playing games with sexy women? Unless you're playing an actual hentai sex game you should not be getting one.
wojack posters are cancer and all need to be killed
Imagine the taste.
Nah I'm not good enough for the boorus. Still haven't been able to get good at coloring. I'm steadily improving my b/w pics though.
I like that Ryu is unamused by their bullshit
Disregard roasties Ryu, acquire dragon sword
>implying Vega wouldn't wear a thong
That Chun li's face looks awful.
Fuck yeah nigger
All of this art sucks, where are the ones that look like pic related
>Canonical bulge
Based Capcom
You at least upload your stuff to the Yea Forums booru right? There's really no skill cap necessary for the drawthread stuff.
shove it down my throat mom
>symbol drawing
they are not, don't worry
udon art fucking sucks
>scammed his fans twice with an artbook and cryamore and ran away with a shit ton of money
Elaborate. I backed cryamore and thought it was just a regular vaporware
Nah that place is a huge circlejerk.
Now tell capcom.
look at how smug she is about advertising your patreon. how many times have you posted this shit in the last week
wheres the nose
The drawthread, sure. But the Yea Forums booru? No bro, it's just a place for people to look up art of games they like. There's virtually no discussion there.
Alright friends, which SF is the most fun if I only play offline?
I'm too scared to play online
For some reason, that reminded me from Owl.
Also he have a new Juri pic too.
well wheres the rest
I hate that style
this one is perfect, thank you whoever drew this one you nailed it thanks...
That is barely a bulge, it just looks like a meaty pussy, with this stuff you either go big or go home.
>getting Tyrone’s herpes second hand
No thank you
>all these captions about the girls dominating the person reading this
>believing this idiot drew that
wow, didnt know you idiots were that gullible. You can literally find the full pic on r34 with an actual artist name.
>Guile has eyebrows
It's so easy to tell which pictures are drawn by people who have no clue of the game or its characters but want to pretend they do.
What the fuck are you saying?, it really looks good. Do you have any media where we could check your art at least, senpai?, seriously, my dick hurts now.
>Still haven't been able to get good at coloring
But you could at least upload it somewhere even without color, just like legoman does.
>twink fighter
seriously what the fuck is this
the only thing bad about that drawing is guile having eyebrows
Did this make it in SFV:AE? It would be hilarious if it did.
I wanna separate those two concepts and find a deeper understanding
>the artist has a name, so he couldn't possibly be posting here!
If he's lying, it's not a very ambitious lie.
Yeah it's something you can unlock after playing arcade mode, why is it hilarious?
Oh shit, this is good
Because it's a pic you'd expect to find from porn sites.
yes, thank you
>specifically says "i dont post my shit anywhere lol"
>but has over 200 pieces of art on r34
Yeah uh huh
cool, it did look amateurish enough to be posted here honestly.
It could still be him though
user, ton of nip artists do art for vidya.
Why some western artist doing art a official pinup is a big deal?
Why is Rose so underrated?
>Only Makoto isn't focusing on her
>Even her OWN page is focusing on fucing Laura
I'm the big mad
>Street Fighter only
Fuck you.
>Cybetunique when?
You mean that Koutarou ripoff?
You can literally see her camel toe in detail with her asscheeks squeezing the leotard with a sweaty and semi-erotic pose.
She's a filthy hag
Fuck you, you don't belong on this site.
fuck off tripfag
Sweat smells good, no exception
He's still drawing
the same faces, poses and terrible rendering
but he's still doing it.
frankly I like his old stuff better just because it looked so shiny and clean
It's not like he had any kind of consistency or whatsoever. He have a bomb pic that looks something from legoman.
Shee looks like Anita Sarkeesian
Cutepet sucks.
Never gets faces right, shitty Robuttstier anatomy and oversaturated colors.
there's always been semi-erotic poses in SF art
this but unironically
So you seriously think this looks good? I see tons of flaws and remember it's still not colored.
Be honest. I don't like it when people try to be nice because there no criticism.
Yeah and you only covered one thing about my message and ignored the rest.
That’s a tripfag, dumbass.
>Street fighter & friends.
Cheeky cunts. But a copy can't surpass the original.
i mean it could also be other people posting it for him but 200 is too much to say "i don't get posted on borus"
looks to me like he is trying to reconcile realism with anime and isn't not really blending well.
have you ever fucked a girl after wrestling and getting a little sweaty?
light b.o. and pussy is kino smell
He should learn a thing or two from Shinkiro.
>have you ever fucked a girl
Really nigga? You're asking that here?
t. cuck that can't even get his peepee hard anymore
Yes. This is correct
hugo O_o
Holy shit I had a similar experience except with a fit brown girl. We went to gym alot and right after we'd just start fucking when we got home. No shower just straight up hot and sweaty sex. There's something about that smell, the blood pumping, the sweat, the heavy breathing. Good lord. Shame she died.
nothing can compete with "cartoons"
>Shame she died
Jesus Christ. Get a dick reduction bro
>Be honest. I don't like it when people try to be nice because there no criticism.
Just go on /ic/, those crab motherfuckers will hate on everything.
Id say you are fine for internet lewdposting standards.
Who? I know he traced ton of shit tho.
I want to marry Chun-Li and then fail to resist the temptations of Laura
Never really left.
They just did a one shot starring Menat.
I fapped so much to Saigado's artwork the skin of my dick literally fell off
>No Wrestling Spin off featuring IJWPW
>No roster with a variety of cute muscle girls
Finally, someone said it. I'm sick of this stupid meme.
I'm telling you the truth, faggot.
>inverted nipples
My d00d.
Do you have at least a nickname or something where i can find more about your stuff and maybe tell you some flaws?
is that a penis
3D = PD
I didn't mean it like that.
So? Real women can fuck off.
have sex
I’d das her vedanya.
you can't tell what to do
>only knows tripfag
Congratulations, you have proven to be a newfag.
this but unironically.
>>Robert "my wife left me because I drawn porn and have no professional career anymore" Porter
quick rundown
Today I will remind them
no, its a dildo hard at work
That but with irony.
It don't look that much on recent art, but I agree on old works.
God I love Juri
>crimson milf still not in the game
Your career quality, your life isn't just defined by lucrative aspects : you can abandon all dignity & draw the most atrocious things for degenerates because money.
Rhis won't make you one of the greatest artists known to mankind.
Alright, what artists would be a good for a nip pin up book?
Hard mode no Asanagi.
Omar Dogan is Capcoms best modern western artist and you can't prove otherwise.
Funny how yhose 2 simple words threaten people here so much & get tons of replies. They might really need to...
Shimbori you fuck, you killed DOA.
Healthy and washed pussy has no significant smell.
What is worse is that just a shitty meme from twitter.
Yes, but he does have a SLIGHT sameface problem with females.
Anyone but Mizuryuu Kei and ShindoL.
found the virgin
Based Street Fighter.
Tekken, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur and, arguably, DOA: All famous fighting games keep on having their good does of fanservice along with everything else. And, surprise surpise, all of them are games with Japanese origins.
Only the cucked West with its weird Mortal Kombat 11 stands out like a fly in the milk. There is no coincidence here and everyone with half a brain can make notice of it. Japan gives delivering in every factor in a game, while the West axes harmless things to appease an audience that doesn't care in the end.
G-panda is a golden god when it comes to thick thighs in pantyhose.
When itsuno finishes DD2 and capcom's heart softens
I'm still sad about what happened to the dude who drew sexy losers
Butcha-U, Bosshi
Poor child can't understand why men find women attractive.
please post this
>draw betty from archie
>call it a street fighter character
Why does other people spending their money how they want to turn you into such a gibbering shitgibbon?
Makoto best girl.
It genuinely pisses me the fuck off that Dead or Alive gets panned by the public for having "too much" fanservice but SFV gets a pass because reasons
Holy shit
Mostly because DOA X happened.
SF gets a pass because Evo and Capcom force players to wear non-revealing costumes
The artist literally hit it big drawing slutty Archie...until real Archie hired her.
So yeah, that's gonna happen.
This user speaks the truth. You fags would eat literal shit if it had tits attached to it.
oh I had no idea
this fucking thread
When I learned to turn my mind off and ignore little details Reiq suddenly became one of my most fapped to artists
Seriously, I'm sitting here in the gym afraid to get up because I'm rock hard.
details like what?
I almost asked what does Rosalina have to do with Street Fighter but then I realized
>ball handler
He literally got caught tracing.
>cheekily cover-up Austin Powers style
But Heroines flopped
Considering that is was mostly asset flip from XIV I really doubt.
Ton of western artists do, it's more common than you think.
Albeit now everyone is using a 3d model as reference.
I don't doubt that, he deserves the scrutiny too. But I'll still beat the shit outta my meat to these absurd proportions no regrets
I will never understand why people still portray Urien with tanned skin when in his SF3 intro he clearly has pale skin and then covers it in metal (hence the plinking sound it makes when blocking).
no, this can't be happening
what about the core values?
There needs to be more art of Juri with her hair down.
Remember to not buy this crap, Yea Forums. Yea Forums will buy and rip it for you. So you can fap, save money and kill Udon.
>Makoto must focus all her ki to resist lesbian urges
He has bronzed skin
>fapped to reiq at least 10 years ago
>was obvious as shit back then that he traced real people and other people's art
How exactly is this news?
So many normies and trannies on Yea Forums now makes me sick
She loves SF so much, she carved it into her leg. So hardcourt! You can even see the yellowy fat tissue!
Most of those 2018 are absolute trash
Why are all these idiots believing this retards lie. Poison is canonically a woman and was only referred to as a "he" in American version subtitles of the first Final Fight.
Not a tranny, fuck off.
I'd buy it if it was more than just Street Fighter. Again.
He did a tutorial for that.
guess how overwatch became popular
I don't follow Udon, what's wrong with them
So, you needed to see it in action to realize that he traced pictures, what?
Exactly. Goes to show that people don't know shit about what they consume. Black people actually think Urien is black or peanut butter.
>Game is dead as fuck.
>Every single fucking animator request list is clogged with OW.
It wasn't mean to quote you. But the retard above you.
Black people think any brown character is black.
sweat and pussy
>bottom image
is the guy hiding his bonner?
>any alteration of color that's not pale
>"dat nigga is black"
Niggers are so fucking retarded I swear.
>I don't follow Udon, what's wrong with them
Their art isn't super great and their comics take ages to actually come out.
Wouldn't you?
Capcom needs to get on a Slam Masters/Muscle Bomber revival
Coco butter.
the porn was the only reason why OW managed to survive past its first year
make me
I thought the pale skin was a disguise he burns off like Gill does to his robes.
Am I just retarded?
fuck this porn shit, Robert should fucking finish Cryanore already
yes. very.
Could not have said it better myself
With SF5 it seems like they rather keep Urien in his bronze skin at all times since they couldn't be assed to give him a proper transformation intro from his pale skin and they're likely afraid of people accusing them of blackface in this period of overreaction
There is literally nothing wrong with this statement.
What the fuck did they do to Chun-Li's face?
It's just his powered/concentrated form. Gill isn't disguised he's just at ease
Oda non
Based, same for me.
Fake News. This shit has been around for years and has never been good.
>those feet
Hayo cinema
Maybe Urien gets poisoned and can't be bronze all the time later? SFV is supposed to be a prequel to Third Strike unless Capcom saus otherwise.
Who the fuck cares when SF5 is fucking awful
>Makoto's page has the ugliest art and isn't even focused on her
I'm still mad to this day
Did it? SNK hasn't been relevant in like 8 years.
And when not making mediocre comics, they're taking forever to release art books.
Urien is white with blond hair in his normal form. He has powers involving metal and electricity, when he begins combat his skin "hardens" into a bronze color. In tbe SFIII games when he blocks a attack it even makes a "clank" noise as if you are hitting against metal.
yes, thank you for telling the un-ironic truth user
seek sunlight
Nah man, dem thighs.
Damn straight faggot!
Game of the year right here
>he leans back into place for it
The comics are mediocre but they have some good scenes.
>Those dick sucking lips
>Not posting the shitty /pol/-bait edit
It's okay, they probably would have been shit anyway Makoto deserves better then some shitty no name deviantart shit like that.
>1 (ONE) good Medusa doujin
KI:U was ahead of time and 2nd best girl is truly slept on.
is there a cleaner version of this
>that reddit thread of someone asking if it was real and everyone calling him a retard
Post actual based western artists
life is good for Dan
If so I haven't found it.
Good times.
Pic related
I love her so much!
>He ripped off the style from a japanese artist. That's how he "improved".
thats how every japanese artist improves retard, thats literally how they learn how to draw
Poor Kasumi. She just wants to be known for being in a fun fightan. At least Ayane is taking it in stride and Ryu gives zero fucks about it.
I don't disagree with you but hey it makes pp hard ---> I fap
This one take me back a bit.
Like I'm reading PSM again.
Explain further
Based and cunnypilled.
seek religion
yes and? what are you implying?
>It's now canon and mandatory to fuck up Chun Li's face as much as possible.
Or am I retarded and the one on the left is Chun-Li's mom or something?
>Rhis won't make you one of the greatest artists known to mankind.
But if you totally lack artistic vision but have a reasonable degree of technical skill there's literally no reason not to draw porn especially since you can do it anonymously online
lots of people draw porn simply because they enjoy it and theres nothing wrong with that, drawing degenerate shit doesnt mean you can't be really fucking skilled either
Have sex. Unironically. I'm not even memeing dude, get laid. Seriously, you've never even had a woman look in your direction and you're wasting your life shitposting all fucking day. I'll say it one more time for you. Have. Sex.
where do you think you are faggot
How do i become a great nsfw artist?
Remove the watermark yourself, problem solved.
How the FUCK can people not grasp that some may fine entertainment value from boobs beyond sheer masturbation?
I look at tities all the time but I aren't masturbating constantly.
It's fun you retard stop being a fucking prude you right wing sjw bizarro world fuck nugget
How? Where? With who?
It improves a game's style, yes.
Drawing porn or cheesecakes aren't exactly easy as people think. Because you actually need to know anatomy well.
I still can't get why people get uppity with porn artists ton of then can draw a normal pic just fine.
Just learn to draw a body well enough and that's it. Don't actually improve or anything because that means you won't get your paypig money
Become a great artist.
Draw Nsfw stuff.
If i knew I'd've done it already
>wastes time posting this on a taiwanese macrame board everyday
no user, it's you who needs to have sex
1- Learn anatomy
2- have lots of sex
3- Get good at digital painting
I did once nothing remarkable you put pOnOs in and out a few times and it feels good and that's it, so goddamn overrated
There are no great known artists anymore.
>If i knew I'd've done it already
That's what I'm saying. If you're a really good artist but know you won't be the next Picasso, you're really better off drawing porn or at least creating an alter-ego with a patreon to get the degenerate cash while you pass around your portfolio and try to score the SFW work.
this one actually stands out, i like it
I can hear it clear as day.
There's a difference between learning from one (the right way) and literally copying.
Not to mention Slugbox is only in for the money. He tells other artists to not give a shit about quality for commissions and to just rush it.
This but unironically.
Dude's an ugly bastard I've seen him
Men with normal levels of testosterone
With a hambeast like you? No thanks.
Find a niche fetish and use that to grow your fanbase. then when you're big enough do regular porn as well and when you're a big nsfw artist you make a second alias for sfw art and hope that some of your userbase likes you enough to follow that as well.
then once your sfw stuff eclipses your nsfw stuff you leave the pits of the internet and enter the mainstream art world.
fucking BASED
>774 just deleted ton of shit from his pixiv.
>jerking off to 3dpd
Nobody pays attention to the faces on his works, not even him, while making them. That's why they end up like that.
that's stupid because there are plenty of costumes in dead or alive that aren't revealing at all
If they wanted to force that on Dead or Alive they absolutely could
>Some of us don't
And that's a very bad thing and I'll pray for those poor souls.
I'm sure they're floating online somewhere it was back when he was drawing shit for ponyfags
I fucking hate you so much
cool more ugly ass looking western art
>Because you actually need to know anatomy well
Cutesexyrobots says otherwise.
>many people have bad taste in artists
No shit, Sherlock?
Please enlighten me tell me some artists you like? Oh wait you're not gonna respond
For some reason I expected hear Raita. But robbuts improved quite a lot from 2 years ago.
do you understand what involuntary means?
it's amazing that people actually believe this.
guess there's a reason the "have sex, incel" meme, exists.
You said it, not me.
>Have an okay face
>Too depressed and anxious to talk to a girl without being a sperg
>Have tried many times
Anime titties are all I need
>complains about CRS anatomy looking off.
>Seething breeder that doesn't want people to mock their fishmarket.
Like clockwork.
Oh babby
Congrats, you have ascended.
And people are wondering why men aren't having sex much anymore.
>nothing but literal whos
Being a contrarian doesn't make you cool
Far better than CSR who clearly doewsn't understand anything about drawing but to copy japanese artists.
>I-it doesn't count because I say so!
Stay salty, CSRfag.
that's right though
its not drawn in anime style baitnigger
>shitty Robuttstier anatomy
Gay detected
>i need to jerk off my japanese artists ahhh
Pot meet kettle