>capitalism is goo-
Capitalism is goo-
Other urls found in this thread:
op is F A G
This stat probably is counting all the shitty mobile games as well.
>when 70% of Americans can't afford to buy homes
You in the UK, you sure you have a licence to open web-browser?
>Greed and manipulation is exclusive to capitalism
stupid tranny read a book
You know what's the market oriented solution?
Don't but any of that shit.
>thinks homes are better then apartments
too many "americans"
>Statistically 95% of people DON'T buy it
>The 5% spend so much more money that it makes up for the 95% not buying it
What the fuck, you guys?? I didn't like it, so I didn't buy it but my economic vote didn't matter because retards???
Capitalism is good, fuck you.
Don't like it, don't buy it. They only do this because numbers shows the consumer ultimately doesn't mind.
That's why you kill any and all whales that you personally know
That "Friend" of yours who preorders everything and gets all the seasonpasses/lootboxes?
Drive over and blow his brains out.
I don't have any problem with capitalism but almost none of the games I have bought recently have mtx or launch DLC, so I feel lucky. Games like Warioware Gold or The Alliance Alive. Only ones that did were some of the Atlus ones, namely EO Nexus and RHPC.
>>Statistically 95% of people DON'T buy it
>>The 5% spend so much more money that it makes up for the 95% not buying it
>What the fuck, you guys?? I didn't like it, so I didn't buy it but my economic vote didn't matter because retards???
wtf? I want the government monitoring my activities, purchases, and goods for me, whist raping me in the ass??
>wasting money on useless shit like newest iPhone, eating out, newest cars or useles meme degrees
>wondering why they cannot afford to buy home
>Capitalism has been fantastic for the Americans, they say
>national debt is 50% higher than 4 years ago
We have to live in a world where retards are allowed to spend their retarded money on retarded things user. Otherwise we cant spend money on retarded stuff either. It's a shame but in DMC5's case for example it was so easily ignorable that if its there to trick retards whatever.
>privatized healthcare
>>wasting money on useless shit like newest iPhone, eating out, newest cars or useles meme degrees
do Americans really do this? I'm still using an iPhone 4S that I bought used back in 2012, haven't eaten out since 2015, drive a 2001 Lexus and have a MSc in CE. Americans see m to be dumb and stupid and impulsive faggots.
>We have to live in a world where retards are allowed to spend their retarded money on retarded things user.
Those retards also think you're the retard. But neither you or them have a right to silence the other.
The market operates like that for a reason. Don't like it? move to China or Venezuela, all the decisions are made for you there.
Two things that will happen today under capitalism:
1) ~900,000 US children go to bed with aching stomachs, of which ~60% are white. A $2 meal would be sufficient to feed them.
2) ~$600,000 will be spent on champagne showers for wealthy bankers and petroleum executives in Las Vegas.
>b-but the free-market will bring down costs when you apply it to health care!
And look at what the results show. Americans are fat, slovenly retards who are gullible and easily scammed by their plutocratic government and officials.
In communism there wouldn't be a gaming market worth mentioning to begin with.
How much money would the committee allocate to vidya, you think, when they can't even produce enough nails, buttons or bread?
It doesn't use anything. It's a fake article.
>spending more than $500 total in a single month to merely exist
>being unhealthy
>loaning/leasing a car and having to carry full-coverage insurance
Simplify your life and you'll find that shit like this isn't a big deal. Unfortunately everyone seems to get strapped down with debt because of dumb shit and falling for memes.
>>privatized healthcare
only works for emergency healthcare desu.
In Canada at least.
We have a bureaucratic board that decides who lives and who dies based on the situation of the individual.
I'd rather have debt and live than die because some moron denied my case at the boardroom meeting.
That's where Australians do it right, they have both privatized and universal healthcare as an option.
That's fine. 90% of everything is shit. There are still more good games coming out than I have time to play.
80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck smeagle, they can't afford any of those luxuries even if they wanted to.
A little too late for whiteys to go back to europe.
>In communism there wouldn't be a gaming market worth mentioning to begin with.
There wouldn't even be a market to feed, let alone entertain.
>But neither you or them have a right to silence the other.
Of course they do and if you don't like that then you can just take on the might of the state all by yourself you individualist cuckboy
>>>privatized healthcare
meant to say public healthcare, or I like to call it Judge Jury and Executioner.
>In communism there wouldn't be a gaming market worth mentioning to begin with.
No one said anything about communism dumb fox news shill.
Go back to polddit.
The guys who had over lvl 2000 at their TI battle pass at dota, for instance.
Elaborate which other economic system you have in mind under which good vidya would prosper.
>wasting money on useless shit like newest iPhone, eating out, newest cars or useles meme degrees
The economy would die if they didn't. You can't have an economy based on rampant consumerism and then complain when people rampantly consume...
>Buy both Assassins' Creed Origins/Odyssey
>never touch any of the live services because don't need them
>enjoy the heck out of them
The only people complaining about this are the journos that are so shit at the game, that they can't level fast so they rely on the live services.
Play the game in the OP, you don't need a single XP Boost is you play like a regular human being.
In fact, I'm over leveled for everything.
>another (((schreier))) thread
kill yourself you fucking obsessed autist
>The economy would die if they didn't.
That is in fact, a lie.
Why americans rather go to meme degree college where they get into huge debt instead of learning trades and have a better start in life than most of those meme degree fags?
Remember when people tore ME3 a new asshole because Javik had files on disc?
I want to go back to a seventh gen
Capitalism is just communism light.
That's fucking false you liars.
AAA games? Yeah maybe.
>eating out is a waste of money
Enjoy your kid's cuisine, I guess. Inb4 you're a gourmet who can cook every possible cuisine and dish and purchase ingredients for free.
>Why americans rather go to meme degree college where they get into huge debt instead of learning trades and have a better start in life than most of those meme degree fags?
It's beyond me, but it's ironic because the people that peddle that garbage are democrats that push young kids into their education influence spheres.
In reality, people in trades like plumbing are bringing in over 100k a year.
Clown world.
Ok. Everyone suddently only buys the bare neccessities. What happens?
Capitalism is like an obese person that eventually crumples under their own weight and has a heart attack.
Explain further.
>import millions of immigrants
>demand for housing goes up
>Ok. Everyone suddently only buys the bare neccessities.
Depends, is humanity being invaded by a force that makes them act suddenly differently?
Or are they subject to a totalitarian government.
Humans don't just live for bare necessities.
>explaining politics on Yea Forums
fuck no, you guys are too low IQ for that
I'll take it as long as I don't require a goddamn license to jack off
Are you too high IQ to use proper punctuation? Give me a break bud.
>Government spending goes out of control.
What will happen to the rich when the poor can’t buy their shit anymore?
Communism is like a starving person pleading to have a bit of the oligarchs' food and then getting sent to the gulag for having the gall to ask
You're either baiting or a complete fucking retard.
>no one eats out
>restaurants go out of buisness
>no one buys restaurant equipment
>restaurant supplier companies go out of business
>the tens of millions of people that worked for these enormous industries are now out of work
>a sizeable percent of your population is now out of a job, and by extension not buying shit
You could not get any of those things and still not have even close to enough for a house you moron.
>tfw fell for the home meme
>tfw fell for the eating meme
>tfw fell for the ever spending money on anything ever meme
Once you move out of mom's basement you'll understand
>complaining about capitalism on a board that was created for the purpose of discussing products created by an industry that wouldn't even exist without capitalism
>inb4 "but muh tetris"
Tetris is not the product of Communism. Tetris is the product of a guy who lived in a Communist country and then left as soon as he could.
we really don't know what will cause the most stable economic idea to collapse entirely, but we do know what has caused the least stable one to collapse over and over again
Jews and overpopulation literally ruin any system, be it communism or capitalism.
There is no reason to have a new console or play a game released after 2015 (Sekiro and Automata are the only exceptions).
Get a PS2, buy some books (released before 2007) and mangas, watch animes and that is it.
90% of games that come out today are phone shovel-ware.
Unless the article excludes this, that's fucking bullshit
Why would you ever discuss politics on Yea Forums? The very moment you put politics into games it turns into a shitfest where no one wins.
Source: see every game which had political agenda in it. Oh boy, I'm sure they turned out super good huh?
>Retards that fall for fox new's immigration fear mongering
never fails.
So what you’re saying is both systems suck and we need to find something better?
By that logic no video game is produced by capitalism, only by people who happen to live in capitalist countries
>dude the market is populist
>people with more money ultimately get more votes than me in influencing it
>Implying I can afford any of those things
>Tetris is the product of a guy who lived in a Communist country and then left as soon as he could.
And he also sold Tetris as soon as he could.
The guy was that desperate getting out of the communist shithole.
>Yea Forums defends corporations and capitalism
>while pirating everything
well one has survived for over two hundred years and the other has failed several times but if you've got any better ideas I'd suggest running for office or something
You need better reading comprehension.
The creator of Tetris defected the soviet union because he hated it.
Kek isnt yurop having a housing crisis rn?
Fuck off with that rhetorical bullshit you fucking autist. The inventor of Tetris was not a communist and moved to the US as soon as the iron curtain fell.
Social democracy, but all you have to do is regulate these companies so they can't get away with fuck shit like in the OP. I think Germany already banned loot-boxes.
t. bay area moralist who isn't affected by immigration
>ywn relive the golden age of Soviet vidya.
Why even live?
This. Go on twitter and the woke crowd makes fun of people for using a 4 year old iPhone
People spend money they don't even have (credit cards) thats why they are poor. Dont use uber every day, dont eat out every day, dont buy 8 dollar latte every day, dont buy the newest iPhone when it comes out, dont buy 40 dollar of booze on a single weekend and suddenly you have money.
Communism hasn’t even been seriously attempted
>muh USSR
Also claimed to be a democracy, as did countries like North Korea, but capitalists conveniently ignore that and acknowledge it wasn’t true democracy while insisting at the same time it was true communism
>when trust fund babbies and their little minions tell everyone that CAPITALIZM IZ EBIL meanwhile they're buying useless shit and drinking starbucks coffee
Why do you idiots insist on talking to them anyways? They're hipster """communists""". You know, fucking morons
Which just proves that video games are made by individual workers and not by capitalism or communism, which are simply methods of organizing production
Stupid people make stupid decision with their money, and most people are stupid and easily impressed. That's why companies invest so heavily on marketing, because it works. So many idiots see shiny new thing, they buy it without a second thought, without thinking about their spending. Capitalism is a good system, it separetes the idiots from anyone with a thinking brain.
If you're willing to put up with this shit and you buy it? It's your fault, not theirs.
Wouldn't have it any other way you commie faggot
>gaming without capitalism
pic related
Capitalism isn't the problem, it's retards that succumb to shitty business practices
>Why do you idiots insist on talking to them anyways?
Didn't really have a choice when they came full force crashing into the video game hobby with no survivors.
This is correct.
Capitalism IS good.
But every system has abusers that will render the system unusable by the masses. Don't blame the system for the people's flaws.
>that's not REAL communism
call me when it's implemented for real this time. hint: you won't call me because communism is utterly utopian and 99% is not conceivable within our lifetimes. it is possibly the best outcome for humanity in the end but just isn't in the cards right now.
>Communism hasn’t even been seriously attempted
Just how many times are you tankies going to kill people?
When people can't afford it they cant be as picky as this unfortunately
It's pretty easy to ignore someone when you contain your autism but nobody knows how to do that and just throws their spaghetti around instead like it's going out of style
>have the freedom to pirate and buy what I want without any jews telling me what to do
Yea Forums is not one person
Even if Americans just completely stopped consuming shit and opted to watch paint dry for hours instead, you still have outrageously high rent, college debt out the ass which PREVENTS you from buying a house, high insurance, and you have to work two jobs most of the time to even live so "not eating out" is barely a fucking option you twit.
Better capitalism than communist fascism and degeneracy.
Nigger that just basic fucking shit, why do you think places like new york have ludicrous rent prices? Its desireable and everyone native or not wants to live there
>OP would rather have state funded video games
what's the benefit
>only white people matter
fuck off /pol/.
>USSR and North Korea claim to be democracies
>Lol that’s clearly wrong, they’re being dishonest
>USSR and North Korea claim to be socialist/communist countries
>Yep that’s 100% accurate, we can’t have socialism, keep bootlicking
I'm expecting to see required paid dlc in the future where the publisher holds your game ransom until you buy their $50 texture pack
>retards that don't acknowledge why trump won will be surprised when he wins again
at this point I wouldn't be surprised if the pendulum stuck on red for 2024-2028
>implying video games would have been created in a communist bubble
>yeah but tetri-
Not made in a bubble.
Do you only eat fast food? You can make a bowl of rice, beans, cheese, and some kind of meat (eggs, turkey, beef) cheaper than going to a restaurant to get less food.
If there is a set definition of communism and country X does not meet that definition then country X is literally not communism.
No self proclaimed communist country has ever abolished the value form so therefore there never was real communism
it amazes me how you think some fruit picker FOB is scrambling to try to afford expensive ass housing in new york. I bet you also believe they take more out of the system than they give at the same time.
Yes, only white matter.
call it whatever you want, commie. it's still going to fail
If nobody bought the game, they would be forced to change it.
>Living in a commieblock
He won because Hillary Clinton was the alternative. Americans overwhelmingly support Medicare for all, a living wage, and a higher tax on the rich. If you really think he has a chance against an actual progressive then you're as deluded as ever.
Gacha games are like that.
There's some guy who dumped $70k into FGO and another who borrowed money from Yakuza loan sharks or something.
The latter disappeared.
I'm lefty scum and I know that uncontrolled immigration is a net negative. How can you be so fucking stupid.
>white people contribute to society
>white people don't commit crimes
>white people pay taxes
>white people build things
Why do you think UBI is being pushed so hard by rich fucks right now? They want to make sure people can still buy their shit even when they've put everyone out of work.
Maybe we shouldn’t have shipped black slaves over from Africa
Jesus christ, respect yourself a little holy shit.
Then let's agree that our experience tells us that attempting to implement communism is a bad idea because it's apparently very hard to achieve and every single attempt has resulted in tragedy.
feel free to name one and be added to the compilation I will post in november of next year when cheeto man wins via memes once again
>He won because Hillary Clinton was the alternative
This. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded or just memeing.
Apartments fucking blow, I can hear my neighbor puking in his toilet above me every morning.
>colonization is okay when we do it
Yea, it's not like you already have Asia, Africa, South America and half of North America. Why don't you fix your shitholes instead of ruining our countries, nigger?
A bunch of shit in the US is already state funded
>what are subsidies
Our farmers literally receive a government check to compensate for the trade war started by Trump, and have been receiving subsidies for years. The oil industry received subsidies for decades. Companies that do contracts for the military receive government checks. Over half of all American households receive a government check
>muh government bad, muh state spending bad and equals socialism
Meme needs to die
>>white people build things
Still waiting on that wall, though.
>The wall is being built right now in the form of laws and policies
>And that's a good thing!
Agree with you there
Millennial are the most privileged and richest generation in human history. If youbarent makng at least 75 k its your fault for being lazy or not starting your own business or learning a trade.
Article I heard about on Ben Shapiro proves it
And? What's your point? I still don't want my games to be funded by the government. They shouldn't be allowed to control what's made and what isn't. Do you think the government would allow a game like Spec Ops: The Line to be tax funded? Fuck off bootlicking retard.
Dude I live in Eastern Europe. The average salary here is barely 800 euro. People still live buy. I buy everything on sale. I bought 150 euro jeans for 70 euro. I don't have the newest iPhone when it comes out. I don't drink at Starbucks every day. You have luxury over there, a bartender can live a higher quality life than a doctor over here who spent 8 years studying.
>utrageously high rent
Rent is high everywhere. I live in Budapest. Rent takes up around 50-75% of the average salary here and its not even a big major city but a bunch of small commie blocks. Rent is fucking high everywhere, look at Berlin, Paris, every major european city.
>college debt
Which you can pay back easily if you choose a normal major.
Honestly you americans seem extremely entitled, hur dur you can't buy a fucking house in on of the most expensive parts in the world. Grow up
Family > friends > community > nation > race
Millennials are the first gen in the west to have less than the one before. Boomers fucked everything up the selfish cunts and now they're going to take all the pensions too.
They are, apartments are garbage.
I love hearing my neighbors fight every now and then over retarded shit. Apartments do blow.
> Ben Shapiro
Le 4ft tall Jew of rational debate
>make it overwhelmingly difficult for blacks to succeed in society.
>Surprised when they don't and end up stuck on welfare instead
imagine being this stupid.
>I'd rather have debt and live than die because some moron denied my case at the boardroom meeting.
This happens in the United States, actually.
Except when the hospital decides it cant do anything about your son, it bankrupts you out of house and home
Trump doesn't have meme power this time around. That's Yang. Also, if the Dem party is smart (they're not), they would put all of their resources in to supporting Bernie. Bernie would definitely beat Trump, but it won't happen because the Democrats are corrupt as fuck and retard soccer moms buy in to their bullshit.
>Yea Forums discussing ecomoics
There is no true capitalism in the world right now. America is still a mixed economy.
are people on Yea Forums really dumb enough to unironically praise ben shapiro now? i've only ever seem him praised by incel ledditors
good goy
Policies like affirmative action exist
>It's so hard
>it'll trickle down any day now!
Boomer logic needs to die
Capitalism is garbage and has ruined videogames
You cannot whine about communism and shit like the epic store at the same time, greed which in the end is actually what capitalism is really about is the reason why you have to deal with that to begin with
>But I just won't buy and vote with my wallet!
Won't matter, there will be enough retard that buy in that shit and your complaining will be nothing but a fart in the wind
*boomer gets a job though nepotism, has 4 kids he neglects, consumes everything he can without a second thought and blocks your path*
>I don’t want my videojuegos being funded by the government
>But I don’t mind oil, food, housing, and all of the things I actually need to survive being funded by the government
Houses in the United States are cheap as dirt. Try buying one in any western European city without spending atleast half a million.
You faggots really don't understand supply and demand.
/pol/ tards bleed over into other boards and shit them up
So much for the tolerant right..........
People don't complain about Epic store, because they're greedy. It's Epic is owned by the COMMUNIST Chinese government.
Ah yes the daily kotaku advertisement
Mods jacking off to tranny porn. Anything but their fucking job
>the man who vacationed to the soviet union two years before its collapse and extolled its virtues would beat the man who is commanding the best economy in years
you asked for it
It's a net positive, in the areas where Drumpf has cracked down the hardest on immigration you are seeing the economy fail in real time. Your white kids aren't going to pick fruit and shovel shit you fucking idiot, we need immigration.
Oh shit thats me
>Discord tranny shits up board with politics shit
>Cries about /pol/
go back
>hurr durr vote with your wallet!
Literally doesn’t work, a guy with more money than you will always have more votes. It’s why we have an industry that caters to a handful of retards willing to spend a shitton
>you're as deluded as ever
>Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded
Do you losers ever get tired from being completely wrong about everything, all the time?
Why is everyone a communist if they criticize capitalism?
>the most popular politician in America would beat the man whose approval ratings are much lower and whose only line of attack wouldn’t work on Bernie
>urban basedboy
Umm yeah I live in queens dude and there is people just like that fucking everywhere, these people dont gun for places like the midwest for obvious fucking reasons
>we need immigration
No, immigrants need us.
Friendly reminder that Good Guy Valve ushered in this new age of microtransactions, all the while receiving mindless praise for it.
What about non-latino, non-black non-whites?
You're missing an illegal there
Illegal immigrants steal jobs, as they are damn near slave labor.
Legal immigrants are the ones that eat up dem benefits and do nothing
*posts pepe*
so u b sayin
*starts a magathread in a video game board*
that we be
*posts about trannies*
electin presidents and shit ?
*watches BLACKED*
AA is corrective legislation and it's failed horribly. Black are still discriminated against.
As I was telling the other twit, you can expect them to keep failing if you continue to dehumanize them and deny them opportunity.
I'm 23 and I can tell you zoomers are dumb as fuck. It's not even the standard whining about the generation, the people I met are genuinely retarded and almost disfunctional.
Boomers might fucked things up but they werent autistic and literally shaking
Zoomers were raised to only think in binary. If you're not X you're Y and Z does not exist.
Far left far right, sjw alt right, nazi commie. Etc etc. They're too fucking stupid to understand nuance.
when did this board attract people with the exact same politics as balding 70 year olds. this shithole was always pretty reactionary but this thread genuinely looks like a racist grandma's facebook feed
So its just a nu-slave caste?
>we need a brown slave caste
take a step back and realize what you're arguing you actual retard
This is what I don't understand from some right wingers. It doesn't take much critical thought to realize that blacks are more prone to crime BECAUSE white people have forced their hand in the past. It's not their DNA. A black person who was born in Ethiopia and grew up there will most likely not be anything like a black guy who grew up in chicago. Their skin color doesn't force them to act a certain way. A chinese guy who was born and raised in China would be pretty different from a Chinese guy born and raised in the US. It's about environment for the most part, and blacks have not had a chance (in general) to grow up in well off areas. White guys that grow up in the same ghettos as blacks act like thugs too, because that's the lifestyle they grew up around. Don't get me wrong, there's serious issues in the black community, but these issues are not due to their genetics.
Asians make money
people actually want to live in Berlin?
pretty surprising desu
Illegal immigrants pay taxes by virtue of living in the US and buying things while not being able to take advantage of entitlement and other government programs
Your new cotton picking job starts next monday at 5:00 AM. Better not be late or Mr. Shekelstein won't give your attendance bonus.
>>make it overwhelmingly difficult for blacks to succeed in society.
Black people have more programs in place to aid them and give them an easy ride than anyone else. Applying to a university or for a job as a black person in America right now is like playing on easy mode.
If you're a rich black person you still have access to all these aid programs. If you're a poor white person you have FUCKING NOTHING. Poor white people still don't commit crimes or leech off the government anywhere near what blacks do.
Tipping too
At least you sexless faggots finally realized why everyone laughed at you when you kept calling people cucks.
So then why aren't they included in that image?
Does this person think the government employs McDonalds workers?
>you can expect them to keep failing if you continue to dehumanize them and deny them opportunity.
It's not in the best interests of Europeans to babysit invaders so that's irrelevant and inconsequential
You're on a website that praises NEETbux and laughs at wagies. All you're going to get out of this is jealousy.
>AA is corrective legislation
So you think that treating people different based on skin color is okay aslong as they are not white? Do you ever hear yourself?
>deny them opportunity
You can always go back wherever you came from if you don't like it. Whites can't.
>Everybody's laughing at you
Based. Fuck leftards
Except this doesn’t work because the mass majority doesn’t care
Good. Serves them right for being poor.
Poor people should just shut the fuck up and work.
did you learn A N Y T H I N G from 2016? also, did you think trump's line of attack would work on anyone?
>the weakest person. low energy
>little marco, little marco
>I have never seen anyone eat in such a disgusting fashion. do you want that for your president?
>lyin' ted. he holds up the bible and then he puts it down and he lies
stop you'll make the compilation too big to post on Yea Forums at this rate
This is operating under assumption that mass production of clothing is necessary and beneficial
Do leftists know that the Nordic countries that are always proclaimed as the greatest countries to live in are capitalist mixed market economies, similar to America.
>Houses in the United States are cheap as dirt.
Because we are sick of the SJW white hating bullshit. Being a normal fucking person is evil and I have to pretend faggots and men wearing dresses arent mentally ill. Its fuckibg gross and I dont want my kids around it.
>im fucking plying a white man needs this
I just invented this. You can go back to Africa now.
>while not being able to take advantage of entitlement and other government programs
I can't decide if lefties are really this uninformed and actually believe it, or if they're intentionally lying to make their support for illegals seem reasonable.
it only trickles so far, there aint enough for everyone. you gotta work for what you want
Yes they do /pol/tard.
Yeah, Berlin is a kind of place anyone can find something positive about. Historically its one of the most important cities so you have a lot of tourist attractions and museums. Lot of high end escorts, domina studios, sex clubs, best techno clubs in the world. Certain areas are rich and modern while other parts are shit-hole copy pasted commie blocks from the soviet era, the sudden change as you travel through is really something else. It's a unique city, I like it way more than Paris or other big european cities.
Why do they hire illegals to do all the shitty jobs no one wants, then?
Where's the super ultra spic toilet cleaner?
So youre saying these people shouldnt be legalized otherwise they will have to pay income tax etc and/or will go directly for the GIBS? Interesting.
>It doesn't take much critical thought to realize that blacks are more prone to crime BECAUSE white people have forced their hand in the past.
Shifting blame as an axiom without justifying it. Nice. It's literally not the black guy who shot that other black guy, it's some white guy named Joseph over in Cook County's fault. Gocha.
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded. Also video games.
Affirmative action is a total fucking failure nimrod. This is what happens when you get all your info from /pol/. You grow this white victim complex where blacks are somehow simultaneously beneath you, yet "live life on easy mode." A white man with a criminal record is 3x more likely to get a job than a black man without one, a traditional black name is less likely to get a call back than a traditional sounding white one, people are less likely to purchase an item from a black hand than they are a white/lighter one. I can go on, being black in America is anything BUT easy mode.
New living areas go up, they get bought up by foreign nationals (mostly Chinese), driving up values overall. Seen it a shitload of cities, and only Canada seems to be interested in cracking down on it.
Because this isnt about profit you dumb commie fuck.
>or if they're intentionally lying to make their support for illegals seem reasonable.
It's that and also the fact that they can only get anywhere in arguments by trolling
Teenagers are stupid as fuck and easily swayed and simultaneously think they're exceptionally smart.
Rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.
>Arguing for slavery
Lmao. Okay, tell me how we can implement universal healthcare efficiently while having an uncontrolled flow of population growth? How does the government properly manage it? There's no way to keep up with the constantly increasing population, so how do we properly allocate medical supplies to areas based on population size? How do we manage ANY social program with a constantly growing population? How do we financially support something that never stops increasing? What do we do about housing? Road congestion? Is your plan to just build huts in the fields where your hispanic slaves will pick fruit for you? Use your fucking head. If there is an endless flow of people in to the country, we will never be able to efficiently run any social programs, because it will be impossible to organize and manage these programs. The US isn't like Norway, we will have MILLIONS of people coming here every single year if we just allow a completely open flow of immigration.
name one game made in a communist country
and if you reply with tetris your mother will die in her sleep
how is trump going to attack bernie exactly? his attacks on shillary only worked because she was such a weak candidate and a hypocrite, sanders is literally the most popular elected official in the united states and he polls well with every single demographic in the country, and that's in spite of the fact that the media and the dnc both despise him more than they despise trump.
do righists know that no one considers the nordic countries socialist except for social democrats, aka right wingers.
do rightists know that the idea of a mixed economy is a meme and that welfare states are capitalist
do rightists know that the nordic countries have been slashing their welfare states viciously for years now and can barely even be considered social democratic any more
>Whites forced Tyrone to kill Jamal over his shoes, rape Laqecha, and rob the Abdul’s gas station
Literally what?
>it's another thinly-veiled pro-communist china thread
The fuck? It's always about fucking profit with corporations, you fucking retarded shill.
They will ALWAYS look for the cheaper solution.
All you had to say was "Because its cheaper, retard".
Black people
>spent almost a century in slavery
>were literally bred to be better slaves and denied any education or professional training
>we’re finally released from slavery but because of the above were given shitty low wage jobs, the few who were lucky were discriminated against in employment
>black prople continued to be segregated and discriminated against in education, employment, and in services until another century
>were finally given civil rights, but were STILL discriminated against via redlining and getting denied loans, which caused the neighborhood less they lived in to go to shit, as well as getting targeted by the police and getting sentenced more for committing the same crime as whites
>only very recently, within the past few decades have the most serious discrimination attempted to be addressed
>hurr, why haven’t black people improved and magically fixed everything in a few decades after literal centuries of discrimination?
This, lazy pricks assume it trickles down to them. It doesnt. It trickles down to people who play the game and work hard. I used to smoke weed as a teenager byt I shaped up and now make good money as a cop plus I can carry a gun wherever I want. Fuck lazy leftists faggots. I swear sometines I want an excuse to shoot some leftists legally
Keep in mind that study includes the elderly and very young (new to labor pool). These are by far the poorest demographics in terms of age.
Most of the American poor live in
>cities where the cost of living is high, infrastructure and education poor due to low tax base (ie, ghettos)
>rural areas where infrastructure is marginal and local industry dried up (ie, the factories and mines closed 40 years ago)
Once you look at 30-60 yo, the proportion living that close to the financial edge drops a lot
prove that the cause is their genetics.
Pretty much. Where I live they tried to lower the voting age to 16 so they could have easily convinced morons sway the vote.
If you have the exact same views as a progressive person in the early 2000s you are considered right wing or even alt-right now. The left does not know when to stop basically
everything thats sensible and common sense tend to fall under some buzzword nowdays
The Irish had it infinity worse for longer and yet they get nothing
okay, now you're just being disingenuous. the overwhelming majority of trump's media coverage is negative. there is a reason he coined the term "fake news"
>how is trump going to attack bernie exactly?
I guarantee you I have no idea but I am warmly waiting for the debates.
You're saying no other race had a history of discrimination or hardship and ONLY black people had it the hardest in the span of a few hundred years versus the THOUSANDS of years others have?
Is there a single city that big worth living in on the planet right now? It seems like they've all gone to shit in the last 40 years.
>All you had to say was "Because its cheaper, retard".
But it isn't. Immigration in the western world is just the great replacement in full effect. It would be cheaper to buy foreign land and outsource the production.
You can say the same for slavs, irish, chinese, but I don't see them rioting in streets, committing 50% of the murders, and be givin a free ride and job offer for just meeting the average competency of whites.
Once upon a time, college was cheaper and basically guaranteed your spot in the upper quarter of the country. Kids are still taught this, more or less. Where im from many go to trade schools though; CNC op and welding are big in Ohio and pay well
>muh victim sob story which every other group of people could tell but which wouldn't carry the same amount of emotional weight and significance because you haven't been propagandised into caring about it
>white people should grovel to black people and try to elevate them to a level which is above them to make up for perceived historical grievances despite it not being in their best interests
>An american honestly calling people that their ancestors imported as slaves "invaders"
Very good meme material. It's in everyone's best interest if every race on the planet succeeds you edgy 15-year-old retard.
>So you think that treating people different based on skin color is okay as long as they are not white?
Where the fuck is this strawman coming from? I mean studies show that rich white people are actually the ones paying their way through college. Yet you always somehow manage to blame brown people without any power. I said it was corrective legislation, meaning it's an attempt by the government to right a past wrong. I never said I agreed with it.
>Whites can't.
Oh holy shit I'm laffin', blacks don't even know what fucking tribe they came from, meanwhile, you can easily trace your lineage back to the Mayflower or some shit and fuck off back to europe.
tfw europoor with 14k euro in my savings and free healthcare
the Chinese were kicked out and made illegal immigrants once they finished building a huge railroad
the Spics that lived in the Southwest were promised that they'd be treated like American citzens under the treaty that ended the Mexican American war but instead they lost their homes and were treated like shit
Italians used to be hung for crimes they never commited during the 20s
Krauts were forced to change their names or risk being harassed during world war 1, I mean full on pour tar and feathers on them type shit
Asians, Chinese specifically, are a better example
so you have no answer, got it. Trump's only possible argument is his economic populism, something that Sanders does but better.
That's stupid. If anything it should be raised to 25. People in their early 20s are barely better than teens. Brain doesn't stop developing until 25, so that's when you should get the vote. Until then you're a child.
Indirectly, yes. Lets look at the timeline. >Jungle>slavery>freedom but with no opportunity and heavily discriminated against>Forced to grow up poor and survive on the streets>Poor grandparents raise poor parents that raise poor children.
Why are you surprised that blacks do dumb and violent shit? Whites unironically caused it by shipping blacks across the sea to pick cotton and fuck their white daughters in the barn in the middle of the night.
Black people
>enslaved each other before whitey ever found them
>have exactly the same rights as everyone else in america now
everything else is waffle
I don't know about you but the people who go to trade where I live were basically born there sadly. Very poor families, usually uneducated parents, high school dropouts, drug and alcohol problems, overall the lowest class of society.
Obviously there are exceptions and a lot of useless college degrees but I don't understand the trade shilling on this board. It's shit jobs that destroy your health, no one wants to do them and give you the lowest social status
I don't even look down or hate these people, I worked construction for 2 summers but the people who do that their whole life are vastly different from people who go to college.
Our rampant obsession (thanks to boomers) with credentialism, have the office jobs ive had I coukd of honestly done straight out of high school but all of them required some kind of degree.
I am laughing, enjoy your triple taxation. Oh wait, you don't pay taxes cause you are a leech.
>when 70% of Americans can't afford to buy homes they fit in
It IS cheaper for the business owners to just pay Gonzalo Gonzalez a buck every day he cleans toilets than hiring someone, retard.
Capitalism allowed for the golden age of vidya to even exist. The problem is the people. If you ever bought a game with microtransations or launch DLC, get off Yea Forums. Get off Yea Forums right now and kill yourself.
>Where the fuck is this strawman coming from?
It's not a strawman. You just defended affirmative action. Here's your previous post >fuck off back to europe.
I am European you fucking retard.
You realize all of that can be caused by difference in environment and opportunity, right? This says nothing about genetics.
*dabs on the rich*
Reminder African slaves that were being sent here and turned back to Africa and free Africans went back to create Liberia with US aid and the Free Africans ended up oppressing the Native Africans that lived there and it created a huge divide
>You can say the same for slavs, irish, chinese
No you can't.
>committing 50% of the murders
They are also 50% more likely to be falsely accused and arrested.
>always dreamed of going to Paris so for the week of my 30th birthday a couple years ago my family put money together so we could all go
>it looked more like South Africa than France, with black and brown people literally everywhere, we saw more brown women with towels on their heads than actual French women. We went down in the subway and it was completely falling apart like shit you would see in a third world country. We went down one street and there were literally people sleeping on mattresses in the middle of the street medium with garbage all around them in broad daylight while the police did nothing
I don't know what happened to Europe but if the rest of it is anything like France I don't know why anyone would want to live there.
yes I have no answer for what the fucking future holds because I'm not goddamn nostradamus. could anyone have predicted trump would just meme everyone with namecalling and win? however, I do have pattern recognition, and the pendulum will stay to the right until at least 2024 guaranteed.
jews have spent the last 3000 years getting enslaved and kicked out of every country they live in but that hasn't stopped them from taking over media, banking, and the american government
I don't know why they always use Ass Creed Odyssey as an example for this. Microtransactions are there, but they're utterly useless
>American can't grasp the concept of cooking for yourself
No wonder obesity is rampant.
*the rich leave your country when you try to tax them highly*
I mean the overtone window is hilariously shifted to the right, a social democrat in the grand scheme of things is a moderate to the rest of the world. So what are you talking about?
phones food and cars don't cost $900,000
I have a question. How come blacks don’t care about their own race? Arabs brought the most blacks in history for slavery and still buy them today. Blacks are the LEADER of killing and murdeing their own kind. Just look at america for example. China is buying ports and land in Africa in oder to slowly take control of Africa and get rid of all the blacks.
Blacks do nothing to fix these problems.
oh nooooo, then their wealth will never get to trickle down!! what a travesty ;____;
Love how this was conveniently ignored.
Yes i am you white bitch. Give me my reparations now.
/pol/ boomers
No they don't, you're getting your information from a graph that literally originated off of /pol/.
he says, moments before all the major corporations leave and hundreds of millions of americans are unemployed overnight
capitalists look forward, socialists only look behind
Reminder that African slaves were given their own tropical island paradises to form their own independent nations on when there was literally zero obligation for Europeans to do that once they were considered surplus to requirements
LOL dipshit.
64% of Americans own a home.
Stop committing 50% of all crimes despite being 13% of the population then maybe every single race will stop being weary around you
>Oh wait, you don't pay taxes cause you are a leech.
Neither do corporations but I don't see you complaining about it
when we grew up, zoomer
>Of course this post get's overwhelmingly attacked by 'muh whataboutism" by a bunch of retards that refuse to see how being denied economic opportunity puts you in a worse of position.
>cook every possible cuisine
the internet
>purchase ingredients
unless you eat at bottom of the barrel fast food dumps, it's going to be cheaper to buy ingredients
look at this nazi opposing immigration, oh wait it's harry reid
>OP successfully triggers the AnCaps of /pol/ by highlighting crony-capitalist business practices in vidya
>The rest of /pol/ jumps in and derails the thread into their typical drek
The truth is that board containment was a flawed concept as long as Wilsonian Interventionism is still in everyone's hearts.
>people who have more money than you matter more
woah who could have seen this coming
Because not all of them destroy your health and genuinely pay well
Woodworking (well maybe not varnishing)
Cnc op
CAD design
Heavy machinery op (bulldozer driver)
All pay well, minimal debt. Near me is an old timer who did custom aluminum cuts for NASA. No higher ed, just a damn good machinist.
>social standing
Higher than a polisci BA working at retail