What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Nothing. Everything went so right.

Saturated market. It was a fun game though.

came out way too late

Blizzard being fucking retarded, as usual

Unironically very well made. I would of liked more variety with more actives talents like cleanse (imagine if they had a force staff like talent) also dominting a lane didn't reward you enough

It was the most fun MOBA in my opinion.

Too team reliant to the point your individuality only shows when you are grouped up.

Its a good game, but Blizzard failed to understand what makes mobas satisfying for the average player. They removed all the gameplay elements that satisfies your dopamine and replaced it with global exp, no last hitting, no gold, no items, no personal satisfaction from doing well, etc.

Some parts of Hots are really cool, and i love the maps, but that alone can't sustain long term play.

>being bad dota
>being bad lol
>doesn't do anything right

It was a solid game, it was just too papery in my opinion, MOBA's have to follow Dota in my opinion and not League in how their heroes feel. It had a lot of really interesting ideas for heroes and the map variety map it interesting.

it's good lol though

Removed handful of mechanics designed to jerk players off. Decided to jerk own franchises off instead.

Also, coming out 6 years after league of legends and 12 years after the first dota maps didn't help.

It was a moba

equivalent of playerunknown deciding to release the next battle royale in 2030.

Overwatch heroes.

This so much

Crossing my fingers they're making a sequel with a better engine.

It's been almost three months (in two days) since Imperius came out. No hero teaser yet. Kill me.

Also, can we PLEASE get less fucking sci-fi and Mad Max style shit? I want more fantasy skins for Overwatch and Starcraft characters. It always fucking seems to be sci-fi or junkertown shit if it isn't a seasonal event or something like the lucha libre event.

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Made by Blizzard

Not much easily the most enjoyable moba I've ever played

>What went wrong?
Latecomer, the name, not deep enough for the type of player who enjoys mobas.

Better lol*

Overwatch heroes mobility started a shitty meta revolving around them
Then garrosh. Then they gutted garrosh.
Then they reworked all supports, then they reworked how towers/splitpushers worked.
Then they fucked up ranked season placements, then they had to reset ladder twice.

A while after that they killed competitive scene

Mismanagement of the game and lack of clear direction of what to do with it. Its creators also doesn't seem to know what a MOBA is.

Still, the character creation team will be forever exalted in our eyes.

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A sequel or a smash clone would be nice




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>removed everything that sucks about mobas
>the only people who like mobas *enjoy* bullshit like super-precise item builds, hour-long matches, last-hitting, and playing the exact same map 10000 consecutive times

why aren't you playing then

Pretty much this.
Also the overwatch maps being absolute cancer didnt help

Consider killing yourself.

2.0 is shit. I remember unlocking the mastery skin for a hero after weeks of grinding or even just the black default horse, it felt great. Now everyone has fancy skins.

Seriously, how isn't he in yet? Isn't he way more beloved than some heroes from Overwatch that already got in like Ana and Hanzo?

epik post my fellow redditor simply epik! xD

le upboat

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I have to poop sometimes user. And I like doing it on the bathroom, not in a bag in front of the computer

So far, the only thing that's gone wrong with HotS is the hypermobility taking over a lot of champions kits, to a point where theyve had to rework Chromie, a hero who's weakness is getting dove on, TWICE, because she gets cucked that hard by a lot of heroes right now.

It's kind of weird, honestly. It shouldn't take Blizzard this long to rip of Braum's code from League.

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It didn't do enough.

Almost all their moves were in the right direction but there just wasn't "enough".

DoTA and League item systems are kind of a mess but there's just much more there. Heroes' talents was a great replacement but ultimately the diversity was never really there on the whole. If you played a hero then there was one or two right ways to play it.

Maps objectives make for really cool ideas where your strategy and hero picks should change from game to game based on the map, but this also ended up kind of shallow. A lot of the maps were just "start winning and you'll win harder" and "designated team fight over here" markers.

>shit name
>all spells are short cooldown and feel piss poor, spammy bullshit like LoL
>no way to power up as there is no gold, just xp which is shared, instead of making some system where 50% of the xp was shared to allow for solo leveling without making it as bad as in lol/dota
>overwatch heroes
>particle effects feel really weak
>blizzard "balancing"
>forced esports
>free 2 play model was too slow in putting out
and above all
>completely rape some voice acting
looking at you Anub'arak

>LoL kills itself with the mobility meme
>blizzard copies it
god how retarded do you have to be


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You know what would be an interesting experiment of a hero in my mind? Brigitte.

She ruined Overwatch for months and she isn't perfect even now, but she'd feel much more normal in Heroes of the Storm.

>Melee-range deathball healer that radiates AoE healing every time she auto-attacks
>Heal on a short cooldown that can overheal to give 20 armor or something for a few seconds
>Basic stun
>Long-range attack on a cooldown (can be changed to be a knock to the side instead of pushing them back like it does in Overwatch, since that might feel like a baby Stukov ult)
>AoE armor ult akin to Whitemane's ult and Yrel's consecration, except it follows her as an aura instead of how Whitemane's 'snapshots' who's around her, and how Yrel's is a stationary zone on the ground

Make her a tankier healer-category hero who does less healing than most heroes but provides a good bruisery-type frontliner to help out your main tank. Balance her as a second healer + semi-DPS + lesser bruiser.

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Then why wasn't Heroes of Newerth more succesful? Came out before Dota 2.

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Give us Blackthorne and I might consider buying your lootboxes.

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>Too late to the party
>LoL/Dota faggots love 30min PvE farming

not much honestly


because S2 is fucking retarded.

>DOTA is F2P while HON requires money, locking out chinks and russians that are your main group
>when you go F2P make heroes OP as fuck so people that have early access to them can roflstomp the rest
>S2 tier support for the game
>too close to DOTA1 in control ease
>washed out graphics

they forgot best girl

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Nothing went wrong. The game had a moderately good competitive run and an active community for like 5 years. When did the metric for a game being successful turn into "it must last forever"?
>"b-but quake came out 20 years ago and there's STILL tournaments for it"
There'a autists for every game. HotS came out, was big enough to be counted as one of the big three alongside LoL and DotA2 and now that MOBAs are a dying genre its going to rest. Overall a successful venture.

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Anna is fun though

>Teammate running around, "dodging" my heal shots even though there is no enemy anywhere near us

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why is everyone acting like hots is dead? it's still up, they're still making updates
if you're oh so fucking sad for it, go play it instead of acting like it's dead and pushing away even more people

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It was unsuccessful in that it was supposed to be a celebration of blizzards game while also becoming a big thing. Remember blizzard makes only few games to completion and all of them are big hits. Diablo, starcraft, warcraft, WOW, all of those were huge, this is how they offset their low production, by making big hits. HOTS didnt make infinite money and was one of their few releases. It would be fine if this was some nameless company's latest production that doesnt matter because they release one game per year.
Its like if the golden goose lays one regular egg. Youre gonna be concerned.

Also the competitve scene was very much propped up with blizzard money, not something that was natural. And seeing how they pushed a few redesigns through I can see it possible that at some point they were already not profitable but were told to improve. So 5 years might be 3 years of red numbers.

this is my wife.
say something nice about her.

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Any lewds of the goth loli yet?

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I played this game, I can tell you what went wrong:

-endless reworks that change how heroes are played and dumb them down for idiots, like the Malthael rework or Tyrande getting reworked for the 6th fucking time
-shitty garbage report system that caters to snowflake sjws and trolls. It's so bad in the game that the general advice given is to ALWAYS turn off the chat and never speak ever, lest you get falsely reported by some troll or sensitive snowflake and get your account ruined. I never got in trouble due to not talking much in these games, but I had a friend who did, and even simple shit like giving advice(ie. telling someone to not dive into a bad fight or to wait for the team) gets you told to fuck off and reported. And no, this isn't about using the N word either, you can be nice to people and very polite and still get reported. The playerbase just doesn't talk anymore because why bother?

HotS made enough to money to exist for like 6 years without much problems, which is better then 99% of all MP games achieve

I wonder if it made enough money or they kept it afloat by feeding it cash.

And lets say it did make a profit. Then still you can see it as a failure when you compare it to other blizzard games.

Take playstation allstars. Im sure it made money, but its obvious they were eyeing SSB levels.

Or SWTOR. It ends up making a profit, but when you pump in 500M and want WoW numbers their current numbers of course are a far cry.

>endless reworks that change how heroes are played and dumb them down for idiots
Honestly as much I hate the guys crying that is casual trash they generally made it bread dead in 2.0
>Jungle camps now auto hit so people with skill can't clear them level 3 making shitters feel bad
>Boss camps reworked so the few heroes that could solo them now have an even harder time
>Getting early lane leads from killing a fort don't matter because they increased rubberbanding
>no tower/fort ammo meant creep now infinitely stall lanes you build pressure in unless someone is there 24/7

They tried to fix a few of the problems in 3.0 but they made xp and lane state worse.

MasterxMaster solved this by giving each character a dodge/roll move that could be sued often, and everyone could attack while moving.

2. Blizzard
3. MOBA made by Blizzard
4. MOBA without characters

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Well Im glad they fixed it. But any idiot can see that the more mobility you add, the worse characters designed about no mobility hurt, as you start designing with mobility in mind. Especially if you combine mobility with skillshots.

You can still get the siege mercs without getting hit.

They introduced that back in AFTER the game got kneecapped by most of the devs getting moved.

i want to fucking kill her

MasterxMaster had the best gameplay of any moba, it was truly ahead of its time. Shame ncsoft killed it.

I remember when I played I used to always pick Valeera and obsessively hunt down Chromie players until they didn't even know wtf to do anymore. Lategame before the nerfs, you could kill her before she even did that hearth move.

Stay mad, drone. And don't forget to extend you WoW subscription for 1 year to unlock option to buy all the Un-Addons to unlock option to buy WoW Classic to buy a separate subscription for it.

Only when it was "alive" we had a hero every month. New maps sometimes, events and now it gone.

there's an event right now

More like

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Didnt get lol numbers
It also refined the assfaggots formula to cut down the drag like laning phases, mounts to enable movement around the map, and out of the window champs like abathur, murky or rexxar that challenge the way to tackle a regular game, but instead of enticing, it alienated the regular moba fanbase

But most of all it's all blizzard's fault for pulling the plug because not lol numbers

I have over 300 hours on genji, best blizz game ever

It was so bad sometimes I actually started to almost feel guilty. Almost. They would just die over and over, to the point where I'd kill them right in the middle of their team and run off.

there really inst

Too many irrelevant/outdated heroes.

It was so casual and shallow that even the most normalfag casual players thought it was too casual.

I regularly got into flame wars with people, and never got banned. Frequently I was in the wrong and just felt like talking shit. Just don't use the nono words, and nothing will ever happen.

She is a proper mommy user come on now.

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Elfs dont become mommies easily user.

Blizzard went full retard and pulled the support plug
Fuck em

Honestly the best ASSFAGGOTS I have played. A lot of people don't like that it was more team based, but that is something I preferred. Great level of polish too. Stages and stage mechanics really add well to the mix.

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Wouldn't she basically be Joanna the crusader from Diablo?

No. Blizzard made a terrible move and needs to be punished

I think she's got all the credentials.

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does she have a child?

nu-Blizzard doesn't even give a fuck about this game fucktard. It was always an afterthought for them, in direct contrast to Overwatch for example.
HOTS contained the last spirit of the old WoW.

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Three major things really lost my interest in the game.
Started pumping out generic hero kits.
Power and mobility creep. So many useless heroes these days.
Bad map changes and exp rework. Enemies get so much pity exp they could be afk and not fall behind.

Joanna doesn't have heals brainlet


Alleria? yeah.

Hes some half elf/human who's all grown up when he finally gets to meet his parents.

there was a niche in the market for a casual moba that prioritizes fun mechanics, but instead of going for that, they invested in competitive play and E S P O R T S. but that was already taken by dota and lol, so all their efforts were a colossal waste of time and money.

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>stop by ana to let her heal me
>move a second later to juke the shot

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Yes. A half-Elf boy named Arator.
She likes that human charm. All Windrunner sisters do.

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Not true, the devs were moved by the end of december, the Siege camps were changed at least a year back.

ow well. Godspeed with mommyposting then

>spending 20 minutes right-clicking defenseless creeps before any actual action happens is what makes MOBAs satisfying for the average player

The laning phase is a boring, mindless artificial game lengthener and cutting it out was a good decision.

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It was a bad idea to start, when LoL is already peak moba experience.
The artstyle was awful, optimization was awful so kiddies couldn't migrate to it. Gameplay was boring and lifeless since everything was oversimplified and made "fairer". Maps were boring... Honestly idk how there's people that still pretend they liked that trainwreck, never has my opinion been so validated about something more than when this game flopped so hard it almost killed blizzard.

Yeah that's why the game that did so failed so much while the other games that have that are one of the most played multiplayer games out there.

Every moba is already heavily team based, the gameplay choices only made you feel less powerful.
Also, there's a reason the only people that liked this game are people who don't actually like mobas. Those people who can't even into mobas obviously not a stable playerbase lmao.

I’ve phased out of the MOBA phase right now but this was by far the best one nostalgia aside. They tried a lot of really fun new and experimental things with the champions (Cho Gall and Murky etc) and the collective group kills helped aliviated he retardation, toxicity and obnoxiousness LOL had. HOTS stool risks and was fun to play.

Sounds to me like you're exaggerating alot of the negatives and not looking at the positives of what make it unique to other MOBA.

The variety of maps alone makes it far superior to any other MOBA.

>The laning phase is a boring, mindless artificial game lengthener and cutting it out was a good decision.
This is, and I'm unironically gonna use the term n00b in 2k19, a n00b opinion.

There were a number of reasons of why HOTS didn't perform. And enough of them have already been posted by anons in this thread.
Not this reason though.

>using 0s in noob
jesus boy calm down there. This is a civil discussion forum

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The "we are different than the rest of mobas" sounded good, but other mobas have no more maps because the playerbase doesn't want more maps. Honestly, if there's more maps on a moba they should be fully 4fun like Nexus Blitz was (which btw has just been killed by Riot)

No, Johanna's a solid main tank with anti-CC for herself, defensive cooldowns, and so on. Brig's only real defensive would be her armor boost on her ult and her shield, depending on how it's implemented,but if it's directional then it wouldn't feel like Johanna's trait, which is just a health-based omnidirectional shield cooldown, where Brig's would be a directional thing that's nearly constant. Plus Johanna can only heal others a smidge through talents, like that one that makes her blind heal friendlies that are in its pathway, while Brig would put out a decent bit of healing by default and it would be a steady constant so long as she stayed in melee range of the enemy.

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Eh, not every moba has to appeal to the same playerbase. I'm sure there's a dedicated group that likes the strcuture of the maps that HotS has to offer.

As far as the game potentially being a money sink for the company, I blame that mostly on forced esports stuff that the game didn't really need to succeed.


Single lane random hero brawls are fine.
However, FUCK the "small chance that everyone is one hero" rule. That shit is never fun.

aram needs to fuck off tbqh

I would like to play but why play a game blizzard already gave up on?

Pretty much this. Heroes of the Storm had one of, if not the largest prize pool of any MOBA if I remember right, because Blizzard wanted to attract big streamers and the audience that comes with them. They even held poaching events where they paid streamers like Dyrus to play Heroes of the Storm for a week.


They failed to realize that most MOBA players are too invested in their chosen game after all these years and after sinking dozens if not hundreds of dollars into skins and champion unlocks. Even Dyrus' viewers were largely uninterested in those streams and just went to go see who was actually playing League instead. So, it was just more wasted money on failed promotion. The streamers in turn couldn't justify playing the game long-term with how few viewers, subs, and donations it brought in compared to League, DotA, and even Smite, laughable as that is.

They should have gone for a very public advertising campaign with TV commercials and youtube ads that made fun of other MOBAs, to draw in an audience that WASN'T already glued to a specific game.

>Start commercial by showing a mocking example of a boring looking MOBA where you have to play lane whack-a-mole for 10-20 minutes before the real interesting stuff happens
>Show that the player IRL is bored, maybe have them say "I just want to get to the good part already"
>Slam-cut to explosions and big rowdy teamfights in Heroes, making the game look action-packed and much faster-paced than the strawman alternative fake MOBA from seconds prior
>All teamfights all the time, boss pit throws, exciting objectives like immortal races, etc.
>Show a quick montage of all the beloved and recognizable characters in cool and whacky skins
>Make it seem like a proper funbox Smash Bros. style celebration of video games instead of a hardcore esport

It should've been so obvious. But no, they went hardcore esports and totally missed out.

Have they gotten any new heroes since the gay angel form diablo 3?

To show them people are still interested despite no esports meme? Retard

If they went with an aggressive campaign calling out other mobos and they failed they wouldve been made fun of for thinking they were hot shit.

The game was just way too simple and shallow to develop a real following, and it was also way too late on the fad.

It might have done better if they didn't waste their time forcing a phony esports scene and instead put that money into the game itself

>would of

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HoN happened before the genre blew up, HotS happened after. LoL and Dota were right in the sweet spot.
This isn't complicated

>take away all the intricate competitive elements that make MOBAs autistically complicated for an easier casual experience
>Almost every MOBA player actually enjoys the autistically complicated elements

They were made fun of regardless, user, just as the "no skill MOBA for babies." At least they would've been fishing for untapped customers with the approach I'm talking about, instead of trying to convince people to drop League and DotA for their game.

How would you even balance his shield in a moba?

>Heroes of the Storm had one of, if not the largest prize pool of any MOBA if I remember right
you don't

It doesn't need to be esports to be enjoyed by a community.

See how games like UNIST, Melee and Melty Blood have thrived despite only having grassroots movement throughout most of their lifespans.

No items because it's really a brawler and not a moba. That's it. OW is failing for similar reasons, it's a shittier version of TF2.

Somewhere down the line they thought any established genre kiddified slapped with a blizzard logo was a good idea.

Is that an artist trying to copy the ugly chinese style of painting or just another chinese using English for his signature?

I'm not a game dev, the numbers are for them to work out, not me. If League can do it with Braum then Heroes can do it with Rein and/ or Brig.

nothing went wrong, the market is just saturated in general with that type of games. and I'm not talking strictly about mobas, I would go as far as lump them together with other team based games. load up the game and queue vs others.

it's a shame about hon though, it really was the superior game but it was just much more difficult and faster so it died

go suck a tentacle you bipolar bitch

>subhuman garbage clogging the ranked que
Gee i wonder
Even a $1 ranked pass would filter out the brain dead russians

Don't you just love that new cadence, user? Loving eating that shit?

I'm not.

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yeah what a signifier that something won't find a fanbase and thrive
Fortnight and Apex say hi

Then they buffed supports
Then they nerfed healing
Then they buffed ass ass ins
Then they nerfed tanks and healing
Then they buffed ass ass ass ass

So now every game is 5v5 glass nukers

go away pedo

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so shes supposed to be a HOTS original or is some from some weird blizz game

>*HOTS team hits the pipe*
>Yeah ok so like we go this neat idea yeah
>*another bong hit*
>Yeah lets make another spike nuker...
>*co workers sniggering loudly like school children*
>Right so like lets have it a 12yo that nukes, has high mobility and self heals
>*cash register noise*
>*player base crashes*

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OC donut steel.

ah yes this is why both league and dota2 have paid subscriptions. retard

Blizzard balancing

once had that happen with Malganis
was absolute cancer

>wouldmst've have

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QT OC wasted on a mediocre dying game

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You play Dota, SMITE, or LoL for competitiveness.

For casual Mobas move to mobile and skip this garbage. It's even more grindy than mobile mobas and worse entirely.

Same shit, but it's built for have 15 minute long matches which is way more fun.

Omnyoji Arena for balance
Heroes Evolved for fun as fuck skill sets
Mobile Legends for ultra casual, but still fun

Also Fanny in Mobile Legends might be the hardest hero skill set I've ever seen in the genre. I'd be pressed to name anyone in Dota 2 that is harder to learn.

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laning phase is the only fun part of mobas
team fights are usually the same boring shit all the time
in laning phase though the better players truly prevail

It's a casualised version of league which is a casualised version of dota

>LoL and Smite

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I haven't kept up with LoL. Isn't ultra slow, but all skill shots now? And Smite has a difficult movement set bein 3rd person.

I'd keep them in the top 3.

>releases the hot belf dragon mommy with a tranny face
>die shortly after
trannies, not even once

>but all skill shots now?
This doesn't make the game difficult or competitive in any way
Hitting dinky little projectiles with weak cooldowns and costs in 2D against giant circle hitboxes is not hard

I have a lot of fun playing AI and collecting stuff.

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>Chink Mobile Moba has better models

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>Melee-range deathball
Nigga, her attack is ranged.

I got out of LoL ages ago, Season 2. I didn't like the direction it was going and Tencent taking over pushed me over the edge to never look back.

What move?

What is all heroes are abathur?

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She heals herself for 30%, but no one else.

You're right, I'm going to hop on in a bit.
I'm not the best player, but I'll be damned if I'm not competent

Heroes isn't Overwatch. Nova, the Widowmaker equivalent, doesn't stand a hundred meters away. Brig is balanced as a melee character in a game where characters with Widow's range exist. Nova by comparison only stand like half a screen away. Brig would absolutely be balanced as a straight up melee character in Heroes.

Thank god blizzard told icefrog to fuck off all those years ago. Dude dodged a bullet.

came out late into an established genre
couldn't decide if they wanted to cater to casuals or hardcore; instead wound up in some middle area where it wasn't fun for the extremes of either side
garbage at balancing the game
too much mobility creep making most of the old characters useless
nu blizz is shit

Hots always catered to casuals. Probably way too much.

Is that DEGENERACY I smell?

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>Nova, the Widowmaker equivalent
Nope, WW doesn't go invisible, has no nuke, has 2 firing modes for her gun, has a mobility ability and the spider mines, their kits aren't even remotely similar. Anyone that thinks for more than a second knows this.
>Brig would absolutely be balanced
This is precisely what's killing the game, boring ass faggots obsessed over balance, it's the same shit that turned classes and trees in wow into bland garbage. HOTS was made with a casual mentality with kits that are to mobas what Smash Bros is to fighting games, the whole point of the game was how you found crazy characters that you wouldn't see and wouldn't work anywhere else. Many of the hero reworks are abhorrent precisely because they change what made HOTS and the heroes unique.

Brigg should have a VERY weak medium/long range basic attack like tychus used to have, an aura healing and the rest should follow her OW kit.

I can tell you what went right.

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trim your fucking nails my dude

You completely misunderstood what I said. I'm not obsessing over balance. I said she would be balanced AROUND being melee, referring to her design intentions, not how she's balanced in terms of numbers. You're attacking a point I never made. Every hero is 'balanced around' their attack range, as in their abilities are designed with that in mind.

Do not stick your dick inside the panda loli.
She is mine

Orphea is pretty well balanced now.

this but Chen

>pic related
You can't be serious.

>implying she wants dick

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Her animations are so fucking good.

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>I said she would be balanced AROUND being melee
Except, not really, being melee in HOTS doesn't make much difference in terms of how the general design of the character will work. Ignoring just how bad his talents and abilities are, tychus is a very big HP pool, same with Azmodan. In the end there are thing WAY more important than attack range, such as ability range, escape and the general role of said character, which is why Rehgar has a small hp pool AND is melee. Brigg would probably have a smaller HP than certain heroes like Uther.

Abathur isn't available in ARAM

Oh, shame. Any other meme worthy characters that are? Maybe Murky?

I once had a full Ming ARAM. Teamfights ended in 3 sec at most.

I'm not sure what you want me to say, man. She has a flail. She would almost certainly be created as a melee hero. At most she would have a longer AA range than most, akin to Leoric's AA range. Maybe they could give her a Q similar to Mal'ganis' that chains together in mid-ranged sweeping strikes, along with her lined knockback whip shot thing, but she absolutely would be a melee character. I'm not sure how you don't get this given how ranged characters are balanced in this game, like Valla's relatively short AA range for a ranged assassin.

I just wish they implement that "looking at the enemy while moving" she has with other floating heroes like tass or mephisto.

>She would almost certainly be created as a melee hero
How the fuck she would be a melee hero if she would end up having a ranged basic attack?
>akin to Leoric's AA range
Fuck no, Tychus/Zarya's range at very least.
>but she absolutely would be a melee character. I'm not sure how you don't get this given how ranged characters are balanced in this game
Nigga, listen to yourself, you fail to make any argument to WHY she would be a melee hero, you just keep repeating that "she will" because "she will". This isn't even a conversation because you can't make a proper argument.

>Dat Kerrigan
Delicious, give me more.

She recieved a lot of love from the devs. A shame the game was killed right after.

>user doesn't think Brigittie counts as a melee hero in Overwatch, where most of the roster can kill her from way outside of her range
>user believes this honestly

Attached: 1544203293648.png (407x286, 132K)

No she isn't.

>literally nothing changed except the removal of esports
>literally Yea Forumss wet dream

Game was actually very enjoyable but the shit marketing to casuals, repeated fuck ups concerning ranked, the dogshit launch and dosgist alpha and then blizzard taking for fucking ever to introduce much needed basics killed it before it could ever thrive.
Even with all the hiccups at the start it had the chance to take off in 2017 and 18 but the game didn't go anywhere meaningful and the good changes introduced weren't nearly enough.

Attached: Screenshot2018-12-14 03_50_23.jpg (1920x1080, 576K)

If you are reacting to game trends, and spend a normal amount of time developing something, you're almost always going to miss the trend that you're trying to emulate.

By the time HotS came out, people had already moved on from the ASSFAGGOTS genre.

>toggle shield
>shield follows the cursor
>press another key to move?

He mobility is directly related to hitting with a delayed skill, and if you miss your Q you are in danger. Her W has a very short range and is also a delayed skill, requiring you to get in melee range and putting yourself in danger. Her E is the only real safe ability she has.

>How the fuck she would be a melee hero if she would end up having a ranged basic attack?
I literally never said she would. You did. I said she might have a longer melee AA like Leoric's, and that she might have a Q with mid-ranged attacks, which aren't basic attacks.
>Fuck no, Tychus/Zarya's range at very least.
Delusional. Even in Overwatch Zarya has way more range than Brigitte, and Tychus has a traditional projectile weapon.
>This isn't even a conversation because you can't make a proper argument.
What point do you want me to make, exactly? How do you want me to refute your baseless assertion that she'll have a much longer range than any other melee character in the game for zero reason? You're the one saying she would break every precedent we have, not me.

>where most of the roster can kill her from way outside of her range
False equivalency, Brigg hits multiple hits with her basic attack on OW, should the same be applied on HOTS? Shooters and MOBAs simply have different types of balancing. And most importantly, the balancing on HOTS should be focused on what makes playing each character fun.

we are also on life support, i dont know what to do with this gold

its almost like forcing esports onto games from the top down doesnt work since ya know they try it over and over with all their games, except oh yeah diablo 3 which was even more nakedly profit motivated in the form of auction house. mother fucker can you even hear yourself? is it denial?

so high risk high reward mechanics

Removal of e-sports killed the entire top end of the ladder. I used to hate most proplayers and I detested playing with them. But then once they were gone there was nobody good to try to emulate and catch up to and beat anymore. Why play a ladder in a game where you only compete with shitters.

Wich is a balanced way to play. If you want to play safe you pick Raynor and you right click the enemy from behind your tank.

or your cursor is still used to move.

Only fags try to retreat and show their back

i'm gonna tell you right now that a huge reason is that the character like the one in your screenshot has that fucking look to it of all new blizzard models, worlds and animations and its fucking cancer and it needs to fucking end but i know that its only going to get worse. i am not happy with aspects of this timeline i want a fucking re-write of the blizzard art direction right now!

Honestly, Blizz obsession with competitive play is precisely what killed both HOTS and OW, both games were made from the ground up with core designs for casual play, and party games in the case of HOTS. If the reduction on the team was solely on the group focused on competitive play, I'm happy, happy that they won't contaminate the rest of the team with their ideas.

dota > hots > lol
at least heroes of the storm tried to do something different instead of just copying dota like league did

>dominting a lane didn't reward you enough
It did though. If you actually dominated a lane the whole enemy team would fall behind, rather than just 1 person.

the wrong company was behind it

I know this is going to devolve into a "this is why I think she's balanced" "this is why I think she's not balanced" but her Q has a long-ass range to it that if she misses she's probably fine unless she had no business ever being there in the first place, W again you just don't play like a chimp and E is E.
Then you realise she's got waveclear, sustain damage, burst damage, mobility / kite, aoe cc / potentially repeatable aoe damage and self-healing. There's exactly two other characters who have literally everything like her and neither are as extreme cases outside of what used to be high level pro play (Yrel and Blaze)

>Cool characters get wasted on a mediocre game that's run by greedy retards
That sounds all too familiar

Attached: Paragon.png (953x529, 516K)

did you invite someone for killer7

who the hell are these losers

Her Q is just a bit above most AA range in the game, if you miss it and get dived you are done for. Wich is perfectly normal since mages major weakness is divers.
She has waveclear like other mages (KT, Jaina), AoE burst and kiting like them again.
Orphea deals less damage than them but has self healing in exchange, I do think she is in a fair spot right now, because the double Chomp was busted at her release.

damn they put out way more characters than i expected
when I played only like 1/4 of those chars were in the game

>like Leoric's
Leoric is still melee, she WOULD have a ranged basic attack like Zarya or Tychus.
>Even in Overwatch Zarya has
Delusional MOBAs and Shooters are balanced differently.
>and Tychus has a traditional projectile weapon
But doesn't has a traditional range on his basic attack.
>What point do you want me to make, exactly?
Are you telling me that you LITERALLY don't know how to make an argument? Really user? Goddamn, what do they teach kids on schools nowadays?
>baseless assertion
Retarded, Junkrat has a much longer range on OW, Zarya's basic attack isn't the same on OW, she has two firing modes, Tracer rewind recovers her health, Genji has a much longer basic attack range, has two firing modes, resets cds on kill, Hanzo no longer has scatter arrow, much longer basic attack range, different basic attack functionalities. There's zero correlation between attack ranges in OW and attack ranges in HOTS.

Alex is not a belf anymore, she's a real dragon.

I'm glad someone else sees this.

The catering to HGC and pro play worsened the player experience in the long run for HotS. It was fun for a while as a spectator though. C9's run with the Murky carry for instance is one of my favorite moments across any game.

Only good thing to come out of this trash game.
The game isn't trash because the devs are incompetents, by the way, they seem like a passionate bunch whose talent is wasted on ASSFAGGOTry.

This is precisely why she's one of the best characters and EVERY other character should be buffed until they are as strong as she is.

And people had more fun watching 12yo japanese kids playing Smash Ultimate on a normal match prelaunch event than actually seeing the pros play the game with the "balanced" rules.

>Storymode never ever

Attached: hippo hug.jpg (481x372, 57K)

The lost Vikings and abathur


>people acting as if this isn't the most bare-bones and shittly balanced MOBA on the market
The fuck? I tried to like this game and it sucked ass for it's lack of depth in any way

Attached: 1553430655177.gif (320x289, 1.12M)

Europe still has a playerbase it seems. Looks like Americas were the ones to hard drop it

The art team couldn't also design, direct, and plan the game.

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Nothing in this game has impact and everything looks like plastic toys. It really feels like shit to play.

From left to right
>Ice queen
>Russian bear who has a robot body
>Edgy vampire girl who has a big ass
>Cool rock em sock em robot
>Asian science lady
>Wacky crazy scavenger man
>Wise old warrior
>Bland girl who likes robots
>Evil egotistical space wizard
>Undying knight
>Small ugly bug controlling a refrigerator
>Strong rhino man
>Overgrown rat in a battle mech
>Green midget riding a small fire breathing dinosaur
>Assassin girl
>Hunter posses by the spirit of a powerful beast
>Asian man who uses lightning and a big sword
>Badass cop lady
>Crazy witch girl
>Generic black cop who has a death laser
>Robot angel waifu
>Fat green orc who plays drums
>Rebellious teen who has weird powers
>Giant muscle frog
>Edgy demon cowboy
>Fat robo man who loves chains and whips
>Angel warrior who has a demonic other half
>Grim reaper who gets swole as he kills
>K-pop star who summons magic wolves
>Generic bow lady
>Buff robo man who loves his shield
>Strong as fuck warrior girl who has huge armor
>Forest spirit fairy
>Call of duty man who dabs for the kids
>Snarky assassin
>Legendary monkey who's in every MOBA
>Lady who uses wind and a laser whip
>Cat waifu who's the result of a kinky experiment
Did that help?

Attached: RIP.jpg (960x853, 96K)

>shittly balanced
It was never meant to be balanced you faggot. Why should they compete with any other MOBA when they could cash in on a different type of gameplay? How would they EVER make heroes like abathur, lost vikings or Cho'Gal "balanced"?

So you're saying a team should immediately win based on them picking overpowered characters? the fuck game is that?

Are you even listening to yourself?

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>all skill shots
It's all "buff for next basic attack every 10 seconds" now.

The fact that every hots thread is filled with waifus instead of webm gameplay tells everything.

HOTS defenders on Yea Forums are completely retarded.


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Paying for heroes

These. I legitimately enjoy HotS as it's the least MOBA-like of the MOBAs so it can be fun to play a few games and then put it down for a while. I play a single round of DotA2 or LoL and I get burned out so fast.

>every single fucking game has wukong

Attached: 1507871294839.png (583x608, 53K)

That depends, pre-rework tychus, the new loli, Butcher, pre-rework malf, Morales, pre-rework Azmodan, Kael'thas, pre-rework Johanna, pre-rework Chromie, Li-Ming and Medivh can/could be absolute monsters on the right hands. That's because, on their niches, if the player was good enough, the skill/power ceiling was pretty massive. Take medivh for example, very low cd skill shot that can reduce any character's health to zero in a few seconds, can stop the damage of ANY ult in the game, and gives a escape for the whole team.

The problem is that the development team is bipolar, at the same time that they do crazy shit like Morales unending heals, they also create abominations like Malf's rework, making sure that no one who wants to win a game against a team of humans that have functioning brains would pick him over any other healer/support.

>Still no Deathwing

Zarya is there too you know

HotS doesn't :)

>Every single faggot shits Wojak

Someone should nuke you, bitch.

Monkey king skin for Samuro.

This is the best moba.
It's the only one that actually focuses on the players having fun rather than autistic competition.

That being said, it's still a below average game.

>So you're saying a team should immediately win based on them picking overpowered characters?
I'm saying that every hero should be overpowered in one way or another, and that HOTS offers a unique opportunity to create new niches by having different game objectives than simply destroying the opponent's core. The more they try to appeal to some other game's crowd, the less they will appeal to the people who are tired of vanilla assfaggots. And ultimately, the people who already like said games wouldn't drop them after thousands of hours invested for a new game, so why the fuck should they appeal to people like you?

pre-rework Azmodan wasn't even good, meanwhile post-rework he's been overbearing because they didn't need to rework him, just buff him, now every part of his kit is stronger and it's fucking obnoxious, it's why he keeps getting tweaked

Sacrificed on the unholy altar of e-sports.

>in a game where people picks heroes, some heroes should just win by virtue of being more overpowered

Holy fuck you're retarded

>I'm saying that every hero should be overpowered in one way or another
That's straight up how dota's been built from Allstars on, where the fuck have you been?

The game failed to attrack dotafags. It was too casual. I remembe trying the game when it released and play heroes like Illidan, Sylvanas or stitches (pudge). Basicly all wc3 characters. They were so poorly made and dumbed down from wc3 that I lost interest

>reading comprehension

Did you forget that his Demonic Invasion summons didn't time out? That means you could literally stack one ult on top of the other. And back in the day getting exp was very important, you could literally win games because your team focused on lanes above the objective, which is what allowed heroes like Azmo and LOV to work, the latter soaking exp from all 3 lanes while the opposing team tried to contest the objective.

Also before the rework the laser ability destroyed any single structure absurdly quickly AND did so outside it's range, he could literally level a fort and it's towers in less than 2 minutes. Oh also don't forget that his minions were used to deplete the forts/towers ammo, that's another thing ruined by the recent redesigns.

Sylvanas wasn't in the game at launch. Way to out yourself, faggot.

But dota has a lot less niches, a lot less skillshots and that's why absurd characters like Abathur and Cho'Gal could never work there.

Again why the fuck would people drop their current game, with the thousands of hours invested on it if HOTS tried to pander to them? That's precisely what killed the MMO genre.
>hurf durf Vermintide died because it failed to pander to the L4D crowd.

Show me a vid where someone won a game because they double stacked invasion. I find it impossible to believe that they could ever even take a fort before the cd was up again without the entire wave dying.

And getting XP is STILL important, but Azmodan was even worse at pushing and holding lanes back then than he is now (where he's pretty good at it desu). You put him against any other push champ and he runs out of mana before them, you put him by himself and someone just wraps around and punishes him for solo pushing, he wasn't Sylvanas, he had very exploitable weaknesses and few strengths. NuAzmo meanwhile is more mana efficient and does far more damage while scaling better, and getting lazor interrupted isn't the worst thing ever.

I just checked if I got it wrong and she was added 4 years ago in march while the game officialy released that year in June. so kys

kept trying to chase esports

Everyone is OP in their own way, it’s more based on who you are teamed with to combo and who your enemies pick to counter

No joke well made but the market didnt need another ASSFAGGOTS.

Did you just compare the pinnacle of imageboard art to chingchong joke of a mythology?

Attached: 1520068271737.png (485x443, 38K)

March is before June user, did you perhaps get that the wrong way around?

>I find it impossible to believe that they could ever even take a fort before the cd was up again without the entire wave dying
Ammo on towers nigga, plus all his other summons, you could definitely stack about 2/3 ults and effectively push an entire lane.
>but Azmodan was even worse at pushing and holding lanes back then than he is now
Waaaaaaay to show how new you are to the game, the ammo system on structures meant that specialists that could summon anything were some of the best in the game, it's literally the reason why Xul's passive was to summon more meat shields. Also iirc Azmo had a mana regen talent back in the day.
>NuAzmo meanwhile is more mana efficient
As an assassin only.

>abathur clone can cast Ulti
>Odin full heals tychus
>rewind instagib nova
>warrior lvl 20 talent that let's them resurrect way to fast
>suicidal/rewind octo+puffy Murky
Good fucking times.

I got tired of playing easy mode and couldn't find the difficulty setting.

Attached: images(2).jpg (145x74, 4K)

>mfw any suicidal strategy worked

Attached: developer.jpg (480x360, 22K)

I asked for a vid because even with ammo, the creeps alone should stop him from stacking two ults. Tower ammo does not afford this as an eventuality, you talk like I've never played him or the game before. I get it, you played low elo QM or something, or bots I have no fucking idea, and you miss how you used to do things, but just play him now and win more games than you ever did before because he's actually good. Hell, he was actually OP immediately after the rework.

>Holy fuck you're retarded
The irony.

Reminder that there's nothing more depressing than when they dropped the "Blizzard Classic" label and just relabeled TLV as Nexus

>the creeps alone should stop him from stacking two ults
Absolutely fucking not, you forget he has other summons, you forget how much damage he could eat simply because his long ass channel ability used to heal him, you forget that his passive summon gave natively gave buffs to whatever unity it was summoned to. Iirc he also had an ability that REMOVED ammo with every fucking basic attack.
>you talk like I've never played him or the game before
You're acting like you didn't.
> I get it, you played low elo QM or something, or bots I have no fucking idea, and you miss how you used to do things
Ah of course, because you can't come up with a proper argument, the ad hominems start.
>because he's actually good
As an assassin.

Cute and fun

What would she even do

>Blizzard Classic label gives people hope for goofy shit like Blackthorne or a Rock N Roll Racing car

This game could be revived, but not as a standalone game.
The future of hots is in WC3 Reforged. If they added an option into WC3R to play Hots as an alternative Competitive mode, it solves so many problems.
>Dota will no longer dominate Custom Games
>Custom games could have movement abilities that were ripped from hots mode.
>More traffic for WC3R
>Transferrable audience between WC3 Ladder and WC3 Hots.

It would be a SERIOUS undertaking, but could be a serious boon to the longevity of WC3 Ladder, Hots, and Custom games. It would be seriously worth the effort.

Attached: reforged.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

>old Nova in QM
I want to go back

You forgot Leoric with 20 deaths sieging your keeps.

>Hots as an alternative Competitive mode
Retarded, competitive play is precisely what killed the game.

suck ethereal cock

>one team with only one Sylv alive
>one team running away on low health
>sylv jumps into a fort range and poisons all of them
>both teams dead for a full minite

Attached: 1506577210969.jpg (327x316, 16K)

esports killed hots, you can have a comp mode for matchmaking retard

You can have a comp mode, sure, you SHOULDN'T have a comp focus.

I disagree with both of these points. Mobility creep killed hots. It was only kept afloat by the competitive scene.

Attached: Arthas.jpg (125x125, 2K)

And it was by trying to appeal to your type that HOTS lost a truckload of developers, your demographic simply isn't profitable enough because most are already playing either LoL or Dota2. Why would any of them leave either game for anything else?

HotS has the same problem league has. Because the way items work/exist literally dont let you deal with hard counter situations. You cant build out of hard counters so the entire game is just decided near instantly.

>esports killed hots
>not QM being a clown fiesta for 4 years

So is the only real way to compete in this game is who can kill more and most? since everything else is shared within teams.

Is comeback even possible in a such a mono-element system?

Don't mind me just posting best song.


Attached: Lordaeron's_coat_of_arms.jpg (505x638, 162K)

Its literally impossible in any real sense. Power curves and timings are basically non existent because everyone has linear growth and low impact spells

>Is comeback even possible in a such a mono-element system?
A single teamwipe at end game can cause the losing team to push all 3 forts and almost destroy the core before the other team gets alive again. That's without the map objective.

If your team has the better deathball at level 20 then yes, you'll probably win. The only way you can lose with a better draft is by intentionally throwing the game.

>Is comeback even possible in a such a mono-element system?
Only because of the hardcoded rubberband mechanics
You know a game has lost sight of what it's supposed to be when its entire genre concept stops working and has to be manually duct taped back on with new forced mechanics

new heroes were added
original haunted mines was removed
loot boxes
new maps
many hero reworks

before lootboxes you couldn't get anything as f2p, the monetization rework was great for the game
now you can just buy anything like before and earn them in boxes

I want to marry and impregnate Whitemane

Is she still good or did they overnerf her into uselessness like they usually do when a hero is the best?

Point of no return was Genji release. It could've been saved up until then.

I need healing

Holy fuck this.
>playing Nova pre-2.0
>bobbing and weaving between other heroes abilities
>dodge someone else while firing snipe back at the same time
>snipe fires between where your character is moving and where your mouse is (on the enemy)
>lose stacks
I swear this game got less responsive since 2.0, I don't know how but there's like some weird grid the game plays on now, like things only operate only on a quarter second intervals.