The Holy Bible may preach peace, but when it is Christendom itself that is threatened, it is every Christian's duty to defend all that is holy. His Holiness the Pope has called a crusade to reclaim the holy lands from the infidel, who would deny Christian pilgrims their right to visit the holy places.
It is time for the armies of Christendom to put aside their differences and unite under one banner, the sign of the cross, and give back God's children what is rightfully theirs... or die trying.
Abrahamics go back to the sand and kill each other there. Its time for you to stop dirting the rest of the world with your infighting.
Gavin Reyes
>using any movement to the crusade target that isnt the auto one makes people abandon the target >the auto movement more often than not goes full retard and makes you take 20+ more turns to get there and will make you go ALL THE WAY BACK when the target location gets seiged from all sides which is most of the time
>crusade gets called in the first 20 turns and have to make an army of peasants with pitchforks to please the pope Getting a high level assassin and parking him next to the vatican and killing the pope whenever my reputation got too low was the best. Fuck that cunt.
Elijah Roberts
Are there units more aesthetic than the ones from the Teutonic Order?
That's the cutscene narration you dense motherfucker.
William Foster
that small video was literally the best part about medieval 2. the game itself is shit. rome 1 was indefinitely better
David Nguyen
>The Holy Bible may preach peace, >First half of the book could be summarized as "and then the Israelites genocided those guys over there because God said so, then they put this other group to the sword and took their virgins as sex slaves...", has a bunch of laws that call for the death penalty for shit as petty as eating fucking lobster or wearing mixed fabrics, and Jesus flat-out states "I not come to bring peace, but a sword" >tHe BiBlE mAy PrEaCh PeAcE
Medieval 2 Total War was a near perfect game. But I say "near" because its diplomacy was shit, worse than the TW games after it. And on top of that, you had the Pope mechanic to mess up things even more. That's the most troubling feature with it. And there aren't any valid cheats for diplomacy dammit.
>enemy is on its last breath and losing the war, you propose peace demanding tribute or to be a protectorate >Enemy: "No way fag!" VERY irritating.
I have 50 hours in both and its pretty much the same shit to me with a different coat of paint except medieval 2 actually works on modern hardware
Andrew Johnson
>but when it is Christendom itself that is threatened, it is every Christian's duty to defend all that is holy Unless a debt is involved, then fuck Christians lmao
>Unless a debt is involved, then fuck Christians lmao Protip: During the Third Crusade, Frederick Barbarossa bought safe passage through the Byzantine Empire to reach the Holy Land. But the Mamluk dick sucking Byzantine Emperor backstab them and attacked the crusading army.
It was a debt and people remembering the treason that sacked the shit out of Constantinople.
Mason Ortiz
It's a good thing that he didn't say what you quoted.
Josiah Smith
Either all count or nothing does. You kike-loving hypocrite.
the mods do a lot to fix the Campaign Ai so it will accept protectorate (depending on the situation)but the battle and seige AI is so fucked beyond repair/mods.
Julian Johnson
You're right he should've told them to read the New Testament obviously
Evan Richardson
seethe more destroyers of Europe
Blake Carter
is this videogames?
Cooper Green
>all or nothing >posts a picture including an arab retcon and a mutt book
Nathaniel Kelly
M2TW crusades so yeah it actually is but /pol/ tards and religionfags will start shitposting about muhammad/jesus and the thread will go to shit.
Jaxon Baker
If there wasnt /pol/shit potential in the OP for consolefags and /his/nerds to lach onto this thread would already be 404ed
Kayden Scott
So? Muslims recognise Jesus. They just choose to follow Muhammed and Yahw...Allah. I meant Allah.
Don't worry user, you are all the same sack of shit, Christians, Muslims, Jews, poisoning the world one religious conflict at a time. >inb4 fedora "comebacks"
>So? Muslims recognise Jesus They recognise him as something not described in the New Testament. There are also fundamental differences between Yahweh and Allah. Just because Muhammed says his is the real story doesn't make it so when it flies in the face of anything found in the Bible, old or new testaments.
inb4 isn''t a magical protection against the fedora remarks when you act like a fedora.
Noah Gonzalez
Christians though from their part don't recognise Muhammed's touch with something spiritual and whatever though. How's that?
>MOM! MOM! I posted the fedora meme again to those godless devils in the internet. I showed them!
Juan Hughes
Why do Muslims and Christians care so much about Jerusalem for?
>Be >H>R>E >constantly getting harassed by France >Pope is butt buddies with the French leader atm >Decided to fuck it and repel a french army from Frankfurt >Excomunicated >Pope declares a crusade at my largest settlement the next turn
From what I understand the Christians dont recognize Muhammed at all so its not a problem
Ethan Cooper
Of course Christians don't recognise Islam. That came 600 years after them and contradicts everything they believe in. At least the contention between Christians and Jews is over whether or not Jesus fulfilled those prophecies and not about saying that half the stuff in the OT didn't happen like they recorded it. Hell, Muhammed says that the Trinity included Mary and not the Holy Ghost.
It jumped the shark in the very first book when the author made an entire arc centered around his fetish
Cameron Wilson
The AI also cheats like a motherfucker.
Carson Scott
>not supplanting the pope with your own pope
Austin Roberts
>there will never be a Total War about Iron Age civilizations fighting over a desert for 10,000 years then a bunch of people wearing rectangles appear out of the sea and reshape society
Xavier Peterson
Medieval 2 is still my favorite TW game, what went so right?
Landon Brown
Neither you for being a theist. And believing in an Abrahamic religion on top of that.
Posting senile George Carlin is not some great retort considering those were rife in the days before fedora was an insult. If anything it makes you more of a fedora to actually have that saved on your computer.
Bentley Gray
Although the stratmap can be boring/tedious, the potential for such different campaigns was perfect. The combat map was a good balance of fighting and strategy and the fights were just long enough to not get stale. Also, mods extend it by such a huge margin
Angel Walker
>senile George Carlin my sides
Also, for being a senile, he talk a LOT of sense. Imagine that.
this, I have high ranking Cardinals coming out of my ass
Dominic Thompson
I'm sorry, but is there something wrong with what it's said in that pic of yours? What's wrong about thinking for yourself? You think trusting a millennia old book written by some shepards and modified throughout history talking about all this crazy shit is more valid? Does this make you more valid? Think about it for a moment.
No-answer. You can't support or retort shit.
Gavin Diaz
Lincoln Myers
>No-answer. You can't support or retort shit. There's nothing to retort.
Sebastian Lee
So this is the power of euphoria...whoa... Coming to unrelated threads on Yea Forums and bothering people who wants to talk about vidya about your enlightened beliefs. Not special.
You know, I keep hearing about all these religious debates between theists and atheists, like they are both some equal forces in measure in search of the truth.
What a load of bullshit.
You can't debate. You only ad hominem when things get too rough for you to answer. Because you can't answer, you don't have the answers. If you did, you would had shut me up by now. You keep disappointing me. The last time I "debated" some theist like that was a year ago. You always underperform.
Also, wanna know how I know that you are an Amerimutt?
go @classicaltheist or something on twitter if you want an argument
Jose Torres
Easton Kelly
“Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see -egoism, arrogance, conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping and slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then you will be read to fight the enemy you can see.” ― Al-Ghazzali
>The best response religious folks have to people shitting on their imaginary golden cow is calling them a fedora >does no more to draw away from the fact they're worshiping a golden cow
Yeah, yeah I am the worst for derailing this thread. I know I am the virgin in this thread as well, it's obvious. I also know it's not customed here in 4channel for threads to be derailed all the time. I know that and I feel terrible.
Why do you reply though? Not that you are saying much on the topic with your mature fedora meme, yet why do you do it? You realise that we both derail this thread right?
Asher Jones
Venice is one of the most fun factions in MTW2 all the money you could wish for and shotgunning an entire army with your monster ribault was amazing
Through the Holy Word of the Prophet, blessed be his name, have the people of Islam been taught to embrace peace and mercy. There are some sins that the infidels commit however that cannot be forgiven, and warrant no mercy. Islam can no longer stand idly by and allow further desecration to all that is sacred.
Now is the time to wage holy war, jihad, upon the blasphemous infidels, with such fervor that they shall not blaspheme in such a manner ever again.
Why cant the Jews, Christians and Muslims all come together in their united love for their One True God and deal with the real issues: the uprising of neo-pagans.
Oliver Roberts
Not even. The raise of monotheism is easily the gayest thing to come out of antiquity.
Ryder Harris
>blessed be his name
It's pbuh you fucking mongrel
Chase Lee
this tbqh sure some might say jesus was fake, muhammad was a brain damaged retard, usury sends you to hell but honestly the neopagans are the worst. They're racist edgy atheists, and to boot none of them believe that shit anyway.
like this
Dominic Foster
Maybe if the crusaders hadn't spent the last 2 fucking with the Byzantines as much as with the roaches the latter two wouldn't have been so willing to work together/
Chase Carter
Because He came and fulfilles it
Tyler Baker
ten shortly after that mehmet the 2nds army attacks Byzantine for the nth time but this time they won due to a crippled and chaotic environment within Constantinople
Grayson Sullivan
To kill an infidel, the Pope has said, is not murder. It is the path to Heaven.
Aaron Thompson
holy bump
Jaxon Perry
>daring to believe in your own national religion instead of an alien Jewish one calls for war That's the desert religions for you. Warmongering and bloodthirsty until the end. The fact that you somehow feel threatened by them with your supposed combined dozens of millions of followers speak volumes about your religions.
Btw, I though we had freedom of religion and such.
you just watched thor and thought 'wow hes just like me'
Daniel Powell
>Jews started abrahamic religion >Enforced by sword >Proceeded to get fucked for following millenias
>Christians followed a schizophrenic then bastardizes religion by picking and choosing what goes in holy text >Further bastardizes it by mixing in pagan practices >Goes EVEN FURTHER by mixing MORE bullshit >Still can't decide what the fuck is the deal with "The Father" "The Son" and "Holy Spirit"
>Islam starts by following desert warlord >Said warlord enforced local practices to gain favor and easier conversion >Conquers much of Sassanids and Romans before death >Proceeds to implode because one half thinks his closest advisor was the successor while the other side thinks his bloodline is the successor
Nicholas Watson
That's just how the game puts it. Also some scholars consider writing "pbuh" lazy and require you to write it in full, salla-allahu alaihi wa-sallam.
Juan Brown
>friend claims hes reconnecting with his Scandinavian roots >starts praising the norse gods and shitting on Christianity >becomes more racist to non-whites, and even shit talks other "lesser" whites He's not even true Scandinavian, he's fucking Scottish.
I love it, there's a direct correlation between the rise of neopagans and retard wignat altright
Ryder Kelly
Why can't I? Do you believe Abrahamic religions to make more "sense" than National ones? If you think about it, you are pagans yourselves. You worship wooden crosses and paintings.
Alexander Morales
I remember one game where the Pope was walking around Italy with a massive army, it was bizarre.
Aaron Walker
I was put with a christian in dorms who only ever talked about the chance to reclaim the holy land. He even got crusade tats and would spend 4 hours in the gym training in case the call came.
On one hand I get that atheists have this stuck up attitude like they're better that has to be obnoxious when you think otherwise. On the other hand it's like comparing a kid eating crayons to one not eating crayons so their shitty attitude is accurate in the first place.
Owen Bennett
>throw away your lives and violate the tenets of your religion to fight on behalf of a nation for the rights to a pile of sand