What did you guys think of this?

What did you guys think of this?
Are you still going to buy one?

Attached: Untitled.png (799x677, 398K)

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I havent bought a sony product since the PS2

Yeah fuck that, time to go pc then.

Despite having a PS1,2,3,4,psp,vita, I already wasn't, I'm done. I doubt anything they do could redeem them unless every single game I care about became exclusive I had no choices left.

Arrogant Sony is back

>just repeating what MS tried to do with Xbox One, even though it did not work
Not even Ape Escape 4 can save them.

We have a product for people who can't get online, it's called PS4.

Attached: Repeat.jpg (300x169, 14K)

i can use inspect element and change text too


Literally fake news

I decided a while ago that it depends on if it has full backwards compatibility. That's the only factor that matters to me. Otherwise I'm going with Xbox.

If this is even real, I see they're going the xbox 1 launch approach. Hopefully that means the xbox 2 will have a killer streak like the ps4 did.

Citation, sir?

>not a Twitter screencap
I dont believe you.

i mean, this is the way pcs are today, what is wrong with going all digital?

The only thing that´ll keep me from buying a PS5 is if it´s streaming only
Also fake

i was moving to xbox next gen anyway so i couldn't care less

that doesn't even read like modern blog. almost okay try.

nah anyway this whole "generation" has been so fucking bad overall that i'll probably stick with shitty old games instead of shitty new games.

They're saving that for the PS6. Once they have their streaming service fully established they can sell a tiny little device (think a Roko, or Fire Stick) that allows you to stream games and they can completely stop producing consoles.

Considering consoles are always sold at a loss, this has to be the ultimate destination.

trolled you :)

>Ape Escape
>Demon's Souls
>Sly Cooper
>Jak and Daxter
>Wild ARMs
All leaked years in advanced, one seemingly confirmed after another. I'm ready for the shit storm.

>this whole "generation" has been so fucking bad overall

The era of defined console generations is coming to an end. There's barely any meaningful difference between the current gen and the last, and next-gen is going to be similarly disappointing. Diminishing returns are kicking in hard and all the AAA devs can think to do is try to outdo each other at whatever flavour of the month is currently trending. Don't like battle royale games? You, my friend, get to eat shit.

You got me, it was nice and subtle

After the PS4 and being backstabbed by the Vita, I have no intentions of every buying a console again.

That said, I have been digital-only on PC for at least a decade and that is the way to go. Physical is beyond caveman at this point.

The ONLY way I would ever consider buying a PS5 is if it has FULL PS1 & PS2 backwards compatibility support and it has to be region unlocked so I can play my ntsc-j import games. Sony already fucked this up with the PS3.
>PS3 had PS1 compatibility
>but only US region games
>even though import PS3 games will play just fine
What the fuck Sony you retards?!?

How about a source, fella.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 1.41.42 PM.png (1316x432, 64K)

>Couldn't even be bothered to proofread your own troll image.
Come on man at least put in some effort.

>no website header
>no link
>forgetting that PS Now already exists
>"recently confirmed at a recent development conference"

bunch of dumbasses in the thread god damn

Yea there's barely any difference from x360/ps3 to ps4/xbone except less good games. and nintendo is just doing whatever the fuck. pc games have been the same shitty ports for a decade.

launch PS3 played everything. It was (and still is) the ideal console. If only the stupid thing actually worked, I'd still be playing it.