I just came up with a chaos theory reset

I just came up with a chaos theory reset
It's rooted in chaos theory too much to not be explained.

Attached: 1547998042368.png (1592x420, 403K)


It has to be nexter level than what daigo will expect
I can feel it already over its pahtential given the camo tech lahgic i put into it
He'll go fuck did you do that for
that wasn't a jive shimmy shimmy

Attached: 1485789689302.png (508x565, 246K)

Now that i think about
It's is kind of self proclaimed genius to it given what a beacon of knawledge i am when it comes to having a stretegy
I know gor a fact
Smug would've jab jab roundhoused over being tol invested into his 30k subs youtube channel
He will never win a tourney

Reminds me of playing the omega genius high int req rts game

Completely irrelevant
Just felt like giving it a shout out
Shout outs to r.u.s.e
Super fun rts desu, Played it for 3 whole hours

Yea my gendarmes light guerillas sniped that convoy of tanks
I r.u.s.e.d them
From 50 miles or some shit
Because it was supposed to be muh realism

Then tb started talking about it
Fuck him
I played it before i watched him
Just confirmed to me he a chill dude to me
Even remember the
"I've now tried ruse" line
And i sit and go haha
Blow me i already did

>Blow me i already did
And i'm funnier than you for all intents and purposes
Every wannabe wearing your shirt Like my co worker i had the displeasure of sitting next to
Not told about yet dont worry

Testament to
no to tb fans as always
Except Yea Forums

Actually thinked i copied tb lmfao

What's the " Online scrubs using meta character " equivalent of the Kamikaze field?

>Testament to
>no to tb fans as always
>Except Yea Forums
Some would've blowed him on the spot
He started blowing me
People already did over being so fucking reddit
I.e. ew

Given he was a game programmer it just oozed shit out of him
One how insufferable he was
It was just him ramming retarded not dota garbage at me

>One how insufferable he was
>It was just him ramming retarded not dota garbage at me
First thin he oozed was he thought he was happy i was just unknowing nig
My stoner colleague who rimmed him told a legend or two regarding me and he thought himself slick for trying to beat me

LMAO at that OP picture.

>he thought himself slick for trying to beat me
He lost the office thots
Both my tl he tried to nag on me with and the other fat animu one

>Both my tl he tried to nag on me with and the other fat animu one
What can i say he went too far desu
Just sickens me to think i'll bother with wannabes at all

Whole another dude
But miggt as well tell people at weak i'm waiting to go das rayciss

The week before he left he couldn't look at me over loosing that fucking hard at everything
Mostly game design ideas
He insisted.

>Mostly game design ideas
So fat of a nose in the skies he hates multi games nahturally
Because it fucks with his own built up bubble or some shit

Ios dev for mobile games now
I said the fucking dream
He went
It's not bluzzard
I tell him stfu nigger do you k ow how easy cash it is compared go soulless Starcraft in space expansions
Fuck do you think income is going to come from
Might as well be the chillax sector
Dumbass honestly
Just like me finding that place lmfao

Not sure why i went on this at all
Fucking tb wannabe
Cited so many fucking scripts to me

Shut him up by asking how a gramphics card actually works and he leaves me alone for 4 hrs
It always works
Its the biggest fucking trick question always
Hold my keyboard lemme settle in at work

>Hold my keyboard lemme settle in at work
Showed everyone what a bunch of fucking fraud level 1 tech support is
Even office thots tried going at gramphics card for some kind of cred over nig the unknowing
Blow me lmfao
It just happens no matter state of mind
I'm worse than hitler

>Blow me lmfao
Who do you think called me keanu reeves lookalike
I said right, got work void bitch
Thank god

>got work void bitch
Not really but it boils down to it
Would've been easy as shit to co work everyone if shit went different
My head was always screaming lmao
You year shit like that and you just go
Fuck you, i've got work to do

Damn, we really have bots on Yea Forums