What is your opinion on Steam censoring reviews?
What is your opinion on Steam censoring reviews?
good thing, they were not review of the game but review of the devs so had nothing to do here
I don't like it but am glad it tells people when censorship occurred and gives a link to disable it. I originally thought it would hide it altogether.
Nothing wrong about clearing up the "reviews" that don't have anything to do with the game in question and are just some butthurt manchildren throwing their toys out of the pram.
Reviewing Borderlands 2 because you didn’t like 3 is gay as hell
I’m waiting until this message goes away to review bomb it. Fuck Gearbox, fuck Randy Pitchford, and fuck Epic.
>people review bomb a game over something to do with the sequel
Working as intended, dipshit.
It's not a censor, it's a personal preference filter, just as it says in the photo. You can turn it on or off.
The real problem is that people have no other avenue to voice their displeasure. When you remove the avenue of communication with your customers, this is what happens.
I don't know why devs/publishers are ever surprised by reviewbombs right after they pull anti-consumer shit. Are they that blind, or just willfully ignorant?
people can voice their opinion, whether you like it or not, consider it worth it or not for what ever reason they want whenever they want and however they want. you're not an almighty God to judge and declare who should say and what. you're just a worthless faggot commie piece of vermin shit. i'm okay with valve and it's option - you as a customer can specify if you want or not to see those reviews, instead of straight up deleting them like your species would like. burn in hell you son of a bitch, i'm free and you worthless attempt to control the thinking process of others always failed, fails now and will fail for ever. kys
No problem because I can turn it off